Integrated Members
Assistant professor
CIIE/Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
Carla Malafaia is Principal Researcher at the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE-UP), in the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto. She has developed the Portuguese subproject of the H2020 ERC-funded project "ImagiDem - Imagi(ni)ng Democracy: European youth becoming citizens by visual participation". She is the local coordinator of the University of Porto team in the JustFutures Project - "Climate Futures and Just Transformations: Young People's Political Narratives and Imaginaries" (FCT) and she is also WP leader in the ClimActiC Project - "CidadaniaPeloClima: Creating Bridges between Citizenship and Science for Climate Adaptation" (North2020). Additionally, she is responsible for the external evaluation of the Project "Jovens Urgentes: Aqui e Agora!" [Urgent Youth: Here and Now!] (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian), carried out by CIIE-UP. Carla has been invited to be Referee of the ERC Starting Grants and she has experience as editorial member of scientific Journals and as Guest-Editor of special issues. She holds a European PhD in Education Sciences and has been actively involved in research since 2008, in more than 10 national (FCT-funded) and large-scale international projects (FP7 and Horizon 2020, funded by the European Commission) on citizenship education and youth civic and political participation. Over the years, Carla has adopted a diversity of research methods, ranging from quantitative methods to ethnography, encompassing participatory, visual and digital methods. She is co-author of 4 books and has authored more than 50 articles and chapters, including as first author in high-ranked journals, such as Visual Studies, Social Movement Studies, YOUNG, Ethnography & Education, Current Sociology, Frontiers in Psychology, The Qualitative Report and the Journal of Social Sciences Education. Carla was a visiting scholar at the Urban Democracy Lab (New York University) in 2015 and did an internship at the Social Science Department of Helsinki University, in 2016. Carla has been supervising MA and Ph.D. students (ongoing and completed in both cases) and has taught at the graduate level at Escola Superior de Educação do Porto, and at postgraduate level at the Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, currently holding co-cocordination responsabilities of the MA area "Education, Politics and Democracy". Carla is member of the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE-UP) and the Center for Sociology of Democracy (CSD - Helsinki, Finland); also, she is member of the Portuguese Society of Education Sciences (SPCE) and co-representative of the CIIE's scientific strategic area "Engagement of Vulnerable Young People in Education and Training". Carla's research is related to the broader fields of political education, political sociology, youth studies, and social movements.
2017 – Ph.D in Education Sciences – Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
2011 – Master in Adult Education and Training – FPCEUP
2009 – Degree in Educational Sciences – FPCEUP
Youth political participation; activism and social movements; visual politics and social networks; citizenship and democracy; socio-educational and political inequalities; political education; political sociology; participatory methodologies; mixed methods; ethnography.
SINCRONY - interSectIonal iNClusion in delibeRation and participatiON with Youth
PERICREATIVITY - Peripheral Creativities: Youth, Arts and Public Policies in Segregated Territories
CLEAR - Constructing Learning Outcomes in Europe: A Multi-Level Analysis of (Under)Achievement in the Life Course
Research and evaluation of the Project "Jovens Urgentes – Aqui e Agora" ["Urgent Youth - Here and Now"]
Projeto promovido pela PELE
Play4Life: Jovens Atletas como Ativistas no Desporto. [Play4life: Young Athletes as Sports Activists]
Observatório Desporto, Educação e Comunidades [Observatory of Sport, Education and Communities]
ClimActiC: Connecting Citizenship and Science for Climate Adaptation.
Leader of the Work Package 1 (Conversations about climate change, research and politics: citizens, researchers, economic agents, activists and policy makers co-designing actionable solutions)
JUSTFUTURES: Climate Futures and Just Transformations: Young People's Narratives and Political Imaginaries
The burden of accumulated scientific evidence unequivocally shows that climate change has profound and multifarious implications for human societies, as well as for biophysical systems, which will be aggravated in the coming decades. Its impacts, and the mitigation and adaptation measures to contain them, will especially affect people that are presently young. In Portugal and around the world, the future of young people and of other age groups will also be shaped by other sustainability-related challenges, as the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2018) and numerous analysts have highlighted the need for ‘transformative systemic change’ in order to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030’s Sustainable Development Goals. Several perspectives and proposals have emerged to address the need to foster social, economic and environmental sustainability transformations, as well as support their agents and drivers (Linner & Wibeck, 2019).
Research has shown that techno-managerial discourses are dominant in the media and other public spaces, complemented by discourses focusing on individual change (Carvalho et al., 2018). However, transformations towards sustainability are eminently political, with power, justice and redistributive issues at their core. Pluralism and contestation are critical to overcome a post-political ambiance and to re-politicize the Anthropocene, namely by exposing and debating divergent visions of socio-ecological futures (Lövbrand et al., 2015).
Recent mobilisations around climate change have clearly indicated that young people are or want to be involved in climate change debates and futures. The JUSTFUTURES project will contribute to understanding young people's agency and political imaginaries. It will do so by mapping existing collective action groups, analysing narratives and media(ted) discourses of climate futures and examining, through extensive field work, young people’s imaginaries of climate futures. JUSTFUTURES aims to analyse how young people envision their roles in the transformations towards sustainability that need to be implemented over the next few decades. Understanding young people’s imaginaries of the future and conceptions of agency for shaping it is at the core of the research plan to be carried out. Looking at citizenship as a ‘communicative achievement’ (Hausendorf & Bora, 2006), the project also has an action-oriented dimension as it intends to contribute to youth groups’ abilities for reflecting on and expanding their civic and political engagement with climate change and sustainability. By doing so, it will help to create opportunities for young people to envision, plan and build just futures.
Against a background of systemic problems that are producing various forms of unsustainability and at a time when democracies are being tested by different forms of nationalism, populism and xenophobia along growing socio-economic inequalities, and are facing the system-shaking crisis generated by COVID-19, there is a pressing need to reflect on the politics of sustainability transformations, and to leverage existing, emerging and yet-to-be imagined opportunities for fundamental alterations in social and economic systems in ways that are democratic and just. Addressing recommendations from several scholars (e.g. Fazey et al., 2018; West & Worliczek, 2019), JUSTFUTURES mobilizes social sciences research to further understanding and facilitate democratic change towards climate-safe, just and resilient societies. It will do so by opening up spaces of dialogue and co-production between the scientific community and a critical stakeholder in sustainability transformations: young people.
Projeto "Participo! Participação cívica e política das mulheres" [Project Participate! Civic and political participation of women]
Youth Political Participation in Portugal
Portugal constitui um caso particular no que respeita à participação política dos jovens, na medida em que, ao contrário da maioria dos países europeus, a contínua baixa afluência às urnas dos jovens portugueses não é compensada pela sua participação noutras formas de atividade política, menos “elite-dirigidas” e não convencionais.
Partindo deste pressuposto, o Estudo sobre a Participação Política dos Jovens em Portugal pretende desenvolver uma análise comparativa da participação política deste grupo da população, com base nos dados do European Social Survey e de um inquérito representativo a realizar no âmbito deste Estudo, por meio de 1500 entrevistas presenciais. O Estudo desenvolverá também uma perspetiva qualitativa, composta por duas componentes metodológicas:
uma análise da estratégia dos partidos políticos para a mobilização de jovens, através de observação documental e entrevistas a líderes e membros partidários;
organização de focus groups e levantamento sintético de casos de estudo de novas formas de ativismo jovem, não convencionais e expressivas (artísticas/performativas).
O Estudo será realizado em parceria entre o CESOP-UCP, responsável pelas entrevistas e pelo inquérito, e o ICS-UL, o CIIE-UP e a GOVCOPP-UA, responsáveis pelo desenho do inquérito, pela análise e tratamento dos dados, pela realização dos focus groups e pela apresentação dos relatórios. Este estudo terá previsivelmente início no decurso de 2020 e estará concluído em 2021. Estas datas são indicativas pois tal dependerá da evolução da pandemia do COVID-19.
SINCRONY - interSectIonal iNClusion in delibeRation and participatiON with Youth
PERICREATIVITY - Peripheral Creativities: Youth, Arts and Public Policies in Segregated Territories
CLEAR - Constructing Learning Outcomes in Europe: A Multi-Level Analysis of (Under)Achievement in the Life Course
Research and evaluation of the Project "Jovens Urgentes – Aqui e Agora" ["Urgent Youth - Here and Now"]
Projeto promovido pela PELE
Play4Life: Jovens Atletas como Ativistas no Desporto. [Play4life: Young Athletes as Sports Activists]
Observatório Desporto, Educação e Comunidades [Observatory of Sport, Education and Communities]
ClimActiC: Connecting Citizenship and Science for Climate Adaptation.
Leader of the Work Package 1 (Conversations about climate change, research and politics: citizens, researchers, economic agents, activists and policy makers co-designing actionable solutions)
JUSTFUTURES: Climate Futures and Just Transformations: Young People's Narratives and Political Imaginaries
The burden of accumulated scientific evidence unequivocally shows that climate change has profound and multifarious implications for human societies, as well as for biophysical systems, which will be aggravated in the coming decades. Its impacts, and the mitigation and adaptation measures to contain them, will especially affect people that are presently young. In Portugal and around the world, the future of young people and of other age groups will also be shaped by other sustainability-related challenges, as the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2018) and numerous analysts have highlighted the need for ‘transformative systemic change’ in order to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030’s Sustainable Development Goals. Several perspectives and proposals have emerged to address the need to foster social, economic and environmental sustainability transformations, as well as support their agents and drivers (Linner & Wibeck, 2019).
Research has shown that techno-managerial discourses are dominant in the media and other public spaces, complemented by discourses focusing on individual change (Carvalho et al., 2018). However, transformations towards sustainability are eminently political, with power, justice and redistributive issues at their core. Pluralism and contestation are critical to overcome a post-political ambiance and to re-politicize the Anthropocene, namely by exposing and debating divergent visions of socio-ecological futures (Lövbrand et al., 2015).
Recent mobilisations around climate change have clearly indicated that young people are or want to be involved in climate change debates and futures. The JUSTFUTURES project will contribute to understanding young people's agency and political imaginaries. It will do so by mapping existing collective action groups, analysing narratives and media(ted) discourses of climate futures and examining, through extensive field work, young people’s imaginaries of climate futures. JUSTFUTURES aims to analyse how young people envision their roles in the transformations towards sustainability that need to be implemented over the next few decades. Understanding young people’s imaginaries of the future and conceptions of agency for shaping it is at the core of the research plan to be carried out. Looking at citizenship as a ‘communicative achievement’ (Hausendorf & Bora, 2006), the project also has an action-oriented dimension as it intends to contribute to youth groups’ abilities for reflecting on and expanding their civic and political engagement with climate change and sustainability. By doing so, it will help to create opportunities for young people to envision, plan and build just futures.
Against a background of systemic problems that are producing various forms of unsustainability and at a time when democracies are being tested by different forms of nationalism, populism and xenophobia along growing socio-economic inequalities, and are facing the system-shaking crisis generated by COVID-19, there is a pressing need to reflect on the politics of sustainability transformations, and to leverage existing, emerging and yet-to-be imagined opportunities for fundamental alterations in social and economic systems in ways that are democratic and just. Addressing recommendations from several scholars (e.g. Fazey et al., 2018; West & Worliczek, 2019), JUSTFUTURES mobilizes social sciences research to further understanding and facilitate democratic change towards climate-safe, just and resilient societies. It will do so by opening up spaces of dialogue and co-production between the scientific community and a critical stakeholder in sustainability transformations: young people.
Projeto "Participo! Participação cívica e política das mulheres" [Project Participate! Civic and political participation of women]
Youth Political Participation in Portugal
Portugal constitui um caso particular no que respeita à participação política dos jovens, na medida em que, ao contrário da maioria dos países europeus, a contínua baixa afluência às urnas dos jovens portugueses não é compensada pela sua participação noutras formas de atividade política, menos “elite-dirigidas” e não convencionais.
Partindo deste pressuposto, o Estudo sobre a Participação Política dos Jovens em Portugal pretende desenvolver uma análise comparativa da participação política deste grupo da população, com base nos dados do European Social Survey e de um inquérito representativo a realizar no âmbito deste Estudo, por meio de 1500 entrevistas presenciais. O Estudo desenvolverá também uma perspetiva qualitativa, composta por duas componentes metodológicas:
uma análise da estratégia dos partidos políticos para a mobilização de jovens, através de observação documental e entrevistas a líderes e membros partidários;
organização de focus groups e levantamento sintético de casos de estudo de novas formas de ativismo jovem, não convencionais e expressivas (artísticas/performativas).
O Estudo será realizado em parceria entre o CESOP-UCP, responsável pelas entrevistas e pelo inquérito, e o ICS-UL, o CIIE-UP e a GOVCOPP-UA, responsáveis pelo desenho do inquérito, pela análise e tratamento dos dados, pela realização dos focus groups e pela apresentação dos relatórios. Este estudo terá previsivelmente início no decurso de 2020 e estará concluído em 2021. Estas datas são indicativas pois tal dependerá da evolução da pandemia do COVID-19.
Portuguese Ethnographic Sub-Project - Imagi(ni)ng Democracy: European youth becoming citizens by visual participation
Responsible the development of the Portuguese Subproject of ImagiDem, H2020-European Research Council. Funding amount to FPCEUP: € 208 815,53. Grant Agreement ID: 804024
Portuguese Ethnographic Sub-Project - Imagi(ni)ng Democracy: European youth becoming citizens by visual participation
ImagiDem explores and conceptualises visual participation of young European citizens. By understanding how today's youth build political arguments, solve conflicts, build commonality, and what tools they use to politicize issues of their concern, the project aims at formulating a model of democratic practices of the 2020s. ImagiDem studies visual participation both online and offline. It analyses images and memes posted on social media, and follows young people's visual ways of participation as part of their everyday actions. The project combines visual ethnography with computational big data minining and analysis, and deploys this combination to a comparative research setting in four European countries: Finland, France, Germany, and Portugal. Researcher in charge of the development of the Portuguese Ethnographic Subproject. This position was achieved through winning a competitive international call for the development of the Portuguese subproject. Project led by Professor Eeva Luhtakallio (University of Helsinki). Duration of the Portuguese Subproject: 3 years. Funding amount to FPCEUP: ¿ 208 815,53.
Young People and European Citizenship
Principal Investigator: Isabel Menezes (University of Porto).
Main tasks:
- Analysis of quantitative and qualitative data of the project;
- Collaboration in writing up papers and other publications;
- Dissemination of the main scientific results.
The Education for Development in Public Institutions of Higher Education: Mapping Representations and Analysis of Experiences
Principal Investigators: Isabel Menezes and João Caramelo.
Funding amount: 18.767,39€
Catch-EyoU: Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth
A major challenge for the EU is currently “bridging the gap” between young Europeans and EU Institutions, and improving dialogue, in order to enhance young people’s trust in EU Institutions and their active engagement in EU issues. Including young people’s perspectives is essential to ensuring the continuation of participatory and representative democracy. Through the joint contribution of different disciplines (Psychology, Political Science, Sociology, Media and Communications, Education) CATCH-EyoU has the aim to identify the factors, located at different levels (psychological, developmental, macro social and contextual) influencing the different forms of youth active engagement in Europe. Through different studies, qualitative, quantitative, and an active citizenship intervention in schools, the project will provide a multifaceted understanding of the different factors influencing the perspectives of young people on Europe and of the ways in which young people engage in society, offering policy makers new instruments and “conceptual lenses” to better understand this generation, how they approach public authorities and how they engage materially and symbolically in order to participate in the construction of the societies they inhabit and shape the governmental regimes under which they live. This new understanding will help to bring the European Union closer to all its citizens, not only the young.
Principal Investigator: Elvira Cicognani (University of Bologna, Italy).
National coordinator: Isabel Menezes.
Funding amount: €2,498,787.00
Grant agreement No. 649538649538
Main tasks:
- Project management;
- Supervision of the data collection and analysis of interviews and focus groups discussions carried out in school context;
- Supervision of the data collection process through surveys;
- Supervision of short-term ethnographies conducted in youth organisations;
- Participation in the Consortium’s international meetings;
- Participation in international conferences as co-author of presentations;
- Writing up of national and international reports;
- Organisation of scientific dissemination events.
JoSeES: Serious Games in Higher Education: Impacts, Experiences and Potential
Principal Investigator: Pedro Ferreira. F
Funding amount: € 106.998,00
Living and Doing Politics: An Educational Travelogue Through Meanings, Processes and Effects
The current changes on youth participation suggest a 'participatory revolution', once the youth involvement is no longer limited to the conventional structures. Taking these changes into account and recognizing the role of citizenship on public, educational and scientific domains, it is crucial to understand the influence of civic and political development of young people on other areas of their lives. Therefore, we intend to explore the effects of civic and political experiences with developmental quality on school performance. Moreover, this project aims to understand the internal dynamics of participatory contexts, once the research is mostly based on individual perspectives.
European PhD at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto.
Supervision: Professor Isabel Menezes and Professor Tiago Neves.
Discussants: Professors Xavier Bonal Sarró, Ernesto Ganuza Fernández, Florbela Luiz de Sousa and Pedro Daniel Tavares Ferreira.
President of the jury: Professor José Alberto de Azevedo e Vasconcelos Correia.
Approved by unanimity, cum laude.
Press Play to Activate: Video Games and Citizenship Education of Youth
Principal Investigator: Pedro Ferreira.
Funding amount: € 4.470,00.
Main Tasks:
- Literature review about the use of video games for educational purposes;
- Research and analysis of serious games, framed by their adequacy to developing citizenship education;
- Development of data collection instruments: survey focused on citizenship and juvenile civic and political participation; survey on gaming habits and experiences, and citizenship education activities; focus groups on the use of serious games;
- Preparation and implementation of gaming sessions;
- Setting up and coordination of a closed group on Facebook for the participants in the gaming sessions;
- Transcription and analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data generated through the procedures described above.
PIDOP: Processes Influenting Democratic Ownership and Participation
This project examined the processes which influence democratic ownership and participation in eight European states. It drawn on the disciplines of Politics, Sociology, Psychology and Education to examine macro-level contextual factors (including historical, political, electoral, economic and policy factors (including familial, educational and media factors) and psychological factors (including motivational, cognitive, attitudinal and identity factors) which facilitate and/or inhibit civic and political engagement and participation. Principal Investigator: Martyn Barrett (University of Surrey, United Kingdom). National coordinator: Isabel Menezes. Funding amount: €1.930.000,00.
Main tasks:
- Bibliographical research in national and international databases;
- Writing up of the state of the art on the civic and political participation of minority groups, namely native and immigrant youths;
- Participation in the Consortium’s international meetings;
- Implementation of focus groups with native and immigrant youths;
- Conduction of in-depth interviews with parents, teachers, activists and political decision-makers;
- Analysis of documents produced by NGOs and public institutions;
- Participation in national and international conferences as author and co-author of presentations;
- Collaboration in the elaboration of a survey and the respective the statistical analysis of the relationship between political, social and psychological factors and civic and political participation;
- Collaboration in the writing up of national and international reports.
- Collaboration in the elaboration of non-technical documents aimed at the dissemination of the project;
- Writing and co-writing of papers published in national and international journals.
Mediation in the Community
Principal Investigator: Tiago Neves. Funding amount: € 39.960,00 (PTDC/CED/66812/2006).
Main tasks:
- Bibliographical research on the contemporary fragmentation of judicial and social regulation systems, and on the articulation between disadvantaged contexts and delinquency;
- Ethnographic work with youngsters in a community centre;
- Development and implementation of conflict management activities with youngsters in a community centre and professionals from the local council;
- Co-writing up of a manual on conflict management with youngsters.
Mediation in the Community
Principal Investigator: Tiago Neves.
Funding amount: € 39.960,00 (PTDC/CED/66812/2006).
This research experience began while I was in the final year of the BA in Education Sciences; upon completion of the BA, I joined the research team as a full member.
Main tasks:
- Bibliographical research on the contemporary fragmentation of judicial and social regulation systems, and on the articulation between disadvantaged contexts and delinquency;
- Ethnographic work with youngsters in a community centre;
- Development and implementation of conflict management activities with youngsters in a community centre and professionals from the local council;
- Co-writing up of a manual on conflict management with youngsters.
Journal article
Young people and social media: opportunities and risks for democracy
Soares, Ricardo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla
Conference abstract
Redes sociais e populismo: das dimensões individuais à observação de ações políticas online
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Citizenship education to promote the participation of young people in climate adaptation: crossing curricular boundaries through community profiling
Pinheiro, Sara; Torres, Ana Cristina; Pereira, Bruna; Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Collaborative Climate Labs: a youth-led methodology for co-creating community responses to climate change
Malafaia, Carla; Diógenes-Lima, Juliana; Pereira, Bruna; Macedo, Eunice; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
Who are the populist young adults? An analysis of the predictors of populist attitudes
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Visual politicization and youth challenges to an unequal public sphere: conceptual and methodological perspectives
Luhtakallio, Eeva; Meriluoto, Taina; Malafaia, Carla
Journal article
Os métodos artísticos como forma de olhar as possibilidades de construção do género e suas relações [The Artistic Methods as a Way to Look at the Possibilities of Construction of Gender and its Relations]
Cruz, Joana; Malafaia, Carla; Silva, José Eduardo; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Visual bodies, ritualised performances: an offline-online analysis of Extinction Rebellion’s protests in Finland and Portugal
Malafaia, Carla; Kettunen, Jenni; Luhtakallio, Eeva
Book chapter
Populismo, emoções e política: o papel das caraterísticas socioeconómicas, da confiança na classe política e da satisfação com a democracia
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Visual politicization and youth challenges to an unequal public sphere: conceptual and methodological perspectives
Luhtakallio, Eeva; Meriluoto, Taina; Malafaia, Carla
Book chapter
Youth Climate Activism: Addressing research pitfalls and centering young people's voices
Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria
Journal article
Visual bodies, ritualised performances: an offline-online analysis of Extinction Rebellion’s protests in Finland and Portugal
Malafaia, Carla; Kettunen, Jenni; Luhtakallio, Eeva
Book chapter
Populismo, emoções e política: o papel das caraterísticas socioeconómicas, da confiança na classe política e da satisfação com a democracia
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
Who are the populist young adults? An analysis of the predictors of populist attitudes
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
Redes sociais e populismo: das dimensões individuais à observação de ações políticas online
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Citizenship education to promote the participation of young people in climate adaptation: Crossing curricular boundaries through community profiling
Pinheiro, Sara; Torres, Ana Cristina; Pereira, Bruna; Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Pinheiro, Sara
Journal article
Os métodos artísticos como forma de olhar as possibilidades de construção do género e suas relações [The Artistic Methods as a Way to Look at the Possibilities of Construction of Gender and its Relations]
Cruz, Joana; Malafaia, Carla; Silva, José Eduardo; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Citizenship education to promote the participation of young people in climate adaptation: crossing curricular boundaries through community profiling
Pinheiro, Sara; Torres, Ana Cristina; Pereira, Bruna; Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Collaborative Climate Labs: a youth-led methodology for co-creating community responses to climate change
Malafaia, Carla; Diógenes-Lima, Juliana; Pereira, Bruna; Macedo, Eunice; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Young people and social media: opportunities and risks for democracy
Soares, Ricardo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla
Journal article
Which dimensions are related to populist attitudes? An educational view on a systematic literature review
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Pode a educação atenuar o crescimento do populismo e da extrema-direita? O papel da escolaridade e das experiências educacionais na construção da democracia
Soares, Ricardo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla
Conference abstract
Pode a educação atenuar o crescimento do populismo?: reflexões a partir da análise do eleitorado juvenil do Chega e da atividade política online da sua juventude partidária
Soares, Ricardo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla
Journal article
Educating for participatory active citizenship: an example from the ecological activist field
Cruz, Joana P.; Malafaia, Carla; Silva, José Eduardo; Rovisco, Maria; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The impact of extracurricular activities on university students’ academic success and employability
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The role of emotions in critical thinking about European politics: Confronting anti-immigration rhetoric in the classroom
Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
O estudo do populismo ao nível dos indivíduos: o contributo dos resultados de uma revisão sistemática da literatura
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
As atitudes populistas e pluralistas de jovens-adultos/as: quais as relações com dimensões ligadas à política e às emoções?
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
Populist Profiles of Portuguese Young Adults: Differences in Emotional, Media and Political Dimensions
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
"If not even the school listens to us…”: Echos of climate justice on the ground
Diógenes-Lima, Juliana; Sara Filipa Silveira Pinheiro; Joana Cruz; Carla Malafaia
Conference paper
How can the use of participatory and co-creation approaches enhance young people’s civic participation for climate change adaptation?
Pinheiro, Sara; Torres, Ana Cristina; Diógenes-Lima, Juliana; Pereira, Bruna; Malafaia, Carla
Conference paper
Movimento climático em Portugal: Um retrato em várias dimensões
Carvalho, Anabela; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Üzelgün, Mehmet Ali
Book chapter
Representações sobre educação para o desenvolvimento e cidadania global [Representations of education for development and global citizenship]
Malafaia, Carla; Norberto Ribeiro
Book chapter
Perspetivas de jovens estudantes: A escola como contexto de educação para a cidadania e empoderamento político [Perspetives of young students: School as a context of citizenship education and political empowerment]
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
A visão dos professores sobre o ensino da União Europeia e da cidadania ativa em Portugal. [Teachers’ views about teaching the European Union and the active citizenship in Portugal]
Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Reinventar a cidadania europeia dos jovens: As escolas como espaços de educação política [Reinventing the European citizenship of young people: Schools as spaces of political education]
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Ribeiro, Norberto; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Reinventar a cidadania europeia dos jovens: As escolas como espaços de educação política. [Reinventing the European citizenship of young people: Schools as spaces of political education] (E-Book)
Menezes, Isabel; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal issue
Education and Climate Activism: Youth democratic practices and imaginations towards a common world
Journal article
Formação, Cidadania e Mercado de Trabalho: perspectivas de pessoas em formações subsidiadas [Training, Citizenship and Labour Market: perspectives of people in subsidized training]
Lopes, Luciana; Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla
Journal article
Futuros energéticos: Transição, democratização e educação. [Energetic futures: transition, democratization and education]
Malafaia, Carla; Roque, Carlos Eduardo
Journal article
Making a deal with the devil? Portuguese and Finnish activists’ everyday negotiations on the value of social media
Malafaia, Carla; Meriluoto, Taina
Journal article
Lowering the voting age to 16: Young people making a case for political education in fostering voting competencies
Ribeiro, N.; Malafaia, C.; Ferreira, T.
Journal article
"Missing school isn't the end of the world (actually, it might prevent it)": climate activists resisting adult power, repurposing privileges and reframing education
Malafaia, Carla
Book chapter
Métodos mistos: da problematização ao que-fazer na investigação em ciências sociais e da educação [The whys and hows of mixed methods research in education and social sciences]
Menezes, Isabel; Pais, Sofia C.; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro D.
Journal article
Education and Climate Activism: Youth democratic practices and imaginations towards a common world
Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Luhtakallio, Eeva
Edited book
Reinventar a cidadania europeia dos jovens: As escolas como espaços de educação política [Reinventing the European citizenship of young people: Schools as spaces of political education]
Menezes, Isabel; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
A Participação Política da Juventude em Portugal: Formas emergentes de participação: Etnografia online com coletivos ativistas
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Pedro; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
O fenómeno do populismo a nível individual: influências e relações a partir de uma revisão sistemática da literatura
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference poster
Dimensões do populismo ao nível dos indivíduos: o que nos diz a literatura
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Métodos mistos: da problematização ao que-fazer na investigação em ciências sociais e da educação
Menezes, Isabel; Pais, Sofia Castanheira; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
A Participação Política da Juventude em Portugal Formas emergentes de participação: Etnografia online com coletivos ativistas
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
As visões dos/as professores/as sobre o ensino da União Europeia e da cidadania ativa [Teachers visions about teaching the European Union and active citizenship].
Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Loff, Manuel; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
As visões de professores/as sobre o ensino da União Europeia e da cidadania ativa
Loff, Manuel; Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
As visões de professores/as sobre o ensino da União Europeia e da cidadania ativa
Loff, Manuel; Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
As visões dos/as professores/as sobre o ensino da União Europeia e da cidadania ativa [Teachers visions about teaching the European Union and active citizenship].
Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Loff, Manuel; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Perspetivas de jovens estudantes: a escola como contexto de educação para a cidadania e empoderamento político [Young students¿ perspectives: school as an educational context for citizenship and political empowerment].
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Reinventar a cidadania europeia de jovens: As escolas como espaços de educação política [Reinventing young people¿s European citizenship: schools as spaces for political education].
Menezes, Isabel; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Perspetivas de jovens estudantes: a escola como contexto de educação para a cidadania e empoderamento político [Young students¿ perspectives: school as an educational context for citizenship and political empowerment].
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Reinventar a cidadania europeia de jovens: As escolas como espaços de educação política [Reinventing young people¿s European citizenship: schools as spaces for political education].
Menezes, Isabel; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
The gap between youth and politics: youngsters outside the regular school system assessing the conditions for be(com)ing political subjects
Malafaia, Carla; Tiago Neves; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Perfis de envolvimento cívico e político juvenil nas redes sociais: explorando atitudes e comportamentos [Profiles of youth civic and political participation in social media: exploring attitudes and behaviours]
Soares, Ricardo; Ferreira, Pedro; Malafaia, Carla
Journal article
A cidadania europeia na escola: complementando o currículo [European citizenship in school: supplementing the curriculum]
Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
Democratic Citizenship-in-the-Making: Dis/Engagement Profiles of Portuguese Youth
Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro D.; Menezes, Isabel
Formas emergentes de participação: Etnografia online com coletivos ativistas [Emerging forms of participation: Online ethnography with activist collectives]
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Pedro; Ferreira, Pedro D.
Journal article
The Gap Between Youth and Politics: Youngsters Outside the Regular School System Assessing the Conditions for Be(com)ing Political Subjects
Malafaia, C.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Conference abstract
Global Education and the co-curricular dimension in higher education: Experiences and implications
Coelho, Dalila P.; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Amorim, José Pedro; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
Educação para a cidadania global no ensino superior: Experiências e implicações da dimensão co-curricular
Coelho, Dalila; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Amorim, José Pedro; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Perfis de envolvimento cívico e político juvenil nas redes sociais: explorando atitudes e comportamentos
Soares, Ricardo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla
Conference abstract
@s nativ@s digitais e as redes sociais online: dos comportamentos cívicos e políticos às potencialidades e riscos para a democracia
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
Educação para a Cidadania Global no Ensino Superior: experiências e implicacões da dimensão co-curricular
P. Coelho, Dalila; Malafaia, Carla; Amorim; Jose´ Pedro ; Ribeiro; Norberto ; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel; et al
Conference abstract
Educação para a Cidadania Global no Ensino Superior: experiências e implicacões da dimensão co-curricular
P. Coelho, Dalila; Malafaia, Carla; Amorim; Jose´ Pedro ; Ribeiro; Norberto ; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
Educação para a Cidadania Global no Ensino Superior: experiências e implicacões da dimensão co-curricular
P. Coelho, Dalila; Malafaia, Carla; Amorim; Jose´ Pedro ; Ribeiro; Norberto ; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel; et al
Conference abstract
Global Education and the co-curricular dimension in higher education: Experiences and implications
Coelho, Dalila P.; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Amorim, José Pedro; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
Educação para a cidadania global no ensino superior: Experiências e implicações da dimensão co-curricular
Coelho, Dalila; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Amorim, José Pedro; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Between Emotion and Reason: The Role of Affective Networks and Events in Sustaining the Daily Experience of Environmental Activism
Cruz, Joana; Malafaia, Carla; Silva, José Eduardo; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Educating critical citizens? Portuguese teachers and students visions of critical thinking at school
Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Between emotion and reason: The role of affective networks and events in sustaining the daily experience of environmental activism
Cruz, J.P.; Malafaia, C.; Silva, J.E.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Using online tools in participatory research with adolescents to promote civic engagement and environmental mobilization: the WaterCircle (WC) project
Marques, R.R.; Malafaia, C.; Faria, J.L.; Menezes, I.
Conference poster
Literacias digitais e mediáticas: (auto)perceções juvenis, influências e relações [Digital and media literacies: youth (self)perceptions, influences and relationships]
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Educating critical citizens? Portuguese teachers and students’ visions of critical thinking at school
Piedade, F.; Malafaia, C.; Neves, T.; Loff, M.; Menezes, I.
Conference abstract
Pela nuvem d@s nativ@s digitais: uma navegação pelos usos e efeitos cívicos e políticos de práticas juvenis em redes sociais online
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference poster
Literacias digitais e mediáticas: (auto)perceções juvenis, influências e relações
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
Through Internetricad@s' cloud: navigating through the uses and effects of youth practices in digital social networks
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
Literacias digitais e mediáticas: (auto)perceções juvenis, influências e relações
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Promuovere la cittadinanza europea attiva dei giovani: Un intervento partecipativo sulla politicizzazione delle preoccupazioni sociali dei giovani [Promoting European active citizenship: A participatory intervention towards the politicisation of youth social concerns]
Cruz, Joana; Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Eduardo Silva, José; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Schools as democracy labs
Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla
Newsletter article
"Se não na escola, onde?": Limites e potencialidades da educação escolar na promoção de uma cidadania europeia ativa. ["If not at school, where else?": Limits and potentialities of school education in promoting an active European citizenship]
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The Use of Theatre of the Oppressed in the Classroom: Engaging Students in a Critical Active European Citizenship Project
Cruz, Joana; Malafaia, Carla; Silva, José Eduardo; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Schools as democracy labs
Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla
Journal article
Living, doing, and learning from politics in a youth wing of a political party
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
Being civic while disavowing politics: An ethnography of a youth NGO in Portugal
Malafaia, Carla; Luhtakallio, E.; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Book chapter
Case study: Unmanned
Saldanha, Lucinda; Pinto, Marta; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
School National Reports - Catch-EyoU WP6 Final Report
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
Catch-EyoU National Tecnical Report, WP7, Wave 2: University of Porto
Malafaia, Carla; Enchikova, Ekaterina; Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, Pedro D.; Menezes, Isabel
Conference poster
The role of school education on promoting active citizenship among European youth
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Correia, Luís Grosso; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Case study: Unmanned
Saldanha, Lucinda; Pinto, Marta; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Understanding the role of school education on promoting active citizenship. Blue Paper ‘School Civic Education’ (D6.4)
Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
School National Reports. WP6 final report (D6.2)
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
School National Reports. WP6 Final Report (D6.2)
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
National Technical Report, WP7, Wave 2: University of Porto.
Malafaia, Carla; Enchikova, Ekaterina; Ribeiro, Norberto (061-8D24-707F); Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Conference poster
The role of school education on promoting active citizenship among European youth
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Correia, Luís Grosso; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
School National Reports - Catch-EyoU WP6 Final Report
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
In-between fatalism and leverage: The different effects of socioeconomic variables on students’ civic and political experiences and literacy
Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Catch-EyoU National Technical Report, WP7, Wave 1: University of Porto
Malafaia, Carla; Enchikova, Ekaterina; Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, Pedro D; Menezes, Isabel
Thesis / Dissertation
Living and doing politics : an educational travelogue through meanings, processes and effects [European PhD]
National Technical Report, WP7, Wave 1: University of Porto
Malafaia, Carla; Enchikova, Ekaterina; Ribeiro, Norberto (061-8D24-707F); Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Immigration and the ambivalence of the school: Between inclusion and exclusion of migrant youth
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Linking learning contexts: The relationship between students' civic and political experiences and their self-regulation in school
Malafaia, Carla; Teixeira, Pedro; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Os cidadãos continuam a ter direito à democracia: Discursos de jovens estudantes sobre as manifestações anti-austeridade em Portugal [Citizens still have a right to democracy: Discourses of young students about the anti-austerity demonstrations in Portugal]
Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Os cidadãos continuam a ter direito à democracia: Discursos de jovens estudantes sobre as manifestações anti-austeridade em Portugal [Citizens still have a right to democracy: Discourses of young students about the anti-austerity demonstrations in Portugal]
Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Constraints and opportunities for civic and political participation: Perceptions of young people from immigrant and non-immigrant background in Portugal
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
"You study people . . . that's ugly!": The implications of ethnographic deceptions for the ethnographer's ethics
Neves, Tiago; Malafaia, Carla
Book chapter
Peregrinações: Um projecto de teatro e comunidade a sul da Europa [Pilgrimages: A theatre and community project in Southern Europe]
Malafaia, Carla; Cruz, Hugo
Book chapter
The ‘Europeanization’ of gender policies in Portugal: Transformations in women’s access to civil, political and social rights
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Participation among youth, women, and migrants: Findings from Portugal
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Constraints and opportunities for civic and political participation: perceptions of young people from immigrant and non-immigrant background in Portugal
Ribeiro, Norberto (061-8D24-707F); Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
The ‘Europeanization’ of gender policies in Portugal: Transformations in women’s access to civil, political and social rights
Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Europe as a beacon of democracy? Citizenship policies relating to youth and migrants in Portugal
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
O desempenho escolar de jovens portugueses: Um estudo comparativo entre escolas públicas e privadas, em contexto rural e urbano [The academic performance of young Portuguese people: A comparative study between public and private schools, in urban and rural settings]
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Book chapter
O desempenho escolar de jovens portugueses: Um estudo comparativo entre escolas públicas e privadas, em contexto rural e urbano [The academic performance of young Portuguese people: A comparative study between public and private schools, in urban and rural settings]
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
Civic and political e-participation of young immigrants
Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Ribeiro, Norberto; Neves, Tiago; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís; Menezes, Isabel
Understanding the role of school education on promoting active citizenship - Blue Paper ‘School Civic Education’
Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Conference poster
Experiências de participação cívica e política juvenil: Efeitos do/no capital cultural, económico e educacional [Experiences of youth civic and politocal participation: Effects of/on cultural, economic and educational capital]
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Conference poster
Experiências de participação cívica e política juvenil: Efeitos do/no capital cultural, económico e educacional [Experiences of youth civic and politocal participation: Effects of/on cultural, economic and educational capital]
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
Education and citizenship: Redemption or disempowerment? A study of portuguese-speaking migrant (and non-migrant) youth in Portugal
Ribeiro, Norberto; Almeida, C.M.; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Neves, Tiago; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The many faces of hermes: The quality of participation experiences and political attitudes of migrant and non-migrant youth
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Cicognani, Elvira; Menezes, Isabel
Agência e participação cívica e política: Jovens e imigrantes na construção da democracia [Agency and civic and political participation: Youngsters and immigrants in the construction of democracy]
Menezes, Isabel; Ribeiro, Norberto; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Gestão de conflitos: Uma experiência, um guia [Conflict management: An experience, a guide]
Neves, Tiago; Malafaia, Carla
Applied interculturality research in education: Abstract book
Malafaia, Carla; Mouraz, Ana; Menino, Conceição; Macedo, Eunice; Temudo, Eva; Many, Eric; Barbieri, Helena; et al
Book chapter
Agência e participação cívica e política de jovens [Youngsters’ agency and civic and political participation]
Menezes, Isabel; Ribeiro, Norberto; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Perspetivas e subjetividades sobre a participação política e cívica: Jovens, família e escola [Perspectives and subjectivities on civic and political participation: Youngsters, family, and the school]
Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Ribeiro, Norberto; Neves, Tiago; Fonseca, Laura; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Diversidade e participação cívica e política [Diversity and civic and political participation]
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Análise das políticas de imigração: O papel das estruturas e oportunidades políticas na participação e integração dos imigrantes [Analysis of immigration policies: The role of political structures and opportunities in immigrants’ participation and integration]
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Silva, Sofia Marques; Araújo, Helena Costa; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Formação em gestão de conflitos com uma associação juvenil [Training in conflict management with a youth association]
Malafaia, Carla
PIDOP: Processes Influencing Democratic Ownership and Participation: Final report
Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus; Maria; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes; Isabel
Final Report of WP6: Processes in the co-construction of citizenship in different life contexts, PIDOP Deliverable nº 36
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Lyons, Evanthia; Ribeiro, Norberto; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Devaney, Lee
PIDOP: Processes Influencing Democratic Ownership and Participation: final report.
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Norberto Ribeiro; Carla Malafaia; Isabel Menezes
Final Report of WP6: Processes in the co-construction of citizenship in different life contexts, PIDOP Deliverable nº 36.
Isabel Menezes; Lyons, Evanthia; Ribeiro, Norberto; Carla Malafaia; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Lee Devaney
Book chapter
Análise das políticas de imigração: O papel das estruturas e oportunidades políticas na participação e integração dos imigrantes
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Silva, Sofia Marques; Araújo, Helena C.; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Education and Citizenship: Redemption or Disempowerment? A Study of Portuguese-Speaking Migrant (and Non-Migrant) Youth in Portugal
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Neves, Tiago; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The many faces of hermes: The quality of participation experiences and political attitudes of migrant and non-migrant youth
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Cicognani, Elvira; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Diversidade e participação cívica e política
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís; Menezes, Isabel
Edited book
Agência e participação cívica e política: Jovens e imigrantes na construção da democracia [Agency and civic and political participation: Youth and immigrants in building democracy]
Menezes, Isabel; Ribeiro, Norberto; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Applied interculturality research in education: Abstract book
Malafaia, Carla; Mouraz, Ana; Menino, Conceição; Macedo, Eunice; Temudo, Eva; Many, Eric; Barbieri, Helena; et al
Applied interculturality research in education: Abstract book
Malafaia, Carla; Mouraz, Ana; Menino, Conceição; Macedo, Eunice; Temudo, Eva; Many, Eric; Barbieri, Helena; et al
Book chapter
Perspetivas e subjetividades sobre a participação política e cívica: Jovens, família e escola [Perspectives and subjectivities on civic and political participation: Youngsters, family, and the school]
Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Ribeiro, Norberto; Neves, Tiago; Fonseca, Laura; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
O método auto-biográfico: Uma proposta educativa em tempo prisional [The autobiographical method: An educational proposal for prison time]
Malafaia, Carla; Santos, Sofia
Thesis / Dissertation
Capital social e económico numa ’’escola de democracia’’: um estudo comparativo entre a Amnistia Internacional em Portugal e na Suécia [Social and economic capital in a ‘School of Democracy’: A comparative study between the Portuguese and Swedish branches of Amnesty International]
PIDOP Report on the focus group discussions with young people: Portuguese, Angolans and Brazilians
Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Fernandes-de-Jesus, Maria; Menezes, Isabel
Conference paper
Civic and political participation of young people in Portugal: Opportunities and constraints
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel; Fonseca, Laura; Neves, Tiago
Conference paper
Formação em gestão de conflitos com uma associação juvenil [Training in conflict management with a youth association]
Malafaia, Carla
Conference paper
Civic and political participation of young people in Portugal: Opportunities and constraints
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel; Fonseca, Laura; Neves, Tiago
Conference paper
Educação para a cidadania global no ensino superior: Experiências e implicações da dimensão co-curricular [Education for global citizenship in higher education: Experiences and implications of the co-curricular dimension]
Dalila Coelho; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; José Pedro Amorim; Teresa Medina; João Caramelo; Isabel Maria Alves e Menezes Figueiredo