Integrated Members
Invited professor
FPCEUP – Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
+ 351 226 079 737 (ext 353)
Helena C. Araújo is Invited Full Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto, Portugal, and a member of the Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE), serving as its Director between 2009 and 2020. Currently, she co-chairs CIIE's community of research practice PIV - Policies of Inclusion and Voices: Diversity, Gender and Intersectionality, a research and advanced training group. She has been teaching BA, Master, and PhD courses at FPCEUP on sociology of education, gender studies, and citizenship and diversity. Her main research interests are: education as social right, school disengagement, young people's biographies and pathways, gender, education, and citizenship, intercultural education. She has carried out a number of research projects in these issues. She acted as the Portuguese team coordinator of the European Commission's FP7 large-scale project Reducing Early School Leaving in the EU (2013-2018). Currently, Helena Araújo leads the Portuguese team of international MotivatEyoUth project (2019-2021) and is the PI of FCT-funded EduTransfer (2018-2021). She has been a member of NESET Network of Experts on Social Aspects of Education and Training (2011-2014), adviser of the European Commission's Directorate General for Education and Culture. She led the scholarly journal Educação, Sociedade & Culturas/Education, Society & Cultures for a decade. She has delivered research papers at international conferences and published journal articles, book chapters, and books in Educational research and sociology of Education. Recent publications include articles in European Journal of Education, Comparative Migration Studies, Studies in Higher Education, and Educational Review.
2004 – 'Habilitation'' in Education Sciences – Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
1992 – Ph.D in Education – Open University, UK
Sociology of education; Gender studies; History of women; History of education; Educational policy; Teacher education.
Co-created Education through Social Inclusion (COSI.ed)
[Portuguese team leader] MotivatEyoUth - Preventing the Early School Leaving phenomenon in the EU through practical and innovative solutions
Learning from diverse educational settings: transferability of promising practices in the 2020 Horizon
This participatory research analyses the possibilities of transference between educational institutions, of promising educational practices that take as basis problem based learning, as a cooperative learning methodology. Therefore it involves mainstream schools and out of school educational institutions, the alternative learning arenas. The starting point of the project is the concern about the need to find more concerted forms of action in education, which involve the different actors in promoting a sense of belonging and commitment to education by young people and teachers, promoting greater success in contributing to the reduction of the social and individual problem of early school leaving and early leaving from education and training; dimensions on which the project's relevance rests. Also relevant is the creation of spaces within the educational institutions, where young people have the opportunity to exert their citizenship and crucial competences, by participating in the identification, decision making and action to improve their life contexts. The innovative dimension of the project emerges from the strong articulation between researchers, teachers and young people, in the construction of participatory practices for solving real problems, identified by the young people themselves, and that result in community involvement, allowing a detailed analysis by the research team with the contribution of the participants. The production of policy proposals to address the problems identified will also involve policy makers in this process. The research standing point is based on a sociological perspective that argues for the need to go beyond the identification of problems and to collaborate in the construction of measures that contribute to their resolution. In a coherent articulation with the theoretical principles of a sensitive research that engages in the processes it observes and analyses, ethnography is the main method of collecting and analysing data, complemented by focus group discussion, which stands on the participants? voices. The use of these complementary methods will allow the matching of the voices of the researchers, more sustained on ethnographic observation, and the voices of the actors, who are heard and taken into account in the research. The continued observation by the researchers, through the presence in the field, will allow for participatory observation and close proximity to the questions in analysis and to its actors. In addition to this, the project invests in a solid internal communication, sustained on a communication and management strategy, and in the involvement of participants in the communication and management processes by means of successive moments of encounter and debate with the research team and between the different institutions. Detailed recording and reflection on all project moments and processes will enable responsible accountability to all entities involved.
Grow up in border regions in Portugal: young people, educational pathways and agendas
Regional development of peripheral regions is a persistent challenge. Border regions in Portugal, often overlapping with rural and remote areas, suffer from a spatial differentiation. These are places with structural inequalities together with a perception gap on regions prospects and resources. Accordingly to the Agency for Development and Cohesion, Portugal has ?territorial asymmetries and potentialities? with impact in individual, institutions and regions development, with challenges for multilevel governance. Unequal access to local services and opportunities among vulnerable groups and a combination of exclusion and poverty are concentrated in specific territories with low access to educational opportunities or qualified jobs 5.
Young people growing up in those regions are particularly affected by this situation in their trajectories and future plans 6, 7. Do young people consider border regions as spaces to leave? An exploratory case study in a Portuguese border region indicated that young people express apprehension when imagine leaving their regions, reveling a positive connectedness with their homeland identifying, however, constrains 4, 8, 9.
GROW:UP proposes to investigate in border regions contexts the mutually influential relations between individual, contextual/institutional and systemic factors in young people biographies, and to analyse how communities are proactively counteracting inequalities, fostering young people engagement in positive pathways.
This project aims to investigate communities promising approaches to support young people pathways, preventing risk factors, such as school disengagement, lack of participation or life prospects.
GROW.UP will analyze European and national policies and its territorial articulation with programs and practices at local level, understanding the stability and strengths of initiatives to support young people and identifying potential indicators and key competences of resilient communities.
GROW.UP is engaged in a comprehensive approach and will bring together theoretical contributions from Sociology of Education, Youth Studies, Border Studies and Network Analysis. It will use a methodology that combines policy analysis and local experts interviews to understand levels of integration of formal policies into local programmes; a survey to understand the key role of sense of belonging, resilience and engagement in young people biographies; case studies i to develop and in depth understanding on processes and dynamics influencing young people pathways design, ii to analyse how communities are proactively addressing challenges affecting young people in border regions, either encouraging young people positive pathways or equipping them to amplify opportunities.
A mobile app, an auditing programme and youth agendas are participatory-based activities, empirically supported, aiming to promote capacity building of young people and communities.
LINK - Learning in a New Key (Engaging Vulnerable Young People in School Education)
[Portuguese team leader] CODE-IWP: Commitment to Democracy through Increasing Women's Participation
Incentive - UI 167 - 2014
[Portuguese team coordinator] Reducing Early School Leaving in the EU ( [FP7, European Commission] aims to provide insights into the mechanisms and processes influencing a pupil's decision to leave school/training early; as well as into the decision of ESLers to enroll in alternative learning arenas unrelated to a regular school - but wherein specific creative or innovative methods of knowledge and skill transfer are used. Additionally, focuses on the vulnerable group of youngsters that left education or training early and are identified as NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). also aims to identify and analyze the intervention and compensation measures that succeeded in transferring knowledge and in keeping pupils in education/training, although they showed high (theoretical) risk of ESL.KEYWORDS: EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING,EDUCATION,PUPIL ATTITUDES
Building European Citizenship in Schools
Participatory citizenship education in transitional societies
Co-created Education through Social Inclusion (COSI.ed)
[Portuguese team leader] MotivatEyoUth - Preventing the Early School Leaving phenomenon in the EU through practical and innovative solutions
Learning from diverse educational settings: transferability of promising practices in the 2020 Horizon
This participatory research analyses the possibilities of transference between educational institutions, of promising educational practices that take as basis problem based learning, as a cooperative learning methodology. Therefore it involves mainstream schools and out of school educational institutions, the alternative learning arenas. The starting point of the project is the concern about the need to find more concerted forms of action in education, which involve the different actors in promoting a sense of belonging and commitment to education by young people and teachers, promoting greater success in contributing to the reduction of the social and individual problem of early school leaving and early leaving from education and training; dimensions on which the project's relevance rests. Also relevant is the creation of spaces within the educational institutions, where young people have the opportunity to exert their citizenship and crucial competences, by participating in the identification, decision making and action to improve their life contexts. The innovative dimension of the project emerges from the strong articulation between researchers, teachers and young people, in the construction of participatory practices for solving real problems, identified by the young people themselves, and that result in community involvement, allowing a detailed analysis by the research team with the contribution of the participants. The production of policy proposals to address the problems identified will also involve policy makers in this process. The research standing point is based on a sociological perspective that argues for the need to go beyond the identification of problems and to collaborate in the construction of measures that contribute to their resolution. In a coherent articulation with the theoretical principles of a sensitive research that engages in the processes it observes and analyses, ethnography is the main method of collecting and analysing data, complemented by focus group discussion, which stands on the participants? voices. The use of these complementary methods will allow the matching of the voices of the researchers, more sustained on ethnographic observation, and the voices of the actors, who are heard and taken into account in the research. The continued observation by the researchers, through the presence in the field, will allow for participatory observation and close proximity to the questions in analysis and to its actors. In addition to this, the project invests in a solid internal communication, sustained on a communication and management strategy, and in the involvement of participants in the communication and management processes by means of successive moments of encounter and debate with the research team and between the different institutions. Detailed recording and reflection on all project moments and processes will enable responsible accountability to all entities involved.
Grow up in border regions in Portugal: young people, educational pathways and agendas
Regional development of peripheral regions is a persistent challenge. Border regions in Portugal, often overlapping with rural and remote areas, suffer from a spatial differentiation. These are places with structural inequalities together with a perception gap on regions prospects and resources. Accordingly to the Agency for Development and Cohesion, Portugal has ?territorial asymmetries and potentialities? with impact in individual, institutions and regions development, with challenges for multilevel governance. Unequal access to local services and opportunities among vulnerable groups and a combination of exclusion and poverty are concentrated in specific territories with low access to educational opportunities or qualified jobs 5.
Young people growing up in those regions are particularly affected by this situation in their trajectories and future plans 6, 7. Do young people consider border regions as spaces to leave? An exploratory case study in a Portuguese border region indicated that young people express apprehension when imagine leaving their regions, reveling a positive connectedness with their homeland identifying, however, constrains 4, 8, 9.
GROW:UP proposes to investigate in border regions contexts the mutually influential relations between individual, contextual/institutional and systemic factors in young people biographies, and to analyse how communities are proactively counteracting inequalities, fostering young people engagement in positive pathways.
This project aims to investigate communities promising approaches to support young people pathways, preventing risk factors, such as school disengagement, lack of participation or life prospects.
GROW.UP will analyze European and national policies and its territorial articulation with programs and practices at local level, understanding the stability and strengths of initiatives to support young people and identifying potential indicators and key competences of resilient communities.
GROW.UP is engaged in a comprehensive approach and will bring together theoretical contributions from Sociology of Education, Youth Studies, Border Studies and Network Analysis. It will use a methodology that combines policy analysis and local experts interviews to understand levels of integration of formal policies into local programmes; a survey to understand the key role of sense of belonging, resilience and engagement in young people biographies; case studies i to develop and in depth understanding on processes and dynamics influencing young people pathways design, ii to analyse how communities are proactively addressing challenges affecting young people in border regions, either encouraging young people positive pathways or equipping them to amplify opportunities.
A mobile app, an auditing programme and youth agendas are participatory-based activities, empirically supported, aiming to promote capacity building of young people and communities.
LINK - Learning in a New Key (Engaging Vulnerable Young People in School Education)
[Portuguese team leader] CODE-IWP: Commitment to Democracy through Increasing Women's Participation
Incentive - UI 167 - 2014
[Portuguese team coordinator] Reducing Early School Leaving in the EU ( [FP7, European Commission] aims to provide insights into the mechanisms and processes influencing a pupil's decision to leave school/training early; as well as into the decision of ESLers to enroll in alternative learning arenas unrelated to a regular school - but wherein specific creative or innovative methods of knowledge and skill transfer are used. Additionally, focuses on the vulnerable group of youngsters that left education or training early and are identified as NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). also aims to identify and analyze the intervention and compensation measures that succeeded in transferring knowledge and in keeping pupils in education/training, although they showed high (theoretical) risk of ESL.KEYWORDS: EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING,EDUCATION,PUPIL ATTITUDES
Building European Citizenship in Schools
Participatory citizenship education in transitional societies
Building Local Networking in Education? Decision-makers´ discourses and strategies on school achievement and drop-out
PIDOP - Processes Influencing Democratic Ownership and Participation [FP7]
Gender Inequalities in Work and Private Life: from the norms to the social practices
Sexualities, Youth and Teenage Pregnancy in North-western Portugal
Life histories of youth in schools and communities: school drop-out revisited
In this project, the aim is to focus on the biographical trajectories of young people in schools and communities, having in mind the statistical data revealed by several studies published reccently (cf. Rosa e Martins 2003, Canavarro et al 2004; Sarmento et al 2000).
Several dilemmas confront state schools mainly regarding the fulfilment of the compulsory school by young people who drop out. In schools different groups of young people are present, from different ethnic, social origin. There are different life experiences of in these groups, including experiences regarding gender relations. How can schools be spaces of better and more enlarged participation and find ways of confronting school drop out and exclusion - schools that are confronting a diversity of expectations, a diversity of trajectories and experiences of those who attend them?
Hence in this project the purpose is to both theoretically and empirically to focus on the biographical trajectories of young people living in Northern villages and rural departments where school drop out is higher (namely the regions of Tamega and Douro). In two years, it is expeceted to gather and construct m ore than seventy biographies of young people in several villages, according to criteria having in mind gender, ethnic divisions.
To share the world : towars a participatory citizenship
Polyphonies in Education, Citizenship, and Biographies of Young and Adult Women
School biographies, Communities and School drop-out
Girls Visible Autonomy and Boys Disaffection in Schools
Conference abstract
Dialoguing about dance, well-being and young citizenship: a systematic literature review
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Explorando a renovação da pedagogia: Problem based learning como espaço de cidadania educacional jovem [Exploring the challenge of renewing pedagogy: problem-based learning as a space for young people educational citizenship]
Macedo, Eunice; Teixeira, Elsa; Carvalho, Alexandra; Araújo, Helena C.
Conference abstract
Dialoguing about dance, well-being and young citizenship: a systematic literature review
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Conference abstract
Afinal, a quem é permitido dançar? Mapeando o acesso de jovens à dança em diferentes instituições educativas
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Conference abstract
Researching the Best Choreographies for Young People's Well-being and Citizenship in the here and now
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Going beyond the ‘typical’ student? Voicing diversity of experience through biographical encounters with migrant students in Portugal
Nada, Cosmin; Ploner, Josef; Van Mol, Christof; Araújo, Helena C.
Conference abstract
Body, Brain and Soul Citizenship: Dancing for the Exercise of Rights
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Conference abstract
Body, Brain and Soul Citizenship: Dancing for the Exercise of Rights
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Conference abstract
Dialoguing about dance, well-being and young citizenship: a systematic literature review
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Conference abstract
Afinal, a quem é permitido dançar? Mapeando o acesso de jovens à dança em diferentes instituições educativas
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Conference abstract
Dialoguing about dance, well-being and young citizenship: a systematic literature review
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Conference abstract
Body, Brain and Soul Citizenship: Dancing for the Exercise of Rights
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Conference abstract
Researching the Best Choreographies for Young People's Well-being and Citizenship in the here and now
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Conference abstract
Body, Brain and Soul Citizenship: Dancing for the Exercise of Rights
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Explorando a renovação da pedagogia: Problem based learning como espaço de cidadania educacional jovem [Exploring the challenge of renewing pedagogy: problem-based learning as a space for young people educational citizenship]
Macedo, Eunice; Teixeira, Elsa; Carvalho, Alexandra; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Going beyond the ‘typical’ student? Voicing diversity of experience through biographical encounters with migrant students in Portugal
Nada, Cosmin; Ploner, Josef; Van Mol, Christof; Araújo, Helena C.
Macedo, Eunice; Teixeira, Elsa Guedes; Carvalho, Alexandra; Araújo, Helena C.. Corresponding author: Macedo, Eunice
Conference abstract
Afinal, a quem é permitido dançar? Mapeando o acesso de jovens à dança em diferentes instituições educativas
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Conference abstract
EXPLORANDO SENTIDOS E SIGNIFICADOS: O contributo do cruzamento do Photovoice e da Discussão Focalizada em Grupo como estratégia criativa e inovadora para as pesquisas em educação
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Conference abstract
Dançando ao som do bem-estar e de cidadanias jovens: Desafios e oportunidades da arte na educação
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Macedo, Eunice; Teixeira, Elsa Guedes; Carvalho, Alexandra; Araújo, Helena C.. Corresponding author: Macedo, Eunice
Journal article
Explorando o desafio de renovação da pedagogia: Problem based learning como espaço de cidadania educacional jovem
Macedo, Eunice; Teixeira, Elsa; Carvalho, Alexandra; Araújo, Helena C.
Conference abstract
EXPLORANDO SENTIDOS E SIGNIFICADOS: O contributo do cruzamento do Photovoice e da Discussão Focalizada em Grupo como estratégia criativa e inovadora para as pesquisas em educação
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Conference abstract
Dançando ao som do bem-estar e de cidadanias jovens: Desafios e oportunidades da arte na educação
Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Growing up in a never-ending crisis: Youth transitions and aspirations in Portugal
Nada, Cosmin; Macedo, Eunice; Teixeira, Elsa Guedes; Araújo, Helena C.
Do cumprimento da tarefa à apropriação do conhecimento e da democracia: Transferibilidade de práticas promissoras na aprendizagem através de diferentes contextos educativos – Recomendações e implicações políticas
Macedo, Eunice; Teixeira, Elsa Guedes; Carvalho, Alexandra; Araújo, Helena C.
Book chapter
“Subjetividade explosiva” nas Ciências da educação no final do século XX?.
Araújo, Helena C.
Book chapter
El arte como catalizador para el reenganche educativo de jóvenes en una escuela de segunda oportunidad en Portugal [Art as a catalyst for the educational reengagement of young people in a second chance school in Portugal]
Macedo, Eunice; Carvalho, Alexandra; Doroftei, Alexandra; Almeida Santos, Sofia; Araújo, Helena
Journal article
Visiones de jóvenes sobre su participación en medidas educativas en el Norte de Portugal: entre desafíos y oportunidades: entre desafíos y oportunidades
Macedo, Eunice; Almeida Santos, Sofia; Oliveira Doroftei, Alexandra; Costa Araújo, Helena; Nada, Cosmin
El arte como catalizador para el reenganche educativo de jóvenes en una escuela de segunda oportunidad en Portugal
Eunice Macedo; Alexandra Carvalho; Alexandra Doroftei; Sofia Santos; Helena C. Araújo
Journal article
Making the "best" of private education: Building ties and meanings in an elite Portuguese school
Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Una mirada al abandono escolar prematuro en Portugal: Realidades, contextos y prácticas
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina
Journal article
Drawing lessons from early school leavers in a social justice context: Introductory comments
Macedo, Eunice; Nairz-Wirth, Erna; Araújo, Helena C; Szalai, Julia
Journal article
What do young adults’ educational experiences tell us about Early School Leaving processes?
Santos, Sofia A; Nada, Cosmin; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C
Journal article
Making the "best" of private education: Building ties and meanings in an elite Portuguese school
Macedo, E.; Araújo, H.C.
Book chapter
El arte como catalizador para el reenganche educativo de jóvenes en una escuela de segunda oportunidad en Portugal [Art as a catalyst for the educational reengagement of young people in a second chance school in Portugal]
Macedo, Eunice; Carvalho, Alexandra; Doroftei, Alexandra; Almeida Santos, Sofia; Araújo, Helena
Journal article
Drawing lessons from early school leavers in a social justice context: Introductory comments
Macedo, Eunice; Nairz-Wirth, Erna; Araújo, Helena C.; Szalai, Julia
Journal article
Una mirada al abandono escolar prematuro en Portugal: Realidades, contextos y prácticas [A look at early school leaving in Portugal: Realities, contexts and practices]
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina
Journal article
Una mirada al abandono escolar prematuro en Portugal: Realidades, contextos y prácticas [A look at early school leaving in Portugal: Realities, contexts and practices].
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina
Journal issue
Drawing lessons from early school leavers in a social justice context [special issue].
Book chapter
). El arte como catalizador para el reenganche educativo de jóvenes en una escuela de segunda oportunidad en Portugal
Macedo, Eunice; Carvalho, Alexandra; Doroftei, Alexandra; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
‘When you welcome students without borders, you need a mentality without borders’ internationalisation of higher education: evidence from Portugal
Cosmin-ionut Nada; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Tackling early school leaving: Principals’ insights into Portuguese upper secondary schools
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra Oliveira
Abandono escolar e "abandono escolar precoce" em foco em dois projetos de pesquisa: o Projeto RESL.EU e o Projeto EDUPLACES
Helena C. Araújo; Eunice Macedo; Sofia Santos; Cosmin Nada
Edited book
O diário de Leonilda Moreira de Sá: 1899
Marinho, Helena; Araújo, Henrique Gomes; Araújo, Helena C.; Ribeiro, Jorge Castro
Educational trajectories of early school leavers in Portugal: Processes and conditions of (in)equality
Santos, S.A.; Macedo, E.; Araújo, H.C.
Book chapter
Shaping the policies towards early school leaving in Portugal, Sweden and Poland
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Behtoui, A.; Tomaszewska-Pekala, H.; Marchlik, P.; Wrona, A.; Rocha, Cristina
Journal article
‘You went to Europe and returned different’: Transformative learning experiences of international students in Portugal
Cosmin-ionut Nada; Montgomery, Catherine; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
How can a second chance school support young adults’ transition back to education?
Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Migration and education: A narrative approach to the experience of foreign students in Portugal
Cosmin-ionut Nada; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Perspectives of young people enrolled in apprenticeship courses in Portugal about learning in work contexts
Doroftei, A.O.; Silva, Sofia Marques; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Can mainstream and alternative education learn from each other? An analysis of measures against school dropout and early school leaving in Portugal
Nada, C.I.; Santos, S.A.; Macedo, E.; Araújo, H.C.
Book chapter
Shaping the policies towards ESL in Portugal, Sweden and Poland
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Bethoui, Alireza; Tomaszewska-Pekala, Hanna; Marchlik, Paulina; Wrona, Anna; Rocha, Cristina
Book chapter
Educational trajectories of early school leavers in Portugal: Processes and conditions of (in)equality
Santos, Sofia Almeida; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Can mainstream and alternative education learn from each other? An analysis of measures against school dropout and early school leaving in Portugal
Cosmin-ionut Nada; Santos, Sofia; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Perspectives of young people enrolled in apprenticeship courses in Portugal about learning in work contexts
Doroftei, Alexandra Oliveira; Silva, Sofia Marques; Araújo, Helena C.
Book chapter
Shaping the policies towards ESL in Portugal, Sweden and Poland
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Bethoui, Alireza; Tomaszewska-Pekala, Hanna; Marchlik, Paulina; Wrona, Anna; Rocha, Cristina
A Longitudinal Study of Educational Trajectories of Youth at Risk of Early School Leaving.
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra
Conference poster
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A 'TYPICAL' STUDENT: A narrative approach to the experience of migrant students in Portugal
Nada, C. I. ; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Intenções políticas na educação: possibilidades de cidadania nacional e europeia em Portugal
Sara Filipa Pinheiro; Eunice Macedo; Helena Costa Araújo
Journal article
Networking in education: From concept to action – An analytical view on the Educational Territories of Priority Intervention (TEIP) in Northern Portugal
Silva, M.; da Silva, S.M.; Araújo, H.C.
Journal article
The multicultural experience of international students in Portugal: a narrative approach
Nada, C.I.; Araújo, H.C.
Book chapter
The fears of sexual promiscuity and the construction os primary teaching as women’s work in Portugal (1870-1933)
Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Networking in education: From concept to action – An analytical view on the Educational Territories of Priority Intervention (TEIP) in Northern Portugal
Silva, Marisa; Silva, Sofia Marques; Araújo, Helena C.
A Longitudinal Study of Educational Trajectories of Youth at Risk of Early School Leaving;
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra
Policy Brief for National and Regional Level Policy Makers
Santos, Sofia Almeida; Araújo, Helena C.; Nada, Cosmin; Macedo, Eunice; Doroftei, Alexandra
A Longitudinal Study of Educational Trajectories of Youth at Risk of Early School Leaving.
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra
Attitudes of school personnel to Early School Leaving.
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra
School-based Prevention and Intervention Measures and Alternative Learning Approaches to Reduce Early School Leaving
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra
Evaluation of Extra-muros Measures for Reducing Early School Leaving - Portugal
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra
Can geographies of privilege and oppression combine?: Elite education in Northern Portugal
Macedo, E.; Araújo, H.C.
Book chapter
Can geographies of privilege and oppression combine?: Elite education in Northern Portugal.
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice
Book chapter
Prevenção do abandono escolar e promoção do sucesso escolar: Comentário
Araújo, Helena C.
Attitudes of school personnel to Early School Leaving;
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra
School-based Prevention and Intervention Measures and Alternative Learning Approaches to Reduce Early School Leaving;
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra
Evaluation of Extra-muros Measures for Reducing Early School Leaving ¿ Portugal.
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra
Attitudes of school personnel to Early School Leaving.
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra
School-based Prevention and Intervention Measures and Alternative Learning Approaches to Reduce Early School Leaving
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra
Evaluation of Extra-muros Measures for Reducing Early School Leaving - Portugal
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra
The evaluation of intra-muros interventions to reduce early school leaving - Portugal.
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Doroftei, Alexandra; Santos, Sofia Almeida
Journal article
The construction of early school leaving as a political concept under the lenses of sociology of education,La construcción del abandono temprano de la escuela como concepto político: Un análisis en la
Macedo, E.; Araújo, H.-C.; Magalhães, A.; Rocha, C.
Journal article
Women in the driving seat: Eastern European immigrant women's citizenship, participation and educational inclusion in Portugal
Araújo, H.C.; Tereshchenko, A.; Sousa, S.B.; Jenkins, C.
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Journal article
Early school leaving and beyond
Noel, Clycq; Timmerman, Christiane; Macedo, Eunice; Rocha, Cristina; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Early school leaving in Portugal: Policies and actors' interpretations
Magalhães, António M.; Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Rocha, Cristina
Journal article
Breaking the chains of social exclusion? The influence of affective inequality in education.
Teixeira, Elsa; Araújo, Helena C.
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
Journal article
Early school leaving and beyond
Noel, Clycq; Timmerman, Christiane; Macedo, Eunice; Rocha, Cristina; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Early school leaving in Portugal: Policies and actors' interpretations
Magalhães, António M.; Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Rocha, Cristina
The evaluation of intra-muros interventions to reduce early school leaving ¿ Portugal.
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Doroftei, Alexandra; Santos, Sofia Almeida
Other output
The apprenticeship system in Portugal, the UK and Germany: similarities and differences in work-based vocational training in the European context
Alexandra Alves Oliveira Doroftei; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo
The evaluation of intra-muros interventions to reduce early school leaving - Portugal.
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Doroftei, Alexandra; Santos, Sofia Almeida
Early School Leaving in the European Union: Data Availability and Reporting
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Doroftei, Alexandra
Theoretical and methodological framework on Early School Leaving
Araújo, Helena; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice; Doroftei, Alexandra
Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action]
Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena; Doroftei, Alexandra; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Journal article
Young Portuguese construction of educational citizenship: Commitments and conflicts in semi-disadvantaged secondary schools
Macedo, E.; Araújo, H.C.
Journal article
Configuração educativa em Portugal, em globalização e europeização: Que riscos para a democratização?
Eunice Macedo; Helena Costa Araújo
Book chapter
Student teachers' representations of citizenship: A comparative perspective
Ivinson, G.; Arnot, M.; Araújo, H.; Deliyanni, K.; Tomé, A.
Journal article
Parents’ associations and municipal education policies: Building networks,Associations de parents et politics d’ education municipal: les réseaux en construction,Associações de pais e política educativa municipal: Redes em construção,Asociaciones de padres e políticas educativas municipales: Redes en construcción
Silva, M.; Doroftei, A.O.; Macedo, E.; Costa, I.; Sousa, F.; Araújo, H.C.
Policies on Early School Leaving in Nine European Countries: A Comparative Analysis
Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António M.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice
Book chapter
Disseminating the european political common grammar in education: ESL as a EU concern
Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António M.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice
Book chapter
Education/social and measures regarding ESL in nine partner countries
Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António M.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice
Book chapter
Goals, drivers and rationales of youth policies with regard to ESL
Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António M.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice
Book chapter
Ser ‘sujeito inteiro’ em educação: Das possibilidades de cidadania educacional
Clough, Nick; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Development and Implementation of Policies Concerning ESL in the Partner Countries: a comparative analysis
Magalhães, António; Araújo, Helena C.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice
Country Report: Portugal - Equity Issues in Education. NESET
Magalhães, António; Araújo, Helena C.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice
Policies on Early School Leaving in Nine European Countries: A Comparative Analysis
Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António M.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice
Book chapter
Disseminating the european political common grammar in education: ESL as a EU concern
Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António M.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice
Book chapter
Education/social and measures regarding ESL in nine partner countries
Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António M.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice
Book chapter
Goals, drivers and rationales of youth policies with regard to ESL
Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António M.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice
Book chapter
Ser ¿sujeito inteiro¿ em educação: Das possibilidades de cidadania educacional
Clough, Nick; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Early School Leaving in the European Union: Data Availability and Reporting;
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Doroftei, Alexandra
Theoretical and methodological framework on Early School Leaving;
Araújo, Helena; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice; Doroftei, Alexandra
Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action]
Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena; Doroftei, Alexandra; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Policies on early school leaving in nine European countries: A comparative analysis
Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice
Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action]
Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena; Doroftei, Alexandra; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Book chapter
Disseminating the European political grammar in education: ESL as a EU concern
Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice
Early School Leaving in the European Union: Data Availability and Reporting;
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Doroftei, Alexandra
Theoretical and methodological framework on Early School Leaving;
Araújo, Helena; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice; Doroftei, Alexandra
Formulation of a Common Working Definition of ESL: International Contributions
Araújo, Helena; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Doroftei, Alexandra
Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Visions of the authoritarian past in citizenship education policies and practices in Spain and Portugal
Ferreira, P.D.; Caetano, A.; Rodrigues, M.; Lopes, C.C.; Pais, S.C.; Araújo, H.C.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Networks in Education: An Analysis of Selected Discourses
Sousa, S.B.; Doroftei, A.O.; Araújo, H.C.
Journal article
Perspectives of Portuguese municipal education officers on school disengagement
Costa, Isabel; Loureiro, Armando; Silva, Sofia M.; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
A ‘palavra’ aos jovens: A construção de masculinidades em contexto escolar
Carrito, Manuela; Araújo, Helena C.
Construção e cidadania europeia na escola: Guião de atividades
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro D.; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita R.
Construção e cidadania europeia na escola: Guião de atividades [Construction and European citizenship at school: Activity guide]
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita
Book chapter
Visions of the authoritarian past in citizenship education policies and practices in Spain and Portugal
Ferreira, Pedro D.; Caetano, Andreia; Rodrigues, M.; Lopes, Carina; Pais, Sofia; Araújo, Helena C.; Menezes, Isabel
Construção e cidadania europeia na escola: Guião de atividades
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro D.; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita R.
Formulation of a Common Working Definition of ESL: International Contributions;
Araújo, Helena; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Doroftei, Alexandra
Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Construção e cidadania europeia na escola: Guião de atividades [Construction and European citizenship at school: Activity guide]
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita
Construção e cidadania europeia na escola: Guião de atividades [Construction and European citizenship at school: Activity guide]
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita
Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos; et al
Formulation of a Common Working Definition of ESL: International Contributions;
Araújo, Helena; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Doroftei, Alexandra
Journal article
Sexualities, teenage pregnancy and educational life histories in Portugal: Experiencing sexual citizenship?
Fonseca, L.; Araújo, H.C.; Santos, S.A.
Journal article
Jovens em Portugal discutem educação e os rankings das escolas
Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Sex education and the views of young people on gender and sexuality in Portuguese schools
Araújo, Helena C.; Santos, Sofia; Fonseca, Laura
Conference paper
Citizenship education policies: the contemporary european masks of democracy
Caetano, Andreia; Rodrigues, Mariana; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena C.; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Análise multinível das condições estruturais da educação para a cidadania (EC) na europa: As políticas europeias de EC e as visões de organizações não-governamentais (ONG) no campo da EC
Caetano, Andreia; Rodrigues, Mariana; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena C.; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Comentários e reflexões
Neves, Tiago; Fonseca, Laura; Ferreira, Pedro D.; Araújo, Helena C.; Silva, Sofia Marques; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís
Book chapter
Análise das políticas de imigração: O papel das estruturas e oportunidades políticas na participação e integração dos imigrantes
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Silva, Sofia Marques; Araújo, Helena C.; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Comentários e reflexões
Neves, Tiago; Fonseca, Laura; Ferreira, Pedro D.; Araújo, Helena C.; Silva, Sofia Marques; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís
Journal article
Stories of belonging: Ukrainian immigrant children's experiences of Portugal
Araújo, Helena
Other output
Toward the Recognition of Their Educational Rights: Portugal
Helena C. Araújo; Cristina Rocha; Laura Fonseca
Percursos biográficos de jovens na escola e na comunidade: O abandono escolar revisitado
Araújo, Helena C.; Fonseca, Laura; Silva, Sofia Marques
Book chapter
Changing femininity, changing concepts of citizenship in public and private spheres
Madeleine Arnot; Araújo, Helena; Deliyanni, Kiki; Ivinson, Gabrielle
Teachers, gender and the discourses of citizenship
Araújo, H.; Deliyanni, K.; Ivinson, G.; Tomé, A.
Journal article
Teachers’ Perspectives in Portugal and Recent Institutional Contributions on Citizenship Education
Helena C. Araújo
Changing femininity, changing concepts of citizenship in public and private spheres
Araújo, H.; Deliyanni, K.; Ivinson, G.
Journal article
Jovens, percursos e transições em instituições e comunidades educativas: Uma revisitação na Grã-Bretanha e em Portugal
Araújo, Helena C.; Willis, Paul
Journal article
Em torno de autonomia e desafectação: Dois conceitos para entender percursos escolares de jovens raparigas e rapazes na escola?
Fonseca, Laura; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Interrogando masculinidades em contexto escolar: Mudança anunciada?
Silva, Sofia Marques; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Cidadania na sua polifonia: Debates nos estudos de educação feministas
Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Interrogando as masculinidades em contexto escolar: Mudança anunciada?
Silva, Sofia Marques; Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Interrogando masculinidades em contexto escolar: Mudança anunciada?
Silva, Sofia Marques; Araújo, Helena C.
Book chapter
‘The good citizen’: Cultural understandings of citizenship and gender amongst a new generation of teachers
Arnot, M.; Araújo, H.; Deliyanni-Kouimtzis, K.; Ivinson, G.; Tomé, A.
Journal article
Editorial de reconceptualização filosóficas e de teoria política: Perspectivas feministas
Araújo, Helena C.; Henriques, Fernanda; Nogueira, Conceição; Magalhães, Maria José; Fonseca, Laura
Journal article
Em busca da interculturalidade entre mulheres ciganas e padjas na educação
Araújo, Helena C.; Fonseca, Laura; Magalhães, M.ª José; Leite, Carlinda
Journal article
Há já lugar para algum mapeamento em torno de género e educação? Uma tentativa exploratória. Investigar em Educação
Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Cadernos de coeducação, comentados por vários autores/as
Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, M.ª José
Pioneiras na educação: As professoras primárias, percursos, experiências e subjectividades, 1870-1933 [Pioneers in education: Primary women teachers, contexts, pathways and experiences in Portugal, 1870-1933]
Araújo, Helena
Escola e aprendizagem para o trabalho num país da (semi)periferia Europeia [School and learning to labour in a European (semi)periphery country]. Lisboa: Instituto de Inovação Educacional.
Stoer, Stephen R; Araújo, Helena
Journal article
Changing femininity, changing concepts of citizenship in public and private spheres
Arnot, M.; Araújo, H.; Deliyanni, K.; Ivinson, G.
Journal article
Politica para a igualdade entre os sexos na educação em Portugal: Uma aparência de realidade
Araújo, Helena C.; Henriques, Fernanda
Des-Fiar as vidas: Perspectivas biográficas, mulheres e cidadania. Cadernos Co-Educação
Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, M.ª José
Les récits de vie: Les perspectives biographiques, les femmes et la citoyenneté
Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, M.ª José
Raccontate le vite: Prospettive biografiche, insegnanti e cittadinanza
Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, M.ª José
Journal article
Teachers, Gender and the Discourses of Citizenship
Madeleine Arnot; Helena Araujo; Kiki Deliyanni-Kouimtzi; Gabrielle Rowe; Amparo Tome
Journal article
Precocidade e retórica na construção da escola de massas em Portugal
Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
Da história de uma profissão em mutação: As professoras primárias na viragem do século
Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
As professoras primárias e as suas histórias de vida: Das origens aos primeiros anos de vida profissional
Araújo, Helena C.
Journal article
The Emergence of a ‘New Orthodoxy’: public debates on women's capacities and education in Portugal, 1880-1910
Helena C. Araújo
Journal article
As professoras primárias na viragem do século: Uma contribuição para a história da sua emergência no Estado (1870-1910)
Araújo, Helena C.