A call for proposals has been launched for the specific programme "FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND CITIZENSHIP" (2007-2013) (call JUST/2011-2012/FRC/AG - Specific Transnational projects), with the deadline for submission being 13 March 2012, 12:00 CET.
Este programa da Comissão Europeia visa promover o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade europeia baseada no respeito pelos direitos fundamentais, o combate ao racismo, à xenofobia e ao anti-semitismo e uma maior compreensão inter-confessional e multicultural e tolerância em toda a União Europeia.
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Overall priority will be given to large-scale projects built on a wide partnership involving organisations from a significant number of Member States and offering a true European scope and relevance. Actions that duplicate activities of EU bodies, in particular activities of Fundamental Rights Agency, or the international organisations competent in the field of fundamental rights, such as the Council of Europe will not be retained. The Commission seeks to fund the projects in the following priorities:
4.1 Informing on where the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights applies and where to turn to if fundamental rights are violated (CFR)
In order to strengthen a shared culture of fundamental rights within the European Union and the effective enforcement of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, the Commission seeks to promote information and training activities to improve the knowledge and understanding of the scope and application of the Charter. The Commission under this priority will favour projects contributing to better inform and direct individuals who believe their fundamental rights have been violated towards the appropriate authorities. To avoid duplication with work underway5, projects that aim mainly at creation of new websites will not be retained.
4.2 Promoting the Rights of the Child (RoC)
Under this priority, the Commission wishes to support activities that implement best practices and tools for professionals working with and for children in communicating with children in away adapted to their age and stages of development, as well as with children in situations ofparticular vulnerability taking account of existing standards and progress already made in thisarea, including by international organisations6.
Moreover, the Commission under this priority will also support activities designed to identify and develop effective approaches to involve children in matters that concern them with theaim to empower children and to enhance their meaningful participation at local, regional andnational levels as well as actions aimed at better protecting children involved in the justicesystem (criminal, civil or administrative). For the latter, project scope could cover: access to justice, legal representation and assistance, participation7, protection in judicial proceedings, privacy, mediation, detention, and training for the judiciary and other professionals8 dealing with children.
4.3 Combating racism, xenophobia and antisemitism (RXAS)
In order to implement the European Union policy against racism, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance such as antisemitism, Islamophobia and anti-Roma racism, the Commission seeks to fund actions which aim to foster mutual understanding, counter traditional and new stereotypes which are at the roots of intolerant attitudes and behaviour and prevent the divulgation of such stereotypes. Specifically, the support will be provided to activities which raise awareness on racism, xenophobia or related forms of intolerance, and establish preventive methods and practices. Moreover, the Commission seeks for the projects which aim to analyse the reasons and sources of racist or xenophobic hate speech and hate crime, including societal trends leading to such phenomena, to inform victims of racism or xenophobia on redress mechanisms, or to assist law enforcement and judicial authorities to improve redress and reporting mechanisms, methods and practices. Among these projects the ones which aim to develop cross-community approaches would be favoured.
4.4 Fighting Homophobia: Enhanced/improved understanding and tolerance (HMPB)
The Commission will support actions that emphasise the fundamental rights perspective in the fight against homophobia, in particular projects with focus on improvement of the redress and reporting mechanisms, methods, practices of hate speech and hate crimes.
4.5 Training and networking between legal professions and legal practitioners (TRAI)
In order to strengthen a shared culture of fundamental rights within the European Union, the Commission seeks to support training and awareness-raising activities aimed at improving the knowledge and understanding of legal, judicial and administrative authorities, legal professionals and practitioners of the principles laid down in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. In particular, the Commission seeks for the projects aiming at training of national authorities, in particular law enforcement authorities, in the areas of the fight against racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and homophobia. In addition, the Commission will also support cooperation and exchange of information between the legal professions and all legal practitioners in the area of fundamental rights.
4.6 Participation in the democratic life of the Union (DEMO)
The Commission intends to promote information and civic education initiatives on the participation of Union citizens in the democratic life of the Union and, in particular, participation in European Parliament and municipal elections.
Specifically, projects focusing on the exercise of electoral rights of Union citizens in the Member States where they reside and of which they are not nationals would be favored. The Commission will support activities aimed at encouraging and supporting grassroots initiatives and projects carried out by associations in which non national Union citizens, residing in another Member State than their own, are involved.
4.7 Raise awareness about Union citizenship and the rights attached to it and identify obstacles to their effective exercise (CITI)
In the run up to 2013, proposed to be designated as the European Year of Citizens, the Commission will support initiatives and projects aimed at:
- raising awareness about Union citizenship, the rights attached to this status and its concrete benefits for Union citizens; and
- identifying obstacles to the effective exercise of these rights by Union citizens in their daily lives as well as solutions and best practices to tackle these obstacles, in line with the exercise launched by the EU Citizenship report 2010.
4.8 Raise awareness and improve knowledge about the EU rules on free movement, inparticular Directive 2004/38/EC (FREE)
With a view to enhancing on the ground the implementation of the right to free movementand residence for EU citizens and their family members, the Commission intends to support projects that aim at improving:
- the knowledge and expertise on the EU rules on free movement, in particular Directive 2004/38/EC, of local/regional/national authorities whose tasks relate to issues arising from the exercise of free movement and residence by nationals of other Member States or who otherwise have frequent contact with newcomers from other Member States;
- the awareness and knowledge of the EU citizens who make use of their right to free movement and residence.
4.9 Facilitate sharing of knowledge and exchange of best practices on acquisition and loss ofUnion citizenship (BPoC)
The Commission will encourage projects aimed at acquiring and sharing knowledge and exchanging experience on conditions and procedures for forfeiting Member States' nationality and, consequently, EU Citizenship, with a view to disseminating good practices and, where necessary, facilitating cooperation without encroaching on national competences.
N.B The introduction of Union citizenship does not compromise the principle of international law that States have the power to lay down the conditions for the acquisition and loss of nationality. This principle is not affected by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and has been confirmed in case-law of the European Court of Justice. According to thiscase-law, when exercising their powers in the sphere of nationality, Member States must have due regard to EU law, in so far as their relevant decisions affect the rights conferred and protected by the legal order of the Union.
4.10 Address the gender imbalance in participation in the European Parliament elections (GEND)
Electoral turnout for the European Parliament elections is lower among women than among men and women consider in a higher proportion not to be sufficiently informed on the elections. Only 35% of the members of the European Parliament elected in 2009 are women. To tackle this imbalance, the Commission will support in particular initiatives and projects aimed at encouraging and increasing the participation of women as voters and as candidates in the European Parliament elections.
The development of a legal framework allowing the free circulation of information based on the protection of the fundamental rights of the individual and in particular their right to privacy with respect to the processing of personal data is an important task not only at European level but at international level as well.
Under this priority, projects should focus on:
(1) Training and awareness-raising on data protection including general information on the fundamental right to the protection of personal data and awareness-raising campaigns, for example on the occasion of the European Data Protection Day (28th January);
(2) Improving practical cooperation between Data Protection Authorities;
(3) Reinforcing children's privacy in the on-line environment;
(4) Identifying and tackling the challenges posed by new technologies for the fundamental right to data protection;
(5) Technological & organisational means improving data protection compliance including privacy by design, Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) and privacy seals.
Applicants must indicate clearly which one of the above priorities their proposal addresses. Projects submitted outside these priorities will also be evaluated but their assessment will take into account that they are not in conformity with the priorities of this call.
A project must be prepared by a partnership composed by at least two eligible organisations (applicant plus minimum one partner) from two different EU Member States.
Applicants and partners cooperating in the conception and implementation of the project, must all be eligible for funding under this Programme. They will share the financial responsibility for the project.
5.1 Who may apply?
Applicants and partners must comply with the following requirements:
Legal status: They must be legally constituted non-governmental organisations, institutions and public or private organisations, universities, research institutes, national regional and local authorities, and other organisations established in one of the Member States of the European Union or international organisations.
Origin:They are based and registered in one of the 27 Member States of the European Union.
Non-profit:They are non-profit-making (bodies and organisations which are profit-oriented shall have access to grants under the Programme only as partners if justified by the nature of the action).
Applications from natural persons (private individuals) are not eligible.
The Programme is also open to organisations from acceding and candidate countries under certain conditions. However, for this call these conditions are still not met and organisations from these countries therefore can only participate as associate partners on a non-funded basis (see section 5.2).
If, before the deadline for submission of proposals, the required conditions are met by any one of these countries, a notification will be placed on the FRC website informing applicants that organisations from such countries can participate as applicants.
An applicant may apply for support for several separate projects under this call. In this case, an application is required for each project to be submitted separately in PRIAMOS. In case more than one project is selected for funding, the applicant must demonstrate its operational/professional and financial capacities to implement the selected projects.
Applicants may also participate as partners in projects submitted by other organisations.
5.2. Associate Partners
Organisations which either do not comply with the criteria for applicant or partner organisations or do not wish to receive funding to participate in the project may participate as associate partners. This may include, for example, organisations from any third country which are not eligible for EU funding.