We Watched These People Fight, Carrying History in Their Hands: Education in 50 Years of Independence
Participation is free, subject to prior registration, until 1 April (12h00): https://eventix.up.pt/up/rgy8c-2/
AFTERNOON (Auditorium 2C)
13h30 Welcoming attendees
14h00 Opening session
Pedro Nobre, Director of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto
Tiago Neves, Director of the Doctoral Programme in Education Sciences
Margarida Louro Felgueiras, Coordinator of the History of Education, Cultural Heritage and Museology Working Group
Representation of colonial Portugal and Portuguese colonialism in PAIGC textbooks (1964-1974)
Julião Soares Sousa
[Moderator: Margarida Louro Felgueiras]
Memory, education and resistance: African thought in the construction of the postcolonial
Kenia Reis
Colonialism in the secondary school history programme
João Moreira
The colonial legacy in Angolan education after independence
Jurema Gando
International students: A journey from Africa to Europe
Laleh Esteki
Young people from São Tomé and Príncipe attending apprenticeships in northern Portugal - social and educational meanings and experiences
Paula Gil
[Moderator: Maria José Magalhães]
16h20 Break
Colonial marks: presentation of projects developed in History of Contemporary Education
1st year students of the Degree in Education Sciences
[Moderator: José Pedro Amorim]
The female and Mozambican perspective of the anti-colonial struggle: Biographical notes on Josina Machel
Maria José Magalhães, Lara Gonçalves, Janaina Teles and Hiago Cardoso
Final comment
Margarida Louro Felgueiras
[Moderator: Anabela Amaral]
Start date: 13:30 - 2 Apr 2025
End date: 19:00 - 2 Apr 2025
These Conferences are organised by the History of Education, Cultural Heritage and Museology Working Group, in conjunction with and with the support of the PDCE, the MCEd, the MEFA and the LCE, FPCEUP.