Provisional Results of the 6th Individual CEEC | FCT

3 new contracts for CIIE

On 28 November, FCT published the provisional results of the 6th edition of the Call to Stimulate Scientific Employment - Individual (CEEC Individual), with 400 new contracts awarded to PhD researchers from all scientific areas.

The CIIE will be the host institution for three researchers awarded funding in this competition edition: Ana Luísa Costa and Dalila Coelho as junior researchers and Rui da Silva as assistant researcher.

The project presented by Ana Luísa Costa is entitled "Know-how to Speak Out: Education for and in Professional Activism".
Dalila Coelho submitted the study "Landscapes and Eduscapes of Decoloning Higher Education: A European treading".
And Rui da Silva's project focuses on "Global Education Policy in Lusophone Africa: Agendas, issues, and policies".