'School & Job' Community of Practice (CoP) and Active Repository of Teaching Tools

The platform 'School & Job' Community of Practice and Active Repository of Teaching Tools was developed under the project UP2B – Boosting Up School Education towards European Citizenship and Labour Market Inclusion (2019-2022 | 2019-1-PT01-KA201-061346). It is an online based platform promoting peer learning and pedagogical products-sharing among teachers, particularly those developed by the UP2B partnership but also those developed directly by teachers. In a sense it is a wiki-platform for peer communication, peer learning and peer sharing specialized in 'Job & School' matching, and in 'Citizenship & School' and 'European Citizenship & School' matching.
'School & Job' Community of Practice (CoP) has open access through a registration process, communication, sustainability and exploitation of the project’s results. Teachers will find a significant ensemble of products to use and are invited to share their own products.
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