Integrated Members
Associate professor
Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
+ 351 226 061 893 (ext 330)
Pedro D. Ferreira is an Associate Professor at the University of Porto and a Center for Educational Research and Intervention (CIIE) member. He obtained his PhD in Psychology from the same University in 2007. He has been teaching and researching at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences since 2009. Although he has primarily dealt with issues of civic and political participation of young people and adults and their implications for political education and political development, he has more recently broadened his interest and focus, researching the ways in which digital contexts and technologies are relevant to the construction and practices of citizenship of diverse audiences, including children, young people, adults, and older adults.
He has participated in several nationally and internationally funded research projects, including PIDOP - Processes Influencing Democratic Ownership and Participation (2009-2012, FP7), CATCH-EyoU - Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth (2015-2018, H2020), the Study on Political Participation of Young People in Portugal (2020-2021, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation), the Study on Post-Secondary and Higher Education in Cybersecurity in Portugal (2021-2022, National Cybersecurity Center, CNCS), the Mid-Term Evaluation of the Results of the Active Citizens Program (2022, Bissaya Barreto Foundation and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation), and the Evaluación de Impacto de un dispositivo de Educación Ciudadana Sobre Gestión de la Diversidad en Organizaciones Sociales y Empresas Iberoamericanas (2021-2023, Organização de Estados Ibero-Americanos, OEI) in the last three of which he held coordinating positions. His coordination experience extends to the projects JoSeES - Serious Games in Higher Education: Impacts, Experiences and Potential (2016-2019, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT) and the international project DISK - Digital Immigrants Survival Kit (2019-2022, Erasmus+ program). These completed projects show how the intersections between digital technologies and social and educational issues have been affirmed in his career and how he has furthered his national and international recognition.
He is currently coordinating the project SCIREARLY - Policies and Practices Based on Scientific Research for Reducing Underachievement and Early School Leaving in Europe (2022-2025, Horizon Europe), a project focused on early school leaving and school success in basic skills, including digital skills, and wellbeing. He is a member of the Ethics Committee of the University of Porto, a member of the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences (SPCE), a member of Trama Diveroamericana, a network focused on promoting and researching diversity, and the Deputy Secretary General of the Ibero-Latin American Association of Political Psychology (AILPP).
2007 – PhD in Psychology – Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
1999 – Degree in Psychology – Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
Experiences of social and political participation; well-being and human development; mobilization, empowerment and social and political participation; education for emancipatory citizenship; the new media, online participation.
Research consultancy in Portugal Study on the effects of gender transformative education on adolescents
Cante pela sua Saúde II
SCIREARLY - Policies and Practices Based on Scientific Research for Reducing Underachievement and Early School Leaving in Europe
Estudo de Avaliação Intercalar de Resultados do Programa Cidadãos Ativos (EEA Grants)
Healthy Waters - Identification, Elimination, Social Awareness and Education of Water Chemical and Biological Micropollutants with Health and Environmental Implications
Evaluación de Impacto de un dispositivo de Educación Ciudadana Sobre Gestión de la Diversidad en Organizaciones Sociales y Empresas Iberoamericanas
CREAT_ED_ A Historicização da Criança Criativa na Educação
Estudantes de países terceiros em Portugal: desafios da integração numa era (pós)pandémica
Cante pela sua Saúde - Sing4Health Porto
[Local team leader] Evaluación de Impacto de un dispositivo de Educación Ciudadana Sobre Gestión de la Diversidad en Organizaciones Sociales y Empresas Iberoamericanas
Research consultancy in Portugal Study on the effects of gender transformative education on adolescents
Cante pela sua Saúde II
SCIREARLY - Policies and Practices Based on Scientific Research for Reducing Underachievement and Early School Leaving in Europe
Estudo de Avaliação Intercalar de Resultados do Programa Cidadãos Ativos (EEA Grants)
Healthy Waters - Identification, Elimination, Social Awareness and Education of Water Chemical and Biological Micropollutants with Health and Environmental Implications
Evaluación de Impacto de un dispositivo de Educación Ciudadana Sobre Gestión de la Diversidad en Organizaciones Sociales y Empresas Iberoamericanas
CREAT_ED_ A Historicização da Criança Criativa na Educação
Estudantes de países terceiros em Portugal: desafios da integração numa era (pós)pandémica
Cante pela sua Saúde - Sing4Health Porto
[Local team leader] Evaluación de Impacto de un dispositivo de Educación Ciudadana Sobre Gestión de la Diversidad en Organizaciones Sociales y Empresas Iberoamericanas
Estudo sobre o Ensino Superior e o Ensino Profissional de Cibersegurança em Portugal, no âmbito do Observatório de Cibersegurança
DISK - Digital Immigrants Survival Kit
Estudo sobre a Participação Política dos Jovens em Portugal [Study on Youth Political Engagement in Portugal]
SOLVINC - Solving Intercultural Conflicts with International Students
STALWARTS - Sustaining Teachers and Learners With the Arts: Relational Health in European Schools
YOUNG ADULLLT - Policies Supporting Young People in their Life Course: A Comparative Perspective of Lifelong Learning and Inclusion in Education and Work in Europe [Horizon 2020, European Commission]
Most European Lifelong Learning (LLL) policies have been designed to create economic growth and, at the same time, guarantee social inclusion (EC 2010). First, we will study how different LLL policies are compatible with each other in terms of their orientations and objectives and how each policy considers the needs of ‘young adults’. Second, we will research the intended and unintended effects of policies on young adults. In this regard, we will look into relevant social developments such as life course de-standardisation processes and into an emerging new political economy of skills. Third, we will generate new knowledge about regional and local policymaking, with particular attention to actors, dynamics, and trends. By focusing on their regional/local context, we will elucidate the interaction and complementarity of LLL policies with other sectors of society, thus contributing to a better understanding of current fragmentation and discrepancies, in order to set parameters for future decision-making support systems.
The project will first contribute new knowledge of the impact of LLL policies on young adults’ life courses, yielding insights on the conditions, strategies, and necessities for policies to become effective. In addition, it will provide insights on the innovations and potentials they unlock, in particular with view to informal and non-formal learning to better address vulnerable groups. Second, the project contributes to a better understanding of the structural relationships and functional match between education/training and the labour market sectors. Third, the project will provide a thorough review of regional policies and initiatives in the countries studied, laying bare distinct dynamics and trends, but also mismatches and redundancies. In particular, the project aims at identifying successful programmes in terms of sustainable solutions in integrating labour market with, social inclusion as well as their transferability to other contexts.
JoSeEs - Serious Games in Higher Education: Impacts, Experiences and Potential
CATCH-EyoU - Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions [Horizon 2020, European Commission]
The proposal will investigate young people’s views of the EU and of their role in building the EU through their participatory practices at EU, national, regional and local levels. These issues will be examined from an interdisciplinary perspective (Political Sciences, Sociology, History, Media and Communications, Education, Psychology) as building blocks for a new and groundbreaking conceptualization and theoretical model of youth active citizenship in the EU, including “psychological” citizenship and practices of social and political engagement.
To achieve this aim, the proposal will adopt an innovative approach combining traditional theoretical hypothesis testing with empirical-phenomenological analysis and allowing to integrate the perspectives of young people, as co-producers of knowledge, with those of researchers and other stakeholders. A wide range of research methods will be used including documentary and media analysis, interviews and focus groups, a cross-national longitudinal study, ethnographic case studies of participatory practices and a socially innovative intervention. These quantitative and qualitative methods will allow to develop a new, robust and cutting-edge conceptualization of youth active citizenship in the EU and new evidence-based multilevel integrated theoretical model.
This approach will offer a multifaceted understanding of the different factors influencing the perspectives of “native EU citizens” and the ways in which they engage in society, leading to groundbreaking changes in the ways in which youth engagement, participation and active citizenship are understood. Moreover, the project will provide policy makers with a set of evidence-based ideas, recommendations and instruments to integrate young people’s perspectives into various areas of policy-making. The findings of the project will thus fully cover the challenges, scope and impact of bringing the EU closer to its young citizens and boosting their participation.
LINK - Learning in a New Key: Engaging Vulnerable Young People in School Education
SIMETRIA - Promoção da Igualdade Nutricional e Social. Financiamento Iniciativas em Saúde Pública [SYMMETRY – Nutritional and Social Equity Promotion ]
Construindo Pilares do Projecto Europeu com Educação, Cultura e Cidadania (CoPPEECC)
CIDEU - Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola
Participatory citizenship education in transitional societies
PIDOP - Processes Influencing Democratic Ownership and Participation [FP7, European Commission]
This project will examine the processes which influence democratic ownership and participation in eight European states. It will draw on the disciplines of Politics, Sociology, Social Policy, Psychology and Education to examine macro-level contextual factors (including historical, political, electoral, economic and policy factors), proximal social factors (including familial, educational and media factors) and psychological factors (including motivational, cognitive, attitudinal and identity factors) which facilitate and/or inhibit civic and political engagement and participation.
The research will be ground-breaking in incorporating the psychology of the individual citizen within its scope, and it will be distinctive in addressing the psychological processes through which political, societal and social factors have their effects upon citizens’ civic and political engagement and participation.
Young people, women, minorities and migrants will be examined as four specific groups at risk of political disengagement. The research will focus on the differences, as well as the overlap, between civic and political engagement, and on both direct and representative participation.
An innovative multi-level process model of civic and political engagement and participation will be constructed, which will explain how and why different forms and interpretations of democratic ownership and participation develop or are hampered amongst citizens living in different European countries and contexts, with particular attention being paid to the relevant phenomena at regional, national and EU levels.
Appropriate stakeholders at regional, national and EU levels will be involved in all stages of the work, to ensure that the research addresses issues of direct concern to these stakeholders, and to ensure that the policy implications and recommendations which emerge from the research meet the needs of these stakeholders and are disseminated appropriately to them.
Conceções e práticas de cidadania: O papel do desenvolvimento psicológico, das experiências de vida e da discriminação social
Conference abstract
Pode a educação atenuar o crescimento do populismo?: reflexões a partir da análise do eleitorado juvenil do Chega e da atividade política online da sua juventude partidária
Soares, Ricardo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla
Book chapter
Populismo, emoções e política: o papel das caraterísticas socioeconómicas, da confiança na classe política e da satisfação com a democracia
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Which dimensions are related to populist attitudes? An educational view on a systematic literature review
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Young people and social media: opportunities and risks for democracy
Soares, Ricardo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla
Conference abstract
Who are the populist young adults? An analysis of the predictors of populist attitudes
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
Redes sociais e populismo: das dimensões individuais à observação de ações políticas online
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Pode a educação atenuar o crescimento do populismo e da extrema-direita? O papel da escolaridade e das experiências educacionais na construção da democracia
Soares, Ricardo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla
Journal article
Game Jams: novos lugares educativos? [Game Jams: new educational places?]
Saldanha, Lucinda; Silva, Sofia Marques; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
Populist Profiles of Portuguese Young Adults: Differences in Emotional, Media and Political Dimensions
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Populismo, emoções e política: o papel das caraterísticas socioeconómicas, da confiança na classe política e da satisfação com a democracia
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
Who are the populist young adults? An analysis of the predictors of populist attitudes
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
Redes sociais e populismo: das dimensões individuais à observação de ações políticas online
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Young people and social media: opportunities and risks for democracy
Soares, Ricardo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla
Journal article
Which dimensions are related to populist attitudes? An educational view on a systematic literature review
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Pode a educação atenuar o crescimento do populismo e da extrema-direita? O papel da escolaridade e das experiências educacionais na construção da democracia
Soares, Ricardo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla
Conference abstract
Pode a educação atenuar o crescimento do populismo?: reflexões a partir da análise do eleitorado juvenil do Chega e da atividade política online da sua juventude partidária
Soares, Ricardo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla
Journal article
Game Jams: novos lugares educativos? [Game Jams: new educational places?]
Saldanha, Lucinda; Silva, Sofia Marques; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
¿Presencial, online o híbrida?: Percepciones y preferencias por parte de docentes y estudiantes de educación superior [Face-to-face, online or hybrid?: Perceptions and preferences by higher education teachers and students]
Pattier, Daniel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
“Community” in Video Game Communities
Saldanha, Lucinda; da Silva, Sofia Marques; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
O estudo do populismo ao nível dos indivíduos: o contributo dos resultados de uma revisão sistemática da literatura
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
As atitudes populistas e pluralistas de jovens-adultos/as: quais as relações com dimensões ligadas à política e às emoções?
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
Populist Profiles of Portuguese Young Adults: Differences in Emotional, Media and Political Dimensions
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
‘Could this really be a place for me?’ Women’s experiences in game jams and video game communities
Saldanha, Lucinda; Marques da Silva, Sofia; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
From Real to Digital Life: The Relationship between Students’ Perceptions of School Climate Openness, Self-efficacy, and Prosocial Gaming Behaviors
Rodrigues, Mariana; Dinis, Fábio M.; Santos, Hugo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Interview with Michael Apple
Pedro, Ana; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Education for Citizenship and democratic participation: im/possibilities of articulation between Civil Society Organizations and Schools
Isabel Teixeira, Ana; Fonseca, Mariana; Cruz, Moisés; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Estudo sobre o Ensino Pós-Secundário e o Ensino Superior de Cibersegurança em Portugal
Veiga, Amélia; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Sampaio, Marta ; Amorim, José Pedro; Moisés, João Cruz; Fonseca, Mariana
Book chapter
Perspetivas de jovens estudantes: A escola como contexto de educação para a cidadania e empoderamento político [Perspetives of young students: School as a context of citizenship education and political empowerment]
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Relatório intercalar: Avaliação intercalar do programa Cidadãos Ativos [ Interim report: Interim evaluation of the Active Citizens programme]
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel; Teixeira, Ana Isabel; Rodrigues, Mariana; Sampaio, Marta; Ribeiro, Norberto; Cruz, João Moisés; Fonseca, Mariana
Edited book
Reinventar a cidadania europeia dos jovens: As escolas como espaços de educação política [Reinventing the European citizenship of young people: Schools as spaces of political education]
Menezes, Isabel; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
El vídeo como recurso educativo en educación superior durante la pandemia de la COVID-19 [Video as an educational resource in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic]
Pattier, Daniel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
A Participação Política da Juventude em Portugal: Formas emergentes de participação: Etnografia online com coletivos ativistas
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Pedro; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
O fenómeno do populismo a nível individual: influências e relações a partir de uma revisão sistemática da literatura
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference poster
Dimensões do populismo ao nível dos indivíduos: o que nos diz a literatura
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Torres, Ana Cristina; Monteiro, Angélica; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Zimenkova, Tatiana
Estudo sobre o Ensino Pós-Secundário e o Ensino Superior de Cibersegurança em Portugal [Study on Post-Secondary and Higher Education in Cybersecurity in Portugal]
Veiga, Amélia; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Sampaio, Marta; Amorim, José Pedro; Moisés, João Cruz; Fonseca, Mariana
Book chapter
Métodos mistos: da problematização ao que-fazer na investigação em ciências sociais e da educação
Menezes, Isabel; Pais, Sofia Castanheira; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
A Participação Política da Juventude em Portugal: Relatório Síntese
Costa, Patrício; Magalhães, Pedro C.; Menezes, Isabel; Patrícia Silva; Costa, Edna; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
A Participação Política da Juventude em Portugal Formas emergentes de participação: Etnografia online com coletivos ativistas
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Estudo sobre o Ensino Pós-Secundário e o Ensino Superior em Portugal
Sampaio, Marta ; Amorim, José Pedro; Cruz, Moisés; Fonseca, Mariana; Veiga, Amélia; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
A Participação Política da Juventude em Portugal: Relatório Síntese
Costa, Patrício; Magalhães, Pedro C.; Menezes, Isabel; Patrícia Silva; Costa, Edna; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Análise de manuais escolares: cidadania ativa e discursos sobre a Europa [Textbook analysis: active citizenship and discourses about Europe].
Ribeiro, Norberto; Piedade, Filipe; Correia, Luís; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Perspetivas de jovens estudantes: a escola como contexto de educação para a cidadania e empoderamento político [Young students¿ perspectives: school as an educational context for citizenship and political empowerment].
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Relatório intercalar: Avaliação intercalar do programa Cidadãos Ativos [ Interim report: Interim evaluation of the Active Citizens programme]
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel; Teixeira, Ana Isabel; Rodrigues, Mariana; Sampaio, Marta; Ribeiro, Norberto; Cruz, João Moisés; Fonseca, Mariana
Conference poster
Can environmental education influence the political efficacy of young people? A study within the Norte 2020 project 'Healthy Waters'
PRADA DA SILVA, DIOGO F. ; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Silva, Sofia Marques; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Reinventar a cidadania europeia de jovens: As escolas como espaços de educação política [Reinventing young people¿s European citizenship: schools as spaces for political education].
Menezes, Isabel; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Análise de manuais escolares: cidadania ativa e discursos sobre a Europa [Textbook analysis: active citizenship and discourses about Europe].
Ribeiro, Norberto; Piedade, Filipe; Correia, Luís; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Perspetivas de jovens estudantes: a escola como contexto de educação para a cidadania e empoderamento político [Young students¿ perspectives: school as an educational context for citizenship and political empowerment].
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Reinventar a cidadania europeia de jovens: As escolas como espaços de educação política [Reinventing young people¿s European citizenship: schools as spaces for political education].
Menezes, Isabel; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference poster
Can environmental education influence the political efficacy of young people? A study within the Norte 2020 project 'Healthy Waters'
PRADA DA SILVA, DIOGO F. ; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Silva, Sofia Marques; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Teachers in times of emergency remote teaching: A focus on teaching and relationships
Torres, Ana Cristina; Teixeira, Ana Isabel; Pais, Sofia; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Experiências e perceções de Docentes da Educação Pré-Escolar e do Ensino Básico e Secundário sobre o ensino a distância durante os períodos de suspensão das aulas presenciais da primeira (2020) e da terceira (2021) vaga da pandemia COVID-19 em Portugal. Relatório de dados do estudo “Educação em tempos de exceção”
Torres, Ana Cristina; Ana Moura; Ana Isabel Teixeira; Sofia Castanheira Pais; Carolina Gomes; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
O uso de videojogos no ensino superior em Portugal: uma revisão da literatura
Pinto, Marta; Saldanha, Lucinda; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Assessment of active citizenship: Defining the conceptual framework
Enchikova, Ekaterina; Neves, Tiago; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Active citizenship: Participatory patterns of European youth
Enchikova, Ekaterina; Neves, Tiago; Mai Beilman; Shakuntala Banaji; Vassilis Pavpoulos; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
COVID-19 e os impactos na integração de estudantes imigrantes e/ou racializados de instituições de ensino superior portuguesas [COVID-19 and the impacts in the integration of migrant and/or racialized students from Portuguese higher education institutions]
Journal article
Editorial: The Civic and Political Participation of Young People: Current Changes and Educational Consequences
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Democratic Citizenship-in-the-Making: Dis/Engagement Profiles of Portuguese Youth
Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Videojuegos y socialización política: evaluación del potencial de los videojuegos para promover aprendizajes sociopolíticos
Marengo, Leonardo; Imhoff, Débora; Godoy, Juan Carlos; Cena, Matías; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Perfis de envolvimento cívico e político juvenil nas redes sociais: explorando atitudes e comportamentos
Soares, Ricardo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla
Journal article
Teachers in times of emergency remote teaching: A focus on teaching and relationships [Professores em tempos de ensino remoto de emergência: Um foco no ensino e nas relações]
Torres, Ana Cristina; Teixeira, Ana Isabel; Pais, Sofia Castanheira; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal issue
The civic and political participation of young people: current changes and educational consequences [special issue]
Journal article
Karen Muniz Feriguetti; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Perfis de envolvimento cívico e político juvenil nas redes sociais: explorando atitudes e comportamentos
Soares, Ricardo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla
Conference abstract
@s nativ@s digitais e as redes sociais online: dos comportamentos cívicos e políticos às potencialidades e riscos para a democracia
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Educação Política: Videojogos como contextos e experiências políticas
Saldanha, Lucinda; Silva, Sofia Marques; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Teachers in times of emergency remote teaching: A focus on teaching and relationships
Torres, Ana Cristina; Teixeira, Ana Isabel; Pais, Sofia; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Experiências e perceções de Docentes da Educação Pré-Escolar e do Ensino Básico e Secundário sobre o ensino a distância durante os períodos de suspensão das aulas presenciais da primeira (2020) e da terceira (2021) vaga da pandemia COVID-19 em Portugal. Relatório de dados do estudo ¿Educação em tempos de exceção¿
Torres, Ana Cristina; Ana Moura; Ana Isabel Teixeira; Sofia Castanheira Pais; Carolina Gomes; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference poster
Literacias digitais e mediáticas: (auto)perceções juvenis, influências e relações [Digital and media literacies: youth (self)perceptions, influences and relationships]
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
MICAR: Mostra internacional de cinema anti-racista e as potencialidades das atividades culturais no combate anti-racista
Book chapter
Cross-border mobility, European identity and participation among European adolescents and young adults
Conference abstract
Pela nuvem d@s nativ@s digitais: uma navegação pelos usos e efeitos cívicos e políticos de práticas juvenis em redes sociais online
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference poster
Literacias digitais e mediáticas: (auto)perceções juvenis, influências e relações
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
Through Internetricad@s' cloud: navigating through the uses and effects of youth practices in digital social networks
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference abstract
Literacias digitais e mediáticas: (auto)perceções juvenis, influências e relações
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Civic and Political Participation of European Youth: Fair Measurement in Different Cultural and Social Contexts
Enchikova, Ekaterina; Neves, Tiago; Mejias, Sam; Kalmus, Veronika; Cicognani, Elvira; Ferreira, Pedro D.. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro D.
Journal article
O escutismo na construção das cidadanias juvenis: Concepções de política de jovens escuteiros e escuteiras [Scouting in the construction of youth citizenships: Conceptions of politics of young scouts
Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Saldanha, L.; Pinto, M.; Malafaia, C.; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
"Videojogos do Oprimido": Contributos para o desenvolvimento de um framework freiriano
Hugo Santos; Saldanha, Lucinda; Marta Pinto; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Schools as democracy labs
Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla
Book chapter
Case study: Unmanned
Saldanha, Lucinda; Pinto, Marta; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Unmanned: dimensão cívica e política de um videojogo
Saldanha, Lucinda; Pinto, Marta; Ferreira, Pedro D.. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro D.
Journal article
Psychological correlates of perceived ethnic discrimination in Europe: A meta-analysis
Freitas, Daniela; Fernandes-Jesus, M.; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Coimbra, Susana; Teixeira, P.M.; de Moura, A.; Gato, Jorge; Marques, S.C.; Fontaine, Anne Marie
Journal article
Effects of socialization on scout youth participation behaviors
Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Validating the formative nature of psychological empowerment construct: Testing cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and relational empowerment components
Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Cross-border mobility, European identity and participation among European adolescents and young adults
Mazzoni, D.; Albanesi, C.; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Opermann, S.; Pavlopoulos, V.; Cicognani, E.
Journal article
Efeitos longitudinais da socialização política nos comportamentos de participação de jovens
Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro D.
Book chapter
Case study: Unmanned
Saldanha, Lucinda; Pinto, Marta; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Efeitos longitudinais da socialização política nos comportamentos de participação de jovens
Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro D.. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro D.
Understanding the role of school education on promoting active citizenship. Blue Paper ‘School Civic Education’ (D6.4)
Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
School National Reports. WP6 final report (D6.2)
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
School National Reports. WP6 Final Report (D6.2)
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
National Technical Report, WP7, Wave 2: University of Porto.
Malafaia, Carla; Enchikova, Ekaterina; Ribeiro, Norberto (061-8D24-707F); Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Effects of socialization on youth participation behaviors
Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
School National Reports - Catch-EyoU WP6 Final Report
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Theater and Psychological Development: Assessing Socio-Cognitive Complexity in the Domain of Theater
Silva, José Eduardo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
O acolhimento dos refugiados no contexto português: Educação como dimensão da integração.
Souza, Glasielle; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
National Technical Report, WP7, Wave 1: University of Porto
Malafaia, Carla; Enchikova, Ekaterina; Ribeiro, Norberto (061-8D24-707F); Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Editorial: Digital tools and social science education
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Bombardelli, Olga
Book chapter
A consultoria colaborativa no projeto simetria
Pais, Sofia C.; Pereira, Joana; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Construindo cidadania europeia: Impactos de uma intervenção com jovens em escolas portuguesas
Caetano, Andreia; Pinheiro, Sara; Sousa, Rita; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Democracia, participação social e controle social de políticas públicas no Brasil: A experiência dos fóruns da educação de jovens e adultos do Brasil [Democracy, social participation and social control of public policy in Brazil: The experience of forums for the education of young people and adults of Brazil].
Burgos, Mirian Patricia; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Edited book
A Redução das Assimetrias Sociais no Acesso à Alimentação e à Saúde: Políticas e Práticas [[Reducing social asymmetries in access to food and health: Policies and practices]]
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Pais, Sofia
Journal article
Constructing European citizenship: Impacts from an intervention with youth in Portuguese schools [Construindo Cidadania Europeia: Impactos de uma intervenção com jovens em escolas portuguesas]
Caetano, Andreia; Pinheiro, Sara; Sousa, Rita Ramos de; Doroftei, Alexandra; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Constructing European citizenship: Impacts from an intervention with youth in Portuguese schools [Construindo Cidadania Europeia: Impactos de uma intervenção com jovens em escolas portuguesas]
Caetano, Andreia; Pinheiro, Sara; Sousa, Rita Ramos de; Doroftei, Alexandra; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Constraints and opportunities for civic and political participation: perceptions of young people from immigrant and non-immigrant background in Portugal
Ribeiro, Norberto (061-8D24-707F); Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
The ‘Europeanization’ of gender policies in Portugal: Transformations in women’s access to civil, political and social rights
Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The organisational and educational contexts of the Portuguese Catholic Scout Association: their impact on youth participation
Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action]
Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena; Doroftei, Alexandra; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Journal article
Cidadania participatória no cotidiano escolar: a vez e a voz das crianças e dos jovens
Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Edited book
Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação (Comissão Europeia) [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action (European Commission)]
Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Edited book
Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação (Comissão Europeia) [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action (European Commission)]
Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action]
Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena; Doroftei, Alexandra; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Building the Pillars of the European Project with Young People in Schools: Information, Reflection and Action Guide [Construindo Pilares do Projeto Europeu com Jovens nas Escolas: Guião de Informação, Reflexão e Ação]
Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena Costa; Doroftei, Alexandra Oliveira; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos de
Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action]
Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena; Doroftei, Alexandra; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Book chapter
Visions of the authoritarian past in citizenship education policies and practices in Spain and Portugal
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Caetano, Andreia; Rodrigues, Mariana; Lopes, C.C.; Pais, Sofia; Araújo, Helena C.; Menezes, Isabel
Construção e cidadania europeia na escola: Guião de atividades [Construction and European citizenship at school: Activity guide]
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita
Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Construção e cidadania europeia na escola: Guião de atividades [Construction and European citizenship at school: Activity guide]
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita
Construção e cidadania europeia na escola: Guião de atividades [Construction and European citizenship at school: Activity guide]
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita
Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos; et al
Conference paper
Citizenship education policies: the contemporary european masks of democracy
Caetano, Andreia; Rodrigues, Mariana; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena C.; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Education and Citizenship: Redemption or Disempowerment? A Study of Portuguese-Speaking Migrant (and Non-Migrant) Youth in Portugal
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Neves, Tiago; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The developmental quality of participation experiences: Beyond the rhetoric that " participation is always good!"
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Azevedo, Cristina; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The many faces of hermes: The quality of participation experiences and political attitudes of migrant and non-migrant youth
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Cicognani, Elvira; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
“Diversity within diversity” - exploring connections between community, participation and citizenship
Ferreira, Pedro D.; Coimbra, Joaquim L.; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Diversidade e participação cívica e política
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Psicologia Política em Portugal: A importância de cruzar fronteiras
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Análise multinível das condições estruturais da educação para a cidadania (EC) na europa: As políticas europeias de EC e as visões de organizações não-governamentais (ONG) no campo da EC
Caetano, Andreia; Rodrigues, Mariana; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena C.; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
A participação política e as possibilidades de integração emancipatória de jovens imigrantes
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Uma visão europeia, ibérica e nacional das políticas e práticas de educação para a cidadania em contexto escolar
Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Pais, Sofia
Book chapter
Visões do passado, presente e futuro da democracia: Perfil dos direitos de cidadania e oportunidades de participação na escola e na comunidade por alunos de escolas públicas do ensino básico e secundário
Ribeiro, Ana Bela; Caetano, Andreia; Rodrigues, Mariana; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Passado totalitário e educação para a cidadania: Uma análise comparativa entre Portugal e Espanha
Rodrigues, Mariana; Caetano, Andreia; Pais, Sofia; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Edited book
Agência e participação cívica e política: Jovens e imigrantes na construção da democracia [Agency and civic and political participation: Youth and immigrants in building democracy]
Menezes, Isabel; Ribeiro, Norberto; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Uma visão europeia, ibérica e nacional das políticas e práticas da educação para a cidadania em contexto escolar
Isabel Menezes; Pedro Ferreira; Sofia Pais; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Pais, Sofia
Agência e participação cívica e política: Jovens e imigrantes na construção da democracia [Agency and civic and political participation: Youngsters and immigrants in the construction of democracy]
Menezes, Isabel; Ribeiro, Norberto; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel; Ribeiro, Norberto; et al
Book chapter
Agência e participação cívica e política de jovens [Youngsters¿ agency and civic and political participation]
Menezes, Isabel; Ribeiro, Norberto; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Unpolite Citizenship: The Non-Place of Conflict in Political Education
Monteiro, Hugo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Da participação à integração? Estruturas e oportunidades, discriminação e género no contexto da participação cívica e política de jovens imigrantes brasileiros/as
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Cicognani, Elvira; Menezes, Isabel
Book review
Book review: Biesta, G. (2011). Learning democracy in school and society: Education, Lifelong Learning and the Politics of Citizenship
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Thesis / Dissertation
Concepções de cidadania e experiências de participação na sociedade civil: Uma perspectiva do desenvolvimento psicológico {Conceptions of citizenship and experiences of participation in civil society: A perspective of psychological development]
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
The relevance of the quality of life-experiences for citizenship development: An inter-domain developmental study
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Recognizing the relevance of affect for citizenship education
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Conference paper
Theoretical and emergence citizenship conceptions and its relation with the cognitive complexity and political participation experiences
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Conference paper
The political development of adolescents: the impact of family background, opportunities for participation in and out of school, and the implications for citizenship education projects
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Trigo, Luísa Ribeiro; Menezes, Isabel
Conference paper
Civic and political relevant transgressions in video games: the views and experiences of the players
Santos, Hugo; Saldanha, Lucinda; Pinto, Marta; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference paper
Citizenship education: a comparison between Portugal, England and Slovenia
Rodrigues, Mariana; Caetano, Andreia; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Pais, Sofia; Menezes, Isabel