In line with the guidelines set out in the Government Programme "Commitment to Science", the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (FCT) is making the following information available to the Scientific Community:
Calls for Research Projects in all Scientific Fields
The funding of research projects, in competitive calls, is one of the strategic pillars for developing and consolidating the National Scientific and Technological System. FCT will significantly reorient the funding of research projects in all scientific fields by creating four distinct types of projects that differ in size, R&D team structure and amount of funding. The following brief information is intended to facilitate the planning and timely preparation of applications by researchers, particularly in identifying the type of projects to be submitted and framing them within the priorities established for developing the National Scientific and Technological System.
Types of projects:
1. Scientific Research and Technological Development (IC&DT) projects in all scientific fields
These correspond to research projects aimed at original and relevant scientific questions, which significantly contribute to the advancement of knowledge and produce indicators of achievement during the project's duration. Research projects with a clear innovation component that contributes to transferring knowledge or skills to the productive fabric will be particularly valued. Projects coordinated by a Principal Investigator and comprising teams with the scientific and technological capacity to fulfil the objectives set out in the application are eligible. Projects will last two years, and the maximum funding per project is €200,000.
2. Scientific Research Projects under the Collaboration Protocol between the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche
These correspond to scientific research and technological development projects involving collaboration between Portuguese and French research teams under the Collaboration Protocol established between the FCT and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). FCT/ANR scientific research projects must be submitted by the Portuguese team to the FCT and by the French team to the ANR. Applications will be accepted in all scientific fields, with priority given to applications submitted in the following areas: Health Sciences, Biological Sciences and Environment and Climate Change. Projects will have a maximum duration of three years, and the funding to be awarded per project can vary between €200,000 and €400,000.
3. Exploratory Research Projects
Exploratory research projects correspond to a more open project configuration that allows the exploration of ideas or concepts considered by the evaluation panels to be of great originality and/or potential for innovation. Projects will have a maximum duration of one year, which cannot be extended, and the maximum amount of funding per project is €50,000.
4. Scientific Research and Technological Development Anchor Projects (IC&DT):
- In strategic lines of research
- Consolidation of research competencies and resources
Applications for this line of action must identify the scientific objectives the research teams intend to achieve, justifying the need to invest in the human resources, equipment or other means requested. The maximum duration of the projects to be supported is two years, and the maximum amount of funding per project is €500,000.
Application Evaluation Process
The process of assessing applications is central to the success of all initiatives within the National Scientific and Technological System, and rigorous assessment tools are used for this purpose, using panels of highly qualified experts. The projects described above are designed to ensure that funding instruments are tailored as much as possible to the needs and specificities of the National Scientific and Technological System. Therefore, no specific panels will be set up for each type of project, and all applications submitted will be competitively assessed based on scientific excellence criteria.
The information published here does not replace or dispense with consulting the call for tenders or the respective regulations, which will be announced in due course.
The Executive Board
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.