Bruaá of the [in]visible

"Reading is not just a pastime or a luxury, but a precondition of democratic life, one of the practices that keep debate and disagreement grounded, focused, and productive."

Excerpt from "Who's Afraid of Gender?" Judith Butler


[in]visible is an i2ADS research project funded by FCT (DOI 10.54499/2022.05056.PTDC).
The final seminar of [in]visible aims to debate listening and the places of images in a counter-hegemonic, decolonial and anti-discriminatory sense.

50 years have passed... what bruises do we still feel in the images that haven't passed through the possibility of freedom, democracy and the fight for the rights of the people who inhabit Portugal? What have we kept visible in the sea of images overflowing from school textbooks published here? How have we paved the way for the defence and inclusion of plural identities in the representations and images approved by educational bodies?

Proposals for intervention or performance (up to 15 min) are accepted for this face-to-face seminar.



submission of proposals (pt or es): 

reception of proposals: until 20.06.2024

dissemination of results: until 30.06.2024


seminar dates: 18 and 19 July 2024

venue: Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto


Start date: 09:00 - 18 Jul 2024

End date: 18:00 - 19 Jul 2024