
CONSTATED -The Social Construction of Educational Statistics

MIIT - Mapping Internationalisation Conceptions and Practices In Teacher Education: A snapshot of Portugal

Bridging Generations in Teaching: Enhancing Portuguese Teachers’ Professional Development Through Intergenerational Dialogues

ProActCoP: Co-creating knowledge about/and action for change in inland regions

CARING - Exposure to cyberbullying and other harmful online content among youth in Portugal

SmartStart ERASMUS+ Teacher Academy

Cmi_Pop Roma - Mapping, Including: Roma/Gypsy Population in Portugal

Sing 4 Health III

LE-DHEI - Landscapes and Eduscapes of Decoloning Higher Education: A European reading

Know-how to Speak Out: Education for and in Professional Activism

APRILGRASSROOTS - Building Participatory Democracy – Popular associations of April in Porto

EMstep - Empowering Middle School Teachers for Social Inclusion through Observation-based Professional Development

HERSTORY25ABRIL - Porque a tua lição é esta: fazer frente": Mulheres Invisíveis no 25 de Abril e Além - Um Estudo sobre a Participação e Contribuição das Mulheres das Classes Trabalhadoras e Populares nos Movimentos Sociais Portugueses (1972-1979)

SINCRONY: InterSectIonal iNClusion in delibeRation and participatiON with Youth

LED-EAR – Development Education and Antiracism Lab: Possibilities, Challenges, and Effects

DE-HED - Decolonising Higher Education and envisioning the Education dimension: towards a comprehensive view

Inclusion+: Tackling the challenges of Erasmus+ mobility inclusion and diversity at higher education level

ADHER - Acknowledging Diversity in Higher Education: Realizing Pathways from Displaced and low Socioeconomic Status Students

Bootstrap - Boosting Societal Adaptation and Mental Health in a Rapidly Digitalising, Post-Pandemic Europe

SIRIUS 3.0 - Impactful and Sustainable Policy Change for Migrant Education

TeachXevidence - Preventing gender-based violence in schools based on scientific evidence with social impact

WAY - Who saw You then and who sees you now! Promoting student self-regulated learning in the classroom through peer observation

HEAE-SNIT - Autonomy in European Higher Education: supranational, national and institutional trends

SCIREARLY - Policies and Practices Based on Scientific Research for Reducing Underachievement and Early School Leaving in Europe

CARE4SUD - Vocational Training in Illicit Drug Addiction: Equipping Health Care Practitioners with Addiction Treatment competences and techniques

Grassroots of Digital Europe: from Historic to Contemporary Cultures of Creative Computing (GRADE)

CLEAR – Constructing Learning Outcomes in Europe: A Multi-Level Analysis of UnderAchievement in the Life Course


Spread the Sign - Sign Language for Beginners in Europe

FYT-ID - Fifty Years of Teaching: Factors of Change and Intergenerational Dialogues?

ENIS - European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting Research and Practice

TEIP program - Educational Territories of Priority Intervention

JUSTFUTURES - Climate Futures and Just Transformations: Young People's Narratives and Political Imaginaries

Young Athletes as Sport Activists: Looking to Sport contexts as Social-educational Environments and as Spaces of Citizenship in the Construction of Inclusive Communities through Young Athletes

The Impact of Extracurricular Participation Experiences on the Academic success and Employability of University Students