On 21 February, Marta Sampaio was a guest speaker in the IV Cycle of Regional Meetings organised by the Directorate-General for Education (DGE) as part of the Digital Empowerment of Schools. This event, held in collaboration with the ICT Competence Centres (CC TIC) and the Training Centres for School Associations (CFAE), had the central theme ‘Empowering learning with Digital: strategies, practices and monitoring’ and was aimed at school leaders and digital development teams (EDD).
The event took place at Agrupamento de Escolas de Pinhel, Guarda.
With a programme focused on establishing collaborative networks, sharing reference practices using digital technology and monitoring and following up on ongoing initiatives, the event was attended by around 100 participants from the regions of action of the CCTIC ESE / IP of Viseu and the CCTIC of the IPCB - Polytechnic of Castelo Branco.
🔗 Watch the video summarising the event here: https://youtu.be/KL4kxph_Ea0