This ebook - Diversity as Opportunity: Theoretical and practical contributions - aims to share the studies and/or projects presented during the International Seminar "Diversity as Opportunity: What professional knowledge and resources?", organised by the CIIE and held on 11 and 12 January 2018.
The seminar stemmed from various research projects developed at the CIIE, namely:

As a whole, the book offers interesting theoretical tools and educational experiences that we hope will contribute to a deeper reflection on cultural diversity and to the development of educational practices guided by a positive intercultural dialogue.


Preciosa Fernandes
Francisca Costa
Ana Mouraz




Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas (CIIE) da  Faculdade de  Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação (FPCE) da Universidade do Porto (UP)

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