The PhD Defence in Education Sciences of candidate Valda Colares, will take place at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP) on 19 December 2024, at 2.30 pm. The thesis, entitled ‘Approach to Freirean Methodology in Initial Teacher Training and its Influence on the Teaching Practice of these Professionals’, was developed under the supervision of Teresa Medina, Associate Professor of FPCEUP member of CIIE.
You can watch it live on FPCEUP's YouTube channel.
The session is open to the public
Evaluation panel:
Chair: Fátima Pereira, Full Professor of FPCEUP
Alvanize Ferenc, Full Professor at the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil.
Armando Loureiro, Associate Professor at the University of Trás-Os-Montes and Alto Douro.
Maria de Fátima Pereira, Adjunct Professor at the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo.
Teresa Guimarães de Medina, Associate Professor of FPCEUP - supervisor.
Elisabete Maria Soares Ferreira, Assistant Professor of FPCEUP
Paulo Manuel Teixeira Marinho, Assistant Professor of FPCEUP
From the research and work developed, the training provided, the experience in the classroom, the that the mobilization of Freirean pedagogical methods can contribute to training, self-training and changes in all areas of others that this research work was outlined, marked by the restlessness and desires of another society. In this framework, the research developed took as the main theoretical and methodological reference framework the conception Freiriana of education, which points out an intensely changing and dramatically contradictory (Freire, 2006, p. 43), considering that the permanent training of teachers, a fundamental moment of critical reflection on practice (id., 2022, p. 40), is a constancy in teaching life. A research carried out had the general objective to analyze how teachers perceive the Freirean pedagogical ways in their initial training process, in the courses of Pedagogy and other degrees, and how these impact on their pedagogical action in the classroom. As objectives were delineated: i) identify if there is the presence of Freire in the curricular profiles of initial teacher training, in Pedagogy courses and other degrees; ii) if the Freerean works have or had some impact and influence on the professional experience of teachers; iii) understand what conceptions the teachers have about the Freirean methodology; iv) analyze if the teachers perceive and reflect the Freirean pedagogical ways, in the its pedagogical action. The study was developed based on interviews with teachers of the Reference School in Elementary Education Professor Paulo Freire (EREF) and State School São Lucas (Elementary School), located in the city of Olinda (PE), to teachers of the Union of Workers in Education of Pernambuco (SINTEPE) and the coordinator of the course of Pedagogy of a University; in the analysis of the curricular profile of course Pedagogy Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE, the University of Pernambuco – UPE (both public), the Catholic University of Pernambuco – UNICAP and the University of Mauritius in Nassau – UNISSAU (both private); in the application of an online questionnaire to teachers. Having resorted to a mixed methodology: qualitative and quantitative (Amado, 2013; Gatti, 2005; Fortin, 2003; Terrasseca, 2003; Triviños, 1987), the research was developed within the interpretative phenomenological paradigm. The results indicate that the Freirean methodology is fundamental for many teachers and that it is a reference in their teaching practices, although there is no unanimity among the educators. Most of the teachers who participated in the research report that they did not have access to reading Freire in their initial training; among those who contacted with works by Paulo Freire, in this period, the Pedagogy of the Oppressed was the most mentioned work and the first with which they had contact, considering it a guide for a progressive and liberating education.
Location : Online FPCEUP youtube channel
Start date: 14:30 - 19 Dec 2024
End date: 16:00 - 19 Dec 2024