Call for papers | Special issue on Education, antiracism and decoloniality: tensions, resistances and possibilities
Guest Editors
Dr. Dalila Pinto Coelho, University of Porto, Portugal,
Dr. Su-Ming Khoo, University of Galway, Ireland,
Dr. Maria Elena Indelicato, University of Coimbra, Portugal,
Special issue aims and scope
In the face of particularly vicious contemporary colonial and racist violence, it is vital to call upon all antiracist and decolonial powers to understand current struggles and envision transformed futures. Taking different trajectories across countries, regions, and players, antiracist and decolonial approaches have gathered significant attention worldwide. Education has played a central role within these approaches, although it is sometimes an instrumental rather than a transformative role. The project of decolonising education strives to counter racial discrimination by reforming national histories and curricula to render them more inclusive. However, these efforts have not (yet) been properly prioritised and systematically funded. On the contrary, constructive and progressive initiatives, such as foreign language and cultural programmes and supplementary schooling initiatives, have tended to suffer from disinvestment and neglect. Similarly, Indigenous, non-eurocentric and/or otherwise marginalised perspectives and scholarship on education have been largely ignored, raising important questions about who is supposed to benefit from the reform of national curricula and pedagogical practices and why.
This special issue centres on the current convergence between heightened interest in antiracism and decolonisation within education and the lack of appropriate state support and/or lack of critical and systematic antiracist educational programmes. In recent years, other scholars have approached similar topics. However, little attention has so far been paid to how to best integrate efforts between formal, non-formal and informal education.
The Special Issue welcomes contributions from scholars, educators, activists, and collectives striving to bring antiracist and decolonial futures of education. We will consider submissions concerning the following topics:
Important dates
- Submission of extended abstracts (up to 700 words, excluding references): March 15, 2024
- Notification of selected abstracts: April 15, 2024
- Submission of full manuscript (up to 7000 words, in total): July 15, 2024
- Publication: 2025
Submission instructions
Interested authors must submit their extended abstracts (up to 700 words, excluding references) by March 15, 2024. Following ES&C Journal policies, authors can submit their texts in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. The contribution must be original, unpublished, and cannot be under review or submitted for publication in another journal. The abstracts must be sent to with guest editor Dalila Coelho in Cc (
About ESC journal
ESC is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal published three times a year by the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE) of the University of Porto, Portugal.
Seeking to establish and expand the dialogue between cultures and interdisciplinary perspectives and contribute to qualifying the public debate around educational and social problems, ESC welcomes submissions of original work based on empirically grounded research and supported by a strong theoretical and methodological component.
Publication in this journal is completely free of charge for authors, and there are no submission, processing, or publication costs or fees.
An overview of the journal is accessible at
For additional information about this special issue, please contact the guest co-editor Dr. Dalila Pinto Coelho (
About Guest Editors
Dr. Dalila Pinto Coelho is a researcher at the University of Porto and a full member of the Centre of Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE) of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences (FPCEUP). She has a background in Educational Sciences. Her main work intersects global education, citizenship and development issues envisioning sustainable, equitable and just futures and exploring post and decolonial scholarship. Her work addresses Higher Education's role in antiracist and global education. She integrates the COST Action DecoIDEV, furthering education's role in decolonizing development. She is a member of the academic network on global education ANGEL and of Sinergias, a community of practice (CoP) aiming to bridge civil society and academia in transformative education, where she has been contributing to reflect on epistemic justice and knowledge production issues. She is a member of the editorial board of the international, multilingual Journal promoted by this CoP. As an academic representative, she integrates the European Commission’s Development Education and Awareness Raising multistakeholder group. She has been active in the evaluation of public policies in global education in Portugal.
Dr. Su-Ming Khoo is an Associate Professor and Head of Sociology at the University of Galway, Ireland. She is also a Visiting Professor in Critical Studies in Higher Education Transformation (CriSHET) at Nelson Mandela University, South Africa (2022-27). She has published extensively on the topics of human rights and development, higher education, globalization, international development, development alternatives, political economy, ecology, feminism, colonialism and decoloniality, development education, and progressive education. She has a strong research interest in and commitment to public scholarship, critical higher education studies, higher education for development, global educational ethics and collaborative, creative and ethical research methodologies.
Dr. Maria Elena Indelicato (she, her, hers) is a CEEC FCT researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra. Besides working on her project 'A colonial history of anti-racism education,' Indelicato is a team member of the FCT-funded research project UNPOP and Book Review Editor of the Journal of Intercultural Studies. With Alana Lentin, she is also co-editing the section 'Anti-Racism/Mobilisations and Resistance' of the online Routledge Encyclopaedia of Race and Racism. Besides her monograph 'Australian New Migrants: International Students' History of Affective Encounters with the Border (2018),' she has published in feminist, critical race and cultural studies journals such as Outskirts: Feminisms along the Edge, Critical Race and Whiteness Studies e-Journal, Chinese Cinemas, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Paedagogica Historica, Transnational Cinemas, Feminist Review, Postcolonial Studies, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Journal of Intercultural Studies, and European Journal of Women’s Studies, besides several chapters in edited books on settler colonialism, Chinese cinemas, and international education.
Dr. Dalila Pinto Coelho, University of Porto, Portugal,
Dr. Su-Ming Khoo, University of Galway, Ireland,
Dr. Maria Elena Indelicato, University of Coimbra, Portugal,
Special issue aims and scope
In the face of particularly vicious contemporary colonial and racist violence, it is vital to call upon all antiracist and decolonial powers to understand current struggles and envision transformed futures. Taking different trajectories across countries, regions, and players, antiracist and decolonial approaches have gathered significant attention worldwide. Education has played a central role within these approaches, although it is sometimes an instrumental rather than a transformative role. The project of decolonising education strives to counter racial discrimination by reforming national histories and curricula to render them more inclusive. However, these efforts have not (yet) been properly prioritised and systematically funded. On the contrary, constructive and progressive initiatives, such as foreign language and cultural programmes and supplementary schooling initiatives, have tended to suffer from disinvestment and neglect. Similarly, Indigenous, non-eurocentric and/or otherwise marginalised perspectives and scholarship on education have been largely ignored, raising important questions about who is supposed to benefit from the reform of national curricula and pedagogical practices and why.
This special issue centres on the current convergence between heightened interest in antiracism and decolonisation within education and the lack of appropriate state support and/or lack of critical and systematic antiracist educational programmes. In recent years, other scholars have approached similar topics. However, little attention has so far been paid to how to best integrate efforts between formal, non-formal and informal education.
The Special Issue welcomes contributions from scholars, educators, activists, and collectives striving to bring antiracist and decolonial futures of education. We will consider submissions concerning the following topics:
- Disruptions, silences, and resistances in antiracist and decolonial educational praxis.
- Comprehensive comparative and country-case analysis (especially from non-dominant perspectives) of antiracist approaches across education systems and key players, namely, non-traditional education actors.
- Antiracism education policies and curricula, tensions and effects.
- Race and (anti)racism manifestations in everyday life in the scope of “global” education endeavours (e.g., migration and education, international education, global citizenship education).
- Non-formal, informal and formal antiracist and decolonial pedagogies and forms of resistance through education, with a particular interest in long-term initiatives.
- Transdisciplinary and “border” perspectives and possibilities of the antiracist, decolonial and education debate.
- Reparations in/and/through education, its relation and contribution to antiracist and decolonial education efforts.
- Educational perspectives and dimensions of anti/post/decolonial and antiracist “players” (movements, institutions, educators…).
- Critical accounts on the contribution of anti/post/decolonial and antiracist movements in shaping education policies, practices and thinking.
- Antiracist and decolonial possibilities and specifics of education technology and media.
Important dates
- Submission of extended abstracts (up to 700 words, excluding references): March 15, 2024
- Notification of selected abstracts: April 15, 2024
- Submission of full manuscript (up to 7000 words, in total): July 15, 2024
- Publication: 2025
Submission instructions
Interested authors must submit their extended abstracts (up to 700 words, excluding references) by March 15, 2024. Following ES&C Journal policies, authors can submit their texts in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. The contribution must be original, unpublished, and cannot be under review or submitted for publication in another journal. The abstracts must be sent to with guest editor Dalila Coelho in Cc (
About ESC journal
ESC is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal published three times a year by the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE) of the University of Porto, Portugal.
Seeking to establish and expand the dialogue between cultures and interdisciplinary perspectives and contribute to qualifying the public debate around educational and social problems, ESC welcomes submissions of original work based on empirically grounded research and supported by a strong theoretical and methodological component.
Publication in this journal is completely free of charge for authors, and there are no submission, processing, or publication costs or fees.
An overview of the journal is accessible at
For additional information about this special issue, please contact the guest co-editor Dr. Dalila Pinto Coelho (
About Guest Editors
Dr. Dalila Pinto Coelho is a researcher at the University of Porto and a full member of the Centre of Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE) of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences (FPCEUP). She has a background in Educational Sciences. Her main work intersects global education, citizenship and development issues envisioning sustainable, equitable and just futures and exploring post and decolonial scholarship. Her work addresses Higher Education's role in antiracist and global education. She integrates the COST Action DecoIDEV, furthering education's role in decolonizing development. She is a member of the academic network on global education ANGEL and of Sinergias, a community of practice (CoP) aiming to bridge civil society and academia in transformative education, where she has been contributing to reflect on epistemic justice and knowledge production issues. She is a member of the editorial board of the international, multilingual Journal promoted by this CoP. As an academic representative, she integrates the European Commission’s Development Education and Awareness Raising multistakeholder group. She has been active in the evaluation of public policies in global education in Portugal.
Dr. Su-Ming Khoo is an Associate Professor and Head of Sociology at the University of Galway, Ireland. She is also a Visiting Professor in Critical Studies in Higher Education Transformation (CriSHET) at Nelson Mandela University, South Africa (2022-27). She has published extensively on the topics of human rights and development, higher education, globalization, international development, development alternatives, political economy, ecology, feminism, colonialism and decoloniality, development education, and progressive education. She has a strong research interest in and commitment to public scholarship, critical higher education studies, higher education for development, global educational ethics and collaborative, creative and ethical research methodologies.
Dr. Maria Elena Indelicato (she, her, hers) is a CEEC FCT researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra. Besides working on her project 'A colonial history of anti-racism education,' Indelicato is a team member of the FCT-funded research project UNPOP and Book Review Editor of the Journal of Intercultural Studies. With Alana Lentin, she is also co-editing the section 'Anti-Racism/Mobilisations and Resistance' of the online Routledge Encyclopaedia of Race and Racism. Besides her monograph 'Australian New Migrants: International Students' History of Affective Encounters with the Border (2018),' she has published in feminist, critical race and cultural studies journals such as Outskirts: Feminisms along the Edge, Critical Race and Whiteness Studies e-Journal, Chinese Cinemas, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Paedagogica Historica, Transnational Cinemas, Feminist Review, Postcolonial Studies, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Journal of Intercultural Studies, and European Journal of Women’s Studies, besides several chapters in edited books on settler colonialism, Chinese cinemas, and international education.
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