Membros Integrados

Professor(a) Associado/a

CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal


+ 351 220 400 690 (ext 381)

Amélia Veiga is associate professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of University of Porto (FPCEUP) and researcher at the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE) and collaborator at the Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES). She holds a PhD on Educational Sciences by FPCEUP, Portugal.
She embarked on a career at the intersection of policy research and higher education. With a trajectory beginning in 1998, her journey has been marked by a persistent pursuit of analysing higher education policies and practices. The foundation of her research endeavors can be traced back to my pivotal involvement with the Centre for Research on Higher Education Policies (CIPES) since its inception in 1998. Subsequent roles at the Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education Agency (A3ES) further honed my expertise, shaping the trajectory of my research into the the development of policies, their instruments and practices. From 2003 onward, the active participation in international research projects focusing on internationalisation of higher education and quality of education allowed. Amélia Veiga delved into the analysis of education policies, concentrating on governance in higher education, European integration, internationalisation, globalisation, and quality assurance. In her PhD and postdoc work Amélia Veiga reflects a commitment to unravelling the complexities of the Bologna process and its relationship with the European integration of education policies.
Since she joined the FPCEUP in 2017 as academic staff, my research activities at CIIE have emphasised the analysis of the processes of integration and recognition of differences in Europe in teaching and learning, as well as the issues of evaluation and institutional research. The relevance of evaluation and quality management at different levels of the education system, institutions, and educational evaluation itself are also particularly important in my work.
In 2017, Amélia Veiga assumed a role as academic staff at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto, and as member of the Centre for Research and Intervention on Education (CIIE), the focus of her research emphasised the processes of integration and recognition of differences in European teaching and learning, alongside issues of evaluation and institutional research, developing expertise in social inclusion, diversity, and innovation in teaching and learning and research on higher education pedagogies. Her role as a professor encompasses all cycles of degree programmes in Education Sciences.
Amélia Veiga is also a catalyst for international collaborative initiatives. Her extensive participation in international projects and her leadership in cross-country projects focusing on social inclusion, governance and management in higher education, differentiated European integration of higher education, action-research oriented towards teaching and learning, and more recently under the European Universities - Critical Futures Project, contributed to an extensive track record publication on European integration and governance, the institutionalisation of a European dimension in education, evaluation, and quality management in higher education.
Institutional management positions include the co-coordination of the Strategic Research Area on Higher Education, Innovation and Diversity (since 2019) at the CIIE. Coordination responsibilities also include co-leading the Group of Educational Policy Analysis (GAPE) at CIIE since 2011, fostering collaborations and contributing to the field of Education Sciences among early-career researchers, doctoral and master students. The participation in FPCEUP's management bodies, as vice-dean since November 2022 results from her commitment to university management in in close articulation with areas of deepening her research and teaching work, focused on structures and processes of governance and management.

2010 – Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação – Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2003 – Mestrado em Ciências da Educação – Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
1997 – Licenciatura em Relações e Cooperação Internacionais – Faculdade Fernando Pessos, Porto, Portugal

Integração Europeia; Governança; Políticas de ensino superior.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

HEAE-SNIT - A autonomia no Ensino Superior Europeu: tendências supranacionais, nacionais e institucionais

European Commission

INES - Innovative teaching and learning paths for the prevention of new drugs abuse

European Commission

Co-created Education through Social Inclusion (COSI.ed) [Leader of the Portuguese team]

Gabinete Nacional de Segurança

Estudo sobre Ensino Superior e o Ensino Profissional de Cibersegurança em Portugal, no âmbito do Observatório de Cibersegurança

European Commission

BE PART: Youth-Led Development for School's Participatory Management

European Commission

SUCTI Academia: Systemic University Change Towards Internationalisation for Academia [Scientific coordinator of UPORTO team]

Evaluation of Curriculum Development: a transdisciplinary approach

The evaluation of curriculum development (syllabus, selection of teaching and learning means and activities, evaluation of students and their experiences and consequences) is assumed to be the most important dimension for improving the quality of teaching-learning processes as it focuses on the evaluation of teaching-learning processes and the results obtained. The research project aims at questioning the curriculum development cycle, seeking to investigate which aspects of curriculum development may be the source of the teachers' success and failure in view of the original learning intention. This study will focus on the courses taught by the project coordination team (Fernando Remião, Amélia Veiga, João Pedro Pêgo).

Nationaal Agentschap Erasmus+ Onderwijs & Training

#IBelong: Towards a Sense of Belonging in an Inclusive Learning Environment

European Universities: Critical Futures [Steering group member and Co-coordinator of Theme 2]

Steering group member Co-coordinator of the Portuguese team Co-coordinator, with Krystian Szadkowski, of Theme 2 - The roles of universities in integration of European research and higher education (global knowledge economy, ERA, EHEA)

REC-MAT - Recognition Matters

The main objective of the Rec-Mat (Recognition Matters) project, a Key Action 2 Capacity Building funded by the Erasmus+ programme, is to contribute to facilitate and promote student exchange between Europe and Latin America. To achieve this, it is crucial to reduce the barriers to mobility related to the process of academic recognition and enable Latin America Higher Education Institutions to implement a fairer academic recognition process.
Five European partners (Universidade do Porto, Universidad de Valladolid, Université de Lille, Universiteit Gent andthe SGroup European Universities’ Network) and five institutions from Latin America (Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grand do Sul, Universidad Nacional del Sur and Universidad Nacional del Litoral) are leading the project.
Rec-Mat is based on the vast experience of partners in the Latin America region, and the challenges identified over time, in relation to different Educational Systems, principles, practices and tools to support of academic recognition. It brings proven innovation through its activities, linking the political and practical dimensions inherent to the recognition of academic training during student mobility (teaching staff training activities, piloting of case studies and policy debate activities).
Rec-Mat’s methodology is also original in the proposed target audiences and actors involved: not only the International Relations and Academic departments, but also professors (coordinators and programme directors), authorities identified as key decision makers in the process of recognition, as well as IT technical staff involved in developing support tools and information systems.
Through the project’s implementation, partners also intend to raise awareness among teaching staff for the importance of full academic recognition as well as for the relevance of Higher Education Institutions internationalisation, through a peer approach.
These objectives will be achieved through project activities, such as the Rec-Mat blended training with a physical and online component (MOOC), which aims to bring together Latin American professors (who are ‘resistant' to the reality of international mobility and distant from the bologna rationale) with more experienced and ‘pro-internationalisation’ colleagues of its institutions, as well as of the European partners.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

HEAE-SNIT - A autonomia no Ensino Superior Europeu: tendências supranacionais, nacionais e institucionais

European Commission

INES - Innovative teaching and learning paths for the prevention of new drugs abuse

European Commission

Co-created Education through Social Inclusion (COSI.ed) [Leader of the Portuguese team]

Gabinete Nacional de Segurança

Estudo sobre Ensino Superior e o Ensino Profissional de Cibersegurança em Portugal, no âmbito do Observatório de Cibersegurança

European Commission

BE PART: Youth-Led Development for School's Participatory Management

European Commission

SUCTI Academia: Systemic University Change Towards Internationalisation for Academia [Scientific coordinator of UPORTO team]

Evaluation of Curriculum Development: a transdisciplinary approach

The evaluation of curriculum development (syllabus, selection of teaching and learning means and activities, evaluation of students and their experiences and consequences) is assumed to be the most important dimension for improving the quality of teaching-learning processes as it focuses on the evaluation of teaching-learning processes and the results obtained. The research project aims at questioning the curriculum development cycle, seeking to investigate which aspects of curriculum development may be the source of the teachers' success and failure in view of the original learning intention. This study will focus on the courses taught by the project coordination team (Fernando Remião, Amélia Veiga, João Pedro Pêgo).

Nationaal Agentschap Erasmus+ Onderwijs & Training

#IBelong: Towards a Sense of Belonging in an Inclusive Learning Environment

European Universities: Critical Futures [Steering group member and Co-coordinator of Theme 2]

Steering group member Co-coordinator of the Portuguese team Co-coordinator, with Krystian Szadkowski, of Theme 2 - The roles of universities in integration of European research and higher education (global knowledge economy, ERA, EHEA)

REC-MAT - Recognition Matters

The main objective of the Rec-Mat (Recognition Matters) project, a Key Action 2 Capacity Building funded by the Erasmus+ programme, is to contribute to facilitate and promote student exchange between Europe and Latin America. To achieve this, it is crucial to reduce the barriers to mobility related to the process of academic recognition and enable Latin America Higher Education Institutions to implement a fairer academic recognition process.
Five European partners (Universidade do Porto, Universidad de Valladolid, Université de Lille, Universiteit Gent andthe SGroup European Universities’ Network) and five institutions from Latin America (Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grand do Sul, Universidad Nacional del Sur and Universidad Nacional del Litoral) are leading the project.
Rec-Mat is based on the vast experience of partners in the Latin America region, and the challenges identified over time, in relation to different Educational Systems, principles, practices and tools to support of academic recognition. It brings proven innovation through its activities, linking the political and practical dimensions inherent to the recognition of academic training during student mobility (teaching staff training activities, piloting of case studies and policy debate activities).
Rec-Mat’s methodology is also original in the proposed target audiences and actors involved: not only the International Relations and Academic departments, but also professors (coordinators and programme directors), authorities identified as key decision makers in the process of recognition, as well as IT technical staff involved in developing support tools and information systems.
Through the project’s implementation, partners also intend to raise awareness among teaching staff for the importance of full academic recognition as well as for the relevance of Higher Education Institutions internationalisation, through a peer approach.
These objectives will be achieved through project activities, such as the Rec-Mat blended training with a physical and online component (MOOC), which aims to bring together Latin American professors (who are ‘resistant' to the reality of international mobility and distant from the bologna rationale) with more experienced and ‘pro-internationalisation’ colleagues of its institutions, as well as of the European partners.

European Commission

Recognition Matters - REC-MAT

The main objective of the Rec-Mat (Recognition Matters) project, a Key Action 2 Capacity Building funded by the Erasmus+ programme, is to contribute to facilitate and promote student exchange between Europe and Latin America. To achieve this, it is crucial to reduce the barriers to mobility related to the process of academic recognition and enable Latin America Higher Education Institutions to implement a fairer academic recognition process.
Five European partners (Universidade do Porto, Universidad de Valladolid, Université de Lille, Universiteit Gent andthe SGroup European Universities’ Network) and five institutions from Latin America (Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grand do Sul, Universidad Nacional del Sur and Universidad Nacional del Litoral) are leading the project.
Rec-Mat is based on the vast experience of partners in the Latin America region, and the challenges identified over time, in relation to different Educational Systems, principles, practices and tools to support of academic recognition. It brings proven innovation through its activities, linking the political and practical dimensions inherent to the recognition of academic training during student mobility (teaching staff training activities, piloting of case studies and policy debate activities).
Rec-Mat’s methodology is also original in the proposed target audiences and actors involved: not only the International Relations and Academic departments, but also professors (coordinators and programme directors), authorities identified as key decision makers in the process of recognition, as well as IT technical staff involved in developing support tools and information systems.
Through the project’s implementation, partners also intend to raise awareness among teaching staff for the importance of full academic recognition as well as for the relevance of Higher Education Institutions internationalisation, through a peer approach.
These objectives will be achieved through project activities, such as the Rec-Mat blended training with a physical and online component (MOOC), which aims to bring together Latin American professors (who are ‘resistant' to the reality of international mobility and distant from the bologna rationale) with more experienced and ‘pro-internationalisation’ colleagues of its institutions, as well as of the European partners.

Exploratory study focusing on the impacts of BREXIT on the European Higher Education and research

Coordinated by Simon Marginson from the International Higher Education- UCL Institute of Education University College London.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Global Challenges, National Initiatives, and Institutional Responses - Mapping the Transformation of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions at the dawn of the twentieth-first century

Global Challenges, National Initiatives, and Institutional Responses - Mapping the Transformation of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions at the dawn of the twentieth-first century

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

TRUE- GGHE Governing and Governance in Higher Education

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Perceptions of higher education institutions and academics to assessment and accreditation


Report on educational and youth policies for social inclusion: a multilevel analysis

Carvalho, Ana Eloisa; Veiga, Amélia

Encyclopedia entry

Governance, Institutional Autonomy and Leadership in Portuguese Higher Education

Magalhães, António; Veiga, A.

Book chapter

The reconfiguration of the relationships between the state and higher education: the shift from state control to state supervision

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

Governance, institutional autonomy and leadership in Portuguese higher education

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

Unthinking the European Higher Education Area: differentiated integration and Bologna's different configurations

Amélia Veiga; Veiga, A.

Conference abstract

Indirect Approach: Perspectives and Experiences of its Implementation with Young People in a Second Chance school in Portugal

Ana Margarida Neves; Torres, Ana Cristina; Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

Inclusive Education Systems: The Struggle for Equity and the Promotion of Autonomy in Portugal

Carvalho, Ana Eloisa; Cosme, Ariana; Veiga, Amélia. Corresponding author: Veiga, Amélia

Conference abstract

As práticas para inclusão de estudantes com NEE propostas nos regulamentos/estatutos das instituições de ensino superior públicas portuguesas

Figueiredo, Mariana; Coelho, Orquídea; Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

Chapter 9 Portugal

Veiga, Amélia; Amorim, José Pedro; António Magalhães

Book chapter


Veiga, Amélia; Seidenschnur, Tim


Report on educational and youth policies for social inclusion: a multilevel analysis

Carvalho, Ana Eloisa; Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

Governance, institutional autonomy and leadership in Portuguese higher education

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

Inclusive Education Systems: The Struggle for Equity and the Promotion of Autonomy in Portugal

Carvalho, Ana Eloisa; Cosme, Ariana; Veiga, Amélia. Corresponding author: Veiga, Amélia

Encyclopedia entry

Governance, Institutional Autonomy and Leadership in Portuguese Higher Education

Magalhães, António; Veiga, A.

Book chapter

The reconfiguration of the relationships between the state and higher education: the shift from state control to state supervision

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Conference abstract

Indirect Approach: Perspectives and Experiences of its Implementation with Young People in a Second Chance school in Portugal

Ana Margarida Neves; Torres, Ana Cristina; Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

Unthinking the European Higher Education Area: differentiated integration and Bologna's different configurations

Amélia Veiga; Veiga, A.

Book chapter

European governance and doctoral education: What is higher in higher education?

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

Re-approaching Europeanisation: How to know the unknown?

Edited book

The role of European universities in an age of pandemic

Veiga, Amélia


Estudo sobre o Ensino Pós-Secundário e o Ensino Superior de Cibersegurança em Portugal

Veiga, Amélia; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Sampaio, Marta ; Amorim, José Pedro; Moisés, João Cruz; Fonseca, Mariana

Book chapter

A análise do discurso como teoria e método na investigação em educação e uma proposta de operacionalização

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

Conclusion and summary.

Seidenschnur, Tim; Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter


Veiga, Amélia; Seidenschnur, Tim

Book chapter


Veiga, Amélia; Amorim, José Pedro; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Re-approaching Europeanisation: how to know the unknown?

Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

Re-approaching Europeanisation: How to know the unknown?

Veiga, A.

Book chapter

Chapter 9 Portugal

Veiga, Amélia; Amorim, José Pedro; António Magalhães


Estudo sobre o Ensino Pós-Secundário e o Ensino Superior em Portugal. .

Veiga, Amélia; Ferreira, Pedro; Sampaio, Marta; Amorim, José Pedro; Cruz, João Moisés; Fonseca, Mariana

Conference abstract

As práticas para inclusão de estudantes com NEE propostas nos regulamentos/estatutos das instituições de ensino superior públicas portuguesas

Figueiredo, Mariana; Coelho, Orquídea; Veiga, Amélia

Conference paper

Quais são as ideias que sustentam a política de educação inclusiva?

Carvalho, Ana Eloisa; Cosme, Ariana (3D19-7164-FC40); Veiga, Amélia. Corresponding author: Carvalho, Ana Eloisa

Conference paper

O Lugar da Comunidade Educativa no Desenvolvimento das Políticas de Educação Inclusiva

Carvalho, Ana Eloisa; Veiga, Amélia; Cosme, Ariana (3D19-7164-FC40)

Book chapter

A análise do discurso como teoria e método na investigação em educação e uma proposta de operacionalização

Magalhães, António; Veiga, A.

Journal article

Models of Higher Education Governance in Europe: from "organised anarchy" to business-corporate organisations

António Magalhães; Veiga, Amélia. Corresponding author: António Magalhães

Book chapter

Governance, institutional autonomy and leadership in Portuguese higher education

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.; Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António; Magalhães, A.M.


Estudo sobre o Ensino Pós-Secundário e o Ensino Superior de Cibersegurança em Portugal [Study on Post-Secondary and Higher Education in Cybersecurity in Portugal]

Veiga, Amélia; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Sampaio, Marta; Amorim, José Pedro; Moisés, João Cruz; Fonseca, Mariana


Estudo sobre o Ensino Pós-Secundário e o Ensino Superior em Portugal

Sampaio, Marta ; Amorim, José Pedro; Cruz, Moisés; Fonseca, Mariana; Veiga, Amélia; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel

Working paper


Veiga, Amélia; Amorim, José Pedro; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Chapter 9 Portugal

Veiga, Amélia; Amorim, José Pedro; António Magalhães

Journal article

The futures of cooperation in European governance: Brexit and the European knowledge policies

Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

Pode a academia formar professores?: Uma experiência de formação de professores de educação física na universidade [Can the academy train teachers? an experience of training physical education teachers at the university]

Nunes, Deise de Jesus Soares; Lopes, Maria Amélia da Costa; Veiga, Maria Amélia Pina Tomás


The Portuguese case-study: Pandemic Study (Critical Futures – European Universities project)


Estudo sobre o ensino pós-secundário e o ensino superior de cibersegurança em Portugal, no âmbito do Observatório de Cibersegurança (versão preliminar)

Book chapter

Policy analysis, epistemology and higher educationism

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.

Conference poster

Legislação e práticas das instituições de ensino superior públicas portuguesas na inclusão de estudantes com necessidades educativas especiais

Figueiredo, Mariana; Coelho, Orquídea; Veiga, Amélia

Conference poster

Análise do Regime Legal de Educação Inclusiva (DL 54/2018) a partir do Ciclo de Políticas de Stephen Ball

Carvalho, Ana; Cosme, Ariana; Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

Hopes, beliefs, and concerns: narratives in German and Portuguese universities regarding Brexit

Seidenschnur, Tim; Veiga, Amélia; Jungblut, Jens; Magalhães, António

Journal article

What critical thinking skills and dispositions do new graduates need for professional life? Views from Portuguese employers in different fields

Cruz, Gonçalo; Payan-Carreira, Rita; Dominguez, Caroline; Silva, Helena; Morais, Felicidade

Journal article

Challenges for research in higher education: The case of internationalization between the explanandum and the explanans

Veiga, A.; Magalhães, A.


Models of youth participation handbook

Book chapter

Higher education institution governing boards: Appointed board members

Book chapter

Policy analysis, epistemology and higher educationism

Book chapter

Evaluative State, Higher Education, The

Magalhães, António M.; Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

Multi-level Governance, Higher Education

Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Portugal

Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

O Conceito de 'novos públicos' e os Discursos sobre o Acesso nas Instituições de Ensino Superior públicas Portuguesas

Bago, Joana; Veiga, A.; Magalhães, António

Encyclopedia entry

Higher Education Institution Governing Boards: Appointed Board Members

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

Challenges for research in higher education: the case of internationalization between the explanandum and the explanans

Amélia Veiga; António Magalhães; Veiga, A.; Magalhães, António

Book chapter

Policy analysis, epistemology and higher educationism

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

Challenges for research in higher education: the case of internationalization between the explanandum and the explanans

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António; Veiga, A.; Magalhães, A.

Journal article

Disentangling policy convergence within the European Higher Education Area

Veiga, A.; Magalhães, A.; Amaral, A.

Journal article

Unthinking the European Higher Education Area–differentiated integration and Bologna's different configurations

Veiga, A.

Journal article

Strategizing and managing change in Portuguese higher education

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António; Videira, Pedro

Book chapter

Quality as politics and as policies and the importance of instruments

Veiga, A.; Magalhães, A.

Magazine article

O BREXIT e o oportunismo silencioso

Veiga, A.

Book chapter

Uma reflexão sobre avaliação e qualidade educativa

Veiga, A.

Conference paper

Aulas invertidas: relato de um estudo transdisciplinar

Veiga, A.; Remião, F.; Pêgo, J.P.

Conference paper

Flipped classroom: a transdisciplinary study

Veiga, A.; Remião, F.; Pêgo, J. P.

Conference paper


Remião, Fernando; Veiga, A.; Gomes, M. A.; Carmo, H.; Silva, R.; Costa, V, M.; Bastos, M. L.

Other output

Student-Centred Approaches (MOOC)

Veiga, Amélia

Other output

Learning Outcomes (MOOC)

Veiga, Amélia

Other output

Reconfiguring Portuguese Higher Education

Amélia Veiga; António Magalhães

Journal article

O conceito de 'novos públicos' e os discursos sobre o acesso nas instituições de ensino superior públicas portuguesas [The concept of 'new publics' and the discourses on access in the Portuguese public higher education institutions]

Bago, Joana; Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António

Journal article

Mapeamento da formação pedagógica de docentes universitários nas universidades públicas portuguesas [Mapping of pedagogical training of university professors in portuguese public universities]

Xavier, Amanda Rezende Costa; Leite, Carlinda

Edited book

Under pressure? Higher education institutions coping with multiple challenges

Book chapter

Higher Education Institutions Dealing With Multiple Challenges

Book chapter


Veiga, A.; Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.

Journal article

Brexit and higher education in Europe: the role of ideas in shaping internationalisation strategies in times of uncertainty

Aline Courtois; Amélia Veiga

Journal article

O conceito de 'novos públicos' e os discursos sobre o acesso nas instituições de ensino superior públicas portuguesas [The concept of 'new publics' and the discourses on access in the Portuguese public higher education institutions]

Bago, Joana; Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António

Journal article

Reconfiguring power in Portuguese higher education

Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amelia; Videira, Pedro

Journal article

The European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area in Portugal and the Czech Republic: Between the Worlds of Neglect and Dead Letters?

Kohoutek, J.; Veiga, A.; Rosa, M.J.; Sarrico, C.S.

Journal article

The changing role of external stakeholders: from imaginary friends to effective actors or non-interfering friends

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.

Book chapter

Differentiated integration in the field of higher education between theory and practices of (non)integration

Veiga, A.

Book chapter

The Portuguese case

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.; Sá, M.J.

Encyclopedia entry

Narrative of governance

Veiga, Amélia

Encyclopedia entry

The evaluative state, higher education

Magalhães, A.

Encyclopedia entry

Education reform and governance

Veiga, Amélia; Amélia Veiga; António Magalhães; Pedro Videira; Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.

Journal article

Reconfiguring education and research in the european higher education area

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.

Book chapter

Reconfiguring Portuguese Higher Education Between National and European Priorities

Veiga, A.; Magalhães, A.

Encyclopedia entry

Multi-Level Governance, Higher Education

Veiga, A.

Encyclopedia entry

Higher education systems and institutions, Portugal

Veiga, A.

Working paper

Higher Education and Brexit: Current European Perspectives

Aniko Horvath Simon Marginson Marijk van der Wende Ellen Hazelkorn Aline Courtois, et al

Book chapter

Avaliação, qualidade e reconfiguração da Educação

Veiga, A.

Conference paper

The future of differentiation in European governance: Brexit and the European knowledge policies

Veiga, A.

Other output

Higher Education Institutions Dealing With Multiple Challenges

Pedro Teixeira; António Magalhães; Amélia Veiga; Maria J. Rosa

Other output

Multi-Level Governance, Higher Education

Amélia Veiga

Other output

Differentiated Integration in the Field of Higher Education: Between Theory and Practices of (Non)Integration

Amélia Veiga; António Magalhães; Veiga, Amélia

Other output

Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Portugal

Amélia Veiga

Book chapter

Four 'I's configuring european governance in higher education

Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

Hard and soft managerialism in portuguese higher education governance

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.

Book chapter

Internationalisation of higher education between strategy and tactics: business as usual...

Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

The Europe of knowledge and doctoral education

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.

Conference paper

Reconfiguring power in Portuguese higher education

Veiga, A.; Magalhães, A.; Videira, P.

Conference paper

What do perceptions about strategizing processes tell about boardism? The Portuguese case

Veiga, A.; Magalhães, A.; Videira, P.

Other output

Narrative of Governance

António Magalhães; Amélia Veiga


European Policy Implementation and Higher Education

Sin, C.; Veiga, A.


Global Challenges, National Initiatives, and Institutional Responses

Cláudia Sarrico; Pedro Teixeira; António Magalhães; Amélia Veiga; Maria João Rosa; Teresa Carvalho

Book chapter

European integration in higher education and research: challenging comparative studies

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.


Que perceções têm os portugueses sobre o valor da educação?

Alberto Amaral; António M. Magalhães; Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação

Journal article

Meta-governance and the supply of degree programmes in the context of bologna: lessons from the portuguese case

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, A.; Amaral, A.

Conference paper

Differentiated integration in the field of higher education: between theory and practices of (non)integration

Veiga, Amélia

Conference paper

Hard and soft managerialism in Portuguese higher education governance

Veiga, Amélia

Other output

Bologna Objectives and Their Fulfilment

Cristina Sin; Amélia Veiga; Alberto Amaral

Other output

Attractiveness and Internationalisation

Cristina Sin; Amélia Veiga; Alberto Amaral

Other output

Bologna Implementation and Its Objectives: Final Analysis in a Comparative Perspective

Cristina Sin; Amélia Veiga; Alberto Amaral

Other output

Bologna Process Implementation Problems

Cristina Sin; Amélia Veiga; Alberto Amaral

Other output


Cristina Sin; Amélia Veiga; Alberto Amaral

Other output

European Higher Education Policies

Cristina Sin; Amélia Veiga; Alberto Amaral

Other output

General Issues of European Policy

Cristina Sin; Amélia Veiga; Alberto Amaral

Other output


Cristina Sin; Amélia Veiga; Alberto Amaral; Veiga, Amélia; Seidenschnur, Tim; Pedro Teixeira; Cláudia Sarrico; et al

Other output


Cristina Sin; Amélia Veiga; Alberto Amaral

Other output

National Legislation and Conditions for Implementation

Cristina Sin; Amélia Veiga; Alberto Amaral

Journal article

Meta-governance and the supply of degree programes in the context of Bologna: Lessons from the Portuguese case

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, António; Amaral, Alberto

Edited book

Global Challenges, National Initiatives, and Institutional Responses. The transformation of Higher Education

Carvalho, Teresa; Cláudia Sarrico; Maria João Rosa; António Magalhães; Pedro Teixeira; Veiga, Amélia

Journal article


Seeber, Marco; Lepori, Benedetto; Montauti, Martina; Enders, Jurgen; de Boer, Harry; Weyer, Elke; Bleiklie, Ivar; et al

Journal article

Managing the dynamics of the Bologna reforms: How institutional actors re-construct the policy framework.

Veiga, Amelia; Neave, Guy

Journal article

Differentiated integration and the bologna process

Veiga, A.; Magalhães, A.; Amaral, A.; Veiga, Amelia; Magalhaes, Antonio; Amaral, Alberto

Book chapter

From collegial governance to boardism: reconfiguring governance in higher education

Veiga, A.; Magalhães, A.M.; Amaral, A.; Veiga, Amélia; Amélia Veiga; António Magalhães; Alberto Amaral

Book chapter

The narrative approach in higher education research

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.

Book chapter

Análise do sistema de ensino após o processo de Bolonha

Veiga, A.

Conference paper

The Europe of Knowledge as a political driver - How are national level actors configuring European governance architecture”?

Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

Ascribing meaning to quality cultures in the portuguese context

Veiga, A.; Rosa, M.J.; Cardoso, S.; Amaral, A.; Amélia Veiga; Maria João Rosa; Sónia Cardoso; Alberto Amaral

Book chapter

Changes in governance: Do they help overcome barriers to the implementation of the European standards and guidelines for quality assurance in higher education?

Veiga, A.; Sarrico, C.S.

Book chapter

Researching the Bologna process through the lens of the policy cycle

Veiga, A.

Book chapter

A internacionalização e o ensino superior português

Amaral, A.; Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.; Rosa, M.J.

Journal article

A reconfiguração da gestão universitária em Portugal

Magalhães, A.; Sousa, S.; Ribeiro, F.

Conference paper

The role of external stakeholders: from imaginary friends to non-interfering friends?

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, A.; Amaral, A.

Journal article

Governance and institutional autonomy: Governing and governance in portuguese higher education

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.; Ribeiro, F.; Amaral, A.

Journal article

Creating a common grammar for European higher education governance

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.; Ribeiro, F.M.; Sousa, S.; Santiago, R.

Book chapter

What about education in higher education?

Magalhães, A.M.; Veiga, A.

Journal article

The long road-how evolving institutional governance mechanisms are changing the face of quality in Portuguese higher education

Sarrico, C.S.; Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.

Journal article

Governance of governance in higher education: Practices and lessons drawn from the Portuguese case

Magalhães, A.; Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.; Sousa, S.; Ribeiro, F.

Journal article

Why is it difficult to grasp the impacts of the Portuguese quality assurance system?

Veiga, A.; Rosa, M.J.; Dias, D.; Amaral, A.

Journal article

The Bologna Process: Inception, 'take up' and familiarity

Neave, G.; Veiga, A.

Journal article

Quality, management and governance in European higher education institutions

Sarrico, C.S.; Veiga, Amélia; Amaral, A.

Conference paper

Do Governance Narratives Influence Institutional Decision-making Processes? Three Cases of Organizational Readjustment

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, A.

Conference paper

Governance and performance management in European universities

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, A.

Conference paper

Managing the dynamics of the Bologna reforms - How policy actors re-construct the policy framework

Veiga, Amélia; Neave, Guy

Conference paper

The long road – how evolving institutional governance mechanisms are changing the face of quality in Portuguese higher education

Veiga, Amélia; Sarrico, C.S.

Journal article

How is European governance configuring the EHEA?

Veiga, Maria

Book chapter

The Impacts of Bologna and of the Lisbon Agenda

Veiga, Amelia; Amaral, Alberto; Neave, G; Amaral, A; Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.

Journal article

Bologna 2010. The moment of truth?

Veiga, A.

Book chapter

The Portuguese higher education system

Amaral, A.; Veiga, A.

Journal article

The European Higher Education Area: various perspectives on the complexities of a multi-level governance system

Veiga, A.

Journal article

Soft law and the implementation problems of the Bologna process

Veiga, Amélia; Amaral, A.

Journal article

Programmes Outside Bologna Models: Integrated Masters in the Portuguese context

Veiga, A. (3F17-0CB2-D0D9); Sin, C.; Amaral, A.

Book chapter

Bologna and globalisation: drivers of reforms on european higher education

Veiga, A.

Conference paper

Governance and management in European universities

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, A.

Conference paper

The governance reform and actors’ perceptions on drivers and factors affecting university’s strategies

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, A.

Conference paper

A reconfiguração da gestão universitária em Portugal

Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

Understanding the impacts of quality assessment: An exploratory use of cultural theory

Veiga, A.; Rosa, M.J.; Amaral, A.

Journal article

Uma interpretação do olhar da História sobre Bolonha

Veiga, A.

Conference paper

Meta-governance and institutional autonomy: governing in higher education in turbulent environments

Veiga, Amélia; Magalhães, A.; Ribeiro, F.

Conference paper

What do academics think of quality assessment? A discussion using Cultural Theory”,

Veiga, Amélia; Rosa, M.J.; Cardoso, S.

Conference paper

What are the perceptions higher education institutions have about their changing environment? The case of the Bologna process

Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.

Conference paper

Bologna and the moment of truth?

Veiga, Amélia

Thesis / Dissertation

Bologna and the institutionalisation of European higher education area

Veiga, Amélia

Conference paper

The European Higher Education Area: Various Perspetives on the Complexities of a Multi-Level Governance system

Veiga, Amélia; Amaral, A.

Journal article

Survey on the implementation of the Bologna process in Portugal

Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.

Book chapter

Policy implementation tools and European governance

Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.

Journal article

Implementing Bologna in Southern European countries: Comparative analysis of some research findings

Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.; Mendes, A.

Book chapter

How does the bologna process challenge the national traditions of higher education institutions?

Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.

Conference paper

Locating the modernisation agenda within the Bologna process

Veiga, Amélia

Journal article

The Internationalisation of Portuguese Higher Education

Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.; Rosa, M.J.

Journal article

L'internationalisation de l'enseignement supérieur portugais

Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.; Rosa, M.J.

Conference paper

A survey on the implementation of the Bologna process in Portugal

Veiga, Amélia; Amaral, A.

Journal article

The open method of coordination and the implementation of the Bologna process

Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.; Veiga, Amelia; Amaral, Alberto

Conference paper

How does the national level mediate the European level within the Bologna process?

Veiga, A.

Conference paper

Implementation of Bologna the Portuguese case

Veiga, Amélia; Amaral, A.

Conference paper

Europeanization of Higher Education Area: Towards a framework of analysis

Veiga, Amélia

Book chapter

Institutional internationalisation strategies in a context of state inefficiency

Veiga, A.; Rosa, M.J.; Amaral, A.

Book chapter

Competition, cooperation, consequences and choices in selected European countries

Frolich, N.; Veiga, A.

Working paper

Europeanization of higher education area: Towards a framework of analysis

Veiga, A.

Conference paper

Competition, cooperation, consequences and choices: Internationalisation in higher education

Veiga, Amélia

Conference paper

The Open Method of Coordination and the implementation of Bologna process

Veiga, A.; Amaral. A.; Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.; Veiga, Amelia; Amaral, Alberto

Conference paper

How does the Bologna process challenge national traditions of higher education institutions

Veiga, Amélia; Amaral, A.

Book chapter


Rosa, M.J.; Veiga, A.; Amaral, A.

Conference paper

Institutional internationalisation strategies in a context of state inefficiency

Veiga, Amélia; Amaral, A.; Rosa, M.J.

Conference paper

Internationalisation of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions, Higher Education Management

Veiga, Amélia; Amaral, A.; Rosa, M.J.

Thesis / Dissertation

Oportunidades e ameaças de Bolonha (um processo em curso) e a universidade europeia (um projecto em discurso) num contexto de globalização

Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação


The Bologna Process

Alberto Amaral; Cristina Sin; Amélia Veiga