Funding opportunity - Call for proposals - Daphne III Programme


A call for proposals has been launched for the DAPHNE III PROGRAMME (2007-2013) FOR THE PREVENTION AND COMBATING OF VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND WOMEN AND THE PROTECTION OF VICTIMS AND RISK GROUPS (call JUST/2011-2012/DAP/AG - Specific transnational programmes). The deadline for submission is 29 March 2012.
The purpose of this call is to select specific projects for co-financing through the European Commission's Daphne III Programme, whose general objective is to contribute to the protection of children, young people and women against all forms of violence and to achieve a high level of protection of health, well-being and social cohesion.

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Overall priority will be given to large-scale projects built on a wide partnership involving organisations from a significant number of Member States and offering a true European scope and relevance. The projects under this call for proposals shall focus on the annual priorities described below:
Rights of victims of violence

Violence linked to harmful practices 

Children as victims and perpetrators of violence 

Perpetrator programmes and interventions

Training programmes for professionals in contact with victims 

Empowerment work at grass-roots level

Media violence, particularly violence linked to new technology and social networking tools


4.1.1 Rights of victims of violence (RoV)

Projects should  focuse on identification and analysis of the needs for specialised victim support services (e.g. shelters, helplines, counselling services, rape crisis and sexual assault referral centres, 116 000 hotlines and specialised child support), and development of best practices for establishing and running such specialised services with a national coverage (building on past Daphne projects on the subject) as well as their cooperation and networking across the EU.
4.1.2 Violence linked to harmful practices (VHP)

Projects dedicated to combating and preventing violence linked to so-called harmful practices

(e.g. female genital mutilation, forced marriage or forced sexual relationships, honour killings) committed against women, young people and children, in particular activities with emphasis on direct participation of the communities, including targeted awareness raising, education, specialised training of key professionals as well as promotion of dialogue within practicing communities.
4.1.3 Children as victims and perpetrators of violence (CVP)

Projects should address the problems of the most vulnerable children such as unaccompanied minors, victims of sexual exploitation, disabled or Roma children, children as victims of violence within family (by siblings, parents, other relatives) and problems caused by children as perpetrators of violence (i.e. bullying, violence within family such as on siblings, on mothers, on elderly family members).

4.1.4 Perpetrator programmes and interventions (PpaI)

Under this priority, projects should relate to the evaluation of the existing perpetrator programmes and interventions to identify best practices and minimum standards (for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention). Furthermore, the Commission would fund  projects aimed to conceive and implement  new programmes and to design new interventions,including programmes designed for child abusers and consumers of child abuse images, as well as programmes aimed to reach persons who are at risk of committing violence including sexual violence.

4.1.5 Training programmes (Tpfp)

The Commission wishes to support projects involving the preparation and delivery of the programmes including the creation of manuals and protocols for professionals in contact with victims (police, judicial, social workers, health staff) or people working in the area of specialised victim support.

4.1.6 Empowerment work at grass-roots level (EW)

Projects should be aiming to empower children, young people and/or women to protect themselves and their peers against violence. Such programmes might specifically include training, counselling, formal and informal support group mechanisms and innovative ideas for developing a protective environment for children, young people and women.

4.1.7 Media violence, particularly violence linked to new technology and social networking tools (MV)

Targeted educational programmes and activities designed to increase children, young people and/or women's understanding of the potentially negative impacts of new technologies and to educate them on risks and solutions with the aim to ensure their well being and safety.


Applicants must indicate clearly which one of the above priorities their proposal addresses. Projects submitted outside these priorities will also be evaluated but their assessment will take into account that they are not in conformity with the priorities of this call.

A project must be prepared by a partnership composed by at least two eligible organisations (applicant plus minimum one partner) from two different EU Member States.


5.1 Who may apply?

Applicants and partners must comply with the following requirements:

Legal status: They must be legally constituted public or private organisations and institutions (non-governmental organisations, regional and local authorities at the relevant level, university departments and research centres). Public bodies at national/central level (i.e. ministries at central level, national equality bodies, etc.) are not eligible under this DAPHNE III call;

They are based in one of the 27 Member States of the European Union and/or the EFTA States that are parties to the EEA Agreement (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway- hereafter referred to as the "EEA Member States"); 

They are non-profit-making (bodies and organisations which are profit-oriented shall have access to grants under the Programme only as partners if justified by the nature of the action).


Applications from natural persons (private individuals) are not eligible. 

The Programme is also open to organisations from acceding and candidate countries under certain conditions. However, for this call these conditions are still not met and organisations from these countries therefore can only participate as associate partners on a non-funded basis (see section 5.2).

If, before the deadline for submission of proposals, the required conditions are met by any one of these countries, a notification will be placed on the DAPHNE III website informing applicants that organisations from such countries can participate as applicants.

An applicant may apply for support for several separate projects under this call. In this case, an application is required for each project to be submitted separately in PRIAMOS. In case more than one project is selected for funding, the applicant must demonstrate its operational/professional and financial capacities to implement the selected projects. 

Applicants may also participate as partners in projects submitted by other organisations.


5.2. Associate Partners

Organisations which either do not comply with the criteria for applicant or partner organisations or do not wish to receive funding to participate in the project may participate as associate partners. This may include, for example, organisations from any third country which are not eligible for EU funding.