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Professor(a) coordenador/a

CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
RECI – Unidade de Investigação em Educação e Intervenção Comunitária, Instituto Piaget, Portugal


+ 351 220400634 (ext 291)

Rita Manuela Barros. Concluiu o(a) Mestrado em Master in Psychology -Psychology and Health em 1999 pelo(a) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Licenciatura em Graduation in Psychology em 1995 pelo(a) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Doctor em Ciências da Educação em 2012 pelo(a) Universidade de Santiago de Compostela e DEA em Personal Development and Social Intervention em 2006 pelo(a) Universidade de Valência. É Professor Coordenador no(a) Instituto Piaget Unidade de Investigação em Educação e Intervenção Comunitária e Dirigente de laboratório, instituto, museu, centro ou observatório no(a) Instituto Piaget. Publicou 32 artigos em revistas especializadas. Possui 16 capítulo(s) de livros e 3 livro(s). Orientou 4 dissertação(ões) de mestrado e coorientou 2. Recebeu 2 prémio(s) e/ou homenagens. Participa e/ou participou como Bolseiro de Investigação em 4 projeto(s), Desenvolvimento técnico em 1 projeto(s), Investigador em 1 projeto(s) e Outra em 2 projeto(s). Atua na(s) área(s) de Ciências Sociais com ênfase em Ciências da Educação e Ciências Sociais com ênfase em Psicologia. Nas suas atividades profissionais interagiu com 71 colaborador(es) em coautorias de trabalhos científicos. No seu currículo Ciência Vitae os termos mais frequentes na contextualização da produção científica, tecnológica e artístico-cultural são: ensino superior; estilos de aprendizagem; aprendizagem ao longo da vida; Ciências da educação, Ciências da educação; Educational sciences, Educational sciences; Ciências sociais::Ciências da educação; Social sciences::Educational sciences; academic involvement; students over 23 years old; higher education; confirmatory factor analysis; measurement invariance; envolvimento académico; estudantes Maiores de 23 anos; análise fatorial confirmatória; invariância de medida; Investigação Clínica e em Serviços de Saúde; Informática Médica; Análise de Dados; Bioética; Educação; Inclusão; Saúde e bem-estar; Intervenção comunitária; Envelhecimento; Gerontologia Social; Gerontologia Clínica; Geriatria; .

2021 – Pós-Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação – Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto
2012 – Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação – Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Espanha
1999 – Mestrado em Psicologia (Psicologia e Saúde) – Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto
1995 – Licenciatura em Psicologia – Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto

Aprendizagem ao longo da vida; Educação e formação de jovens e adultos; Formação de professores; E-learning, Literacia digital; Ambientes educativos inovadores e metodologias de aprendizagem; Educação nas prisões.

Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Gaia

DigiSaúde: Saúde Digital Intergeracional

Este projeto, da responsabilidade do Instituto Piaget e financiado pela autarquia de Vila Nova de Gaia, (Fundo de Apoio à Recuperação Covid 19 - Contrato-programa do plano 2020-A- 133, Red n.° 2022/5381) encontra-se em curso desde janeiro de 2023 e prevê-se estar concluído em fevereiro de 2025. O DigiSaúde apresenta-se como um projeto de investigação-ação de natureza intergeracional, dirigido à promoção da saúde de adultos seniores, através da intervenção de estudantes de várias áreas de estudo, e da utilização de recursos digitais. O seu objetivo principal é promover literacia digital em saúde da população sénior, através do desenvolvimento de competências digitais na população sénior com aprendizagens intergeracionais na era digital.

Conseil de l'Union Europeenne

21st Century Skills in the Context of the UN's Social Development Goals for pupils (21C-SDG)

Today, children are growing up in a world completely different from previous generations. The planet is under stress from pollution and climate changes ( If we want to secure the planet and future generations, we need to learn to be sustainable in order to enable everyone to live a good quality life. If we want to succeed in this, it is important to recognize that children and pupils need to be a part of the solution, because obviously, they are the future. Therefore, they need to be able to address the problems and this requires 21st century skills such as creative thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, media literacy and entrepreneurship. The new Skills Agenda for Europe (June 2016), enshrines critical thinking, entrepreneurship, problem solving or digital competences, among others, as vital skills that the 21st century pupil needs to learn ( This is to ensure that pupils develop a broad set of skills from early on in life and to make the most of Europe’s human capital, which will ultimately boost employability, competitiveness and growth in Europe.

The project objective is to increase pupils’ skills and competences in 21st century skills with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as the framework. This will be done by developing online learning materials and modules for pupils between 10 and 15 years, aiming to improve their understanding of current societal issues, i.e. environment, circular economy etc. The digital materials will focus on developing critical thinking skills, creativity, problem solving skills and digital competencies such as media literacy in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Children and pupils must learn to be pro-active and think outside the box in order to address the changing world and its challenges. Moreover, children are increasingly exposed to news, pictures and pop culture from all around the world (, and it is important that they are able to figure out the facts from the falsehoods. Without skills regarding creative thinking, critical thinking and media literacy, they risk being seduced by easy solutions and left behind in the constant development of the world.

The partnership aims to challenge the pupils to come up with new solutions, work together, co-create and think critically both about how the issues of the world have arisen and how they can contribute to a solution. We will do this in cooperation with teachers by developing modules and learning materials that combine the UN SDG’s with workshops, case competitions, group discussions etc. that promote the use and acquisition of 21st century skills, e.g. critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, entrepreneurial skills and media literacy. Combining 21st century skills and UN SDG’s provides a perfect opportunity for pupils to develop critical thinking, problem solving, entrepreneurship and digital competences while working with real world issues such as pollution, water contamination, equality, etc.

European Commission

UP2B - Boosting Up School Education towards European Citizenship and Labour Market Inclusion

The EU Education policies, lay down in Europe2020 Strategy and related documents*, addresses themes as important as "Education for Jobs and Growth" or "Early School Leaving" (ESL). In a recent Infographic, the Commission addressed the subject of ESL, by stating:

"Schools cannot effectively work alone. They need to move from isolated and short-term actions to engaging in a more holistic and systemic initiatives" **

UP2B is fully aligned with such vision of an integrated approach from an enlarged community of actors. Centered in Schools, UP2B is fed by a matrix of relevant subjects for the creation of a better School, consequently, better citizens and a brighter future. The project is a strategic partnership of School Education, created by Companies, Universities, NGOs, Education Local Authorities and Schools, from South, North, East and West of Europe, cooperating for promoting motivation at School (for students and teachers) and for preparing students for their future life as workers and Citizens. The project’s integrated approach of formats, contents and expertise was based in previous needs assessment during the partners’ regular activities and envisages to enhance School Education, aiming Social Cohesion.

UP2B objectives are:

-To enhance school attractiveness, diminishing rates of demotivation and absence and rates of early school leaving

-To facilitate the relationship and the transition between School and the Labour Market
-To increase students’ sense of citizenship by generating awareness about the labour market
-To increase the sense of European Citizenship and its core values of equity, namely concerning Gender, Minorities and Human Rights, as fundamental Educational aspects

While pursuing these objectives, UP2B is also tackling the growing social scourge of NEET youngsters, not dealing with its consequences but rather trying to eliminate some of its causes, as early school leaving and unawareness about the labour market and about VET possibilities.

Accordingly, UP2B target-groups are:

-Students aged 12-16 years old, because at those ages they have already been required to think about important life decisions, namely concerning education paths they wish to follow (regular secondary school, VET school,…) or they had equated/may equate an eventual school dropout (which will require them to look for a job in order to avoid a NEET situation); it is therefore of upmost importance to raise awareness about the labour market, but most of all, to increase school attractiveness near them;
-Teachers of such students, because they play a decisive role in raising awareness concerning Citizenship, facilitating them to better understand society and culture and supporting them to consciously claim their rights and be sure to fulfil their duties, within and beyond school;
-School communities (School as an Institution: managers, administrative staff, education counsellors, parents, surrounding communities);
-Teachers of teachers: by involving them, the project ensure that its effects start at the very early stage of school actors preparation, ensuring sustainability;
-Operators of other education domains (as VET and Higher Education) as they play a decisive role on careers’ training and guidance;
-Operators of the labour market (employers, employment agencies and career counsellors), as they need to provide their views, but also be ready to support demotivated youngsters, inclusively promoting their return to school in the all the applicable cases.

European Commission

Media Literacy Towards Youth Social Inclusion (MINDtheGaps)

MINDtheGaps aims to contribute to the promotion of equal opportunities to young people in vulnerable situations, including those living in residential care institutions, to develop media literacy, digital inclusion and critical thinking and, therefore, conditions to live and participate on the information society and to access the labour market (social inclusion). MINDtheGaps uses a participatory intervention based on programming training and multimedia open educational resources development to empower young people to develop media literacy, critical thinking and to be able to share knowledge and collaboratively solve problems in partnership with young people from other European countries, in a non-formal context. This means that the project is in line with the New European Youth Policy (2019-2027) since it will develop new and innovative ways to achieve the priorities that are set out in national and EU policy: ENGAGE, CONNECT and EMPOWER young people through innovation, quality and recognition of youth work. The general objective unfolds in the following objectives: - To know the characteristics and the young people intersecting disadvantages of gender, race, religion, relation to education, learning disabilities, family status, geographical contexts and citizenship status; - To develop tools to educational institutions, in general, to implement inclusive education approaches and promote common values through digital media; - To promote effective use of existing tools to promote citizenship education; - To deepen knowledge about inclusive educational innovative approaches regarding media literacy with young people living in residential care institutions; - To promote young people and staff cross-border situations contact to experience European identity to prevent radicalisation leading to violent extremism through the promotion of common values as a vector of social inclusion; - To raise awareness about the risks and opportunities of the internet and social media; - To develop practical recommendations with regard to the development of media literacy and critical thinking practices both in formal and informal education and training activities among young people in socially vulnerable situations; - To disseminate the produced knowledge evolving policy makers, State care institutions, schools, teacher¿s associations, European networks, education administrative staff, etc. The primary target group will involve 100 young people aged between 15-18 years old in risk of exclusion, including NEETs facing educational difficulties, learning difficulties, early school-leavers, low qualified adults, young people with poor school performance, economic obstacles, cultural differences. This target-group was selected because they are facing the transition from the teenage to the early adult age; some of them have equated an eventual school drop-out, which will require them to look for a job, in order to avoid NEET situations. The project's deliveries, namely an innovative practices handbook, online education resources, assessment/testing materials and distance learning platform, are intended to be used and adapted in other educational and training contexts, both formal and informal, ensuring project sustainability and long-term impact. The end-users are schools communities/residential care institution staff (school as an institution: managers, administrative staff, education counsellors, parents, surrounding communities, students ¿ from 12 to 16 years old ¿ and teachers). MINDtheGaps impact envisage is to contribute to develop innovative practices at both partners¿ countries and EU level to guarantee ¿the right to quality and inclusive education, training and lifelong learning in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable [everyone] to participate fully in society and manage successfully transitions in the labour market¿ (European Pillar of Social Rights, 2017).

Commission Européenne Représentation au Luxembourg


Conseil de l'Union Europeenne

Youth Led Development for Schools Participatory Management (BE PART)

BE PART - Youth-Led Development for Schools¿ Participatory Management aims to develop, implement and evaluate an innovative participatory youth approach in regular schools, fostering inclusive education while promoting citizenship competences and youth empowerment, especially among students with disadvantaged background. The innovative participatory youth approach that will be designed in the project relies on 5 main concepts: Youth-led development, models of youth participation, co-creation, Project-based learning and youth empowerment. These concepts will assure the innovation on the promotion of the acquisition and development of students¿ civic competencies: ¿ Interacting effectively and constructively with others; ¿ Thinking critically; ¿ Acting in a socially responsible manner;¿ Acting democratically.To accomplish this, the consortium defined a structure comprising 7 work packages:¿ WP1:Aiming at identifying the MYP to be approached in the project and establishing the students¿ fellowships.¿ WP2:Dedicated to the capacity building of teachers responsible for the guidance and support of students. ¿ WP3:Related to the implementation and testing of the MYP in the partnership schools. ¿ WP4:A Youth Led Model will be prepared based in the experience of partners in the design/preparation, implementation and evaluation of MYP in the context schools, to be introduced to experts.¿ WP5:A set of resources, tools and activities were outlined in the project to support partners in the communication with main stakeholders, dissemination of the project¿s results and activities and to upscaling the main deliverables of the project.¿ WP6:To guarantee that the project implementation is following the road map and timeline of the project, for one hand, and to guarantee the quality of the main outputs of the project, for another hand.¿ WP7:To ensure a proper implementation of the project¿ work plan and guarantee the communication among partners during the implementation.

European Parliament

Link You Project - Cooperation between Latin America and Europe to employability

The main objetive is to improve the employability of young graduates in Latin America through the crowdsourcing application strategy as a tool to create a network that seeks to bring together industries, academics and students, as this will allow the exchange of knowledge between academia and companies, attract funds Private partnerships for research, which will in turn promote, a better level of innovation and enterprising entrepreneurial spirit.

BPI / Fundação "La Caixa"

EPRIS - e-learning e contexto prisional

O EPRIS é um projeto de investigação-ação, implementado deste 2014 no Estabelecimento Prisional de Santa Cruz do Bispo - Feminino, e resulta de uma parceria entre o Instituto Piaget, a Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto e a Direção-Geral de Reinserção e Serviços Prisionais. Trata-se de um projeto pioneiro em Portugal, no qual o e-learning se apresenta como uma ferramenta de diferenciação pedagógica junto de um público com especificidades educativas. A par da produção de conhecimento no domínio da Educação de Adultos, o projeto pretende contribuir para a reintegração da população reclusa feminina através da criação de um modelo de intervenção integrado e estruturado, passível de replicação, e do desenvolvimento de uma estratégia inovadora de reintegração social que contribua para a implementação de políticas de igualdade de género, através do desenvolvimento de competências no âmbito da literacia digital. O projeto concluiu a sua terceira fase de implementação.


Inter-Cultural Dimension for European Active Citizenship (IDEA-C)

Instituto Piaget is a member of the International Partnership of “Inter-Cultural Dimension for European Active Citizenship” (IDEA-C) – Project number: 555616-CITIZ-1-2014-IT-CITIZ-NT. The project, coordinated by the Italian Institutions Giraci Siculo Municipality and EProjectConsult – European Institute for Training and Research, is co-funded and developed under the Europe for Citizens Programme 2014 – 2020, Strand 2 - Democratic engagement and civic participation, Measure 2.2 - Network of Towns.

Commission Européenne Représentation au Luxembourg


UC-CROWD is a European project developed with support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission. ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon is the coordinator of the 13 partners consortium across Europe which includes 7 Higher Education Institutions, 5 Companies and 1 Research Centre.
This project aims to strengthen links between companies and Higher Education Institutions (HEI) by creating a bridge between two different worlds. The project wants companies to share their problems with the academia and therefore professors and students from all around Europe gather innovative solutions for them. Crowdsourcing is a open opportunity to people experience new creative ways to solve problems. The project wants HEI’s, in a general way, to be innovative and to help companies find new solutions to be more competitive. This is a platform to match companies needs and academia projects.

Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Gaia

DigiSaúde: Saúde Digital Intergeracional

Este projeto, da responsabilidade do Instituto Piaget e financiado pela autarquia de Vila Nova de Gaia, (Fundo de Apoio à Recuperação Covid 19 - Contrato-programa do plano 2020-A- 133, Red n.° 2022/5381) encontra-se em curso desde janeiro de 2023 e prevê-se estar concluído em fevereiro de 2025. O DigiSaúde apresenta-se como um projeto de investigação-ação de natureza intergeracional, dirigido à promoção da saúde de adultos seniores, através da intervenção de estudantes de várias áreas de estudo, e da utilização de recursos digitais. O seu objetivo principal é promover literacia digital em saúde da população sénior, através do desenvolvimento de competências digitais na população sénior com aprendizagens intergeracionais na era digital.

Conseil de l'Union Europeenne

21st Century Skills in the Context of the UN's Social Development Goals for pupils (21C-SDG)

Today, children are growing up in a world completely different from previous generations. The planet is under stress from pollution and climate changes ( If we want to secure the planet and future generations, we need to learn to be sustainable in order to enable everyone to live a good quality life. If we want to succeed in this, it is important to recognize that children and pupils need to be a part of the solution, because obviously, they are the future. Therefore, they need to be able to address the problems and this requires 21st century skills such as creative thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, media literacy and entrepreneurship. The new Skills Agenda for Europe (June 2016), enshrines critical thinking, entrepreneurship, problem solving or digital competences, among others, as vital skills that the 21st century pupil needs to learn ( This is to ensure that pupils develop a broad set of skills from early on in life and to make the most of Europe’s human capital, which will ultimately boost employability, competitiveness and growth in Europe.

The project objective is to increase pupils’ skills and competences in 21st century skills with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as the framework. This will be done by developing online learning materials and modules for pupils between 10 and 15 years, aiming to improve their understanding of current societal issues, i.e. environment, circular economy etc. The digital materials will focus on developing critical thinking skills, creativity, problem solving skills and digital competencies such as media literacy in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Children and pupils must learn to be pro-active and think outside the box in order to address the changing world and its challenges. Moreover, children are increasingly exposed to news, pictures and pop culture from all around the world (, and it is important that they are able to figure out the facts from the falsehoods. Without skills regarding creative thinking, critical thinking and media literacy, they risk being seduced by easy solutions and left behind in the constant development of the world.

The partnership aims to challenge the pupils to come up with new solutions, work together, co-create and think critically both about how the issues of the world have arisen and how they can contribute to a solution. We will do this in cooperation with teachers by developing modules and learning materials that combine the UN SDG’s with workshops, case competitions, group discussions etc. that promote the use and acquisition of 21st century skills, e.g. critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, entrepreneurial skills and media literacy. Combining 21st century skills and UN SDG’s provides a perfect opportunity for pupils to develop critical thinking, problem solving, entrepreneurship and digital competences while working with real world issues such as pollution, water contamination, equality, etc.

European Commission

UP2B - Boosting Up School Education towards European Citizenship and Labour Market Inclusion

The EU Education policies, lay down in Europe2020 Strategy and related documents*, addresses themes as important as "Education for Jobs and Growth" or "Early School Leaving" (ESL). In a recent Infographic, the Commission addressed the subject of ESL, by stating:

"Schools cannot effectively work alone. They need to move from isolated and short-term actions to engaging in a more holistic and systemic initiatives" **

UP2B is fully aligned with such vision of an integrated approach from an enlarged community of actors. Centered in Schools, UP2B is fed by a matrix of relevant subjects for the creation of a better School, consequently, better citizens and a brighter future. The project is a strategic partnership of School Education, created by Companies, Universities, NGOs, Education Local Authorities and Schools, from South, North, East and West of Europe, cooperating for promoting motivation at School (for students and teachers) and for preparing students for their future life as workers and Citizens. The project’s integrated approach of formats, contents and expertise was based in previous needs assessment during the partners’ regular activities and envisages to enhance School Education, aiming Social Cohesion.

UP2B objectives are:

-To enhance school attractiveness, diminishing rates of demotivation and absence and rates of early school leaving

-To facilitate the relationship and the transition between School and the Labour Market
-To increase students’ sense of citizenship by generating awareness about the labour market
-To increase the sense of European Citizenship and its core values of equity, namely concerning Gender, Minorities and Human Rights, as fundamental Educational aspects

While pursuing these objectives, UP2B is also tackling the growing social scourge of NEET youngsters, not dealing with its consequences but rather trying to eliminate some of its causes, as early school leaving and unawareness about the labour market and about VET possibilities.

Accordingly, UP2B target-groups are:

-Students aged 12-16 years old, because at those ages they have already been required to think about important life decisions, namely concerning education paths they wish to follow (regular secondary school, VET school,…) or they had equated/may equate an eventual school dropout (which will require them to look for a job in order to avoid a NEET situation); it is therefore of upmost importance to raise awareness about the labour market, but most of all, to increase school attractiveness near them;
-Teachers of such students, because they play a decisive role in raising awareness concerning Citizenship, facilitating them to better understand society and culture and supporting them to consciously claim their rights and be sure to fulfil their duties, within and beyond school;
-School communities (School as an Institution: managers, administrative staff, education counsellors, parents, surrounding communities);
-Teachers of teachers: by involving them, the project ensure that its effects start at the very early stage of school actors preparation, ensuring sustainability;
-Operators of other education domains (as VET and Higher Education) as they play a decisive role on careers’ training and guidance;
-Operators of the labour market (employers, employment agencies and career counsellors), as they need to provide their views, but also be ready to support demotivated youngsters, inclusively promoting their return to school in the all the applicable cases.

European Commission

Media Literacy Towards Youth Social Inclusion (MINDtheGaps)

MINDtheGaps aims to contribute to the promotion of equal opportunities to young people in vulnerable situations, including those living in residential care institutions, to develop media literacy, digital inclusion and critical thinking and, therefore, conditions to live and participate on the information society and to access the labour market (social inclusion). MINDtheGaps uses a participatory intervention based on programming training and multimedia open educational resources development to empower young people to develop media literacy, critical thinking and to be able to share knowledge and collaboratively solve problems in partnership with young people from other European countries, in a non-formal context. This means that the project is in line with the New European Youth Policy (2019-2027) since it will develop new and innovative ways to achieve the priorities that are set out in national and EU policy: ENGAGE, CONNECT and EMPOWER young people through innovation, quality and recognition of youth work. The general objective unfolds in the following objectives: - To know the characteristics and the young people intersecting disadvantages of gender, race, religion, relation to education, learning disabilities, family status, geographical contexts and citizenship status; - To develop tools to educational institutions, in general, to implement inclusive education approaches and promote common values through digital media; - To promote effective use of existing tools to promote citizenship education; - To deepen knowledge about inclusive educational innovative approaches regarding media literacy with young people living in residential care institutions; - To promote young people and staff cross-border situations contact to experience European identity to prevent radicalisation leading to violent extremism through the promotion of common values as a vector of social inclusion; - To raise awareness about the risks and opportunities of the internet and social media; - To develop practical recommendations with regard to the development of media literacy and critical thinking practices both in formal and informal education and training activities among young people in socially vulnerable situations; - To disseminate the produced knowledge evolving policy makers, State care institutions, schools, teacher¿s associations, European networks, education administrative staff, etc. The primary target group will involve 100 young people aged between 15-18 years old in risk of exclusion, including NEETs facing educational difficulties, learning difficulties, early school-leavers, low qualified adults, young people with poor school performance, economic obstacles, cultural differences. This target-group was selected because they are facing the transition from the teenage to the early adult age; some of them have equated an eventual school drop-out, which will require them to look for a job, in order to avoid NEET situations. The project's deliveries, namely an innovative practices handbook, online education resources, assessment/testing materials and distance learning platform, are intended to be used and adapted in other educational and training contexts, both formal and informal, ensuring project sustainability and long-term impact. The end-users are schools communities/residential care institution staff (school as an institution: managers, administrative staff, education counsellors, parents, surrounding communities, students ¿ from 12 to 16 years old ¿ and teachers). MINDtheGaps impact envisage is to contribute to develop innovative practices at both partners¿ countries and EU level to guarantee ¿the right to quality and inclusive education, training and lifelong learning in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable [everyone] to participate fully in society and manage successfully transitions in the labour market¿ (European Pillar of Social Rights, 2017).

Commission Européenne Représentation au Luxembourg


Conseil de l'Union Europeenne

Youth Led Development for Schools Participatory Management (BE PART)

BE PART - Youth-Led Development for Schools¿ Participatory Management aims to develop, implement and evaluate an innovative participatory youth approach in regular schools, fostering inclusive education while promoting citizenship competences and youth empowerment, especially among students with disadvantaged background. The innovative participatory youth approach that will be designed in the project relies on 5 main concepts: Youth-led development, models of youth participation, co-creation, Project-based learning and youth empowerment. These concepts will assure the innovation on the promotion of the acquisition and development of students¿ civic competencies: ¿ Interacting effectively and constructively with others; ¿ Thinking critically; ¿ Acting in a socially responsible manner;¿ Acting democratically.To accomplish this, the consortium defined a structure comprising 7 work packages:¿ WP1:Aiming at identifying the MYP to be approached in the project and establishing the students¿ fellowships.¿ WP2:Dedicated to the capacity building of teachers responsible for the guidance and support of students. ¿ WP3:Related to the implementation and testing of the MYP in the partnership schools. ¿ WP4:A Youth Led Model will be prepared based in the experience of partners in the design/preparation, implementation and evaluation of MYP in the context schools, to be introduced to experts.¿ WP5:A set of resources, tools and activities were outlined in the project to support partners in the communication with main stakeholders, dissemination of the project¿s results and activities and to upscaling the main deliverables of the project.¿ WP6:To guarantee that the project implementation is following the road map and timeline of the project, for one hand, and to guarantee the quality of the main outputs of the project, for another hand.¿ WP7:To ensure a proper implementation of the project¿ work plan and guarantee the communication among partners during the implementation.

European Parliament

Link You Project - Cooperation between Latin America and Europe to employability

The main objetive is to improve the employability of young graduates in Latin America through the crowdsourcing application strategy as a tool to create a network that seeks to bring together industries, academics and students, as this will allow the exchange of knowledge between academia and companies, attract funds Private partnerships for research, which will in turn promote, a better level of innovation and enterprising entrepreneurial spirit.

BPI / Fundação "La Caixa"

EPRIS - e-learning e contexto prisional

O EPRIS é um projeto de investigação-ação, implementado deste 2014 no Estabelecimento Prisional de Santa Cruz do Bispo - Feminino, e resulta de uma parceria entre o Instituto Piaget, a Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto e a Direção-Geral de Reinserção e Serviços Prisionais. Trata-se de um projeto pioneiro em Portugal, no qual o e-learning se apresenta como uma ferramenta de diferenciação pedagógica junto de um público com especificidades educativas. A par da produção de conhecimento no domínio da Educação de Adultos, o projeto pretende contribuir para a reintegração da população reclusa feminina através da criação de um modelo de intervenção integrado e estruturado, passível de replicação, e do desenvolvimento de uma estratégia inovadora de reintegração social que contribua para a implementação de políticas de igualdade de género, através do desenvolvimento de competências no âmbito da literacia digital. O projeto concluiu a sua terceira fase de implementação.


Inter-Cultural Dimension for European Active Citizenship (IDEA-C)

Instituto Piaget is a member of the International Partnership of “Inter-Cultural Dimension for European Active Citizenship” (IDEA-C) – Project number: 555616-CITIZ-1-2014-IT-CITIZ-NT. The project, coordinated by the Italian Institutions Giraci Siculo Municipality and EProjectConsult – European Institute for Training and Research, is co-funded and developed under the Europe for Citizens Programme 2014 – 2020, Strand 2 - Democratic engagement and civic participation, Measure 2.2 - Network of Towns.

Commission Européenne Représentation au Luxembourg


UC-CROWD is a European project developed with support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission. ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon is the coordinator of the 13 partners consortium across Europe which includes 7 Higher Education Institutions, 5 Companies and 1 Research Centre.
This project aims to strengthen links between companies and Higher Education Institutions (HEI) by creating a bridge between two different worlds. The project wants companies to share their problems with the academia and therefore professors and students from all around Europe gather innovative solutions for them. Crowdsourcing is a open opportunity to people experience new creative ways to solve problems. The project wants HEI’s, in a general way, to be innovative and to help companies find new solutions to be more competitive. This is a platform to match companies needs and academia projects.

European Commission


O LOGIC é um projeto sobre a utilização do “raciocínio lógico” e “desenvolvimento cognitivo” em jovens (Formação Profissional) e adultos (Educação de Adultos) nos seus percursos formativo e escolar.

Avaliação dos centros de dia como alternativa à sobrecarga dos cuidadores

Tendo como objectivo final a avaliação e de melhoria contínua em Serviços Gerontológicos, o projecto investiga sobre o cuidado das pessoas idosas dependentes. Encontra-se organizado em oito linhas de investigação que, no seu conjunto, contribuem para avaliar os centros de dia como alternativa à sobrecarga dos cuidadores e ao internamento dos idosos.

Conference paper

BEPART project: Scenarios of youth participation and curricular innovation at schools [JCR]

Monteiro, A. M.; Carlinda LEITE; Sampaio, Marta ; Barros, Rita . Corresponding author: Monteiro, A. M.

Journal article

Learning with digital technologies in prison: a scoping review

Barros, Rita ; Rita Barros; Angélica Monteiro; Carlinda Leite. Corresponding author: Barros, Rita

Conference abstract

Aprender a Ensinar no Ensino Superior: contributos de um projeto de formação pedagógica de docentes na modalidade online

Barros, Rita ; Nogueira, Clementina; Faria, Ana Rita; Gonçalves, Ana Cristina. Corresponding author: Nogueira, Clementina

Journal article

Translation and Adaptation of the Adult Developmental Coordination Disorder/Dyspraxia Checklist (ADC) into Asian Uzbekistan

Saidmamatov Orifjon; Jasurbek Jammatov; Cláudia Sousa; Rita Barros; Olga Vasconcelos; Paula Rodrigues

Conference paper


Angelica Monteiro; Carlinda Leite; Marta Sampaio; Rita Barros

Conference paper

BEPART project: Scenarios of youth participation and curricular innovation at schools [JCR]

Monteiro, A. M.; Carlinda LEITE; Sampaio, Marta; Barros, Rita . Corresponding author: Monteiro, A. M.

Online resource

E-learning em contexto prisional: a aprendizagem ao longo da vida como mecanismo de integração social

Barros, Rita

Journal article

Kids Surfing the Web: A Comparative Study in Portugal

Monteiro, Angélica; Sousa, Cláudia; Barros, Rita

Journal article

Female's self-concept as online learners in the context of lifelong learning in prisons

Monteiro, Angélica; Machado, Ana; Leite, Carlinda; Barros, Rita

Journal article

Youth participation: A new approach based on the intersections between models, views and European policies.

Barros, Rita ; Monteiro, Angélica; Leite, Carlinda

Conference paper

BEPART project: Scenarios of youth participation and curricular innovation at schools [JCR]

Monteiro, A. M.; Carlinda LEITE; Sampaio, Marta ; Barros, Rita . Corresponding author: Monteiro, A. M.

Online resource

E-learning em contexto prisional: a aprendizagem ao longo da vida como mecanismo de integração social

Barros, Rita

Conference abstract

Aprender a Ensinar no Ensino Superior: contributos de um projeto de formação pedagógica de docentes na modalidade online

Barros, Rita ; Nogueira, Clementina; Faria, Ana Rita; Gonçalves, Ana Cristina. Corresponding author: Nogueira, Clementina

Journal article

Kids Surfing the Web: A Comparative Study in Portugal

Monteiro, Angélica; Sousa, Cláudia; Barros, Rita

Conference paper

BEPART project: Scenarios of youth participation and curricular innovation at schools [JCR]

Monteiro, A. M.; Carlinda LEITE; Sampaio, Marta; Barros, Rita . Corresponding author: Monteiro, A. M.

Journal article

Translation and Adaptation of the Adult Developmental Coordination Disorder/Dyspraxia Checklist (ADC) into Asian Uzbekistan

Saidmamatov Orifjon; Jasurbek Jammatov; Cláudia Sousa; Rita Barros; Olga Vasconcelos; Paula Rodrigues

Journal article

Learning with digital technologies in prison: a scoping review

Barros, Rita ; Rita Barros; Angélica Monteiro; Carlinda Leite. Corresponding author: Barros, Rita

Conference paper


Angelica Monteiro; Carlinda Leite; Marta Sampaio; Rita Barros

Journal article

Autoestima e motivação para aprender online: o caso de mulheres reclusas

Rita Barros; Angélica Monteiro; Carlinda Leite

Journal article

Education towards literacy and digital citizenship of young people: Beyond 'being online'

Monteiro, Angélica; Teixeira, Elsa Guedes; Leite, Carlinda; Barros, Rita ; Fernandes, Preciosa; Soares, Filipa

Journal article

Youth participation: a new approach based on the intersections between models, views and European policies

Rita Manuela Barros; Angélica Monteiro; Carlinda Leite

Journal article

Curricular Practices Towards Sustainability and a Transformative Pedagogy

Carlinda Leite; Angélica Monteiro; Rita Barros; Nicole Ferreira

Book chapter

Projeto Epris – Possibilidades e Potencialidades

Barros, Rita . Corresponding author: Barros, Rita

Journal article

Inventário de Envolvimento Académico em Estudantes do Ensino Superior

Sousa, Cláudia; Barros, Rita; Monteiro, Angélica

Book chapter

Desafio Futuros - Educação de adultos

Rita Barros; Barros, Rita

Journal article

Female's self-concept as online learners in the context of lifelong learning in prisons

Angélica Monteiro; Ana Teresa Machado; Carlinda Leite; Rita Barros

Journal article


Monteiro, Angélica; Guedes Teixeira, Elsa; Leite, Carlinda; Barros, Rita ; Fernandes, Preciosa; Soares, Filipa. Corresponding author: Monteiro, Angélica

Journal article

Autoestima e motivação para aprender online: o caso de mulheres reclusas [Self-esteem and motivation to online learning: the case of female inmates]

Barros, Rita ; Monteiro, Angélica; Leite, Carlinda

Journal article

Female's self-concept as online learners in the context of lifelong learning in prisons

Monteiro, Angélica; Machado, Ana; Leite, Carlinda; Barros, Rita

Journal article

Youth participation: A new approach based on the intersections between models, views and European policies.

Barros, Rita ; Monteiro, Angélica; Leite, Carlinda

Book chapter

Deal me inn: An inclusive lens on digital storytelling and game-based learning with young people and adults

Barros, Rita ; Angélica Monteiro; Elsa Teixeira; João Caramelo

Journal article


Rita Manuela Barros; Angélica Monteiro; Carlinda Leite

Book chapter

E-learning em contexto prisional – reflexões apoiadas em um projeto de formação

Barros, Rita ; Angélica Monteiro. Corresponding author: Barros, Rita


Youth Digital Citizenship Education

Leite, Carlinda; Monteiro, Angélica; Barros, Rita ; Lopes, Amélia; Teixeira, Elsa Guedes; Caramelo, João; Rodrigues, Mariana; et al


Youth Digital Citizenship Education

Leite, Carlinda; Monteiro, Angélica; Barros, Rita ; Lopes, Amélia; Teixeira, Elsa Guedes; Caramelo, João; Rodrigues, Mariana; et al

Online resource

O ERASMUS+ enquanto desafio para os Psicólogos Escolares - o exemplo do projeto BE PART

Barros, Rita

Online resource

Como tornar os jovens Cidadãos Digitais? Contributos do Projeto MINDtheGaps

Barros, Rita


Youth Digital Citizenship Education

Leite, Carlinda; Monteiro, Angélica; Barros, Rita ; Lopes, Amélia; Teixeira, Elsa Guedes; Caramelo, João; Rodrigues, Mariana; et al

Conference abstract

As Terapias Não Convencionais na Ótica dos Fisioterapeutas

Barros, Rita

Book chapter

Literacias digitais em contexto prisional feminino: reflexões a partir do percurso do projeto EPRIS

Barros, Rita ; Monteiro,Angélica; Leite,Carlinda

Book chapter

E-learning para a vida em contexto prisional: EPRIS.

Barros, Rita ; Angélica Monteiro; Magalhães, Celestino

Journal article

Performance on the movement assessment battery for children: A systematic review about gender differences

Rodrigues, P.; Ribeiro, M.; Barros, R.; Lopes, S.; Sousa, A.; Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Conference abstract

SOS Costas (vídeo): avaliação da satisfação dos profissionais

Barros, Rita

Journal article

Autoeficácia formativa e envolvimento nos processos de aprendizagem de estudantes portugueses maiores de 23 anos

Barros, Rita; Monteiro, Angélica; Sousa, Cláudia

Conference paper

Aprender em ambientes virtuais: atoconceito de aprendizagem de mulheres em contexto prisional.

Barros, Rita

Journal article

Ambientes de aprendizagem, tecnologias digitais e formação inicial de professores

Angélica Monteiro; Rita Barros; Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Conference poster

Hábitos de sono dos estudantes que ingressam no Ensino Superior

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Online resource

Desafios do digital na formação de mulheres em contexto prisional: autoconceito de aprendizagem em ambientes virtuais

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Online resource

E-learning for Life and in Prisional Context: EPRIS

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Journal article

Nurses’ perception on non-conventional therapies

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Book chapter

Ambientes Educativos Inovadores e Competências para o Século XXI: Reflexões Finais

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Book chapter

Apresentação do estudo acerca dos ambientes educativos inovadores em Portugal

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Book chapter

Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida e Inclusão Digital de Adultos Idosos.

Barros, Rita; Monteiro, Angélica

Journal article

"Eu ganhei mais o gosto de estudar": o e-learning como meio de aprendizagem ao longo da vida de reclusas de um estabelecimento prisional português = "I have started to enjoy studying": e-learning as a mean of inmates: lifelong learning in a Portuguese prison

Angélica Monteiro; Carlinda Leite; Rita Barros

Book chapter

Is gender a risk factor for developmental coordination disorder?

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Book chapter

EPRIS – um ecossistema online vivo potenciador de aprendizagem ao longo da vida em ambiente de reclusão

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Monteiro, Angélica

Conference paper

Inmate's e-learning styles

Monteiro, Angélica; Barros, Rita; Leite, Carlinda

Other output

SOS Costas 

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Monteiro, Angélica

Online resource

Promoção da literacia digital num estabelecimento prisional feminino: o projeto e-pris

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida


Sistemas Prisionais - História e Desafios Educacionais na Era Digital.

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Monteiro, Angélica; Moreira, José António


Relatório de Avaliação Interna do Projeto E-PRIS

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Monteiro, Angélica

Journal article

As Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação e o Desenvolvimento de Estratégias de Resolução de Problemas em Estudantes do Ensino Superior da área da Saúde

Angélica Monteiro; Rita Manuela Barros; Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Journal article

Novos públicos do ensino superior: abordagem à aprendizagem de estudantes maiores de 23 anos)

Barros, Rita Manuela; Monteiro, Angélica Maria; Moreira, José António

Journal article

Estratégias de Resolução de Problemas em Estudantes do Ensino Superior

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Cláudia Sousa; Barros, Rita

Journal article

Desemprego, autoestima e satisfação com a vida: estudo exploratório realizado em Portugal com beneficiários do Rendimento Social de Inserção

Barros, Rita Manuela; Moreira, Ana Sofia

Conference paper

E-learning for Lifelong Learning of Female Inmates:The Epris Project

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Monteiro, Angélica Maria; Barros, Rita

Conference paper


Barros, Rita

Preface / Postscript

e-learning nos serviços de segurança pública

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Journal article

A Formação Profissional e a Perceção de Saúde Mental dos Trabalhadores Transicionais: Estudo Comparativo em Situação de (Des)Emprego

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Pinto, José Fernando Cabral; Oliveira, Joaquim Eurico

Other output

No encalço do bem-estar e da realização humana: do desencanto com o progresso e com a prosperidade à tentativa de redefinição do projecto de uma possível pós-modernidade

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Journal article

Autoconceito académico em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem

Moreira, José António Marques; Barros, Rita Manuela; Monteiro, Angélica Maria; José António Marques Moreira; Rita Manuela Barros; Angélica Maria Monteiro

Book chapter


Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Journal article

Aprender no ensino superior: relações com a predisposição dos estudantes para o envolvimento na aprendizagem ao longo da vida

Barros, Rita Manuela A.; Monteiro, Angélica Maria Reis; Moreira, José António Marques

Journal article

Autoconceito Académico e eLearning no Ensino Superior em Portugal

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Moreira, José António; Monteiro, Angélica Maria

Journal article

Avaliação do Impacto de Ambientes Virtuais na Percepção de Competências de no Ensino de Ciências e das Expressões Físico-Motoras

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Moreira, José António Marques; Monteiro, Angélica Maria

Journal article

Autoconceito global em estudantes do ensino superior: um estudo comparativo entre iniciantes e finalistas DOI - 10.5752/P.1678-9563.2013v19n2p232

Rita Manuela de Almeida Barros; José António Moreira; Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Moreira, José António

Other output

O que há de positivo na Psicologia Positiva? - A controvérsia de uma designação/adjectivação

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Journal article

The Relationship between Students’ Approach to Learning and Lifelong Learning

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Journal article

Perceção dos Professores de Orientação e Mobilidade face à sua Formação e Intervenção: estudo exploratório realizado em Portugal

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Barros, Rita


Educação de Adultos: Conceitos, Processos e Marcos Históricos - da Globalização ao Contexto Português

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Book chapter

Envelhecimento Activo e Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida: a promoção do bem-estar em adultos idosos

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Journal article

Autoconceito global em estudantes do ensino superior

Barros, Rita

Conference poster

O Prazer de Viver - Projecto de Intervenção Educativas em Idosas com Doença de Alzheimer

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Book chapter

O blended learning no ensino superior: a perceção dos estudantes

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Monteiro, Angélica; Barros, Rita

Other output

Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida - uma questão ontológica, mais que um princípio orientador de políticas educativas

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Conference poster

Literacia Digital, Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação e Envelhecimento: tendências de investigação no contexto português

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Other output

Considerações no domínio da Psicologia Positiva

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Conference poster

Psicologia Positiva e Saúde Mental

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Martín, José Ignácio Guinaldo

Conference paper

Evaluation of Global Self-Concept in Higher Education Students

Barros, Rita ; Moreira, José António; Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Journal article

Investigação e Prática em Psicologia Positiva

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Martín, José Ignácio Guinaldo; Pinto, José Fernando Cabral; Barros, Rita

Book chapter

Escolas Inclusivas

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Laja, Pedro

Conference paper

O Impacto da Formação Profissional na Saúde Mental dos Trabalhadores em Contexto de Incerteza

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Pinto, José Fernando Cabral; Oliveira, Joaquim Eurico

Conference paper

Portuguese Validation of the Adult's Attitudes Scale towards Continuing Education

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Conference paper

Ambientes online de aprendizagem em contexto prisional: flexibilidade, participação e inclusão na sociedade de informação

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Monteiro, Angélica

Conference paper

Conceção e Implementação de um Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem num Estabelecimento Prisional Português

Monteiro, Angélica; Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida

Conference paper

Estado depressivo em função do tempo de permanência em prisão preventiva

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Pais-Ribeiro, José Luís

Conference paper

A relação entre a Escola e a Comunidade: Um olhar sobre as práticas socioeducativas em contexto não formal

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Alcina Figueiroa; Monteiro, Angélica Maria

Conference paper

Importância do suporte social em indivíduos adultos em prisão preventiva

Barros, Rita Manuela de Almeida; Pais-Ribeiro, José Luís