This e-book - Ensino Superior: Desafios e Futuros [Higher Education: Challenges and Futures] - contains the presentations of academic papers from the 1st DESUP International Seminar (Challenges in/of Higher Education), which took place at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto on 3 July 2017.
Under the theme of Higher Education: Challenges and futures, this seminar, organised by a sub-group of the CIIE, had as its main objective to encourage the sharing and debate of research that focuses on higher education issues, and to support reflection on the challenges that this level of education faces in the 21st century if it is to be an enabler of preparation for the future.


Carlinda Leite


Carla Figueiredo
Carolina Santos
Rita Tavares de Sousa
Marta Sampaio
Rita Leal





Alexandra Carvalho

Cover Page
Manuel Francisco Costa/ SCI-FPCEUP

André Freitas

Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas (CIIE) da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto

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