

Objectives: (i) to advance scientific knowledge, both empirically and theoretically, which implies testing and confronting current theories on historical and current forms of gender inequality, articulating them with other class inequalities; (ii) to contribute to a protectorate aimed at analysing, understanding and explaining these inequalities, in particular those related to economic, political, cultural and symbolic factors, to map their complex articulations; (iii) to carry out empirical studies based on documentary analysis, surveys and interviews on the forms of unequal treatment by gender at work and in family/private life, investigating a) phenomena of discrimination and segmentation in the labour markets by gender and b) in marital relations and divorce proceedings and in the regulation of parental authority.

PIV – Inclusion Policies and Voices: Diversity, Gender and Intersectionality

FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Vida privada

Helena C Araujo

CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciênicas da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal
