

The Centre for Educational Research and Intervention (CIIE), founded in 1988 at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto on the initiative of Stephen R. Stoer, is a research unit funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).
The research carried out within the framework of the CIIE has as its reference point the problems of education with an emphasis on the dimensions related to educational and social inequalities and exclusions, in line with the objectives of the European Union and the Council of Europe of ‘promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship’ and those of ‘Europe 2020’ of sustainable and inclusive growth. Regular research activities are organised into 4 programme areas: (1) Politics, Policies and Participation; (2) Training, Knowledge and Work and Education Contexts; (3) Citizenship, Diversity and Historical Knowledge; (4) Innovation, Creativity and Local Development in Education.
There are several funded research projects underway at the Centre, some with strong international cooperation and funding, and centred around curricular and pedagogical innovation, educational and institutional evaluation, training of action professionals and human development, deafness and cultures, health education or the analysis of educational and social policies. The CIIE has also been recognised for its extensive involvement in scientific research projects focusing on issues of inter- and multicultural education, gender and ethnic minority studies and educational and cultural heritage.
The Centre currently has 40 integrated members with doctoral degrees, three of whom were hired through the FCT Science Programme, and 60 collaborating members: 30 are doctoral fellows and 14 are research fellows on funded projects. In fact, it has been a priority to welcome and create training conditions for young researchers, especially within the framework of the PhD programme in Educational Sciences at the University of Porto, but also other advanced training programmes. In 2012-2013, CIIE hosted 35 research internships, awarded through a competitive process to 1st and 2nd cycle students in Education Sciences.
Combining contributions from different areas, the research team brings together researchers from Education Sciences, Sociology, Social Work, History, Psychology, Medicine, among others, and professionals involved in socio-educational issues.
The concern to disseminate knowledge, broadening the dialogue with society, led to the creation of its own editorial line, which incorporates the journal Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, an academic journal with scientific arbitration that is now multilingual. It also includes a set of books that aim to disseminate the results of some of the Centre's activities and those of its researchers - scientific projects and meetings and academic works of recognised quality - that are relevant to the field of education.
In recent years, the Centre has invested heavily in increasing publication in international journals so that the knowledge produced can benefit from a more globalised dissemination and debate. CIIE members have also been invited by many international journals to join their editorial boards, organise special issues, and evaluate scientific articles, which are visible signs of growing international recognition.




FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

CIIE\Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP) - Portugal
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) - Brasil
