ESC issue 66 is now online

Sofia Marques da Silva


"We dare": Atypical paths of women in the Brasilian public university
Jacira da Silva Barbosa & Sonia Maria Rocha Sampaio

Photovoice as a participatory health promotion strategy of university students during the pandemic
Catherine Menegaldi Silva, Gabriela Costa Alves, Solange Franci Raimundo Yaegashi, Karla Patrícia Martins Ferreira, Mirian Ueda Yamaguchi, & Rute Grossi-Milani

Schooling and technical training of capoeiristas: Associations with and between wage income and quality of life
Ariel Custódio de Oliveira II, Maria das Dores Sabino Santana, Débora Vitória Santos Moreira, Matheus Sousa Santana, Thales Alessandro Vieira Motta de Souza, João Pedro Pereira Monteiro, Luiz Alcides Ramires Maduro, & Sergio Rodrigues Moreira

Analysis of family interactions and conversations during a visit to the exhibition "Water – An unfiltered exhibition"
Luisa Massarani, Cristina Luís , Graziele Scalfi & Antero Vinicius Pinto

Museums as a space for teachers' cultural training: What museums in Rio de Janeiro offer teachers
Cristina Carvalho & Gewerc Monique