Membros Colaboradores

Professor(a) Catedrático(a)

Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal

António Magalhães (AM) is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto. He was awarded the title Doktor (PhD) in Higher Education Policies in 2001/08/30 by the Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Science Technology and Policy Studies. He has completed his Master in Education Sciences in 1995/10/23 at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto and his Bachelor degree in Philosophy in 1980/07/16, at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto. AM coordinates and supervises research in the Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES), where he also acts as Director. He authored, co-authored and edited articles, books and book chapters and in his professional activities he interacted with a number of national and international researchers and academics. AM research interests rely on sociology of education and education policies analysis with a focus on the relationship between the state, the system of European governance and education institutions, particularly in the field of higher education. He slso develops research on the methods of analysis of education policies, mainly on the basis of the perspective of discourse analysis as theory and method. António Magalhães (AM) é Professor Catedrático da Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto. É doutorado ( com o título de Doktor) em Políticas de Ensino Superior em 30/08 2001 pela Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Science Technology and Policy Studies. Concluiu o Mestrado em Ciências da Educação em 1995/10/23, na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, e a Licenciatura em Filosofia, em 1980/07/16, na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. AM coordena e supervisiona investigação no Centro de Investigação em Políticas de Ensino Superior (CIPES), de que é membro da direção. É autor, coautor e editor de artigos, livros e capítulos de livros e, nas suas atividades profissionais, interagiu e interage com um número significativo de investigadores e académicos nacionais e internacionais. Os seus interesses de investigação centram-se na sociologia da educação e na análise de políticas educativas, com foco na relação entre o estado, o sistema europeu de governação e as instituições de ensino, particularmente no campo do ensino superior. Também desenvolve investigação sobre os métodos de análise das políticas educacionais, principalmente com base na perspectiva da análise do discurso como teoria e método

2008 – Agregação em Ciências da Educação – Universidade do Porto
2001 – Doutoramento em Políticas de Ensino Superior – University of Twente (Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies - CHEPS), Holanda
1995 – Mestrado em Ciências da Educação – Universidade do Porto

Sociologia da educação e da análise das políticas educativas, com incidência nas relações entre o Estado, o sistema e as instituições educativas, nomeadamente no domínio do ensino superior. Investiga também sobre os métodos de análise das políticas educativas, principalmente sobre a análise do discurso como teoria e método.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Higher Education Autonomy in Europe: supranational, national, and institutional trends (HEAE-SNIT)

The project assumes a multi-level approach: European, national, and institutional. It brings forward the role states play in mediating the challenges stemming from the HE ecosystems. It aims to compare contexts where the state plays a stronger regulating role, with those where the national dimension is salient and supranational policies tend to be resisted (Poland), those where market-driven policies are more influential(the Netherlands), and those where mixed features of state regulation and institutional autonomy prevail(Portugal).The comparison of HE systems and HEIs from these countries seeks to identify the configurations they are assuming based on the analysis of governance,institutional management,and the role of the professionals in enacting their pedagogic and research autonomy. Looking at the diverse positioning of the states and at HEIs’ dynamics the project will allow broadening the views on the impact of those drivers on the autonomy of HE systems and HEIs. Thus, it aims to map out the trends transforming European HE in the last decade.

EDULOG Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo

Cartografia e dinâmicas socioeconómicas dos/as estudantes do ensino superior do Grande Porto (GP) e Grande Lisboa (GL)/Mapping and socio-economic dynamics of higher education students in Porto (GP) and Lisbon (GL) .

Project developed by CIPES in collaboration with the Students Academic Federation of Porto and the Students Academic Federation of Lisbon. The study aims to analyse the socioeconomic profile of higher education students from GP and GL, their geographical distribution and travel patterns, their living conditions and social support to higher education students. The project intends to contribute to the construction of policies – by the central State, municipalities and HEIs – that promote the improvement of the lives of higher education students in GP and GL./ Porjeto desenvolvido pelo CIPES em colaboração com a Federação Académica do Porto e Federeração Académica de Lisboa. O estudo visa analisar o perfil socioeconómico dos/as estudantes do ensino superior do GP e GL, a sua distribuição geográfica e os seus padrões de deslocação, as suas condições de vida, os apoios sociais aos/às estudantes do ensino superior do GP e GL. Pretende o projeto contribuir para a construção de políticas – do Estado central, das autarquias e das IES – que promovam a melhoria da vida dos estudantes do ensino superior no Grande Porto (GP) e Grande Lisboa (GL).

Education in pandemic times: political discourses in Portugal/Educação em tempos de pandemia: discursos políticos em Portugal

The project aims to analyze the political-discursive construction in school education in the context of a pandemic, based on discourses produced by political actors: political parties with parliamentary representation and government./ O projeto visa analisar a construção político-discursiva sobre a educação (escolar e obrigatória) em contexto de pandemia, a partir de discursos produzidos por atores políticos, isto é, governo e partidos políticos com representação parlamentar.

European Commission

COSI edu: Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education and training

The project aims to uspcale the good practice from the Erasmus+ project on Marginalisation and Co-created Education (MaCE) of socially disadvantaged learners to excel at school and work

The effects of the pandemic on higher education

Subproject under the project European Universities: Critical Futures - Network funding from the Independent Research Fund Denmark. Coordinated by Centre for Higher Education Futures, Aarhus University.


This work is funded by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UIDB/0757/2020

Aarhus Universitet Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse

European Universities Critical Futures

The European Universities: Critical Futures - Network funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. Coordinated by Centre for Higher Education Futures, Aarhus University. The network aims at researching possible and desirable futures of higher education, as an institution that produces and disseminates knowledge (education and service to the society).

University College London

Higher education and Brexit

The study, coordinated by Simon Marginson from the Centre for Global Higher Education - UCL Institute of Education University College London involved other European research centres on higher education. In the study, the researchers conducted semi-structured interviews on the effects of and responses to Brexit in UK universities and in other in continental Europe (Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Republic of Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland).

EDULOG Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo

ATENA: Saber para intervir: observatório para a educação

The project aimed at defining and systematizing indicators/metrics allowing the enhancement of knowledge on the present situation, trends and structural dynamics of the Portuguese educational system. The project was developed by a consortium of research centres (CIPES – Centro de Investigação de Políticas do Ensino Superior, CIIE – Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas, NIPE – Núcleo de Investigação em Políticas Económicas, GOVCOPP – Unidade de Investigação em Governança, Competitividade e Políticas Públicas, INESC TEC – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores)

European Commission

Reducing Early School Leaving in the EU

Where the available research data on ESL only explains isolated aspects of the evolution towards ESL, the project analyses ESL from a holistic perspective. By framing the complex and often subtle interplay of factors influencing ESL on macro/meso/micro level; and by deconstructing these configurations of influencing factors in the specific contexts where they occur, we expect to uncover specific combinations of variables and contexts influencing the processes related to ESL. This allows us to formulate conceptual models useful for the development and implementation of policies and specific measures to influence ESL, making the project not only relevant to academics, but also to policy makers, school staff and civil society. aims to provide insights into the mechanisms and processes influencing a pupil’s decision to leave school/training early; as well as into the decision of ESLers to enroll in alternative learning arenas unrelated to a regular school - but wherein specific creative or innovative methods of knowledge and skill transfer are used. Additionally, focuses on the vulnerable group of youngsters that left education or training early and are identified as NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). also aims to identify and analyze the intervention and compensation measures that succeeded in transferring knowledge and in keeping pupils in education/training, although they showed high (theoretical) risk of ESL.
In order to be able to compare the data gathered in 7 partner countries, will develop and refine the theoretical framework on ESL, formulating a workable yet nuanced definition of ESL. Through a mixed-method design, a total of 28140 surveys and 1176 interviews/FGD will be conducted, generating in-depth data while allowing systematic comparisons and quantitative generalizations. Results are targeted at different audiences/stakeholders: EU- & national policy makers, school staff, academics and civil society.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Higher Education Autonomy in Europe: supranational, national, and institutional trends (HEAE-SNIT)

The project assumes a multi-level approach: European, national, and institutional. It brings forward the role states play in mediating the challenges stemming from the HE ecosystems. It aims to compare contexts where the state plays a stronger regulating role, with those where the national dimension is salient and supranational policies tend to be resisted (Poland), those where market-driven policies are more influential(the Netherlands), and those where mixed features of state regulation and institutional autonomy prevail(Portugal).The comparison of HE systems and HEIs from these countries seeks to identify the configurations they are assuming based on the analysis of governance,institutional management,and the role of the professionals in enacting their pedagogic and research autonomy. Looking at the diverse positioning of the states and at HEIs’ dynamics the project will allow broadening the views on the impact of those drivers on the autonomy of HE systems and HEIs. Thus, it aims to map out the trends transforming European HE in the last decade.

EDULOG Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo

Cartografia e dinâmicas socioeconómicas dos/as estudantes do ensino superior do Grande Porto (GP) e Grande Lisboa (GL)/Mapping and socio-economic dynamics of higher education students in Porto (GP) and Lisbon (GL) .

Project developed by CIPES in collaboration with the Students Academic Federation of Porto and the Students Academic Federation of Lisbon. The study aims to analyse the socioeconomic profile of higher education students from GP and GL, their geographical distribution and travel patterns, their living conditions and social support to higher education students. The project intends to contribute to the construction of policies – by the central State, municipalities and HEIs – that promote the improvement of the lives of higher education students in GP and GL./ Porjeto desenvolvido pelo CIPES em colaboração com a Federação Académica do Porto e Federeração Académica de Lisboa. O estudo visa analisar o perfil socioeconómico dos/as estudantes do ensino superior do GP e GL, a sua distribuição geográfica e os seus padrões de deslocação, as suas condições de vida, os apoios sociais aos/às estudantes do ensino superior do GP e GL. Pretende o projeto contribuir para a construção de políticas – do Estado central, das autarquias e das IES – que promovam a melhoria da vida dos estudantes do ensino superior no Grande Porto (GP) e Grande Lisboa (GL).

Education in pandemic times: political discourses in Portugal/Educação em tempos de pandemia: discursos políticos em Portugal

The project aims to analyze the political-discursive construction in school education in the context of a pandemic, based on discourses produced by political actors: political parties with parliamentary representation and government./ O projeto visa analisar a construção político-discursiva sobre a educação (escolar e obrigatória) em contexto de pandemia, a partir de discursos produzidos por atores políticos, isto é, governo e partidos políticos com representação parlamentar.

European Commission

COSI edu: Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education and training

The project aims to uspcale the good practice from the Erasmus+ project on Marginalisation and Co-created Education (MaCE) of socially disadvantaged learners to excel at school and work

The effects of the pandemic on higher education

Subproject under the project European Universities: Critical Futures - Network funding from the Independent Research Fund Denmark. Coordinated by Centre for Higher Education Futures, Aarhus University.


This work is funded by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UIDB/0757/2020

Aarhus Universitet Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse

European Universities Critical Futures

The European Universities: Critical Futures - Network funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. Coordinated by Centre for Higher Education Futures, Aarhus University. The network aims at researching possible and desirable futures of higher education, as an institution that produces and disseminates knowledge (education and service to the society).

University College London

Higher education and Brexit

The study, coordinated by Simon Marginson from the Centre for Global Higher Education - UCL Institute of Education University College London involved other European research centres on higher education. In the study, the researchers conducted semi-structured interviews on the effects of and responses to Brexit in UK universities and in other in continental Europe (Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Republic of Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland).

EDULOG Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo

ATENA: Saber para intervir: observatório para a educação

The project aimed at defining and systematizing indicators/metrics allowing the enhancement of knowledge on the present situation, trends and structural dynamics of the Portuguese educational system. The project was developed by a consortium of research centres (CIPES – Centro de Investigação de Políticas do Ensino Superior, CIIE – Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas, NIPE – Núcleo de Investigação em Políticas Económicas, GOVCOPP – Unidade de Investigação em Governança, Competitividade e Políticas Públicas, INESC TEC – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores)

European Commission

Reducing Early School Leaving in the EU

Where the available research data on ESL only explains isolated aspects of the evolution towards ESL, the project analyses ESL from a holistic perspective. By framing the complex and often subtle interplay of factors influencing ESL on macro/meso/micro level; and by deconstructing these configurations of influencing factors in the specific contexts where they occur, we expect to uncover specific combinations of variables and contexts influencing the processes related to ESL. This allows us to formulate conceptual models useful for the development and implementation of policies and specific measures to influence ESL, making the project not only relevant to academics, but also to policy makers, school staff and civil society. aims to provide insights into the mechanisms and processes influencing a pupil’s decision to leave school/training early; as well as into the decision of ESLers to enroll in alternative learning arenas unrelated to a regular school - but wherein specific creative or innovative methods of knowledge and skill transfer are used. Additionally, focuses on the vulnerable group of youngsters that left education or training early and are identified as NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). also aims to identify and analyze the intervention and compensation measures that succeeded in transferring knowledge and in keeping pupils in education/training, although they showed high (theoretical) risk of ESL.
In order to be able to compare the data gathered in 7 partner countries, will develop and refine the theoretical framework on ESL, formulating a workable yet nuanced definition of ESL. Through a mixed-method design, a total of 28140 surveys and 1176 interviews/FGD will be conducted, generating in-depth data while allowing systematic comparisons and quantitative generalizations. Results are targeted at different audiences/stakeholders: EU- & national policy makers, school staff, academics and civil society.

European Commission

Universities in the Knowledge Economy

The research training focused on the substantive and theoretical challenges posed by universities’ new role in a global knowledge economy, and especially the contrast between developments in Europe and the Asia Pacific rim. In recent years, massive effort has been put into reforming, managing and marketing universities in Europe and elsewhere in the world. The justification is that universities are to play a new role in the formation of the EHEA and ERA and in driving a knowledge-based economy. The reform processes are, arguably, themselves producing new ways of organising this economy in world regions and reforming the higher education sector itself. This research training project provides ESRs and ERs with the theoretical, methodological and technical skills to analyse these processes in Europe and the Asia Pacific Rim.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Desafios Globais, Iniciativas Nacionais e Respostas Nacionais: mapeando a transformação das Instituições de ensino superior no dealbar do século XXI,/Global Challenge, National Initiatives, and Institutional Responses: mapping the transformation of higher education institions at the dawn of the twen

The project "Global Challenges, National Initiatives, and Institutional Responses: mapping the transformation of higher education institutions at the dawn of the twentieth-first century" (GLONATINS). The project was funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and was run at CIPES (EXCL/IVC-PEC/0789/2012). It aimed at analysing the transformations of Portuguese higher education in the light of the relationships between the transnational, national and institutional dimensions. The project has started in January 2013 and ended in 2016.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Governing and Governance in Higher Education

The project integrated the Collaborative Research Project (CRP) Transforming Universities in Europe (TRUE) in the framework of Eurohesc-EUROCORES/European Science Foundation. The project was part of the CRP theme ‘Governance and steering’ as it intended to analyse the transformations in the steering and governance models in higher education, and the sub-theme 1 (Policy diffusion and path dependency). The CRP – TRUE involved researchers from the University of Bergen; the University of Bath; the University of Lugano; the University of Twente, the University of Kassel; and the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy and the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation (NIFU). The two main and general objectives were: 1. to identify and analyse characteristics of the new steering/governance instruments (while assumptions on social regulation and social technologies) that are being used at the European, national and system levels; 2. to identify their impact on the higher education landscape at national (system) level and in the governance models introduced at institutional level.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Changes in academic profession: A comparative perspective

This project aimed to analyse changes in the academic profession by reference to the health professions (doctors and nurses)

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

National Evaluation of Student Satisfaction within Higher Education Institutions

This nation-wide study, financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (2004-2008), has attempted to identify students’ perceptions concerning importance and expectations regarding major aspects of their higher education experience. A questionnaire was administered to about 11,000 undergraduate students throughout Portugal. It gathered responses with respect to level of satisfaction and importance of key issues. These findings will serve as the basis for recommendations and strategies HEIs can consider in order to create a stronger and more relevant relationship with students. Through a Strategic Enrolment Management, HEIs will be better able to meet the needs of the contemporary undergraduate student population.

Centro de Investigação de Políticas do Ensino Superior

PESEnfC - A Project on the Merger Process of the Coimbra Nursing School

Developed under the framework of CIPES’ activities aiming at studying the merger between the Escola Superior de Enfermagem Dr. Ângelo da Fonseca and the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Bissaya Barreto. The study has an organizational curricular and Professional dimension that will allow deepening the knowledge on the consequences of mergers at these levels, and, on the other hand, aims at contributing to the knowledge of nursery as a profession and of its training institutions

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

EXACET – Academic Excellence and Mass Schooling

The project aimed at researching the conceptual and political modalities that ‘academic excellence’, or its claim, involves. The study aimed at analysing politically, sociologically and pedogically the implications of the national debate on the quality of the education provided by the Portuguese educational system.

European Commission

GENIE - Globalisation and Europeanization Network in Education

GENIE was created as a response to the increasing scope of Europeanization and the increasing pace and penetration of globalisation and their various impacts on national education systems. It aims to provide a means for interested and concerned academics from across Europe to develop and consolidate a knowledge base for teaching and research around the theme of globalisation and Europeanization in education.

Centro de Investigação de Políticas do Ensino Superior

Rise of Academic Managerialism in Portugal

This study aimed at identifying the political, ideological and organizational dimensions brought by conceptions coming from management to higher education governance in Portugal.

European/South African Partnership for Development of Management and Leadership Capacity Building in SA Higher Education

RUMA/Reform of University Management and Administration

Project funded by the Dutch agency for cooperation (MHO), as CIPES member (1st Mission: October 1999; 2nd Mission: February-March, 2000).

Universidade do Porto Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas

The New Curriculum in Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto

European Commission

TSER/Heine: Governmental Policies and Programmes for Strengthening the Relationship Between Higher Education Institutions and the National Economy

The project aimed at identifying the impact of economic development and economic policies in the relationship between the state and higher education institutions. The project started in 1997 and was closed in 1999.

European Commission


The project aimed at comparing the European higher education systems and those from Latin America and how these systems responded to the global challenges that they were coping with.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

The Portuguese Society Before the Challenges of Globalization: Economic, Social and Cultural Modernization

Book chapter

50 anos de Ensino Superior Universitário

António M. Magalhães

Journal article

Sustainability concerns of Portuguese higher education institutions: How are they planning to contribute to a more sustainable world

Pinheiro, Sara; Rosa, Maria João; Menezes, Isabel; António M. Magalhães

Journal article

A governação do Ensino Superior - 50 anos depois do 25 de Abril

Magalhães, António

Journal article

Academic identities and higher education change: reviewing the evidence

Raquel M. G. Marques; Amélia Lopes; António M. Magalhães

Journal article

Navigating an Academic Career in Marketized Universities: Mapping the International Literature

Taísa Oliveira; Cosmin Nada; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Education in Higher Education in the Era of Performativity

António M. Magalhães

Book chapter

The reconfiguration of the relationships between the state and higher education: the shift from state control to state supervision

António Magalhães; Amélia Veiga

Book chapter


Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Introduction to the Handbook on Higher Education Management and Governance

Alberto Amaral; António Magalhães

Book chapter


Alberto Amaral; António Magalhães

Journal article

A governação do Ensino Superior - 50 anos depois do 25 de Abril

Magalhães, António

Journal article

Navigating an Academic Career in Marketized Universities: Mapping the International Literature

Taísa Oliveira; Cosmin Nada; Magalhães, António

Journal article

Academic identities and higher education change: reviewing the evidence

Raquel M. G. Marques; Amélia Lopes; António M. Magalhães

Book chapter

50 anos de Ensino Superior Universitário

António M. Magalhães

Journal article

Sustainability concerns of Portuguese higher education institutions: How are they planning to contribute to a more sustainable world

Pinheiro, Sara; Rosa, Maria João; Menezes, Isabel; António M. Magalhães

Encyclopedia entry

Governance, Institutional Autonomy and Leadership in Portuguese Higher Education

Magalhães, António; Veiga, A.

Book chapter

Rui Santiago: o académico que se emocionava com paisagens...

Magalhães, António

Journal article

Academic Migration and Epistemological Value: Exploring the Experience of Migrant Academics in Portugal

Taísa Oliveira; Cosmin Nada; António Magalhães; Oliveira, T.; Nada, C. I. ; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Education in Higher Education in the Era of Performativity

António M. Magalhães


Handbook of Higher Education Management and Governance

Amaral, Alberto

Book chapter

Introduction to the Handbook of Higher Education Management and Governance

Amaral, Alberto

Book chapter

Humboldt and the modern research university: the ivory tower

Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

The reconfiguration of the relationships between the state and higher education: the shift from state control to state supervision

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

Some reflections on the current roles and interventions of external governing board stakeholders in Portugal and the UK in a new managerialist context

Deem, Rosemary; Magalhães, António

Book chapter


Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António

Journal article

Part 4: Universities in the Knowledge Economy

Zgaga, Pavel; Balaban, Corina; Lim, Miguel Antonio; Komljenovic, Janja; Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António M.; Ørberg, Jakob Williams

Book chapter

Humboldt and the modern research university: the ivory tower?

Alberto Amaral; António Magalhães

Book chapter


Alberto Amaral; António Magalhães

Book chapter

The reconfiguration of the relationships between the state and higher education: the shift from state control to state supervision

António Magalhães; Amélia Veiga

Book chapter

Some reflections on the current roles and interventions of external governing board stakeholders in Portugal and the UK in a new managerialist context

Rosemary Deem; António Magalhães

Conference abstract


Marques, Raquel Machado Gomes; Lopes, A.; Lopes, Amélia; António Magalhães

Conference abstract


Marques, Raquel Machado Gomes; Lopes, A.; Lopes, Amélia; António Magalhães

Edited book

Handbook on Higher Education Management and Governance

Alberto Amaral; António Magalhães

Book chapter

Introduction to the Handbook on Higher Education Management and Governance

Alberto Amaral; António Magalhães

Book chapter

European governance and doctoral education: What is higher in higher education?

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

A análise do discurso como teoria e método na investigação em educação e uma proposta de operacionalização

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter


Veiga, Amélia; Amorim, José Pedro; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Chapter 9 Portugal

Veiga, Amélia; Amorim, José Pedro; António Magalhães

Conference abstract

O método etnográfico na investigação sobre a educação de Surdo/as

Muengua, Luís; Magalhães, António; Coelho, Orquídea; Gonçalves, António

Conference abstract

Práticas de investigação sobre educação de Surdos/as: uma relação que se quer mais cultural e alter

Muengua, Luís; Magalhães, António; Coelho, Orquídea; Gonçalves, António

Book chapter

European governance and doctoral education

Magalhães, António M.; Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

A análise do discurso como teoria e método na investigação em educação e uma proposta de operacionalização

Magalhães, António; Veiga, A.

Journal article

Models of Higher Education Governance in Europe: from "organised anarchy" to business-corporate organisations

António Magalhães; Veiga, Amélia. Corresponding author: António Magalhães

Book chapter

Governance, institutional autonomy and leadership in Portuguese higher education

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.; Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António; Magalhães, A.M.

Conference paper

TRANSFORMAÇÕES DO TRABALHO ACADÊMICO EM CONTEXTO DE MUDANÇAS DA UNIVERSIDADE: um contato inicial com o campo das identidades acadêmicas

Marques, Raquel Machado Gomes; Lopes, A.; Lopes, Amélia; António Magalhães

Working paper


Veiga, Amélia; Amorim, José Pedro; Magalhães, António

Conference paper

TRANSFORMAÇÕES DO TRABALHO ACADÊMICO EM CONTEXTO DE MUDANÇAS DA UNIVERSIDADE: um contato inicial com o campo das identidades acadêmicas

Marques, Raquel Machado Gomes; Lopes, A.; Lopes, Amélia; António Magalhães

Conference abstract

O método etnográfico na investigação sobre a educação de Surdo/as

Muengua, Luís; Magalhães, António; Coelho, Orquídea; Gonçalves, António

Conference abstract

Práticas de investigação sobre educação de Surdos/as: uma relação que se quer mais cultural e alter

Muengua, Luís; Magalhães, António; Coelho, Orquídea; Gonçalves, António

Book chapter

Chapter 9 Portugal

Veiga, Amélia; Amorim, José Pedro; António Magalhães

Conference abstract

Políticas educativas para a área da surdez em Moçambique (2000 - 2020): percurso, conquistas e desafios.

Muengua, Luís; Magalhães, António; Coelho, Orquídea; Cipriano, António

Conference paper

Educação de Surdos em Moçambique: políticas, práticas pedagógicas e (ex)inclusão no ensino secundário

Muengua, Luís; Magalhães, António; Coelho, Orquídea; Gonçalves, António

Conference abstract

Educação de Surdos em Moçambique: políticas, práticas pedagógicas e (ex)inclusão no ensino secundário

Muengua, Luís; Magalhães, António; Coelho, Orquídea; Gonçalves, António

Journal article

Caminhos e Dilemas da Educação Superior na Era do Digital

António M. Magalhães

Conference paper

Internal Advisory Services in Education: influence and contributions in Portuguese higher education institutions

Sónia Balau; António Magalhães; Maria Luísa Branco. Corresponding author: Sónia Balau

Journal article

Problematising 'education' in the Modernisation Agenda for Higher Education: The onset of language(s) of education

Custers, Benedikte; Magalhães, António M

Encyclopedia entry

Overview of Higher Education (Portugal)

Magalhães, António

Conference paper

Educação de Surdos em Moçambique: políticas, práticas pedagógicas e (ex)inclusão no ensino secundário

Magalhães, António; Luís Muengua; Coelho, Orquídea; Gonçalves, António

Book chapter

Educação de surdos em Moçambique: Políticas, práticas pedagógicas e (ex)inclusão no ensino secundário

Muengua, Luís; Magalhães, António; Coelho, Orquídea; Gonçalves, António

Conference abstract

Políticas educativas para a área da surdez em Moçambique (2000 - 2020): percurso, conquistas e desafios.

Muengua, Luís; Magalhães, António; Coelho, Orquídea; Cipriano, António

Conference poster

Políticas educativas para a área da surdez em Moçambique (2000 - 2020): percurso, conquistas e desafios

Muengua, Luís; Magalhães, António; Coelho, Orquídea; Cipriano, António

Journal article

Strategizing and managing change in Portuguese higher education

Amélia Veiga; António Magalhães; Pedro Videira

Journal article

O Conceito de 'novos públicos' e os Discursos sobre o Acesso nas Instituições de Ensino Superior públicas Portuguesas

Bago, Joana; Veiga, A.; Magalhães, António

Encyclopedia entry

Higher Education Institution Governing Boards: Appointed Board Members

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Edited book

Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions

Magalhães, António

Journal article

Una mirada al abandono escolar prematuro en Portugal: Realidades, contextos y prácticas

Helena Araújo; Eunice Macedo; António Magalhães; Cristina Rocha

Journal article

Challenges for research in higher education: the case of internationalization between the explanandum and the explanans

Amélia Veiga; António Magalhães; Veiga, A.; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Policy analysis, epistemology and higher educationism

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

Una mirada al abandono escolar prematuro en Portugal: Realidades, contextos y prácticas [A look at early school leaving in Portugal: Realities, contexts and practices]

Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina

Journal article

Una mirada al abandono escolar prematuro en Portugal: Realidades, contextos y prácticas [A look at early school leaving in Portugal: Realities, contexts and practices].

Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina

Journal article

O conceito de 'novos públicos' e os discursos sobre o acesso nas instituições de ensino superior públicas portuguesas [The concept of 'new publics' and the discourses on access in the Portuguese public higher education institutions]

Bago, Joana; Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António

Edited book

Ciências da educação em Portugal: saberes, contextos de intervenção e profissionalidades

Antunes, Maria João; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Magalhães, António; Ferreira, Manuela

Edited book

Ciências da Educação em Portugal: Saberes, Contextos de Intervenção e Profissionalidades

Antunes, Maria João; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Magalhães, António; Ferreira, Manuela

Journal article

Disentangling policy convergence within the European Higher Education Area

Veiga, A.; Magalhães, A.; Amaral, A.

Edited book

Under Pressure? Higher Education Institutions Coping with Multiple Challenges

Book chapter

Higher Education Institutions Dealing with Multiple Challenges

Teixeira, Pedro; António Magalhães; Veiga, Amelia; Rosa, Maria João

Journal article

Hopes, beliefs, and concerns: narratives in German and Portuguese universities regarding Brexit

Seidenschnur, Tim; Veiga, Amélia; Jungblut, Jens; Magalhães, António

Edited book

Ciências da Educação em Portugal: Saberes, Contextos de Intervenção e Profissionalidades

Book chapter

Reconfiguring Portuguese Higher Education: between national and European priorities

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Quality as politics and as policies and the importance of instruments

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António

Edited book

Educational sciences in Portugal: knowledge, contexts of intervention and professionalism

Antunes, Maria; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Magalhães, António; Ferreira, Manuela

Journal article

O conceito de 'novos públicos' e os discursos sobre o acesso nas instituições de ensino superior públicas portuguesas [The concept of 'new publics' and the discourses on access in the Portuguese public higher education institutions]

Bago, Joana; Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António

Edited book

Ciências da Educação em Portugal: Saberes, Contextos de Intervenção e Profissionalidades

Antunes, Maria; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Magalhães, António; Ferreira, Manuela

Journal article

Reconfiguring power in Portuguese higher education

António Magalhães; Amelia Veiga; Pedro Videira

Encyclopedia entry

The evaluative state, higher education

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

A reconfiguração do mandato político endereçado à educação superior Europeia

Magalhães, António

Journal article

The changing role of external stakeholders: from imaginary friends to effective actors or non-interfering friends

Magalhães, António; Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.

Journal article

Reconfiguring education and research in the european higher education area

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Encyclopedia entry

Policy-making, rhetoric, and discourse in higher education

Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Analiza dyskursu w badaniach nad szkolnictwem wyzszym

Sousa, Sofia; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Differentiated Integration in the Field of Higher Education: Between Theory and Practices of (Non)Integration

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

De la Connaissance à des Compétences. La reconfiguration de l’éducation dans l’enseignement supérieur Européen

Magalhães, António


Portugal: Portuguese Case-Study, Higher education and Brexit: current European perspectives

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia; Sá, Maria José


Portugal: Portuguese case-study

António Magalhães; Veiga, A.; Sá, M. J.

Encyclopedia entry

Narrative of Governance

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

Four 'I's Configuring European Higher Education Governance

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António

Book chapter


Magalhães, António; Veiga, A; Videira, P

Journal article

The Europe of Knowledge and doctoral education

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia


Que perceções têm os portugueses sobre o valor da educação

Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António; Caramelo, João; et al.

Journal article

Graduates' Perceptions about Labour Market Competencies: Does the Type of Institution and Programme Make a Difference

Teixeira, P.; Teixeira, P.N.; Cardoso, S.; Rosa, M.J.; Magalhães, A.

Edited book

Global Challenges, National Initiatives, and Institutional Responses

Magalhães, António

Book chapter


Pedro Teixeira; Cláudia Sarrico; António Magalhães; Amélia Veiga; Maria João Rosa; Teresa Carvalho

Edited book

Que Perceções têm os Portugueses sobre o Valor da Educação

Book chapter

European Integration in Higher Education and Research: challenging comparative studies

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

Meta-governance and the supply of degree programmes in the context of Bologna: lessons from the Portuguese case

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António

Journal article

Meta-governance and the supply of degree programes in the context of Bologna: Lessons from the Portuguese case

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António; Amaral, Alberto

Edited book

Global Challenges, National Initiatives, and Institutional Responses. The transformation of Higher Education

Carvalho, Teresa; Cláudia Sarrico; Maria João Rosa; António Magalhães; Pedro Teixeira; Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

European Universities as Complete Organizations? Understanding Identity, Hierarchy and Rationality in Public Organizations

Seeber, M.; Lepori, B.; Montauti, M.; Enders, J.; de Boer, H.; Weyer, E.; Bleiklie, I.; et al

Journal article

Differentiated integration and the bologna process

Veiga, A.; Magalhães, A.; Amaral, A.; Veiga, Amelia; Magalhaes, Antonio; Amaral, Alberto

Journal article

La construcción del abandono temprano de la escuela como concepto político: Un análisis en la

Macedo, E.; Araújo, H.-C.; Magalhães, António; Rocha, C.

Book chapter

The narrative approach in higher education research

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

Declaração de Bolonha e Internacionalização da Educação superior - protagonismo dos reitores e autonomia universitária em questão

Bianchetti, Lucídio; Magalhães, António

Preface / Postscript


Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Autonomia, governação e gestão das universidades portuguesas

Magalhães, António

Preface / Postscript


Magalhães, António

Journal article

Early School Leaving in Portugal: policies and actor's interpretations

Magalhães, António; Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Rocha, Cristina

Journal article

Education in Portugal. 40 years on from April 25/1974; Educação em Portugal. 40 anos após o 25 de Abril de 1974

Cortesão, Luiza; Dale, Roger; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

From Collegial Governance to Boardism: Reconfiguring Governance in Higher Education

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António; Amaral, Alberto

Book chapter

Market Competition, Public Good, and State Interference

Amaral, A; Magalhães, A; Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António

Journal article

The construction of early school leaving as a political concept under the lenses of sociology of education,La construcción del abandono temprano de la escuela como concepto político: Un análisis en la

Macedo, E.; Araújo, H.-C.; Magalhães, A.; Rocha, C.

Journal article

Education in Portugal 40 years on from April 25, 1974

Cortesão, Luiza; Dale, Roger; António Magalhães

Journal article

Com as mãos se faz o ser: aprender/ensinar filosofia em contexto de surdez

Correia, Fátima Sá; Coelho, Orquídea; Magalhães, António; Benvenuto, Andrea

Book chapter

Scenarios, dilemmas, and pathways to european higher education

Magalhães, António

Journal article

A research career? The Portuguese case

Sousa, S.B.; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Disseminating the European political grammar in education: ESL as a EU concern

Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina

Book chapter

Education/Social policies and measures regarding ESL in nine partner countries

Araujo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António; Macedo, Eunice

Book chapter

Goals, drivers and rationales of youth policies with regard to ESL

Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice

Book chapter

Resistance to EU policies

Araujo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice

Book chapter

Policy initiatives and good practices

Araujo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice

Book chapter


Araujo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice

Book chapter

Governance and Management Dilemmas Arising from Substructuring in Higher Education

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

A internacionalização e o ensino superior português

Magalhães, António; Amaral, Alberto; Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

Política de responsabilidade social na universidade: conceitos e desafios

Ribeiro, Raimunda; Magalhães, António

Journal article

Com as mãos se faz o ser: Aprender/ensinar Filosofia em contexto de surdez

Correia, F. Sá; Coelho, Orquídea; Magalhães, António

Journal article

A Reconfiguração da gestão universitária em Portugal

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António; Sousa, S.; Ribeiro, Filipa; Amaral, Alberto


Development and Implementation of Policies Concerning ESL in the Partner Countries: a comparative analysis

Magalhães, António; Araújo, Helena C.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice


Country Report: Portugal - Equity Issues in Education. NESET

Magalhães, António; Araújo, Helena C.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice


Policies on early school leaving in nine European countries: A comparative analysis

Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice

Journal article

Education in Portugal 40 years on from April 25, 1974

Cortesão, Luiza; Dale, Roger; António Magalhães

Book chapter

Disseminating the European political grammar in education: ESL as a EU concern

Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice


Early School Leaving in the European Union: Data Availability and Reporting;

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Doroftei, Alexandra


Theoretical and methodological framework on Early School Leaving;

Araújo, Helena; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice; Doroftei, Alexandra


Formulation of a Common Working Definition of ESL: International Contributions;

Araújo, Helena; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Doroftei, Alexandra

Journal article

Learning/teaching philosophy in sign language as a cultural issue

Correia, Fátima Sá; Coelho, Orquídea; Magalhães, António; Benvenuto, Andrea

Journal article

Governance and institutional autonomy: Governing and governance in portuguese higher education

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.; Ribeiro, F.; Amaral, A.

Journal article

Governance of governance in higher education: Practices and lessons drawn from the Portuguese case

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.; Sousa, S.; Ribeiro, F.; Antonio Magalhães; Amélia Veiga; et al

Journal article

Creating a common grammar for European higher education governance

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.; Ribeiro, F.M.; Sousa, S.; Santiago, R.

Journal article

Visions, tensions and results. The new governance of the education in Honduras,Visiones, tensiones y resultados. La nueva gobernanza de la educación en Honduras

Ulloa, R.M.; Magalhães, A.M.

Book chapter

Higher education research between policy and practice

Amaral, A.; Magalhães, A.

Book chapter

What about education in higher education?

Magalhães, A.M.; Veiga, A.

Edited book

A Satisfação dos Estudantes do Ensino Superior

Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Estudios del futuro, el síndrome de Cassandra y la predicción en la enseñanza superior europea

Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Interview with António Magalhães

Magalhães, António

Book chapter

A Nova Governação e a Reconfiguração das Políticas Educativas: entre a 'competição' e a 'escolha'

Magalhães, António

Book chapter


Magalhães, António; Machado, Maria de Lourdes; Sá, Maria José

Book chapter

A gestão política de um ensino superior de massas e a satisfação dos estudantes

Magalhães, António; Machado, Maria de Lourdes; Sá, Maria José

Book chapter


Magalhães, António; Machado, Maria de Lourdes; Sá, Maria José

Journal article

Luces y sombras de la política de educación intercultural bilingüe en Honduras

Ulloa, R.M.; Magalhães, António

Journal article

Learning/teaching Philosophy in Sign Language as a Cultural Issue

Correia, F. Sá; Coelho, Orquídea; Magalhães, António; Benvenuto, A.


Discourse analysis in higher education research

Sousa, S.B.; Magalhães, A.

Book chapter

Cenários, Dilemas e Caminhos da Educação Superior Europeia

António Magalhães

Edited book

Satisfação dos estudantes do ensino superior português

Magalhães, António; Machado, M. L.; Sá, M. J.

Book chapter

Governance, Public Management and Administration of Higher Education in Portugal

Magalhães, António; Santiago, Rui

Journal article

How is European governance configuring the EHEA?

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia; Sousa, Sofia; Ribeiro, Filipa

Book chapter

Políticas de acesso: entre competição institucional e a busca da igualdade de oportunidades

Magalhães, António; Amaral, Alberto

Book chapter

Competição de mercado, bem público e interferência estatal

Magalhães, António; Amaral, Alberto

Book chapter

Preface: knots, flying-professors and innovation

Neves, Tiago; Bloemers, Wolf; Johnstone, David; Magalhães, António; Cutileiro, Leonor

Edited book

Education and Research on Social Inclusion in Europe: taking stock of an experience

Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Mercados, Autonomia e Regulação - o mito de Jano revisitado

Magalhães, António; Amaral, Alberto

Book chapter

A Implementação de Políticas no Ensino Superior: o exemplo português

Magalhães, António; Amaral, Alberto

Book chapter

O Ensino Superior e o Amigo Imaginário: o papel dos stakeholders na gestão institucional

Magalhães, António; Amaral, A

Book chapter

Mapeando Discursos sobre a Governação do Ensino Superior

Magalhães, António; Amaral, Alberto

Book chapter

A Crise Tripla da Universidade e a sua Reinvenção

Magalhães, António; Amaral, Alberto

Book chapter

Epidemiologia e a Saga de Bolonha

Magalhães, António; Amaral, Alberto

Book chapter

Preface: knots, flying-professors and innovation

Neves, Tiago; Bloemers, Wolf; Johnstone, David; Magalhães, António; Cutileiro, Leonor

Journal article

Cenários, dilemas e caminhos da educação superior europeia

Magalhães, António

Journal article

A prática discursiva sobre a formação de enfermeiros em Portugal

Silva, Pedro; Magalhães, António; Nunes, Lucília

Book chapter

Pensar as diferenças: contributos para a educação inclusiva

Magalhães, António

Journal article

Avaliação educacional como tecnologia política

Brandão, M. J.; Magalhães, António

Journal article

Satisfaction with Higher Education: critical data for student development

Machado, Maria de Lourdes; Brites, Rui; Magalhães, Antonio; Sá, Maria José

Book chapter

Public Management, New Governance Models and Changing Environments in Portuguese Higher Education

Magalhães, AM; Santiago, R

Journal article

The creation of the EHEA, 'learning outcomes' and the transformation of educational categories in higher education

Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Os Modelos Emergentes de Regulação Política e a Governação do Ensino Superior na Europa

Magalhães, António

Journal article

A Criação da Área Europeia de Ensino Superior e o Impacto das Reformas Curricular e da Governação

Magalhães, António; Santiago, Rui; Ribeiro, F.; Sousa, S.; Machado, M. Lourdes; Tavares, O.

Journal article

Estudo sobre a Satisfação dos Estudantes: criar as vantagens distintivas através da gestão estratégica das matrículas

Machado, M. de Lourdes; Magalhães, António; Sá, M. J.; Brites, Rui

Preface / Postscript


Leite, Carlinda; Magalhães, António

Journal article

Between Institutional Competition and the Search for Equality of Opportunities: Access of Mature Students

Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António

Journal article

Equity, Access and Institutional Competition

Magalhães, António; Amaral, Alberto; Tavares, Orlanda

Journal issue

Políticas e desenvolvimento curricular no ensino superior

Book chapter

Mapping out discourses on higher education governance

Magalhães, António; Amaral, A.

Journal article

Access policies: Between institutional competition and the search for equality of opportunities

Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Market competition, social accountability and institutional strategies

Amaral, Alberto; Magalhaes, Antonio

Journal article


Antunes, F.; Magalhães, António

Journal issue

Stephen R. Stoer: Textos Escolhidos

Journal article

Importância e satisfação das expectativas dos estudantes do ensino superior: Um estudo em progresso

Machado, M. L.; Sá, M. J.; António Magalhães

Conference abstract

Student satisfaction with higher education: Critical data for student development

António Magalhães; Machado, M. L.; Brites, R.; Sá, M. J.

Journal article

Concurrence, bien public et gouvernance institutionnelle

Magalhães, António; Amaral, Alberto

Journal article

Changing values and norms in Portuguese higher education

Magalhães, A.M.; Amaral, A.

Journal article

Market Competition, Public Good and Institutional Governance

Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António


Na Girândola de Significados: Polissemia de Excelências em Escolas Portuguesas do Século XXI

Cortesão, Luiza; Stoer, Stephen R.; Araújo, D.; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Nunes, Rosa; Costa, Alexandra S.

Book chapter

Higher Education Research Perspectives

Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Europe as a Bazaar: a Contribution to the Analysis of the Reconfiguration of Nation-States and New Forms of 'Living Together'

Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen

Book chapter

Europe as a Bazaar: Education in the Europe of Knowledge

Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen

Book chapter

Entre a Individualização e a Individuação: a Reconfiguração da Educação na Sociedade e Economia do Conhecimento

Magalhães, António

Journal article

A Narrativa das Narrativas: um estudo das narrativas educacionais dos investigadores/docentes da FPCEUP

Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen R.


Na girândola de significados: polissemia de excelências em escolas portuguesas do século XXI [In the whirlpool of meanings: polysemy of excellence in 21st century Portuguese schools]

Stoer, Stephen R. ; Magalhães, António; Antunes, Fátima; Nunes, Rosa; Macedo, Eunice; Costa, Alexandra Sá; Araújo, Deolinda


Na girândola de significados: polissemia de excelências em escolas portuguesas do século XXI [In the whirlpool of meanings: polysemy of excellence in 21st century Portuguese schools]

Stoer, Stephen R.; Magalhães, António; Antunes, Fátima; Nunes, Rosa; Macedo, Eunice; Costa, Alexandra Sá; Araújo, Deolinda

Journal article

A Identidade do Ensino Superior: a Educação Superior e a Universidade

Magalhães, António

Book chapter

A Europa como um bazar: contributo para a análise da reconfiguração dos estados-nação no contexto europeu e das novas formas de "viver em conjunto"

Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen

Edited book

Reconfigurações: Educação, Estado e Cultura numa Época de Globalização

Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Inclusão Social e a 'Escola Reclamada'

Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen

Book chapter

Knowledge in the Bazaar: Proative Citizenship in the Learning Society

Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen

Preface / Postscript


Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen


O surgimento do managerialismo no sistema de ensino superior português

Santiago, Rui; Magalhães, António; Carvalho, Teresa


A Diferença Somos Nós: a Gestão da Mudança Social e as Políticas Educativas e Sociais

Stoer, Stephen R.; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Scenarios and Metaphors for (Un)Thinking Change in Higher Education

Stoer, Stephen R.; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

A Europa como um bazar. Contributo para a análise da reconfiguração dos Estados-nação e das novas formas de 'viver em conjunto'

Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen R

Book chapter

Implementation of Higher Education Policies: A Portuguese Example

Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Implementation of Higher Education Policies: A Portuguese Example

Amaral, A; Magalhães, A

Journal article

Epidemiology and the Bologna Saga

Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António

Journal article

Education, knowledge and the network society

Stoer, Stephen R.; Magalhães, António


Os Lugares de Exclusão Social: um dispositivo de diferenciação pedagógica

Stoer, Stephen R.; Magalhães, António; Rodrigues, David


A Identidade do Ensino Superior: Política, Conhecimento e Educação numa Época de Transição

Magalhães, António

Journal article

Educação, conhecimento e a sociedade em rede

Stoer, Stephen R; Magalhães, António M


Theories of Social Exclusion

Stoer, Stephen R.; Rodrigues, David; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

As Transformações do Mercado de Trabalho e as Novas Identidades Individuais e Coletivas: a reconfiguração do papel da escola e da cidadania

Magalhães, António

Book chapter

A Reconfiguração do Contrato Social Moderno: novas cidadanias e educação

Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen

Journal article

A Reconfiguração da Educação Inter/multicultural

Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen R

Journal article

Performance, Citizenship and the Knowledge Society: a new mandate for European education policy

Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen

Journal article

The triple crisis of the university and its reinvention

Amaral, A.; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Performance, Citizenship and the Knowledge Society: A new mandate for European education policy

António M. Magalhães; Stephen R. Stoer

Book chapter

The rise of academic managerialism in Portugal

Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António; Santiago, R.

Journal article

Public and Private Higher Education in Portugal: unintended effects of deregulation

Correia, Fernanda; Amaral, Alberto; Magalhaes, Antonio


A escola para todos e a excelência acadêmica

Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen R.

Journal article

The Reconfiguration of the Modern Social Contract: New Forms of Citizenship and Education

Stoer, Stephen R.; Magalhães, António M.


A Escola para Todos e a Excelência Académica

Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen


O Ensino Superior pela Mão da Economia

Amaral, A.; Correia, F.; Magalhães, António; Rosa, Maria João; Santiago, Rui; Teixeira, Pedro


Diversificação e Diversidade dos Sistemas de Ensino Superior: o caso Português

Correia, Fernanda; Amaral, A.; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

The Emergent Role of External Stakeholders in European Higher Education Governance

Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António

Journal article

A Nova Classe Média e a Reconfiguração do Mandato Endereçado ao Sistema Educativo

Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen R.

Journal article

Dialogando com ¿Alcançando o Sucesso? Reflexões Críticas sobre a Educação da 'Terceira Via' do New Labour¿ de Sharon Gewirtz

Magalhães, António

Book review

Recensão à obra Helena Costa Araújo e Maria José Magalhães (Orgs.) “Cadernos de Coeducação”

Magalhães, António; Coelho, Orquídea; Cosme, Ariana; Ferreira, Manuela; Caramelo, João

Journal article

On Markets, Autonomy and Regulation: the Janus Head Revisited

Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

O Síndroma de Cassandra: reflexividade, a construção de identidades pessoais e a escola

Magalhães, António

Thesis / Dissertation

Higher education dilemmas and the quest for identity: politics, knowledge and education in an era of transition

Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação

Journal article

A Transformação do Modo de Regulação Estatal e os Sistemas de Ensino

Magalhães, António

Book chapter

A incomensurabilidade da diferença e o antianti-etnocentrismo

Stoer, Stephen R.; Magalhães, António

Journal article

Mapeando Decisões no Campo da Educação no Âmbito do Processo de Realização das Políticas Educativas

Cortesão, Luiza; Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen R.

Book review

Recensão à obra Teresa Pinto e Fernanda Henriques

Magalhães, António; Coelho, Orquídea; Cosme, Ariana; Ferreira, Manuela; Caramelo, João

Journal article

O Conceito de 'Stakeholder' e o Novo Paradigma do Ensino Superior

Alberto Amaral; Magalhães, António

Other output

Sobre o etnocentrismo: uma resposta a Clifford Geertz

António Magalhães


'Nem Todos Podem Ser Doutores?!'

Magalhães, António

Journal article

Portuguese Higher Education and the Imaginary Friend: the Stakeholders' Role In Institutional Governance

Magalhães, António; Amaral, Alberto

Book chapter

The Portuguese higher education system: A case study for CHEPS

Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António

Other output

Recensão à obra de Stephen R. Stoer - Educação e mudança social em Portugal: 1970-1980, uma década em transição

Magalhães, António


Orgulhosamente Filhos de Rousseau

Magalhães, António; Stoer, Stephen

Book chapter

Projeto Educativo e Relações Pedagógicas

Magalhães, António

Book chapter

A questão da impossibilidade racional de decidir e o despacho sobre os currículos alternativos

Stephen R. Stoer; Luiza Cortesão; António Magalhães

Thesis / Dissertation

A Escola na Transição Pós-Moderna

Magalhães, António

Journal article

A Escola na Transição Pós-Moderna

Magalhães, António

Thesis / Dissertation

A Escola na Transição Pós-Moderna

Magalhães, António

Preface / Postscript

Prefácio à versão portuguesa do "Vocabulário Técnico e Critico da Filosofia" de A. Lalande

Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação

Book chapter

Introdução à Leitura de 'O Caso Wagner' e 'Nietzsche contra Wagner'

Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Introdução à Tradução Portuguesa das Meditações Cartesianas de E. Husserl

Magalhães, António

Conference paper

A configuração das Ciências da Educação em Portugal: um estudo exploratório baseado nas teses de doutoramento defendidas em 2016 [The configuration of Educational Sciences in Portugal: an exploratory study based on doctoral theses defended in 2016]

Varela, Cristina Couto; Costa, Alexandra; Magalhães, António

Conference paper

A configuração das Ciências da Educação em Portugal: um estudo exploratório baseado nas teses de doutoramento defendidas em 2016 [The configuration of Educational Sciences in Portugal: an exploratory study based on doctoral theses defended in 2016]

Varela, Cristina Couto; Costa, Alexandra; Magalhães, António