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Bolseiros/as de Doutoramento

Bolseiro(a) de doutoramento

CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal



Doctoral research grant (2021.05959.BD) from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Member of the Center for Educational Research and Intervention (CIIE) of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP). She holds a master's degree in Education Sciences from FPCEUP (Portugal, 2019) and a degree in Public Administration from the State University of Alagoas - UNEAL (Brazil, 2013), whose diploma recognition and foreign degree conversion were carried out by the University of Minho and registered with the Directorate-General for Higher Education DGES under no. 220200065691 (Portugal, 2020). She has professional experience as an administrative technician at the Federal University of Alagoas (Brazil) working in the Student Pro-Rectory. She volunteered to support students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) at the Inclusion Support Center (NAI) at the University of Porto from 2018 to 2019. She was a member of FPCEUP's Mentoring Program and worked on the development of activities to welcome and accompany students from FPCEUP's Psychology and Education Sciences courses, providing support in the most diverse personal and academic needs, from admission to permanence and success, and in overcoming the challenges of being a student in higher education from 2019 to 2020. He is a collaborating member of the Curriculum, Assessment, Training and Educational Technologies (CAFTe) research community at FPCEUP's CIIE and develops research in the field of Education Sciences, specifically on the relationship between institutional theories and practices for an inclusive, democratic and socially just education. She has participated in scientific meetings, presenting papers and moderating sessions. She has contributed to the organization and logistics of international seminars and university cultural events for the University of Porto - Centre for Educational Research and Intervention (Portugal).

2019 – Mestrado em Ciências da Educação – Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2013 – Licenciatura em Administração Pública – Universidade Estadual de Alagoas, Brasil

Políticas educativas; Educação inclusiva e justiça social; Teorias e práticas institucionais para uma educação inclusiva; Práticas curriculares

Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo - EDULOG

Perfil académico e profissional de professores do ensino superior que asseguram a formação inicial de professores

Consiste em um projeto de investigação que pretende aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o perfil académico dos professores do ensino superior público que asseguram a formação inicial de professores em Portugal, tanto do ensino básico, como do ensino secundário. Nesse projeto, estou a desenvolver atividades de apoio, junto à equipa, na caracterização do perfil académico e profissional dos professores que, nas instituições de ensino superior, asseguram a formação inicial de professores. A tarefa de apoio consiste inicialmente em organizar e relacionar todos os dados dos currículos dos docentes do ensino superior público politécnico em Portugal fornecidos pela A3ES. A partir da organização desses dados, preenchidos em uma grelha detalhada, são realizadas breves análises e elaboração de sínteses dos dados relacionados para poder responder aos objetivos desse projeto financiado pelo EDULOG.

Gobierno de España

DEMOSpEJS La democracia en las escuelas como fundamento de una educación para la Justicia Social.

Any endeavor for Social Justice should be concurrently an effort of democratization (Fraser, 2008). Building an Education for Social Justice must, therefore, necessarily address democracy in schools and the teaching of democracy. Thus, this proposal is based on the persistent research, development, transfer and training on Education for Social Justice of the research group "Educational Change for Social Justice", whom, in this occasion, takes a further step focusing on democracy in schools. To this aim, it is strengthened by the Institute for Human Rights, Democracy and Culture of Peace (DEMOSPAZ) and the "Hermanadas por la Justicia Social" school network. It proposes an international study among 6 research teams from 3 Europeans and 3 Latin Americans countries. The current line of work harmonizes and reflects the latest international advances that request for greater democratization in school and in society. The three main objectives of this research are: To know the conceptions of democracy from the school community members and the praxis at school context. To understand the significances and political meanings that underlie the school democratic culture. To deepen the knowledge and development of democracy for an education in and for Social Justice based on an action-research process with a network of schools committed to Social Justice To achieve these three complementary studies are proposed: Phenomenographic study. The participants will be 270 teachers, 60 principals and 270 students from 6 countries and of different educational level, context and school ownership. Ethnographic study complemented with Social Network Analysis (SNA). At least 9 schools will be studied in 6 countries, involving principals, teachers, students, administration, staff and families in order to understand the senses and political meanings of the school community in relation to democracy. Action-Research will be held with a 7 school network that is characterized by working for Education for Social Justice. It seeks to transform and generate knowledge about education in and from democracy through a Project Based Learning (PBL) approach. The research has been designed to optimize its impact and internationalization. In this way, above collaborating with DEMOSPAZ and with the Hermanadas school network we stress the participation of 6 teams from six countries, and RILME network.

Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo - EDULOG

Perfil académico e profissional de professores do ensino superior que asseguram a formação inicial de professores

Consiste em um projeto de investigação que pretende aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o perfil académico dos professores do ensino superior público que asseguram a formação inicial de professores em Portugal, tanto do ensino básico, como do ensino secundário. Nesse projeto, estou a desenvolver atividades de apoio, junto à equipa, na caracterização do perfil académico e profissional dos professores que, nas instituições de ensino superior, asseguram a formação inicial de professores. A tarefa de apoio consiste inicialmente em organizar e relacionar todos os dados dos currículos dos docentes do ensino superior público politécnico em Portugal fornecidos pela A3ES. A partir da organização desses dados, preenchidos em uma grelha detalhada, são realizadas breves análises e elaboração de sínteses dos dados relacionados para poder responder aos objetivos desse projeto financiado pelo EDULOG.

Gobierno de España

DEMOSpEJS La democracia en las escuelas como fundamento de una educación para la Justicia Social.

Any endeavor for Social Justice should be concurrently an effort of democratization (Fraser, 2008). Building an Education for Social Justice must, therefore, necessarily address democracy in schools and the teaching of democracy. Thus, this proposal is based on the persistent research, development, transfer and training on Education for Social Justice of the research group "Educational Change for Social Justice", whom, in this occasion, takes a further step focusing on democracy in schools. To this aim, it is strengthened by the Institute for Human Rights, Democracy and Culture of Peace (DEMOSPAZ) and the "Hermanadas por la Justicia Social" school network. It proposes an international study among 6 research teams from 3 Europeans and 3 Latin Americans countries. The current line of work harmonizes and reflects the latest international advances that request for greater democratization in school and in society. The three main objectives of this research are: To know the conceptions of democracy from the school community members and the praxis at school context. To understand the significances and political meanings that underlie the school democratic culture. To deepen the knowledge and development of democracy for an education in and for Social Justice based on an action-research process with a network of schools committed to Social Justice To achieve these three complementary studies are proposed: Phenomenographic study. The participants will be 270 teachers, 60 principals and 270 students from 6 countries and of different educational level, context and school ownership. Ethnographic study complemented with Social Network Analysis (SNA). At least 9 schools will be studied in 6 countries, involving principals, teachers, students, administration, staff and families in order to understand the senses and political meanings of the school community in relation to democracy. Action-Research will be held with a 7 school network that is characterized by working for Education for Social Justice. It seeks to transform and generate knowledge about education in and from democracy through a Project Based Learning (PBL) approach. The research has been designed to optimize its impact and internationalization. In this way, above collaborating with DEMOSPAZ and with the Hermanadas school network we stress the participation of 6 teams from six countries, and RILME network.

Conference abstract


Pinheiro, Lillian; Preciosa Teixeira Fernandes; Elisabete Ferreira

Edited book

Livro de Resumos e Notas do XII Seminário Internacional do Programa Doutoral em Ciências das Educação: A construção do/a investigador/a ao longo do(s) processo(s) de investigação

Cibelle Soares Toledo; Ana Eloisa Carneiro Carvalho; Pinheiro, Lillian; Marta de Oliveira Rodrigues; Nicolas Martins da Silva; Thyene da Silva Bürkle

Journal article

Reflexões sobre aprender a dizer a sua palavra em contexto de diversidade educacional para a cidadania

Lillian Nobre Gois Pinheiro; Luís Joaquim António Muiengua; Pinheiro, Lillian; Muengua, Luís (E115-B448-91DC)

Conference abstract

Políticas, Perspetivas e Práticas para a Inclusão de Estudantes com Necessidades Educativas Especiais no Ensino Superior

Pinheiro, Lillian; Fernandes, Preciosa

Thesis / Dissertation

Políticas, perspectivas e práticas para a inclusão de estudantes com necessidades educativas especiais no ensino superior

Pinheiro, Lillian

Conference abstract

Políticas, Perspetivas e Práticas para Inclusão de Estudantes com Necessidades Educativas Especiais no Ensino Superior - ES

Pinheiro, Lillian; Fernandes, Preciosa

Conference abstract

Políticas, Perspetivas e Práticas para Inclusão de Estudantes com Necessidades Educativas Especiais numa Universidade Portuguesa

Pinheiro, Lillian; Fernandes, Preciosa

Conference abstract

Educação brasileira num contexto de inclusão no programa EJA

Guia, Elízia; Soares, Graziela; Pinheiro, Lillian; Santos, Mariana

Conference abstract


Pinheiro, Lillian; Preciosa Teixeira Fernandes; Elisabete Ferreira

Edited book

Livro de Resumos e Notas do XII Seminário Internacional do Programa Doutoral em Ciências das Educação: A construção do/a investigador/a ao longo do(s) processo(s) de investigação

Cibelle Soares Toledo; Ana Eloisa Carneiro Carvalho; Pinheiro, Lillian; Marta de Oliveira Rodrigues; Nicolas Martins da Silva; Thyene da Silva Bürkle

Journal article

Reflexões sobre aprender a dizer a sua palavra em contexto de diversidade educacional para a cidadania

Lillian Nobre Gois Pinheiro; Luís Joaquim António Muiengua; Pinheiro, Lillian; Muengua, Luís (E115-B448-91DC)

Conference abstract

Políticas, Perspetivas e Práticas para a Inclusão de Estudantes com Necessidades Educativas Especiais no Ensino Superior

Pinheiro, Lillian; Fernandes, Preciosa

Thesis / Dissertation

Políticas, perspectivas e práticas para a inclusão de estudantes com necessidades educativas especiais no ensino superior

Pinheiro, Lillian

Conference abstract

Políticas, Perspetivas e Práticas para Inclusão de Estudantes com Necessidades Educativas Especiais no Ensino Superior - ES

Pinheiro, Lillian; Fernandes, Preciosa

Conference abstract

Políticas, Perspetivas e Práticas para Inclusão de Estudantes com Necessidades Educativas Especiais numa Universidade Portuguesa

Pinheiro, Lillian; Fernandes, Preciosa

Conference abstract

Educação brasileira num contexto de inclusão no programa EJA

Guia, Elízia; Soares, Graziela; Pinheiro, Lillian; Santos, Mariana