"La Caixa" Foundation supports Mariana Rodrigues' study on cyberbullying

The research project Caring - Exposure to cyberbullying and other harmful online content among youth in Portugal, led by the researcher Mariana Rodrigues, from the Centre for Research in Education and Intervention (CIIE), was one of the five projects selected in the Flash Competition to support quantitative survey research projects (FP24-2B) of the ‘la Caixa’ Foundation's Social Observatory.

The one-year Caring project aims to: find out about young people's perceptions of exposure to cyberbullying and potentially harmful online content; analyse how these experiences affect academic and psychosocial dimensions; and explore how risk and protective factors condition both the levels of cyberbullying and exposure to harmful online content, and the effect of these experiences on academic and psychosocial dimensions in young people. 

Using a quantitative approach, a national survey will be carried out among a representative sample of young people aged between 11 and 21.