Cadernos Interdisciplinares REduF [REduF Interdisciplinary Notebooks] is a collection that aims to disseminate studies of the educational cultural heritage within the scope of the project Raízes da Educação para o Futuro - REduF (Roots of Education for the Future), funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in a consortium between the University of Minho, the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP), based in the latter and in partnership with the Murça City Council, but which aims to remain beyond a project limited to funding.
By embodying the intervention aspect of the REduF project, the collection will continue as a means of disseminating the Interdisciplinary, Cross-Border and Inter-Regional Centre for the Memory of Education (CITRIME-Murça), publishing both technical works, such as the first two REduF Notebooks, and the dissemination of historical, educational and cultural knowledge, from an interdisciplinary perspective, as well as brochures on collecting local and regional memories.
This first booklet - Política de Desenvolvimento das Coleções do Centro Interdisciplinar, Transfronteiriço e Inter-regional de Memória da Educação | CITRIME-Murça: Manual de princípios, normas e procedimentos [Development Policy for the Collections of the Interdisciplinary, Cross-Border and Interregional Centre for the Memory of Education | CITRIME-Murça: Manual of principles, standards and procedures] - incorporates the work carried out in dialogue with the entire team, by the group that was specifically involved in providing a technical framework for the existing collection at CITRIME-Murça and for ongoing and future work. Principles and procedures were adopted and a set of forms and minutes created, which it is hoped will support the work of other institutions with similar objectives.

Alice Semedo

Margarida Louro Felgueiras


Márcia Terezinha Cruz,
Susana Saborano Vieira
Marta Fontoura Miranda

Alice Semedo

Margarida Louro Felgueiras




makeup design - augusto pires©

Arquivo do CITRIME - Murça

Carla Marques Ribeiro
Juliana Rodrigues Alves

CIIE – Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade Do Porto (FPCEUP)

With CIEd – Universidade do Minho, Projeto REduF e Câmara Municipal de Murça


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