Call | New Dates | Democracy and Inclusion through Sport

Sport and democracy are intrinsically linked, sharing fundamental principles such as promoting equality, justice and fairness. Sport can be a catalyst for promoting and sustaining democratic principles, fostering inclusion and providing equitable opportunities for participation. In addition, sport also plays a crucial role in the social development of young people, providing a unique context for social interaction and the formation of values. However, challenges remain: how can sport reflect April's foundations of equality and justice? How can sport promote participatory parity, especially concerning gender justice? How can the relationship between sport and democratic principles be strengthened?

With this in mind,  Sport, Education and Communities Observatory (ODEC)  invites researchers, students and professionals to contribute papers that explore the fundamental role of sport in promoting democracy and inclusion through sport to be presented and discussed at the "2nd International Meeting on Sport, Education and Communities: An appeal for democracy". Abstracts must contain up to 300 words and be written in Portuguese or English (templates available on the official website).

Submission link:

Deadline for submission of abstracts: April 21 May 6, 11.59 pm

Announcement of acceptance: April 30 May 17 

Registration for the event: upon acceptance of the abstract, registration must be made by May 13 19, 11.59 p.m.

All information on the event's official website: