Book release and tribute to Marta Cristina de Araújo

A round table to present the works about and by the author, entitled "No Verso das Mãos: Obra Poética e Outros Textos" [On the Back of the Hands: Poetic Work and Other Texts] and "Marta Cristina De Araújo: A Arte de Escreviver" [Marta Cristina De Araújo: The Art of Writing for a Living], organised by Gaspar Martins Pereira and João Luís Roseira.

The panel will be made up of:

Eunice Macedo (CIIE/FPCEUP) - Moderation and reading of a poem by the author

Isabel Menezes (CIIE/FPCEUP) - The articulation of the work and the event with the Education Sciences 

Virgílio Pereira (FLUP) - A sociological reading focusing on the author's political activism

Paulo Nogueira (CIIE/FPCEUP) - An exploration of the literary and aesthetic dimensions

Gaspar Martins Pereira (FLUP) - Research and methodological construction

João Luís Roseira - The author, a close relationship

José Ribeiro (Edições Afrontamento) - Publishing

This event is part of FPCEUP's 50 years of April 25 celebrations and is co-organised by FPCEUP, CIIE-CoPin Inclusion Policies and Voices: Diversity, Gender and Intersectionality and the Paulo Freire Institute of Portugal.


FPCEUP, Auditorium 2C


Start date: 18:00 - 5 Mar 2024

End date: 20:00 - 28 Mar 2024