Ph.D Defense in Educational Sciences - Ana Carla Machado

The PhD Defense in Educational Sciences of candidate   Ana Carla Machado., will take place at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP) on 14 septemberl  2023, at 2.30PM. The thesis “Digital Technologies in the Lifelong Learning of Adults in Prison Context’ was developed under the supervision of Angélica Monteiro, FPCEUP researcher and Carlinda Leite, Professor Emeritus at FPCEUP

The session is open to the public.

Evaluation Pannel

Chair: Isabel Menezes  Full Professor,  FPCEUP


José Moreira, Associate Professor  at Universidade Aberta.

Marinaide Freitas, Associate Professor at the Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil.

Rita Barros, Coordinating Professor at the Piaget Institute.

Angélica Maria Reis Monteiro, researcher at FPCEUP - supervisor.

João Caramelo, Assistant Professor at FPCEUPAlexandra de Sá, Assistant Professor at FPCEUP



In the last decades, there has been an effort to qualify the Portuguese population in terms of skills in order to overcome difficulties and achieve a sustainable and rapid development in the context of a global knowledge-based economy. Digital competence is recognized as a key competence for Lifelong Learning (LLL) and the importance of social inclusion, through education and training of adults in situations of social vulnerability, as is the case of adult prisoners, is highlighted. With this situation as a reference, the research conducted in two Portuguese prisons aimed to produce knowledge about the ways in which digital technologies are used in education and training contexts for adults in situations of social vulnerability and the effects generated in the perceptions of VLE competencies that favor the process of digital and social inclusion. This objective unfolded into other more specific ones, namely: i) identifying characteristics of adult training in situations of social vulnerability using digital technologies in prison settings that promote SLA skills; ii) identifying the potential and limitations of training with technological resources for the development of digital and citizenship skills; iii) envisioning possible effects of adult training supported by digital technologies in prison settings that promote social inclusion. From the empirical point of view, the study, after mapping scientific articles on the topic and a documentary analysis of international and national policy speeches on Lifelong Learning, used questionnaires, electronic records of the olataforma, focus groups and interviews with adult prisoners who attended training sessions within the scope of two ongoing projects in Portugal. The content analysis of the data collected shows that these are based on pedagogical models of integrated and structured intervention through learning modules, mediated by digital platforms with restricted access. The study identified advantages in attending training courses in the hybrid modality, with a distance component, such as the breaking of geographical and time barriers, flexibility of schedules, and responsibility in the construction of knowledge. However, limitations related to lack of internet access, the routines established in prisons, demotivation and lack of interest in some training components were also identified. As for the effects, the results show that the trainings contributed to the development of digital skills, knowledge construction, communication, interactivity, sharing, autonomy, and time occupation. Digital and social inclusion is only truly possible if there is joint work for successful social reintegration. The importance of lifelong learning is considered essential for living in a world of freedom, so it is necessary to create favorable conditions for Lifelong Learning programs, mediated by digital technologies, to be implemented in prisons.




Start date: 16:05 - 14 Sep 2023

End date: 16:05 - 14 Sep 2023