RILME - Red de Investigación sobre Liderazgo y Mejora de la Educación, in collaboration with the research community of practice Curriculum, Assessment, Training and Technologies in Education (CAFTe), announce the 5th International Congress on Leadership and Improvement in Education, to be held on 27-29 May 2024 at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto (Portugal).
CILME has already held four editions at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2017 and 2018), the Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile (2019) and the Universidad de Sevilla (2023). In addition to these higher education institutions, RILME ( is also made up of research teams from the universities of Granada, Huelva, Murcia, Vigo, Rovira i Virgili de Tarragona, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (Argentina) and Porto (Portugal).
In a world that is constantly changing and marked by times of uncertainty, the school has been increasingly recognised as a crucial place for democratic education and transforming societies. It is with this in mind that the V CILME 2024 is organised around the theme of "School, Democracy and Change", to stimulate wide-ranging discussions and reflections based on theoretical approaches, the results of studies and the sharing of experiences. Considering the nuclear interconnection between these three pillars, it is hoped that V CILME will contribute to broadening the debate on education and training policies; institutional and professional cultures in the field of education; and educational practices and learning communities.
Recognising the relevance of this event for the entire educational community, we invite teachers and/or researchers, as well as other professionals with experience/interest in the field of education, to take part in V CILME 2024.
Abstracts will be accepted for papers, posters or symposia (following the submission rules*), which can be presented in Portuguese or Spanish.
The work must be original, based on practical experiences and/or research carried out or in progress.
Authors of accepted abstracts may be invited to submit a full text to be published after the meeting in the V CILME proceedings.
There is no limit to the number of authors per proposal submitted.
Each author may submit up to 3 proposals.
There is a limit on oral presentations: each author can present up to 2 papers.
Abstract submission until 29 January 2024. Click here to access the abstract submission platform.
Communication of acceptance: by 27 February 2024.**
**Participants who will be receiving some kind of support to take part in events abroad (e.g. CNPq, CAPES, FAPES, others), please send us an e-mail informing us of the situation:
Proposals will be submitted directly to the submission website. Please note the following criteria:
- Proposals will be accepted in Portuguese and Spanish;
- Maximum 350 words per submission (bibliographical references not included);
- Bibliographical references must be in accordance with APA 7ed;
- Name(s) of author(s), institutional affiliation, country, e-mail contact of author(s), indicate the author(s) who will be presenting.
- Indicate the thematic axis of the work:
Axis 1 - Education and training policies:
- Education policies in their relation to social justice;
- Education policies geared towards transformation and emancipation;
- School administration policies;
- Curriculum and teacher training policies.
Axis 2 - Institutional cultures in the field of education:
- School cultures in their relationship with leadership and learning communities;
- School cultures organised for innovation and participation;
- School cultures orientated towards inclusive education.
Axis 3 - Educational practices:
- Educational practices and learning communities;
- Educational practices in the age of artificial intelligence.
Accepted abstracts requiring changes should be sent to
In the subject line of the e-mail (replace with your registration details): V CILME - REGISTRATION CODE - "PROPOSAL TITLE".
- The text must follow the rules previously announced.
- The text must appear in the body of the e-mail in the following order: Title / Author(s) / Abstract / Keywords / Bibliographical references.
The deadline for submitting the proposals with the changes requested by the reviewers is 18 March 2024.
In the case of a research paper, the abstract should contain:
- Title; Objectives of the study or research questions the study aims to answer; Theoretical framework; Methodology; Results achieved/expected; Bibliographical references. If it is a communication on Experiences, the abstract will have the following structure: Introduction, Context, Development of the Experience, Conclusions and Bibliographical references.
Oral presentations will take place in parallel sessions, the organisation of which will be announced shortly in the Programme menu.
The presentations will be organised along thematic lines. Each participant will have approximately 12 to 15 minutes to present their work.
Template for oral presentations: will be made available shortly*
Abstract of the research or educational experience, maximum 350 words, including: Title of the poster; Name and institution of the author(s); Keywords (maximum 05 words). The abstract should be structured as follows: Objectives; Method; Discussion; Conclusions; References.
A symposium is a set of papers that respond to the same thematic line and with a common communicative purpose. Each symposium will consist of a minimum of two and a maximum of four papers, plus the coordinator. Only one coordinator may be proposed for each symposium. The symposium coordinator will present a single, integrated text that will include a brief justification and presentation of the symposium, as well as each of the contributions. Contributions to the symposium must fulfil the same characteristics as the communications. The coordinator's justification/presentation will not exceed 1000 words. For final acceptance of the symposium, all participants must be registered for the congress and must have paid the registration fees. The symposium must be presented during V CILME.
Submission of abstracts: until 29 January 2024
Communication of acceptance: until 27 February 2024
Event registration: until 18 March 2024 (Early bird Registration)
More information:
FPCEUP, Porto, Portugal
Start date: 09:00 - 27 May 2024
End date: 18:00 - 29 May 2024