LIDA project's final Seminar

The project LIDA - Learning Inclusion in a Digital Age. Belonging and Finding a Voice in a Changing Europe is funded by the Erasmus+ programme and with partners from England, Italy, Norway and Portugal, and will hold its final seminar on Inclusion in and through the Digital: Access, Well-being and Rights, on the 5th of September, in Porto, Portugal, at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto.

LIDA aims to strengthen learning for inclusion and active citizenship and fits with SDG 4 on inclusive learning, SDG 3 on well-being and SDG 11 on sustainable cities and communities. This project focuses on people in vulnerable situations, such as migrants, refugees and people at risk of poverty, and the professionals who work with them. Digital storytelling was used to empower and build or deepen a sense of belonging. You can consult our website for more information about the project, including the digital stories created by educators, professionals and people in vulnerable situations.

Provisional programme

09:00 - Welcome 
09:30 - Opening session 
09:45 - Presentation of the project: main activities and resources developed 
10:15 - Keynote speaker: Marie Macauley (UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning)*  
10:45 - Digital stories - Session 1  
10:55 - Coffee break 
11:15 - Digital stories - Session 2 
11:25 - Uses of digital storytelling for inclusion: Keynote speaker: Laura Mazzoli Smith (Durham University, UK) 
12:00 - Digital storytelling workshops: Participant testimonials  
12:45 - Lunch break 
14:15 - Digital storytelling - Session 3 
14:30 - Multiculturalism in the digital age: experiences of inclusion in primary and secondary schools. Keynote speaker: Francesca Fioretti (Teacher and specialist in Civic and Citizenship Education) 
15.10 - Digital stories - Session 4 
15.15 - Round table on inclusion in and through digitalisation (with representatives from the NGO Saber Compreender, the Municipality of Porto (smart city), the EPRIS Project: E-LEARNING IN PRISON CONTEXT, the It Gets Better Project - Portugal and the European Anti-Poverty Network - Portugal) 
16h15 - Coffee break 
16h30 - Keynote speaker: Sandra Araújo (Coordinator of the National Strategy to Combat Poverty) 
17h30 - Closing of the event and Port of Honour

*To be confirmed 

Registration for the event is free but mandatory here:  

We look forward to your participation!


Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
University of Porto
Porto, Portugal


Start date: 11:49 - 5 Sep 2023

End date: 11:49 - 5 Sep 2023


Laura Mazzoli Smith (University of Durham, Reino Unido)
Francesca Fioretti (Professora e especialista em Educação Cívica e para a Cidadania)
Sandra Araújo (Coordinator of the National Strategy to Combat Poverty)