Membros Colaboradores
CIIE/Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
CINTESIS/Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Portugal
Patrícia Rosa Sousa Alves is a PhD student in Educational Sciences at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto, Portugal. She has a masters degree in Human Resources Management, from the University of Minho, and a degree in Psychology, from the University of Porto. Currently she holds a PhD schollarship, and her research focus on doctoral education.
2012 – Master in Human Resource Management – School of Economics and Management, University of Minho, Portugal
2004 – Degree in Psychology – Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
Doctoral education; Higher education; Pedagogical innovation; Academic management in higher education.
Dor crónica em Portugal: estudo da prevalência e do impacto individual, social e económico / Chronic pain in Portugal: study of prevalence and individual, social and economic impact
Geração XXI - Nascer e Crescer no Inicio do Milénio
Geração XXI is the first Portuguese birth cohort and intends to characterize prenatal and postnatal development, identifying its determinants in order to understand the state of health in childhood and later in adolescence and adult age.
The recruitment of near 8500 newborns occurred between April 2005 and August 2006 at the five public maternity units in Porto metropolitan area. Except in a subsample – the sub-coorte – for which pregnant women were invited, the mothers were asked to participate after delivery.
An interviewer collected data on socio-demographics, clinical and reproductive history, prenatal care and about lifestyle and behaviours before and during pregnancy. It was measured parents’ weight and height and detailed anthropometrics were performed on newborns.
The medical registries were assessed and for a subgroup it was collected a blood sample from the mother, father and cord blood.
Dor crónica em Portugal: estudo da prevalência e do impacto individual, social e económico / Chronic pain in Portugal: study of prevalence and individual, social and economic impact
Geração XXI - Nascer e Crescer no Inicio do Milénio
Geração XXI is the first Portuguese birth cohort and intends to characterize prenatal and postnatal development, identifying its determinants in order to understand the state of health in childhood and later in adolescence and adult age.
The recruitment of near 8500 newborns occurred between April 2005 and August 2006 at the five public maternity units in Porto metropolitan area. Except in a subsample – the sub-coorte – for which pregnant women were invited, the mothers were asked to participate after delivery.
An interviewer collected data on socio-demographics, clinical and reproductive history, prenatal care and about lifestyle and behaviours before and during pregnancy. It was measured parents’ weight and height and detailed anthropometrics were performed on newborns.
The medical registries were assessed and for a subgroup it was collected a blood sample from the mother, father and cord blood.
Journal article
The interrupted journey: factors and processes related to withdrawal, re-enrolment and dropout from doctoral education
Patrícia Alves; Amélia Lopes; Ricardo Cruz-Correia; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
The value of doctoral education in the intersection of the multiple purposes of higher education
Patrícia Alves; Amélia Lopes; Ricardo Cruz-Correia; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Biomedical and health informatics teaching in Portugal: Current status
Paulo Dias Costa; João Almeida; Sabrina Magalhães Araujo; Patrícia Alves; Ricardo Cruz-Correia; Kaija Saranto; John Mantas
Conference poster
A educação doutoral como serviço público e o seu papel na concretização da responsabilidade social universitária
Paulo Dias Costa; João Almeida; Sabrina Magalhães Araujo; Patrícia Alves; Ricardo Cruz-Correia; Kaija Saranto; John Mantas
Conference abstract
Para uma identidade profissional dos/as professores/as de ensino superior: uma abordagem narrativa
Paulo Dias Costa; João Almeida; Sabrina Magalhães Araujo; Patrícia Alves; Ricardo Cruz-Correia; Kaija Saranto; John Mantas
Conference abstract
A educação doutoral na encruzilhada entre a massificação, democratização e a inocuidade
Paulo Dias Costa; João Almeida; Sabrina Magalhães Araujo; Patrícia Alves; Ricardo Cruz-Correia; Kaija Saranto; John Mantas
Conference abstract
Identidades académicas no Ensino Superior: pontes entre o campo profissional de referência, o académico e a ação pedagógica
Paulo Dias Costa; João Almeida; Sabrina Magalhães Araujo; Patrícia Alves; Ricardo Cruz-Correia; Kaija Saranto; John Mantas
Conference poster
Doctoral education as a public service and its role in university social responsibility
Alves, Patrícia; Cerqueira, Vera; Cabral - Gouveia, Carmo
Conference poster
Perceptions about the role of research funding in doctoral education in health and social sciences
Alves, Patrícia; Cerqueira, Vera; Cabral - Gouveia, Carmo
Journal article
The value of doctoral education in the intersection of the multiple purposes of higher education
Patrícia Alves; Amélia Lopes; Ricardo Cruz-Correia; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Biomedical and health informatics teaching in Portugal: Current status
Paulo Dias Costa; João Almeida; Sabrina Magalhães Araujo; Patrícia Alves; Ricardo Cruz-Correia; Kaija Saranto; John Mantas
Journal article
The interrupted journey: factors and processes related to withdrawal, re-enrolment and dropout from doctoral education
Patrícia Alves; Amélia Lopes; Ricardo Cruz-Correia; Isabel Menezes
Conference poster
Doctoral education as a public service and its role in university social responsibility
Alves, Patrícia; Cerqueira, Vera; Cabral - Gouveia, Carmo
Conference poster
A educação doutoral como serviço público e o seu papel na concretização da responsabilidade social universitária
Conference abstract
Para uma identidade profissional dos/as professores/as de ensino superior: uma abordagem narrativa
Conference abstract
A educação doutoral na encruzilhada entre a massificação, democratização e a inocuidade
Conference abstract
Identidades académicas no Ensino Superior: pontes entre o campo profissional de referência, o académico e a ação pedagógica
Conference poster
Perceptions about the role of research funding in doctoral education in health and social sciences
Alves, Patrícia; Amélia Lopes (C217-77DD-823C); Ricardo João Cruz-Correia; Isabel Menezes (4C1C-9AE7-004F)
Conference poster
Perceptions about the role of research funding in doctoral education in health and social sciences
Conference poster
Doctoral Education in Health Data Science: Aligning Processes with Expected Outputs, Outcomes and Impact
Journal article
The research-practice nexus in doctoral education: the voices of social and health sciences PhD candidates and graduates
Alves, Patrícia
Conference poster
Doctoral education in health data science: Aligning processes with expected outputs, outcomes and impact
Alves, Patrícia; Amélia Lopes (C217-77DD-823C); Ricardo João Cruz-Correia; Pedro Pereira Rodrigues; Isabel Menezes (4C1C-9AE7-004F)
Conference paper
The Interrupted Journey: Factors and Processes Related to the Withdrawal from Doctoral Programs
Conference paper
Doutoramento, para quê? Perceções de doutorandos/as e de docentes de ensino superior acerca dos resultados e do impacto da educação doutoral
Conference poster
Doctoral education in a changing context: the evolution of the number of graduates and the labour market for Portuguese PhD holders
Alves, Patrícia; Amélia Lopes (C217-77DD-823C); Ricardo João Cruz-Correia; Isabel Menezes (4C1C-9AE7-004F)
Conference poster
A educação doutoral em contexto de mudança: evolução do número de doutoramentos e do mercado de trabalho dos/as doutorados/as portugueses/as / Doctoral Education in a Changing Context: Evolution of the number of doctorates and the labour market of Portuguese doctorates
Alves, Patrícia; Lopes, Amélia; Cruz-Correia, Ricardo; Menezes, Isabel