CoPIn PIV - Inclusion Policies and Voices: Diversity, Gender and Intersectionality invites you to attend a very interesting session on 18 March at 4 pm in Auditorium 1 with Macaréu - Associação Cultural on the theme of ‘The importance of women in European and Portuguese culture from the 11th to the 17th centuries’.
Macaréu is an independent, non-profit cultural association with no subsidies, employees or employers, which aims to be self-sustaining and open to anyone who wants to present their projects. It presents itself as a powerful wave against the current, transforming... and assuming a space for cultural expression and affirmation of responsible and active citizenship, created in the spring of 2019.
Start date: 16:00 - 16 Mar 2025
End date: 18:00 - 16 Mar 2025