Workshop + Debate "Ferramenta Educativa STEAM: Aprenda a programar com Legos”

LAbDERE - ‘STEAM Educational Tool: Learn to programme with Legos’

Anabela Silva Conde | Educologist, Specialist in Educational Projects and Tools
Paulo Silva | Civil Engineer
José Mario Pais | Computer Engineer.

Wednesday, 5 Feb 2025, 17h-20h
FPCEUP | r255

On 5 February 2025, between 5 pm and 8 pm, the CIIE's Laboratory for Digital Experimentation and Research in Education (LabDERE) is organising a new workshop entitled 'STEAM Educational Tool: Learn to program with Legos'. The workshop will be facilitated by Anabela Conde, a specialist in educational projects and tools; Paulo Silva, a civil engineer; and José Mario Pais, a computer engineer.
This event is part of LabDERE/CIIE's Cycle of Workshops + Debate on ‘Innovating for Learning’.

The target audience: Non-higher education teachers, researchers and students.
Entry is free, but registration is required. Limited places: 15

This workshop requires 1 laptop or tablet per group with the application installed. download -

Anabela Silva Conde - Educologist, specialising in educational projects and tools, and coordinator of the project ‘There's Engineering in me’, run by the Order of Engineers - Northern Region. Highly sponsored by the Presidency of the Portuguese Republic, the European Parliament and UNESCO, the project aims to promote engineering among young people. Anabela has a degree and a master's degree in Educational Sciences, specialising in Education and Training, and is also a doctoral student at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Porto and a Lego Trainer.

Paulo Silva - Civil Engineer with a degree in Civil Engineering and a Master's in Sustainable Energy from the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. He is a member of and responsible for the scientific research and development of the ‘There's Engineering in Me’ Project, organised by the Portuguese Engineers' Association - Northern Region, with high patronage from the Presidency of the Portuguese Republic, the European Parliament and UNESCO. PhD Student in Education and Engineering at the University of Salamanca, carrying out research at the Research Centre of the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, LABORIS - Investigação em Sistemas de Ensaios - CIETI.

José Mario Pais - Computer Engineer, Systems Administrator/Information Technology. He has a degree in Systems Engineering and Computer Science and a Master's in Network Engineering and Communications Services. Member of and responsible for the development of the ‘There's Engineering in Me’ Project, organised by the Portuguese Engineers' Association - Northern Region, with high patronage from the Presidency of the Portuguese Republic, the European Parliament and UNESCO


FPCEUP | r255


Start date: 17:00 - 5 Feb 2025

End date: 20:00 - 5 Feb 2025