Study on Students' Experiences with Service Learning - Synthesis Report
The synthesis report Study on Students' Experiences with Service Learning, developed under the project ENGAGE STUDENTS – Promoting Social Responsibility of Students by Embedding Service Learning within HEIs curricula (2018-2021 | 2018-1-RO01-KA203-049309), presents a study on student experiences with service learning (SL) on the following European higher education institutions: University Politehnica Bucharest (UPB), University of Vienna (UNIVIE), Dublin City University (DCU), Kaunas Technical University (KTU) and University of Porto (UP). The SL courses were offered by different institutions and departments of the Engage Students’ project partners with a total of 18 SL projects implemented during the 2020-2021 academic year. The study on these experiences included a blog and a questionnaire for analysing students’ experiences with this approach, as well as a survey completed by teachers at the end of the experience where they shared information about each course and their reflection on the experience.