Nationalism and Multiculturalism in a Diverse World
Theme: 'On a Road to Nowhere?'
Type: PhD Course
Institution: Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen
Location: Copenhagen (Denmark)
Date: 13.–14.12.2012
Deadline: 26.10.2012
What is the relationship between national history and the history of nationalism? Is it possible to detach the history of nationalism from that of the nation-state? How ‘global’ is nationalism, and does nationalism still matter? Can we talk about the ‘death of multiculturalism’? Are we living in an age of diversity? How can we conceptualize the dialectic between similarity and difference, and how can we cope with (increasing?) diversity? Where and how do immigration and Islam come into picture? Straddling the line between the historical and the contemporary, and making a case for the importance of comparative approaches, this course will cast a critical eye over these, and many other, questions and explore the intimate relation between nationalism and multiculturalism in today’s ‘omniphobic’ world.
- John Breuilly (London School of Economics)
- Thomas Hylland Eriksen (University of Oslo)
- Umut Özkirimli (Lund University and CEMES Honorary Professor at KU)
Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen
Mandatory readings and active participation in seminar discussions. Participants are further encouraged to present some of their work in
the seminar (10-15 pages essays and 15 minutes oral presentations are xpected).
3 ECTS for preparation and participation with paper presentation and 1,5 ECTS for preparation and participation.
The course is free of charge. Participants will be selected on the basis of their application file and field of research. The selected participants are asked to organize travel and accommodation at their own expense. Meals and coffee will be provided free to all participants.
Deadline for submission of applications (letter of motivation, CV and paper/PhD abstract) is 26 October 2012 to: