The BO(U)NDS project intends to conduct a longitudinal study based on a mixed methodology and the hermeneutical comparison between Portugal, Germany, UK, Greece and Brazil. The assumptions are that an intervention program at school with children, adolescents and young people is more effective and has long-term effects if the content focuses on the structural and cultural bases of gender and domestic violence if they are appropriate for the development of the child and using holistic and creative pedagogical approaches. The BO(U)NDS project seeks to understand in depth what works in primary prevention to have long-term effects on the lives of young people. Based on focus groups and biographical narratives with young people who have been attending, for more than five years, programs for the prevention of gender violence in a school context, the aim is to understand the obstacles and successes of integrating non-values violence and gender equality in their lives.
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, - FCT
Educação; Estudo de follow-up; Prevenção; Violência de género.
ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
UMAR - União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta, Portugal
CIIE /Faculdade de Psicologia e ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto(FPCEUP), Portugal