Membros Integrados
Professor(a) Catedrático(a)
Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Diretora do CIIE
+ 351 226 079 775 (ext 275)
ISABEL MENEZES has a degree and a PhD in Psychology and a Habilitation in Education Sciences from the University of Porto, where she is a Full Professor and a researcher and director (2020-...) of CIIE - Centre for Educational Research and Intervention. She has extensive teaching experience in Educational Research and Intervention Methodologies, Citizenship Education, Political Education and Political Psychology. She is a member of the scientific committee of the Doctoral Programme in Education Sciences (DPE-UP) and the Master's Degree in Adult Education. She is president of the Scientific Council of FPCEUP and was a member of the Senate (2020-24) and the General Council (2009-17) of U.Porto. A founding member of the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences (SPCE), she has chaired its board since October 2017. She has coordinated research into the civic and political participation of children, young people and adults, looking at how these experiences can play a role in empowering groups at risk of exclusion due to gender, sexual orientation, literacy, immigrant status, disability and chronic illness. She has coordinated several inter/national projects; she currently co-coordinates the Portuguese team of the Horizon SINCRONY project, which focuses on including socially disadvantaged and marginalised young people in deliberative and participatory processes. She is co-responsible for the Chair of Citizenship/Global Education of the Organisation of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) and the CIIE, formalised in September 2022, the first Chair in this area in Portugal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISABEL MENEZES é licenciada e doutorada em Psicologia e agregada em Ciências da Educação pela Universidade do Porto, onde é Professora Catedrática no Departamento de Ciências da Educação. É investigadora e diretora (2020-...) do CIIE - Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas. Tem vasta experiência letiva ao nível das Metodologias de Investigação e de Intervenção Educativas, Educação para a Cidadania, Educação Política e Psicologia Política. Integra a comissão científica do Programa Doutoral em Ciências da Educação (DPE-UP) e do Mestrado em Educação e Formação de Adultos. É atualmente presidente do Conselho Científico da FPCEUP integrou o Senado (2020-24) e o Conselho Geral (2009-17) da U.Porto. É sócia fundadora da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação (SPCE), e preside à sua direção desde outubro de 2017. Tem dirigido investigação no domínio da participação cívica e política de crianças, jovens e adultos, atendendo à forma como estas experiências podem ter um papel no empoderamento de grupos em risco de exclusão em função do género, da orientação sexual, da literacia, do estatuto de imigrante, da incapacidade e da doença crónica. Coordenou vários projetos inter/nacionais; atualmente cocoordena a equipa portuguesa do projeto Horizon SINCRONY que se foca na inclusão de jovens em situação de desvantagem social e marginalização em processos deliberativos e participativos. É corresponsável pela Cátedra de Educação para a Cidadania/Global da Organização de Estados Ibero-americanos para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (OEI) e do CIIE, formalizada em setembro de 2022, primeira Cátedra nesta área em Portugal.
2007 – Agregação em Ciências da Educação – Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
1998 – Doutoramento em Psicologia – Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Participação cívica e política; Intervenção comunitária; Psicologia política; Educação para a cidadania.
SINCRONY - interSectIonal iNClusion in delibeRation and participatiON with Youth
Scirearly - Policies and Practices Based on Scientific Research for Reducing Underachievement and Early School Leaving in Europe
Cátedra Educação para a Cidadania Global
ClimActiC - CidadaniaPeloClima: Criando Pontes entre Cidadania e Ciência para a Adaptação Climática [ClimActiveCitizen: Connecting Citizenship and Science for Climate Adaptation (ClimActiC)]
(Research Activity 3) Healthy Waters - Identification, Elimination, Social Awareness and Education of Water Chemical and Biological Micropollutants with Health and Environmental Implications [Local team coord.]
Youth political participation in Portugal
DISK - Digital Immigrants Survival Kit
SOLVINC - Solving intercultural conflicts with international students
The project aims to facilitate the development of intercultural competence - among international students, local students and HE staff - building on the critical incident methodology of Cohen-Emerique (2015) suited to initiate substantial and sustainable processes of learning. SOLVINC will further strengthen conflict management and communication skills by engaging with real-life cases of intercultural conflict, proposing possible solutions and thus alleviating experiences of discrimination for HE students. Within the project, we will collect and analyse real experiences of intercultural conflict, devising negotiation and conflict management strategies as well as training material for HE staff to better deal with an increasingly diverse student population. Also, formats of intercultural learning between international and local students will be implemented at partner universities in order to facilitate the development of intercultural skills among all students.
ENGAGE STUDENTS - Promoting social responsibility of students by embedding service learning within HEIs curricula
The general objective of ENGAGE STUDENTS is to empower the social dimension of higher education by increasing its relevance for society through embedding service-learning as a common pedagogical approach within education and research practice.
ENGAGE STUDENTS is an outreach project, in which universities from 6 countries reach out to the community (local associations, NGOs, etc.). For this purpose, the project works with a) teachers, b) students in higher education and c) community actors. Students can engage in community outreach if teachers - who teach in the regular curriculum - provide instructions and guidance how to do so. Teachers often lack methodologies to do this (service learning, project-based learning methodologies etc.).
Students gain practical working skills, are confronted with real-world challenges, and achieve results relevant for the labour market.
On the side of the community, they will benefit from evidence-based approaches with higher education institutions increasing the demand of research and teaching in adult education in community stakeholders. Community stakeholders are motivated to connect to higher education institutions, and thus adult education and higher education will meet here.
Moreover, the project will contribute to students' personal and professional development and the promotion of critical and engaged citizenship. Through service learning, the students will learn to exercise ethical, social and environmental responsibility and become responsible citizens making a positive difference to society in addressing the major local, regional and global challenges.
At institutional level, the project will enhance the infrastructure and methodology for service-learning and civic engagement and will foster the collaborations and support strategic service-learning and civic engagement partnerships.
A Educação para o Desenvolvimento no Ensino Superior público em Portugal: mapeamento de representações e análise de experiências
SINCRONY - interSectIonal iNClusion in delibeRation and participatiON with Youth
Scirearly - Policies and Practices Based on Scientific Research for Reducing Underachievement and Early School Leaving in Europe
Cátedra Educação para a Cidadania Global
ClimActiC - CidadaniaPeloClima: Criando Pontes entre Cidadania e Ciência para a Adaptação Climática [ClimActiveCitizen: Connecting Citizenship and Science for Climate Adaptation (ClimActiC)]
(Research Activity 3) Healthy Waters - Identification, Elimination, Social Awareness and Education of Water Chemical and Biological Micropollutants with Health and Environmental Implications [Local team coord.]
Youth political participation in Portugal
DISK - Digital Immigrants Survival Kit
SOLVINC - Solving intercultural conflicts with international students
The project aims to facilitate the development of intercultural competence - among international students, local students and HE staff - building on the critical incident methodology of Cohen-Emerique (2015) suited to initiate substantial and sustainable processes of learning. SOLVINC will further strengthen conflict management and communication skills by engaging with real-life cases of intercultural conflict, proposing possible solutions and thus alleviating experiences of discrimination for HE students. Within the project, we will collect and analyse real experiences of intercultural conflict, devising negotiation and conflict management strategies as well as training material for HE staff to better deal with an increasingly diverse student population. Also, formats of intercultural learning between international and local students will be implemented at partner universities in order to facilitate the development of intercultural skills among all students.
ENGAGE STUDENTS - Promoting social responsibility of students by embedding service learning within HEIs curricula
The general objective of ENGAGE STUDENTS is to empower the social dimension of higher education by increasing its relevance for society through embedding service-learning as a common pedagogical approach within education and research practice.
ENGAGE STUDENTS is an outreach project, in which universities from 6 countries reach out to the community (local associations, NGOs, etc.). For this purpose, the project works with a) teachers, b) students in higher education and c) community actors. Students can engage in community outreach if teachers - who teach in the regular curriculum - provide instructions and guidance how to do so. Teachers often lack methodologies to do this (service learning, project-based learning methodologies etc.).
Students gain practical working skills, are confronted with real-world challenges, and achieve results relevant for the labour market.
On the side of the community, they will benefit from evidence-based approaches with higher education institutions increasing the demand of research and teaching in adult education in community stakeholders. Community stakeholders are motivated to connect to higher education institutions, and thus adult education and higher education will meet here.
Moreover, the project will contribute to students' personal and professional development and the promotion of critical and engaged citizenship. Through service learning, the students will learn to exercise ethical, social and environmental responsibility and become responsible citizens making a positive difference to society in addressing the major local, regional and global challenges.
At institutional level, the project will enhance the infrastructure and methodology for service-learning and civic engagement and will foster the collaborations and support strategic service-learning and civic engagement partnerships.
A Educação para o Desenvolvimento no Ensino Superior público em Portugal: mapeamento de representações e análise de experiências
This Erasmus+ three-year project aims to create a more flexible approach to student learning, assessment and certification across Europe’s higher education sector.
The aim is to improve levels of student satisfaction by allowing them to engage with real world issues in a sphere that is of considerable significance to many of them - social responsibility.
Jogos Sérios no Ensino Superior: Impactos, Experiências e Potenciais [Serious Games in Higher Education: Impacts, Experiences and Potential]
UNIBILITY University Meets Social Responsbility
Universities are embedded within local communities of business companies, NGOs, local associations, cities and other stakeholders, and should not operate in isolation. However, many local researchers work in isolation on a theoretical level without connection to problems of practice in their field, and many students lack practical working experience, while local business and social partners need innovation and the connection to science in order to be as competitive and innovative as possible.
University’s Social Responsibility (USR) has been – as a concept – derived from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and is about managing these relationships to produce an overall positive impact on society with research, development and higher education. CSR has been applied to businesses & companies, but rarely to universities. It involves responsible acting in three pillars: PEOPLE: social component / PLANET: environmental component /PROFIT: economic component.
Universities must seek to strengthen their public commitment to the city they are located in, the local economy and to the wider society through their research and higher education activities in order to have a real impact on their local communities and to improve the relevance of higher education in society. To date this potential and impact of universities on local communities is to a large extent unexploited.
Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions
The proposal will investigate young people’s views of the EU and of their role in building the EU through their participatory practices at EU, national, regional and local levels. These issues will be examined from an interdisciplinary perspective (Political Sciences, Sociology, History, Media and Communications, Education, Psychology) as building blocks for a new and groundbreaking conceptualization and theoretical model of youth active citizenship in the EU, including “psychological” citizenship and practices of social and political engagement.
To achieve this aim, the proposal will adopt an innovative approach combining traditional theoretical hypothesis testing with empirical-phenomenological analysis and allowing to integrate the perspectives of young people, as co-producers of knowledge, with those of researchers and other stakeholders. A wide range of research methods will be used including documentary and media analysis, interviews and focus groups, a cross-national longitudinal study, ethnographic case studies of participatory practices and a socially innovative intervention. These quantitative and qualitative methods will allow to develop a new, robust and cutting-edge conceptualization of youth active citizenship in the EU and new evidence-based multilevel integrated theoretical model.
This approach will offer a multifaceted understanding of the different factors influencing the perspectives of “native EU citizens” and the ways in which they engage in society, leading to groundbreaking changes in the ways in which youth engagement, participation and active citizenship are understood. Moreover, the project will provide policy makers with a set of evidence-based ideas, recommendations and instruments to integrate young people’s perspectives into various areas of policy-making. The findings of the project will thus fully cover the challenges, scope and impact of bringing the EU closer to its young citizens and boosting their participation.
EU-USR Comparative Research on University Social Responsibility in Europe and Development of a Community Reference Framework
State and memory: memorial public policies on the Portuguese dictatorship (1974-2009)
Participatory citizenship education in transitional societies
Processes Influencing Democratic Ownership and Participation
This project will examine the processes which influence democratic ownership and participation in eight European states. It will draw on the disciplines of Politics, Sociology, Social Policy, Psychology and Education to examine macro-level contextual factors (including historical, political, electoral, economic and policy factors), proximal social factors (including familial, educational and media factors) and psychological factors (including motivational, cognitive, attitudinal and identity factors) which facilitate and/or inhibit civic and political engagement and participation.
The research will be ground-breaking in incorporating the psychology of the individual citizen within its scope, and it will be distinctive in addressing the psychological processes through which political, societal and social factors have their effects upon citizens’ civic and political engagement and participation.
Young people, women, minorities and migrants will be examined as four specific groups at risk of political disengagement. The research will focus on the differences, as well as the overlap, between civic and political engagement, and on both direct and representative participation.
An innovative multi-level process model of civic and political engagement and participation will be constructed, which will explain how and why different forms and interpretations of democratic ownership and participation develop or are hampered amongst citizens living in different European countries and contexts, with particular attention being paid to the relevant phenomena at regional, national and EU levels.
Appropriate stakeholders at regional, national and EU levels will be involved in all stages of the work, to ensure that the research addresses issues of direct concern to these stakeholders, and to ensure that the policy implications and recommendations which emerge from the research meet the needs of these stakeholders and are disseminated appropriately to them.
Citizenship conceptions and practices: the role of psychological development, life experiences and social discrimination
Boa Esperança, Boas Práticas - Região Norte
IEA - CivEd in Portugal
Journal article
Collaborative Climate Labs: a youth-led methodology for co-creating community responses to climate change
Malafaia, Carla; Diógenes-Lima, Juliana; Pereira, Bruna; Macedo, Eunice; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Jovens e Ação Climática: Abordagens educativas promotoras da dimensão coletiva da participação juvenil na adaptação climática das suas comunidades [Young People and Climate Action: Educational Approaches Promoting the Collective Dimension of Youth Participation in Climate Adaptation in their Communities]
Pinheiro, Sara; Torres, Ana Cristina; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Pinheiro, Sara
Journal article
Promoting Environmental Citizenship Using a Participatory School-based Community Profiling on Water (Mis)uses
PRADA DA SILVA, DIOGO F. ; Pereira, Joel Bruno da Silva; Barbosa, Marta O.; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Citizenship education to promote the participation of young people in climate adaptation: Crossing curricular boundaries through community profiling
Pinheiro, Sara; Torres, Ana Cristina; Pereira, Bruna; Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Pinheiro, Sara
Journal article
Sustainability concerns of Portuguese higher education institutions: How are they planning to contribute to a more sustainable world
Pinheiro, Sara; Rosa, Maria João; Menezes, Isabel; António M. Magalhães
Journal article
The longitudinal effect of the quality of participation experiences in a voluntary organization on youth psychological empowerment
Mariana Rodrigues; Isabel Menezes; Pedro D. Ferreira
Costa, Alexandra Sá & Caramelo, João (Coord.) (2023). Avaliação Externa Estratégia Nacional de Educação para o Desenvolvimento 2018-2022 ¿ Relatório Final. Equipa de avaliação: Costa, Alexandra Sá, Caramelo, João, Cardoso, Carla, Coelho, Dalila Pinto, Menezes, Isabel, Correia, Luís Grosso, Gomes, Margarida & Medina, Teresa. Fac. Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação Universidade do Porto, CIIE.
Costa, Alexandra Sá; Caramelo, João; Cardoso, Carla; Coelho, Dalila P.; Menezes, Isabel; Correia, Luís Grosso; Gomes, Margarida; Medina, Teresa
Journal article
Ana Luísa Costa; Henrique Vaz; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Citizen Children Raising Their Voices and Striving to Save the Planet ... and Themselves
Clementina Rios; Alison Neilson; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Sustainability concerns of Portuguese higher education institutions: How are they planning to contribute to a more sustainable world
Pinheiro, Sara; Rosa, Maria João; Menezes, Isabel; António M. Magalhães
Journal article
Citizenship education to promote the participation of young people in climate adaptation: Crossing curricular boundaries through community profiling
Pinheiro, Sara; Torres, Ana Cristina; Pereira, Bruna; Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Pinheiro, Sara
Journal article
Collaborative Climate Labs: a youth-led methodology for co-creating community responses to climate change
Malafaia, Carla; Diógenes-Lima, Juliana; Pereira, Bruna; Macedo, Eunice; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Promoting Environmental Citizenship Using a Participatory School-based Community Profiling on Water (Mis)uses
PRADA DA SILVA, DIOGO F. ; Pereira, Joel Bruno da Silva; Barbosa, Marta O.; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The longitudinal effect of the quality of participation experiences in a voluntary organization on youth psychological empowerment
Mariana Rodrigues; Isabel Menezes; Pedro D. Ferreira
Journal article
Jovens e Ação Climática: Abordagens educativas promotoras da dimensão coletiva da participação juvenil na adaptação climática das suas comunidades [Young People and Climate Action: Educational Approaches Promoting the Collective Dimension of Youth Participation in Climate Adaptation in their Communities]
Pinheiro, Sara; Torres, Ana Cristina; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Pinheiro, Sara
Journal article
Efeitos da Participação em Coros Comunitários Infantis nas Crianças
Irene Cortesão; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Visões de educadoras de educação ambiental para o desenvolvimento sustentável: Entre o empoderamento e a orientação de crianças e jovens.
Rios, Clementina; Neilson, Alison; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Postgraduate Research as a Vehicle for (Trans)forming Teachers' Professional Development: Opportunities and Challenges
Kowalczuk-Waledziak, Marta; Lopes, Amélia; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Kowalczuk-Waledziak, Marta
Book chapter
Citizen Children Raising Their Voices and Striving to Save the Planet
Rios, Clementina; Neilson, Alison; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Educating for participatory active citizenship: an example from the ecological activist field
Cruz, Joana P.; Malafaia, Carla; Silva, José Eduardo; Rovisco, Maria; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Cruz, Joana P.
Journal article
Costa, Ana Luísa; Vaz, Henrique; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The professional becoming political: exploring predictors of engagement with professional activism(s).
Costa, Ana L.; Vaz, Henrique; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The role of emotions in critical thinking about European politics: Confronting anti-immigration rhetoric in the classroom
Filipe Piedade; Carla Malafaia; Tiago Neves; Manuel Loff; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Educational strategies to reduce the achievement gap: a systematic review
Cabral-Gouveia, C.; Menezes, I.; Neves, T.
Journal article
Ana Luísa Costa; Henrique Vaz; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Emotional and critical citizens: Portuguese students’ engagement with wicked issues in contemporary EU policy
Piedade, F.; Neves, T.; Loff, M.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
The impact of extracurricular activities on university students’ academic success and employability
Ribeiro, N.; Malafaia, C.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Positive youth development through sport and physical education: a systematic review of empirical research conducted with grade 5 to 12 children and youth
Almeida, L.; Dias, T.; Corte-Real, N.; Menezes, I.; Fonseca, A.
Journal article
Visions of Environmental Education Educators for Sustainable Development: Between Empowerment and Guidance of Children and Youth,Visões de educadoras de educação ambiental para o desenvolvimento sustentável: Entre o empoderamento e a orientação de crianças e jovens,Visiones de Educadoras de Educación Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sostenible: Entre el Empoderamiento y la Orientación de Niños, Niñas
Rios, C.; Neilson, A.; Menezes, I.
Book chapter
Citizen Children Raising Their Voices and Striving to Save the Planet ... and Themselves
Clementina Rios; Alison Neilson; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Collaborative Commentary
Stacy Lee DeZutter; Julianne Coleman; Noah Hichenberg; Isabel Menezes; Alison Neilson; Clementina Rios; Cynthia Szymanski Sunal; Alyssa Whitford
Journal article
Uma Tipologia do Ativismo Profissional na Intervenção Educativa, Social e Comunitária
isabel menezes; Ana Luísa Costa; Henrique Vaz
Journal article
The interrupted journey: factors and processes related to withdrawal, re-enrolment and dropout from doctoral education
Patrícia Alves; Amélia Lopes; Ricardo Cruz-Correia; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
University Social Responsibility: A paradox or a vast field of tensions?
Amorim, José Pedro; Freires, Thiago; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
Participação de pessoas reformadas com mais de 60 anos - a partir do SHARE - Questionário sobre saúde, envelhecimento e reforma na Europa
João Arriscado Nunes; Maria Isabel Dias; Menezes, Isabel
Avaliação Externa da Estratégia Nacional de Educação para o Desenvolvimento 2018/2022
Costa, Alexandra Sá; Caramelo, João; Cardoso, Carla; Gomes, Margarida; Dalila Coelho; Medina, Teresa; Menezes, Isabel; Correia, Luís Grosso. Corresponding author: Costa, Alexandra Sá
Escala da Tipologia de Ativismo Profissional (ETAP)
Costa, Ana Luísa; Vaz, Henrique; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
[The place of the political in educational, social and community intervention: meanings, knowledge and practices of professional activism] O lugar do político na intervenção educativa, social e comunitária: sentidos, saberes e práticas do ativismo profissional
Costa, Ana Luísa; Vaz, Henrique; Menezes, Isabel
Costa, Alexandra Sá & Caramelo, João (Coord.) (2023). Avaliação Externa Estratégia Nacional de Educação para o Desenvolvimento 2018-2022 ¿ Relatório Final. Equipa de avaliação: Costa, Alexandra Sá, Caramelo, João, Cardoso, Carla, Coelho, Dalila Pinto, Menezes, Isabel, Correia, Luís Grosso, Gomes, Margarida & Medina, Teresa. Fac. Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação Universidade do Porto, CIIE.
Costa, Alexandra Sá; Caramelo, João; Cardoso, Carla; Coelho, Dalila P.; Menezes, Isabel; Correia, Luís Grosso; Gomes, Margarida; Medina, Teresa
Journal article
University Social Responsibility: A paradox or a vast field of tensions?
Amorim, José Pedro; Freires, Thiago; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís; Menezes, Isabel
Conference poster
Investigar, Conhecer e Agir: A Construção do Perfil Comunitários como Estratégia de Aprendizagem no Projeto 'Healthy Waters'
Pereira, Joel Bruno da Silva; PRADA DA SILVA, DIOGO F. ; Barbosa, Marta O.; Menezes, Isabel; Dias, Teresa Silva
Journal article
Promoting Environmental Citizenship Using a Participatory School-based Community Profiling on Water (Mis)uses
PRADA DA SILVA, DIOGO F. ; Pereira, Joel Bruno da Silva; Barbosa, Marta O.; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
[The place of the political in educational, social and community intervention: meanings, knowledge and practices of professional activism] O lugar do político na intervenção educativa, social e comunitária: sentidos, saberes e práticas do ativismo profissional
Costa, Ana Luísa; Vaz, Henrique; Menezes, Isabel
Avaliação Externa da Estratégia Nacional de Educação para o Desenvolvimento 2018/2022 [External Evaluation of the National Strategy of Development Education]
Costa, Alexandra Sá; Caramelo, João; Cardoso, Carla; Gomes, Margarida; Coelho, Dalila; Medina, Teresa; Menezes, Isabel; Correia, Luís Grosso. Corresponding author: Costa, Alexandra Sá
Journal article
University Social Responsibility: A paradox or a vast field of tensions?
Rodrigues, Fernanda; Amorim, José Pedro; Freires, Thiago; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís; Menezes, Isabel
Conference poster
Increasing the Social Awareness and Environmental Education: The case of Healthy Waters project
Barbosa, Marta O.; Joel Bruno da Silva; Marques, Rita Ruivo; Dias, Teresa Silva; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
The professional is political: the place and form of professional activism in educational, social and community intervention
Costa, Ana Luísa; Vaz, Henrique; Menezes, Isabel
Conference poster
Can environmental education influence the political efficacy of young people? A study within the Norte 2020 project 'Healthy Waters'
PRADA DA SILVA, DIOGO F. ; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Silva, Sofia Marques; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Reinventar a cidadania europeia de jovens: As escolas como espaços de educação política [Reinventing young people¿s European citizenship: schools as spaces for political education].
Menezes, Isabel; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Perspetivas de jovens estudantes: a escola como contexto de educação para a cidadania e empoderamento político [Young students¿ perspectives: school as an educational context for citizenship and political empowerment].
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Análise de manuais escolares: cidadania ativa e discursos sobre a Europa [Textbook analysis: active citizenship and discourses about Europe].
Ribeiro, Norberto; Piedade, Filipe; Correia, Luís; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Reinventar a cidadania europeia de jovens: As escolas como espaços de educação política [Reinventing young people¿s European citizenship: schools as spaces for political education].
Menezes, Isabel; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Learning and the Experience of Social, Civic, and Political Participation in Old Age
Alves Martins, Teresa; Arriscado Nunes, João; Dias, Isabel; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Universitas: how do students perceive university social responsibility in three European higher education institutions?
Márcia Coelho; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Youth participation and citizenship education.
Ribeiro, Ana Bela; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Métodos mistos: da problematização ao que-fazer na investigação em ciências sociais e da educação
Menezes, Isabel; Pais, Sofia Castanheira; Carla Malafaia; Ferreira, Pedro D.
Book chapter
Perspetivas de jovens estudantes: A escola como contexto de educação para a cidadania e empoderamento político [Perspetives of young students: School as a context of citizenship education and political empowerment]
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
A visão dos professores sobre o ensino da União Europeia e da cidadania ativa em Portugal. [Teachers’ views about teaching the European Union and the active citizenship in Portugal]
Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Reinventar a cidadania europeia dos jovens: As escolas como espaços de educação política [Reinventing the European citizenship of young people: Schools as spaces of political education]
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Ribeiro, Norberto; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference poster
Increasing the Social Awareness and Environmental Education: The case of Healthy Waters project
Barbosa, Marta O.; Joel Bruno da Silva; Marques, Rita Ruivo; Dias, Teresa Silva; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Youth participation and citizenship education: an analysis of relations in four European countries
Ribeiro, Ana Bela; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Ribeiro, Ana Bela
Edited book
Reinventar a cidadania europeia dos jovens: As escolas como espaços de educação política [Reinventing the European citizenship of young people: Schools as spaces of political education]
Menezes, Isabel; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Towards the Transformative Role of Global Citizenship Education Experiences in Higher Education: Crossing Students’ and Teachers’ Views
Coelho, D.P.; Caramelo, J.; Amorim, J.P.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Online Ethnography on a Retired People s Association in Portugal Facebook as a Vehicle for Political Participation at a Time of Pandemic,Etnografia online sobre uma associação de pessoas reformadas em Portugal O Facebook como meio de participação política em tempo de pandemia
Martins, T.A.; Nunes, J.A.; Dias, I.; Menezes, I.
Book chapter
Métodos mistos: da problematização ao que-fazer na investigação em ciências sociais e da educação
Menezes, Isabel; Pais, Sofia Castanheira; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
A Participação Política da Juventude em Portugal: Relatório Síntese
Costa, Patrício; Magalhães, Pedro C.; Menezes, Isabel; Patrícia Silva; Costa, Edna; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
A Participação Política da Juventude em Portugal Formas emergentes de participação: Etnografia online com coletivos ativistas
Soares, Ricardo; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
As visões dos/as professores/as sobre o ensino da União Europeia e da cidadania ativa [Teachers visions about teaching the European Union and active citizenship].
Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Loff, Manuel; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
As visões de professores/as sobre o ensino da União Europeia e da cidadania ativa
Loff, Manuel; Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
The professional is political: the place and form of professional activism in educational, social and community intervention
Costa, Ana Luísa; Vaz, Henrique; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
"Let's make ourselves heard, but without shouting": Children's climate activism in the local forest. ("Vamos fazer-nos ouvir, mas sem gritar"): Ativismo climático de crianças na floresta local.
Clementina Rios; Alison Laurie Neilson; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Clementina Rios
Conference paper
Serão as alterações climáticas uma preocupação dos adolescentes? A eco-ansiedade entre estudantes do Norte de Portugal
Hernandez, Katarina; Abreu-Lima, Isabel; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
As visões de professores/as sobre o ensino da União Europeia e da cidadania ativa
Loff, Manuel; Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
A Participação Política da Juventude em Portugal: Relatório Síntese
Costa, Patrício; Magalhães, Pedro C.; Menezes, Isabel; Patrícia Silva; Costa, Edna; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
As visões dos/as professores/as sobre o ensino da União Europeia e da cidadania ativa [Teachers visions about teaching the European Union and active citizenship].
Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Loff, Manuel; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Análise de manuais escolares: cidadania ativa e discursos sobre a Europa [Textbook analysis: active citizenship and discourses about Europe].
Ribeiro, Norberto; Piedade, Filipe; Correia, Luís; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
Perspetivas de jovens estudantes: a escola como contexto de educação para a cidadania e empoderamento político [Young students¿ perspectives: school as an educational context for citizenship and political empowerment].
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Relatório intercalar: Avaliação intercalar do programa Cidadãos Ativos [ Interim report: Interim evaluation of the Active Citizens programme]
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel; Teixeira, Ana Isabel; Rodrigues, Mariana; Sampaio, Marta; Ribeiro, Norberto; Cruz, João Moisés; Fonseca, Mariana
Conference poster
Can environmental education influence the political efficacy of young people? A study within the Norte 2020 project 'Healthy Waters'
PRADA DA SILVA, DIOGO F. ; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Silva, Sofia Marques; Menezes, Isabel
IO4: Study on students' experiences with service learning: synthesis report (ENGAGE STUDENTS project)
Journal article
The quality of participation of Brazilian theatre collectives in contexts of community artistic practices
Cruz, Hugo; Bezelga, Isabel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Teachers in times of emergency remote teaching: A focus on teaching and relationships
Torres, Ana Cristina; Teixeira, Ana Isabel; Pais, Sofia; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Book chapter
"Development": Does It (Still) Matter for Global Citizenship Education? Empirical Contributions to the Conceptual Debate.
Coelho, Dalila P.; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Coros infantis comunitários em instituições educativas e seu papel no desenvolvimento artístico, pessoal e social das crianças envolvidas
Cortesão Costa, Irene; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
Global Education and the co-curricular dimension in higher education: Experiences and implications
Coelho, Dalila P.; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Amorim, José Pedro; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
Educação para a cidadania global no ensino superior: Experiências e implicações da dimensão co-curricular
Coelho, Dalila; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Amorim, José Pedro; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The Activist Craft: Learning Processes and Outcomes of Professional Activism
Costa, Ana L.; Vaz, Henrique; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Menezes, Isabel
Conference poster
The Activist Craft: Learning Processes and Outcomes of Professional Activism
Costa, Ana L.; Vaz, Henrique; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
Meanings and Pedagogy of Professional Activism.
Costa, Ana L.; Vaz, Henrique; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Professores em tempos de ensino remoto de emergência
Torres, Ana Cristina; Teixeira, Ana Isabel; Pais, Sofia Castanheira; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Coros infantis comunitários em instituições educativas e seu papel no desenvolvimento artístico, pessoal e social das crianças envolvidas
Irene Cortesão Costa; Isabel Menezes; Cortesão Costa, Irene; Menezes, Isabel; Cortesão, Irene; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
Educação para a Cidadania Global no Ensino Superior: experiências e implicacões da dimensão co-curricular
P. Coelho, Dalila; Malafaia, Carla; Amorim; Jose´ Pedro ; Ribeiro; Norberto ; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel; et al
Conference abstract
Educação para a Cidadania Global no Ensino Superior: experiências e implicacões da dimensão co-curricular
P. Coelho, Dalila; Malafaia, Carla; Amorim; Jose´ Pedro ; Ribeiro; Norberto ; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
Educação para a Cidadania Global no Ensino Superior: experiências e implicacões da dimensão co-curricular
P. Coelho, Dalila; Malafaia, Carla; Amorim; Jose´ Pedro ; Ribeiro; Norberto ; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel; et al
Conference abstract
Global Education and the co-curricular dimension in higher education: Experiences and implications
Coelho, Dalila P.; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Amorim, José Pedro; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
Educação para a cidadania global no ensino superior: Experiências e implicações da dimensão co-curricular
Coelho, Dalila; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Amorim, José Pedro; Medina, Teresa; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Teachers in times of emergency remote teaching: A focus on teaching and relationships
Torres, Ana Cristina; Teixeira, Ana Isabel; Pais, Sofia; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Engagement in civic organisations in old age: Motivations for participation and retention
Martins, Teresa Alves; Nunes, João Arriscado; Dias, Isabel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The Activist Craft: Learning Processes and Outcomes of Professional Activism
Costa, Ana L.; Vaz, Henrique; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Exploring the meanings of professional activism
Costa, Ana L.; Vaz, Henrique; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
'Development': Does it (still) matter for global citizenship education? Empirical contributions to the conceptual debate
Dalila P. Coelho; João Caramelo; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
The research-practice nexus in doctoral education: the voices of social and health sciences PhD candidates and graduates
Alves, Patrícia; Lopes, Amélia; Menezes, Isabel; Kowalczuk-Waledziak, Marta
Journal article
Global citizenship and the global citizen/consumer: Perspectives from practitioners in development NGOs in Portugal
Coelho, Dalila P; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
A responsabilidade social universitária vista pelos/as estudantes: Entre conceções e práticas.
Coelho, Márcia; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
University social responsibility, Service learning, and students' personal, professional, and civic education
Journal article
Coros infantis comunitários em instituições educativas e seu papel no desenvolvimento artístico, pessoal e social das crianças envolvidas [Community children choirs in education institutions and its role in the artistic, personal, and social development of the children in its ranks].
Journal article
Editorial: The Civic and Political Participation of Young People: Current Changes and Educational Consequences
Ferreira, Pedro D.; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Democratic Citizenship-in-the-Making: Dis/Engagement Profiles of Portuguese Youth
Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro D.; Menezes, Isabel. Corresponding author: Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The Gap Between Youth and Politics: Youngsters Outside the Regular School System Assessing the Conditions for Be(com)ing Political Subjects
Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Education, neurosis and exception: What really matters in education during/beyond the pandemic?
Menezes, Pedro; Menezes, Isabel; Ribeiro, Norberto
Journal article
A cidadania europeia na escola: Complementando o currículo [European citizenship in school: supplementing the curriculum].
Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
COVID-19 and the desire of children to return to nature: Emotions in the face of environmental and intergenerational injustices
Rios, Clementina; Neilson, Alison Laurie; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Professores em tempos de ensino remoto de emergência
Torres, Ana Cristina; Teixeira, Ana Isabel; Pais, Sofia Castanheira; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal issue
Responsabilidade social da universidade: Uma questão de diversidade, de inclusão e de qualidade / University social responsibility: A matter of diversity, inclusion and quality [special issue]
Journal issue
The civic and political participation of young people: current changes and educational consequences [special issue].
Journal article
Para uma Tipologia da Participação nas Práticas Artísticas Comunitárias: a experiência de três grupos teatrais no Brasil e Portugal [For a typology of participation in community artistic practices: The experience of three theater groups in Brazil and Portugal]
Hugo Cruz; Isabel Bezelga; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Using online tools in participatory research with adolescents to promote civic engagement and environmental mobilization: the WaterCircle (WC) project
Marques, Rita Ruivo; Malafaia, Carla; Faria, Joaquim L.; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Between emotion and reason: The role of affective networks and events in sustaining the daily experience of environmental activism
Cruz, J.P.; Malafaia, C.; Silva, J.E.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
University social responsibility as a driving force of change: students’ perceptions beyond the ivory tower
Coelho, M.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Educating critical citizens? Portuguese teachers and students’ visions of critical thinking at school
Piedade, F.; Malafaia, C.; Neves, T.; Loff, M.; Menezes, I.
Online resource
Colonialism - Chapter 7 - Reader on Sensitive Zones (SOLVINC Online Tool)
Amorim, José Pedro; Manarte, Joana; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís; Menezes, Isabel
Journal issue
Participation in non-formal education and community education: Implications for civic and political capital [special issue].
Journal article
Mapping the field of development education in Portugal: Narratives and challenges in a de/post/colonial context
Coelho, Dalila; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Conference poster
SOLVINC - Solving Intercultural Conflicts with International Students. (Poster)
Manarte, Joana; Menezes, Isabel; Lopes, A.; Lopes, Amélia
Book chapter
Do acesso de estudantes maiores de 23 a uma universidade de prestígio em Portugal: será que as universidades “morreram” e já estão a “renascer”? [On the access of 23+ students to a prestigious university in Portugal: have universities “died” and are already “reborn”?]
Amorim, José Pedro; Tonin, Elane Cristina; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Processos que superam barreiras em educação: vozes e debates [Processes that overcome barriers in education: voices and debates]
Rodrigues, Raquel; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
O escutismo na construção das cidadanias juvenis: Concepções de política de jovens escuteiros e escuteiras [Scouting in the construction of youth citizenships: Conceptions of politics of young scouts
Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
How do we live with chronic disease? A rights-based approach promoting the wellbeing of children with chronic disease
Pais, Sofia; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Descolonização do currículo: ou de como não "perder de ganhar com a diversidade"
Amorim, José Pedro; Pais, Sofia; Menezes, Isabel; Lopes, Amélia
Book chapter
From normative to deviant behaviour: Health and illness definitions related to children and adolescents' perspectives
Pais, S.C.; Menezes, I.; Nunes, J.A.
Book chapter
Schools as democracy labs
Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla
Book chapter
Processos que superam barreiras em educação: vozes e debates [Processes that overcome barriers in education: voices and debates]
Rodrigues, Raquel; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Edited book
Currículo, política e cultura: conversas entre Brasil e Portugal
Macedo, Elizabeth; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The Use of Theatre of the Oppressed in the Classroom: Engaging Students in a Critical Active European Citizenship Project
Joana P. Cruz; Carla Malafaia; José Eduardo Silva; Isabel Menezes; Cruz, Joana P.; Malafaia, Carla; Silva, José Eduardo; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Mapping the field of development education in Portugal: Narratives and challenges in a de/post/colonial context
Coelho, D.P.; Caramelo, J.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
How do we live with chronic disease? A rights-based approach promoting the wellbeing of children with chronic disease,Como é que vivemos com doenças crônicas? Uma abordagem baseada em direitos para promover o bem-estar de crianças com doenças crônicas
Pais, S.C.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
O escutismo na construção das cidadanias juvenis: concepções de política de jovens escuteiros e escuteiras
Mariana Rodrigues; Isabel Menezes; Pedro Daniel Ferreira
Book chapter
Being tough, being humorous and being explicitly feminist: the intrinsically disordered nature of my ways around academia
Menezes, I.
Journal article
Promoting European active citizenship: a participatory intervention towards the politicisation of youth social concerns
P. Cruz, Joana; Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Eduardo Silva, José; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Do acesso de estudantes maiores de 23 a uma universidade de prestígio em Portugal: Será que as universidades “morreram” e já estão a “renascer”?
Amorim, José Pedro; Tonin, Elane; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Visões das crianças sobre a educação ambiental e a sua participação na proteção da natureza: 'Eu também levo [o lixo à rua] mas fico dentro da porta para não apanhar frio'
Rios, Clementina; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Diversidade sexual no discurso de professores: Os perigos liberais da híper-humanização, privatização e heteronormalização
Santos, Hugo; Silva, Sofia Marques; Macedo, Elizabeth; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Descolonização do currículo: ou de como não 'perder de ganhar com a diversidade'
Amorim, José Pedro; Pais, Sofia C.; Menezes, Isabel; Lopes, Amélia
Journal article
Precarious living: The social origins of uncertainty
Mariana Lucas Casanova; Isabel Menezes; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Rebecca Lawthom
Journal article
Participation in non-formal education and community education implications for civic and political capital
Caramelo, J.; Fitzsimons, C.; Menezes, I.
Conference poster
SOLVINC - Solving Intercultural Conflicts with International Students. (Poster)
Manarte, Joana; Menezes, Isabel; Lopes, A.; Lopes, Amélia
Book chapter
Diversidade sexual no discurso de professores: Os perigos liberais da híper-humanização, privatização e heteronormalização
Santos, Hugo; Silva, Sofia Marques; Macedo, Elizabeth; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Descolonização do currículo: ou de como não 'perder de ganhar com a diversidade'
Amorim, José Pedro; Pais, Sofia C.; Menezes, Isabel; Lopes, Amélia
School National Reports - Catch-EyoU WP6 Final Report
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
A construção de si como investigador: reflexões sobre os processos de formação pós-graduada [The construction of self as a researcher: Reflections on the processes of postgraduate training]
Lopes, Amélia; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Living, doing, and learning from politics in a youth wing of a political party
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
Being civic while disavowing politics: An ethnography of a youth NGO in Portugal
Malafaia, Carla; Luhtakallio, E.; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
School National Reports - Catch-EyoU WP6 Final Report
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
Catch-EyoU National Tecnical Report, WP7, Wave 2: University of Porto
Malafaia, Carla; Enchikova, Ekaterina; Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, Pedro D.; Menezes, Isabel
Conference poster
The role of school education on promoting active citizenship among European youth
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Correia, Luís Grosso; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Why words matter: Deconstructing the discourses of development education practitioners in development NGOs in Portugal
Coelho, Dalila; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Educação para o desenvolvimento na era global: Possibilidades de uma leitura pós-colonial [Development Education in the global era: possibilities of a postcolonial reading]
Coelho, Dalila; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
From liberal acceptance to intolerance: Discourses on sexual diversity in schools by Portuguese young people
Santos, Hugo; Silva, Sofia Marques; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Inovação e compromisso social universitário: a universidade “e o chão que ela pisa” [Innovation and university social commitment: the university and “the ground beneath her feet”]
Menezes, Isabel; Coelho, Márcia; Amorim, José Pedro; Gomes, Isabel P; Pais, Sofia; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís
Journal article
Effects of socialization on scout youth participation behaviors
Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Validating the formative nature of psychological empowerment construct: Testing cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and relational empowerment components
Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Understanding the role of school education on promoting active citizenship. Blue Paper ‘School Civic Education’ (D6.4)
Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
School National Reports. WP6 final report (D6.2)
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
School National Reports. WP6 Final Report (D6.2)
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
National Technical Report, WP7, Wave 2: University of Porto.
Malafaia, Carla; Enchikova, Ekaterina; Ribeiro, Norberto (061-8D24-707F); Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Inovação e compromisso social universitário: a universidade "e o chão que ela pisa"
Menezes, Isabel; Coelho, Márcia; Amorim, José Pedro; Gomes, Isabel; Pais, Sofia; Coimbra, Joaquim L.
Conference poster
Conceptions and Meanings of Professional Activism
Costa, Ana L.; Vaz, Henrique; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Effects of socialization on youth participation behaviors
Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference poster
The role of school education on promoting active citizenship among European youth
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Correia, Luís Grosso; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Why words matter: Deconstructing the discourses of development education practitioners in development NGOs in Portugal
Dalila P. Coelho; João Caramelo; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
From liberal acceptance to intolerance: Discourses on sexual diversity in schools by Portuguese young people
Santos, H.; da Silva, S.M.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Being civic while disavowing politics: An ethnography of a youth NGO in Portugal
Malafaia, C.; Luhtakallio, E.; Menezes, I.; Neves, T.
Journal article
Living, doing, and learning from politics in a youth wing of a political party
Malafaia, C.; Menezes, I.; Neves, T.
Book chapter
Inovação e compromisso social universitário: a universidade "e o chão que ela pisa"
Isabel Menezes; Márcia Coelho; José Pedro Amorim; Isabel Pereira Gomes; Sofia Pais; Joaquim Luís Coimbra
Journal article
European identity and citizenship in textbooks/educational media
Ferreira, P; Albanesi, C; Menezes, I
Journal article
Learning about the European Union in times of crisis: Portuguese textbooks’ normative visions of European citizenship
Piedade, F.; Ribeiro, N.; Loff, M.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
A construção de si como investigador: reflexões sobre os processos de formação pós-graduada [The construction of the self as a researcher: reflections on the process of post-graduate training]
Amelia Lopes; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Investigar com jovens na escola pública: a estratégia wc (watercircle) como espaço de construção coletiva do conhecimento e ação na educação ambiental
Marques, R.R.; Faria, J.L.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Efeitos longitudinais da socialização política nos comportamentos de participação de jovens [Effects of socialization on scout youth participation behaviors]
Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro D.
Other output
Social and Public Responsibility, Universities
Isabel Menezes; Márcia Coelho; José Pedro Amorim; Menezes, Isabel; Coelho, Márcia; Amorim, José Pedro
Conference paper
Student Auditing of University Social Responsibility - Reform through Reflective, Experiential Learning?
Isabel Menezes; Márcia Coelho; Fernanda Rodrigues; Peter Evans; Brian Martin
Journal article
Para uma visão complexa do bullying homofóbico: Desocultando o quotidiano da homofobia nas escolas
Hugo M. Santos; Centro de Investigação e de Intervenção Educativas (CIIE); Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação (FPCE); Universidade do Porto; Portugal; Sofia Marques da Silva; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Theater and Psychological Development: Assessing Socio-Cognitive Complexity in the Domain of Theater
Silva, J.E.; Ferreira, P.; Coimbra, J.L.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Teachers pursuing a doctoral degree: motivations and perceived impact
Kowalczuk-Waledziak, M.; Lopes, A.; Menezes, I.; Tormenta, N.
Journal article
An Organization of the Theoretical Perspectives in the Field of Civic and Political Participation: Contributions to Citizenship Education
Ribeiro, N.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
‘I saw a magical garden with flowers that people could not damage!’: children’s visions of nature and of learning about nature in and out of school
Rios, C.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Commentary: The failure of social education or just going down the road of post-democratic politics?
Menezes, I.
Journal article
In-between fatalism and leverage: The different effects of socioeconomic variables on students’ civic and political experiences and literacy
Malafaia, C.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Validating the formative nature of psychological empowerment construct: Testing cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and relational empowerment components
Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro D.
Book chapter
A investigação em Ciências da Educação em Portugal nos últimos 30 anos: Evoluções, tendências e tensões vistas a partir das teses de doutoramento.
RIBEIRO, NORBERTO; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
"Acesso bloqueado"?: Um estudo de casos múltiplos sobre o acesso de estudantes ‘Maiores de 23’ a uma universidade prestigiada em Portugal.
Tonin, Elane; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Teachers pursuing a doctoral degree: motivations and perceived impact
Marta Kowalczuk-Waledziak; Amélia Lopes; Isabel Menezes; Nuna Tormenta; Kowalczuk-Waledziak, Marta; Lopes, Amélia; Menezes, Isabel; Tormenta, Nuna
Journal article
Teachers pursuing a doctoral degree: motivations and perceived impact
Kowalczuk-Waledziak, Marta; Lopes, Amélia; Menezes, Isabel; Tormenta, Nuna
Journal article
In-between fatalism and leverage: The different effects of socioeconomic variables on students’ civic and political experiences and literacy
Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Catch-EyoU National Technical Report, WP7, Wave 1: University of Porto
Malafaia, Carla; Enchikova, Ekaterina; Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, Pedro D; Menezes, Isabel
Avaliação externa: Estratégia nacional de educação para o desenvolvimento 2010-2015 (Relatório final)
Costa, Alexandra Sá; Coelho, Carina; Coelho, Dalila; Costa, Francisca; Menezes, Isabel; Caramelo, João; et al.
Book chapter
Homofobia nas escolas e o discurso dos e sobre os professores: entre uma privatização reguladora e o desejo de emancipação
Santos, Hugo; Silva, Sofia Marques; Menezes, Isabel
Avaliação externa: Estratégia nacional de educação para o desenvolvimento 2010-2015 (Relatório final)
Costa, Alexandra Sá; Coelho, Carina; Coelho, Dalila; Costa, Francisca; Menezes, Isabel; Caramelo, João; Correia, Luís Grosso; Medina, Teresa
Book chapter
“Acesso bloqueado”?: um estudo de casos múltiplos sobre o acesso de estudantes ‘Maiores de 23’ a uma universidade prestigiada em Portugal [“Access denied”?: a multiple case study on the access of 23+ students to a prestigious University in Portugal.]
Tonin, Elane Cristina; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Theater and Psychological Development: Assessing Socio-Cognitive Complexity in the Domain of Theater
Silva, José Eduardo; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís; Menezes, Isabel
National Technical Report, WP7, Wave 1: University of Porto
Malafaia, Carla; Enchikova, Ekaterina; Ribeiro, Norberto (061-8D24-707F); Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Immigration and the ambivalence of the school: Between inclusion and exclusion of migrant youth
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Linking learning contexts: The relationship between students' civic and political experiences and their self-regulation in school
Malafaia, Carla; Teixeira, Pedro; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Os cidadãos continuam a ter direito à democracia: Discursos de jovens estudantes sobre as manifestações anti-austeridade em Portugal [Citizens still have a right to democracy: Discourses of young students about the anti-austerity demonstrations in Portugal]
Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Health and school: Thoughts on the medicalization of education | Saúde e escola: Reflexões em torno da medicalização da educação | Salud y escuela: Reflexiones en torno a la medicalización de la educación
Pais, Sofia; Menezes, Isabel; Nunes, João A.
WORK PACKAGE 1 – Stocktaking for project HE4u2
Menezes, Isabel; Lopes, Amélia; Neves, Tiago; Amorim, José Pedro; Pais, Sofia; Soeiro, Alberto
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os cidadãos continuam a ter direito à democracia: Discursos de jovens estudantes sobre as manifestações anti-austeridade em Portugal [Citizens still have a right to democracy: Discourses of young students about the anti-austerity demonstrations in Portugal]
Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
WORK PACKAGE 1 ¿ Stocktaking for project HE4u2
Menezes, Isabel; Lopes, Amélia; Neves, Tiago; Amorim, José Pedro; Pais, Sofia; Soeiro, Alberto
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Journal article
Immigration and the Ambivalence of the School
Norberto Ribeiro; Carla Malafaia; Tiago Neves; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Linking learning contexts: The relationship between students' civic and political experiences and their self-regulation in school
Malafaia, C.; Teixeira, P.M.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Art education for citizenship: Augusto Boal’s Theater of the oppressed as a method for democratic empowerment
Silva, J.E.; Menezes, I.; José Eduardo Silva; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Os candidatos adultos “Maiores de 23” e a equidade de acesso à educação superior em Portugal [The 23+ adult candidates and the equity of access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, E.C.; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Civic and political participation of young immigrants and Portuguese,Participação cívica e política de jovens imigrantes e portugueses
Ribeiro, N.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Validation of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire - Revised in six European countries
Fernandes-Jesus, M.; Beccaria, F.; Demant, J.; Fleig, L.; Menezes, I.; Scholz, U.; de Visser, R.; Cooke, R.
From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to University’s Social Responsibility (USR): a reader.
Gabriel Dima; Katharina Resch; Alina Borcos; Tanja Božic; Petja Janžekovic; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Fernanda Rodrigues; et al
Book chapter
O ensino superior como um espaço de formação multifacetado
Maria Luísa Lima; Isabel Menezes; Lara Carregã
Other output
'Os cidadãos continuam a ter direito à democracia': discursos de jovens estudantes sobre as manifestações anti-austeridade em Portugal
Carla Malafaia; Tiago Neves; Isabel Menezes
Other output
Transição para o processo de bolonha: Significações de docentes e estudantes da Universidade do Porto
Helena Lopes; Isabel Menezes
Other output
Saúde e escola: reflexões em torno da medicalização da educação = Health and school: thoughts on the medicalization of education
Sofia Castanheira Pais; Isabel Menezes; João Arriscado Nunes
Journal article
Health and school: Thoughts on the medicalization of education,Saúde e escola: Reflexões em torno da medicalização da educação,Salud y escuela: Reflexiones en torno a la medicalización de la educación
Pais, S.C.; Menezes, I.; Nunes, J.A.
WORK PACKAGE 1 ¿ Stocktaking for project HE4u2
Menezes, Isabel; Lopes, Amélia; Neves, Tiago; Amorim, José Pedro; Pais, Sofia; Soeiro, Alberto
Journal article
Constraints and opportunities for civic and political participation: Perceptions of young people from immigrant and non-immigrant background in Portugal
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
The ‘Europeanization’ of gender policies in Portugal: Transformations in women’s access to civil, political and social rights
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Menezes, Isabel
Mapping current university social responsibility practices in Europe
Freires, Thiago; Amorim, José Pedro; Loja, Ema; Coimbra, Joaquim; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Menezes, Isabel
What is university social responsibility?
Amorim, José Pedro; Freires, Thiago; Loja, Ema; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Coimbra, Joaquim; Menezes, Isabel
University Social Responsibility: A common European reference framework
Freires, Thiago; Amorim, José Pedro; Coimbra, Joaquim; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Constraints and opportunities for civic and political participation: perceptions of young people from immigrant and non-immigrant background in Portugal
Ribeiro, Norberto (061-8D24-707F); Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
The ‘Europeanization’ of gender policies in Portugal: Transformations in women’s access to civil, political and social rights
Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The organisational and educational contexts of the Portuguese Catholic Scout Association: their impact on youth participation
Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Journal article
The Portuguese literacy campaigns after the carnation revolution (1974-1977)
Gomes, I.P.; Amorim, J.P.; Correia, J.A.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Constraints and opportunities for civic and political participation: perceptions of young people from immigrant and non-immigrant background in Portugal
Ribeiro, N.; Malafaia, C.; Neves, T.; Ferreira, P.D.; Menezes, I.
Other output
Responsabilidade Social da Universidade: Um Quadro de Referência Europeu
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
University Social Responsibility: A Common European Reference Framework. Final Public Report of the EU-USR Project, 52709-LLP-2012-1-RO-ERASMUS-ESIN, February 2015.
José Pedro Amorim; Begoña Arenas; Daniel Burgos; Alina Florentina Borcos; Aurora Carrasco; Lourenço Xavier de Carvalho; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; et al
Other output
The organisational and educational contexts of the Portuguese Catholic Scout Association: their impact on youth participation
Mariana Rodrigues; Isabel Menezes; Pedro Ferreira
Other output
The curriculum question in doctoral education
Gabriela González-Ocampo; Margaret Kiley; Amélia Lopes; Janice Malcolm; Isabel Menezes; Ricardo Morais; Viivi Virtanen; et al
Construção e validação do Inquérito Pedagógico da Universidade do Porto (IPUP)
Marina Serra de Lemos; Isabel Menezes; Pedro M. Teixeira; Cristina Queirós; Pedro Lopes dos Santos
Book chapter
Citizenship and higher education in Portugal: the impact of the Bologna process
Helena Lopes; Sofia Veiga; Pedro Teixeira; Isabel Menezes; Pedro M. Teixeira; Ribeiro, A.B.; Caetano, A.; et al
Journal article
Community as locus for health formal and non-formal education: The significance of ecological and collaborative research for promoting health literacy
Pais, S.C.; Rodrigues, M.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Children and adolescents as political actors: Collective visions of politics and citizenship
Dias, T.S.; Menezes, I.; Teresa Silva Dias; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Civic and political participation: Young people of Brazilian origin in Portugal,Participação cívica e política: Jovens imigrantes brasileiros/as em Portugal
Fernandes-Jesus, M.; Cicognagni, E.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Educação para a cidadania em Portugal: Contributos para analisar a sua evolução no currículo escolar Português
Ribeiro, N.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Europe as a Beacon of Democracy? Citizenship Policies Relating to Youth and Migrants in Portugal
Ribeiro, N.; Malafaia, C.; Fernandes-Jesus, M.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Participação cívica e política: jovens imigrantes brasileiros/as em Portugal
Maria Fernandes-Jesus; Elvira Cicognagni; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Cidadania participatória no cotidiano escolar: a vez e a voz das crianças e dos jovens
Isabel Menezes; Pedro Ferreira
Book chapter
Autonomia e inclusão de pessoas com incapacidade e doença crónica: (in)visibilidades na relação com os seus familiares e profissionais
Sofia C. Pais; Margarida Guedes; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Citizenship and higher education in Portugal: the impact of the Bologna process
Helena Lopes; Sofia Veiga; Pedro Teixeira; Isabel Menezes
Other output
Práticas que (não) se desenvolvem, futuros que (não) se constroem: a promoção da participação na Lei de proteção à infância
Carlota Teixeira; Cidália Queiroz; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Europe as a beacon of democracy? Citizenship policies relating to youth and migrants in Portugal
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
O desempenho escolar de jovens portugueses: Um estudo comparativo entre escolas públicas e privadas, em contexto rural e urbano [The academic performance of young Portuguese people: A comparative study between public and private schools, in urban and rural settings]
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
Cidadania participatória no cotidiano escolar: a vez e a voz das crianças e dos jovens
Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Community as locus for health formal and non-formal education: The significance of ecological and collaborative research for promoting health literacy
Pais, Sofia; Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
A redução das assimetrias sociais no acesso à alimentação e à saúde: Políticas e práticas [Reducing social asymmetries in access to food and health: Policies and practices]
Pais, Sofia; Guedes, Margarida; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
O desempenho escolar de jovens portugueses: Um estudo comparativo entre escolas públicas e privadas, em contexto rural e urbano [The academic performance of young Portuguese people: A comparative study between public and private schools, in urban and rural settings]
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Understanding the role of school education on promoting active citizenship - Blue Paper ‘School Civic Education’
Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Conference poster
Experiências de participação cívica e política juvenil: Efeitos do/no capital cultural, económico e educacional [Experiences of youth civic and politocal participation: Effects of/on cultural, economic and educational capital]
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Book chapter
Visions of the authoritarian past in citizenship education policies and practices in Spain and Portugal
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Caetano, Andreia; Rodrigues, Mariana; Lopes, C.C.; Pais, Sofia; Araújo, Helena C.; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Visions of the authoritarian past in citizenship education policies and practices in Spain and Portugal
Ferreira, Pedro D.; Caetano, Andreia; Rodrigues, M.; Lopes, Carina; Pais, Sofia; Araújo, Helena C.; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Os contextos e as práticas da educação para a saúde em torno da doença crónica: uma perspetiva reflexiva e crítica com base na experiência de vida com diabetes mellitus
Pais, Sofia; Guedes, Margarida; Menezes, Isabel
Conference poster
Experiências de participação cívica e política juvenil: Efeitos do/no capital cultural, económico e educacional [Experiences of youth civic and politocal participation: Effects of/on cultural, economic and educational capital]
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Other output
Exploring the limits and potentials of youth participation in public policy as citizenship learning: a study in the State of Acre, Brazil
Lucicleia Barreto Queiroz; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
The individual and contextual impact of a school-based exhibition for AIDS prevention: A mixed methodology approach
Menezes, I.; Ribeiro, N.; Cabral-Gouveia, C.; Isabel Menezes; Norberto Ribeiro; Carmo Cabral-Gouveia
Book chapter
Visions of the authoritarian past in citizenship education policies and practices in Spain and Portugal
Ferreira, P.D.; Caetano, A.; Rodrigues, M.; Lopes, C.C.; Pais, S.C.; Araújo, H.C.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
The role of classroom experiences and school ethos in the development of children as political actors: Confronting the vision of pupils and teachers
Dias, T.S.; Menezes, I.
Book chapter
Associativismo surdo: história e atualidade
Sara Alexandra Santos Pinho; Isabel Menezes
Other output
As formas de Antígona: um estudo hermenêutico sobre criatividade e diversidade em Sófocles
José Eduardo Silva; Isabel Menezes; Joaquim Luís Coimbra
Other output
Exploring the limits and potentials of youth participation in public policy as citizenship learning: a study in the State of Acre, Brazil
Lucicleia Barreto Queiroz; Isabel Menezes
Other output
Disability, embodiment and ableism: stories of resistance
Ema Loja; Maria Emília Costa; Bill Hughes; Isabel Menezes; Loja, E.; Costa, M.E.; Hughes, B.; Menezes, I.
Other output
Civic and political e-participation of young immigrants: "digital hope" for inclusion?
Carla Malafaia; Maria Fernandes Jesus; Norberto Ribeiro; Tiago Neves; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Community critical psychologies: ideological convergence despite geographical dispersion
Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Paul Duckett; David Fryer; Ibrahim Makkawi; Isabel Menezes; Ilana Mountian; Mohamed Seedat; Carl Walker
Other output
Os contextos e as práticas da educação para a saúde em torno da doença crónica: uma perspetiva reflexiva e crítica com base na experiência de vida com diabetes mellitus
Sofia Castanheira Pais; Margarida Guedes; Isabel Menezes
Other output
Editorial: youth civic and political participation and citizenship education in the mediterranean: lessons from the arab spring
Isabel Menezes; Ibrahim Makkawi
Journal article
A experiência de sem-abrigo como promotora de empoderamento psicológico
Maria Fernanda de Jesus; Isabel Menezes
Conference paper
The Changing Theatre: A psychological approach to the experience of acting
José Eduardo Silva; Isabel Menezes; Joaquim Luis Coimbra;
Journal article
Construção e validação de indicadores de literacia mediática
Sílvia G. João; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Education and Citizenship: redemption or disempowerment? A Study of Portuguese-Speaking Migrant (and Non-migrant) Youth in Portugal
Journal article
The developmental quality of participation experiences: Beyond the rhetoric that " participation is always good!"
Ferreira, P.D.; Azevedo, C.N.; Menezes, I.; Pedro D. Ferreira; Cristina N. Azevedo; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
The values of empowerment and citizenship and the experience of children and adolescents with a chronic disease
Pais, S.C.; Guedes, M.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
“Diversity within Diversity” - Exploring Connections between Community, Participation and Citizenship
Pedro D. Ferreira; Joaquim L. Coimbra; Isabel Menezes
Other output
Rethinking community psychology: critical insights
Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Paul Duckett; David Fryer; Ibrahim Makkawi; Isabel Menezes; Mohamed Seedat; Carl Walker
Book chapter
A dicotomia direita-esquerda e atitudes face aos imigrantes: novos velhos temas fraturantes?
Isabel Menezes
Visões do passado, presente e futuro da democracia: perfil dos direitos de cidadania e oportunidades de participação na escola e na comunidade por alunos de escolas públicas do ensino básico e secundário
Ana Bela Ribeiro; Andreia Caetano; Mariana Rodrigues; Pedro Ferreira; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Análise multinível das condições estruturais da educação para a cidadania (EC) na Europa: as políticas europeias de EC e as visões de organizações não-governamentais (ONG) no campo da EC
Andreia Caetano; Mariana Rodrigues; Pedro Ferreira; Helena C. Araújo; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Análise das políticas de imigração: o papel das estruturas e oportunidades políticas na participação e integração dos imigrantes
Norberto Ribeiro; Carla Malafaia; Maria Fernandes-Jesus; Sofia Marques da Silva; Helena C. Araújo; Isabel Menezes
Other output
Recensão à obra de Fátima Grácio (org.) - Cuidar a democracia, cuidar o futuro
Isabel Menezes
Other output
Diversity within diversity: exploring connections between community, participation and citizenship
Pedro D. Ferreira; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Isabel Menezes
PIDOP: Processes Influencing Democratic Ownership and Participation: final report
Maria Fernandes-Jesus; Norberto Ribeiro; Carla Malafaia; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Uma visão europeia, ibérica e nacional das políticas e práticas da educação para a cidadania em contexto escolar
Isabel Menezes; Pedro Ferreira; Sofia Pais; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Pais, Sofia
Book chapter
Passado totalitário e educação para a cidadania: uma análise comparativa entre Portugal e Espanha
Mariana Rodrigues; Andreia Caetano; Sofia Pais; Pedro Ferreira; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Citizenship education policies: the contemporary european masks of democracy
Andreia Caetano; Mariana Rodrigues; Pedro Ferreira; Helena C. Araújo; Isabel Menezes
Agência e participação cívica e política de jovens
Isabel Menezes; Maria Fernandes-Jesus; Norberto Ribeiro; Carla Malafaia
Book chapter
Diversidade na participação cívica e política
Maria Fernandes-Jesus; Carla Malafaia; Norberto Ribeiro; Pedro D. Ferreira; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Perspectivas e subjetividades sobre a participação política e cívica: jovens, família e escola
Carla Malafaia; Maria Fernandes-Jesus; Norberto Ribeiro; Tiago Neves; Laura Fonseca; Isabel Menezes
Other output
The many faces of Hermes: the quality of participation experiences and political attitudes of migrant and non-migrant youth
Maria Fernandes-Jesus; Carla Malafaia; Pedro D. Ferreira; Elvira Cicognani; Isabel Menezes; Fernandes-Jesus, M.; Malafaia, C.; et al
Other output
Promoting "active citizenships"?: the critical vision of NOGs over citizenship education as an educational priority across the europe
Ana Bela Ribeiro; Mariana Rodrigues; Andreia Caetano; Sofia Pais; Isabel Menezes
Agência e participação cívica e política: Jovens e imigrantes na construção da democracia [Agency and civic and political participation: Youngsters and immigrants in the construction of democracy]
Menezes, Isabel; Ribeiro, Norberto; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel; Ribeiro, Norberto; et al
Journal article
Education and citizenship: Redemption or disempowerment? A study of portuguese-speaking migrant (and non-migrant) youth in Portugal
Ribeiro, Norberto; Almeida, C.M.; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Neves, Tiago; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The many faces of hermes: The quality of participation experiences and political attitudes of migrant and non-migrant youth
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Cicognani, Elvira; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Perspetivas e subjetividades sobre a participação política e cívica: Jovens, família e escola [Perspectives and subjectivities on civic and political participation: Youngsters, family, and the school]
Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Ribeiro, Norberto; Neves, Tiago; Fonseca, Laura; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Diversidade e participação cívica e política [Diversity and civic and political participation]
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís; Menezes, Isabel
Final Report of WP6: Processes in the co-construction of citizenship in different life contexts, PIDOP Deliverable nº 36
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Lyons, Evanthia; Ribeiro, Norberto; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Devaney, Lee
Book chapter
Análise das políticas de imigração: O papel das estruturas e oportunidades políticas na participação e integração dos imigrantes
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Silva, Sofia Marques; Araújo, Helena C.; Menezes, Isabel
Conference paper
Citizenship education policies: the contemporary european masks of democracy
Caetano, Andreia; Rodrigues, Mariana; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena C.; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Education and Citizenship: Redemption or Disempowerment? A Study of Portuguese-Speaking Migrant (and Non-Migrant) Youth in Portugal
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Neves, Tiago; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The developmental quality of participation experiences: Beyond the rhetoric that " participation is always good!"
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Azevedo, Cristina; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The many faces of hermes: The quality of participation experiences and political attitudes of migrant and non-migrant youth
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Cicognani, Elvira; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Diversidade e participação cívica e política
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Psicologia Política em Portugal: A importância de cruzar fronteiras
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Análise multinível das condições estruturais da educação para a cidadania (EC) na europa: As políticas europeias de EC e as visões de organizações não-governamentais (ONG) no campo da EC
Caetano, Andreia; Rodrigues, Mariana; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena C.; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Uma visão europeia, ibérica e nacional das políticas e práticas de educação para a cidadania em contexto escolar
Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Pais, Sofia
Book chapter
Visões do passado, presente e futuro da democracia: Perfil dos direitos de cidadania e oportunidades de participação na escola e na comunidade por alunos de escolas públicas do ensino básico e secundário
Ribeiro, Ana Bela; Caetano, Andreia; Rodrigues, Mariana; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Passado totalitário e educação para a cidadania: Uma análise comparativa entre Portugal e Espanha
Rodrigues, Mariana; Caetano, Andreia; Pais, Sofia; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Edited book
Agência e participação cívica e política: Jovens e imigrantes na construção da democracia [Agency and civic and political participation: Youth and immigrants in building democracy]
Menezes, Isabel; Ribeiro, Norberto; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Conference paper
Citizenship education: a comparision between Portugal, Englan and Slovenia
Rodrigues, Mariana; Caetano, Andreia; Ferreira, Pedro D.; Pais, Sofia; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The values of empowerment and citizenship and the experience of children and adolescents with a chronic disease
Pais, Sofia; Guedes, M.; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Uma visão europeia, ibérica e nacional das políticas e práticas de educação para a cidadania em contexto escolar
Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro D.; Pais, Sofia
Journal article
Promoting ‘active citizens’? The critical vision of NGOs over citizenship education as an educational priority across Europe
Ribeiro, Ana Bela; Rodrigues, Mariana; Caetano, Andreia; Pais, Sofia; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Passado totalitário e educação para a cidadania: Uma análise comparativa entre Portugal e Espanha
Rodrigues, Mariana; Caetano, Andreia; Pais, Sofia; Ferreira, Pedro D.; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Perspetivas e subjetividades sobre a participação política e cívica: Jovens, família e escola [Perspectives and subjectivities on civic and political participation: Youngsters, family, and the school]
Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Ribeiro, Norberto; Neves, Tiago; Fonseca, Laura; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Da participação à integração? Estruturas e oportunidades, discriminação e género no contexto da participação cívica e política de jovens imigrantes brasileiros/as
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Cicognani, Elvira; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Views of disability in Portugal: 'Fado' or citizenship?
Loja, E.; Costa, E.; Menezes, I.; Ema Loja; Maria Emília Costa; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Development and validation of a theoretically based, multidimensional questionnaire of student evaluation of university teaching
Lemos, M.S.; Queirós, C.; Teixeira, P.M.; Menezes, I.
Book chapter
Da (inter)acção como alma da política: para uma crítica da retórica "participatória" nos discursos sobre os jovens
Isabel Menezes
Other output
University students' sense of belonging to the home town: the role of residential mobility
Elvira Cicognani; Isabel Menezes; Gil Nata; Cicognani, E.; Menezes, I.; Nata, G.
Other output
Da participação à integração: estruturas e oportunidades, discriminação e género no contexto da participação cívica e política de jovens imigrantes brasileiros/as
Maria Fernandes-Jesus; Norberto Ribeiro; Pedro D. Ferreira; Elvira Cicognani; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
The experience of homelessness as a promoter psychological empowerment,A experiência de sem-abrigo como promotora de empoderamento psicológico
de Jesus, M.F.; Menezes, I.
Other output
Recensão à obra de Eunice Macedo e Marijke de Koning (coord.) - Reinventando lideranças: género, educação e poder
Isabel Menezes
Other output
A experiência de vida de crianças e jovens com doença crónica e suas famílias: o papel das associações de apoio no seu empoderamento
Sofia C. Pais; Isabel Menezes
Other output
It takes a village... Considering the limits of a knowledge-based school-centered quality evaluation of citizenship education projects
Cristina Azevedo; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
O suporte a direitos de minorias culturais e o desenvolvimento moral
Gil Nata; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Ciclos de vida e atitudes perante a vida: satisfação com a vida, religiosidades e redes de relações sociais
Gil Nata; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Participação de pessoas incapacitadas em associações: lidar com ou lutar contra a discriminação?
Ema Loja; Maria Emília Costa; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Contextos de inclusão e participação de imigrantes brasileiros: o papel dos movimentos associativistas
I. Maria Jesus; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Formação para profissionais EFA: balanço de uma experiência de intervenção (e) pedagógica
Filomena Parada; Isabel Gomes; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Opportunities and constraints for civic and political engagement of young immigrants: the cases of angolans and brazilians in Portugal
Maria Fernandes-Jesus; Norberto Ribeiro; Carla Malafaia; Laura Fonseca; Tiago Neves; Isabel Menezes
Report on the focus group discussions with young people: portuguese, angolans and brazilians
Norberto Ribeiro; Carla Malafaia; Maria Fernandes de Jesus; Isabel Menezes
Conference paper
Predictors of Attitudes and Knowledge of Students in PISA 2006: A Comparison between Europe and Asia
Tinnaworn, P; Menezes, I
PIDOP Report on the focus group discussions with young people: Portuguese, Angolans and Brazilians
Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Fernandes-de-Jesus, Maria; Menezes, Isabel
Conference paper
Civic and political participation of young people in Portugal: Opportunities and constraints
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel; Fonseca, Laura; Neves, Tiago
Conference paper
Vivência com doença crónica: Desafios e alternativas em múltiplos contextos
Pais, Sofia; Menezes, Isabel; Guedes, Margarida
Journal article
A experiência de vida de crianças e jovens com doença crónica e suas famílias: o papel das associações de apoio no seu empoderamento
Pais, Sofia; Menezes, Isabel
Conference paper
Civic and political participation of young people in Portugal: Opportunities and constraints
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel; Fonseca, Laura; Neves, Tiago
Conference paper
A participação associativa na vivência com doença crónica
Pais, Sofia; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Fact or just news?: an analysis of digital citizenship of european youth
Ana Bela Ribeiro; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
A interacção geracional como estratégia educativa: um contributo para o desenvolvimento de atitudes, saberes e competências entre gerações
Cristina Palmeirão; Isabel Menezes
Other output
Society of individuals or community strength: community psychology at risk in at-risk societies
Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
A participação associativa na vivência com doença crónica
Sofia C. Pais; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
O desenvolvimento do pensamento político em crianças de pré-escolar e ensino básico numa triangulação de referências: criança, família e escola
Teresa S. Dias; Isabel Menezes
Other output
Community psychology in Portugal: evolution and current trends in praxis and research
Pedro M. Teixeira; Carlos Gonçalves; Isabel Menezes
Other output
O papel dos mediadores curriculares na promoção de atitudes positivas
Cristina Palmeirão; Isabel Menezes
Transição para o trabalho dos licenciados da Universidade do Porto (2006-2007)
Isabel Menezes; Carlos Gonçalves; Maria Clara Martins
Journal article
Transition to Democracy and Citizenship Education in Portugal: Changes and Continuities in the Curricula and in Adolescents’ Opportunities for Participation
Cristina N. Azevedo; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Recognition, validation and certification of competences: the low-qualified and the learning paradigm in Portugal
Isabel P. Gomes; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Educação e formação de adultos: a caminho do empowerment comunitário
Isabel P. Gomes; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
From an oppressed citizenship to affirmative identities: Lesbian and gay political participation in Portugal
Carneiro, N.S.; Menezes, I.
Book chapter
Community psychology in Portugal: From revolution to empowered citizenship
Menezes, I.; Teixeira, P.M.; Fidalgo, M.
Book chapter
Individual change towards empowerment in adult education and training
I. P. Gomes; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Isabel Menezes
Other output
Adolescência na escola: o desafio do desenvolvimento integral: um estudo sobre as opções pedagógicas e organizacionais de uma escola Kentenichiana
M. Guimarães; F. Sobral; Isabel Menezes
Other output
Efeitos do contexto educativo nas concepções, atitudes e comportamentos políticos dos jovens: comparando o ensino secundário regular com o ensino profissional de aprendizagem em alternância
Luísa Ribeiro Trigo; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Parental social support and homosexual identity development in gays and lesbians
Isabel Menezes; Maria do Carmo Gouveia; Carneiro Nuno
Book chapter
Learning politics beyond cognition: the role of experience and participation in political development
C. Azevedo; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Changes in psychological empowerment of low-qualified adults participating in adult education and training
Isabel P. Gomes; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
“Do anel à aliança”: Sentido dos iguais e emancipação pessoal na psicologia das sexualidades1
Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Theoretical and emergence citizenship conceptions and its relation with the cognitive complexity and political participation experiences
Pedro Ferreira; Isabel Menezes
Guia de utilização do Inquérito Pedagógico da Universidade do Porto
Marina Serra de Lemos; Cristina Queirós; Isabel Menezes; Pedro M. Teixeira
Manual do Inquérito Pedagógico da Universidade do Porto
Marina Serra de Lemos; Isabel Menezes; Cristina Queirós; Pedro M. Teixiera; Pedro Lopes dos Santos
Book chapter
O desenvolvimento psicossocial na adolescência: mudanças na definição de si próprio, nas relações com os outros e na participação social e cívica
Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Learning climate in higher education: implications for citizenship education
Pedro M. Teixeira; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
The relevance of the quality of life-experiences for citizenship development: an inter-domain developmental study
P. D. Ferreira; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Intergenerational (dis)continuities in the commitment to work: the relational impact of parent's work
Inês Nascimento; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Reflexos do empowerment nas políticas de educação e formação de adultos em Portugal
Isabel Gomes; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Recognizing the relevance of affect for citizenship education
P. D. Ferreira; Isabel Menezes
Conhecimentos, concepções e práticas de cidadania dos jovens portugueses: um estudo internacional
Isabel Menezes; Maria Rosa Afonso; Joana Gião; Gertrudes Amaro
Book chapter
Values in education: Definitely: ‘Your feet are always in the water’
Menezes, I.; Campos, B.P.; Isabel Menezes; Bártolo Paiva Campos
Book chapter
The relevance of the quality of life-experiences for citizenship development: An inter-domain developmental study
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Recognizing the relevance of affect for citizenship education
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
O binómio trabalho-família e os limites da ubiquidade: uma nova competência em equação
Inês Nascimento; Isabel Menezes; Joaquim Luís Coimbra
Other output
Ambiente e transversalização curricular: potencialidade e limites da educação ambiental na escola
Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Paisagens, caminhos e pedras: identidade homossexual e participação política
Nuno Santos Carneiro; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Citizenship, empowerment and participation: implications for community interventions
Isabel Menezes; P. D. Ferreira; Nuno Santos Carneiro; J. Cruz
Journal article
Participation Experiences and Civic Concepts, Attitudes and Engagement: Implications for Citizenship Education Projects
Menezes, I.; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
The impact of School Education, Family, Cultural Background and Political Attitudes and Experiences in Civic Knowledge
Isabel Menezes; M. Mendes; C. Ferreira; G. Marques; C. Ribeiro; J. Gião; R. Afonso; G. Amáro
Journal article
Civic Education in Portugal: Curricular Evolutions in Basic Education
Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
North and south contrasted: cultural similarities and differences in affective education
Y. Katz; A. Kontoyianni; P. Lang; Isabel Menezes; S. Neill; A. Puurula; S. Romi; et al
Book chapter
A intervenção para a resolução de conflitos ao nível da escola e da comunidade
Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Efeitos do contexto educativo nas atitudes e comportamentos políticos dos jovens: apresentação dos resultados de um estudo comparativo na Área Metropolitana do Porto
Luísa Mota Ribeiro; Isabel Menezes
Book chapter
Estudo internacional sobre educação cívica: resultados dos alunos portugueses
Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Teacher and Student Attitudes to Affective Education: a European collaborative research project
Puurula, Arja; Neill, Sean; Vasileiou, Lisa; Husbands, Chris; Lang, Peter; Katz, Yaacov J.; Romi, Shlomo; et al
Journal article
Affective Development as the Aim of Education: An Evaluation of Curricular Innovation in Portugal
Menezes, Isabel; Campos, Bartolo P.
Other output
Educação cívica: resultados preliminares de um estudo
Isabel Menezes; M. Mendes; C. Ferreira; G. Marques; C. Ribeiro; G. Amáro
Book chapter
Civic education issues and the intended curricula in basic education in Portugal
Isabel Menezes; Elisabete Xavier; Carla Cibele; Gertrudes Amaro; Bártolo Paiva Campos
Other output
Educação cívica: reflexões a propósito da análise do currículo implementado e conseguido no domínio da cidadania em Portugal
Isabel Menezes; M. Mendes; C. Ferreira; C. Ribeiro
Book chapter
Educação, desenvolvimento psicológico e promoção da cidadania
Isabel Menezes; Bártolo Paiva Campos
Book chapter
Le concezioni theoriche dell' educazione affettiva
Isabel Menezes; Bártolo Paiva Campos
Book chapter
Students' perceptions of classroom climate: an evaluation of the effects of a PSE intervention
Isabel Menezes; Bártolo Paiva Campos
Journal article
The process of value-meaning construction: A cross-sectional study
Educação cívica em Portugal nos programas e manuais do ensino básico
Isabel Menezes; Elisabete Xavier; Carla Cibele
Book chapter
Clima da escola: um estudo comparativo das percepções de alunos e professores
Bártolo Paiva Campos; Isabel Menezes
Other output
Recensão à obra de Adelina Lopes Silva e Isabel Sá - Saber estudar e estudar para saber
Isabel Menezes
Other output
A dimensão social da educação psicológica deliberada
Bártolo Paiva Campos; Maria Emília Costa; Isabel Menezes
Other output
Consulta psicológica de adultos em centros comunitários
Maria Emília Costa; Isabel Menezes
Other output
A transição universidade-emprego: proposta de intervenção
Maria Emília Costa; Isabel Menezes; Paula Mena Matos
Other output
Consulta psicológica em grupo e transição universidade-mundo do trabalho
Isabel Menezes; Paula Mena Matos; Maria Emília Costa
Other output
Valores de estudantes universitários
Isabel Menezes; Maria Emília Costa; Bártolo Paiva Campos
Young People's Visions on Media and Politics in the Midst of Elections: "We Still Can't Vote, But?"
Menezes, Isabel
Conference paper
Theorization on university social responsibility and good practices in Europe: analysis based on a european project
Ema Loja; Isabel Menezes; Fernanda Rodrigues
Conference paper
Citizenship, participation and empowerment of the institutionalized youth
Carlota Teixeira; Cidália Queiroz; Isabel Menezes
Conference paper
Education: a comparision between Portugal, Englan and Slovenia
Mariana Rodrigues; Andreia Caetano; Pedro Ferreira; Sofia Pais; Isabel Menezes
Conference paper
The developmental quality of political participation
Pedro Ferreira; Isabel Menezes
Conference paper
Impact of in and out-of-classroom experiences in the political development of university students
Pedro M. Teixeira; Isabel Menezes
Conference paper
The structure of high-school students' values
Isabel Menezes; Anne Marie Fontaine; Bártolo Paiva Campos
Conference paper
The chronic disease experience at school: an intercultural challenge?
Sofia Pais; Margarida Guedes; Isabel Menezes
Conference paper
Educação intercultural: percepções e práticas educativas em escolas do ensino básico em Oliveira de Azeméis
Célia Maria Gonçalves Gomes Mateus; Isabel Menezes
Conference paper
Vivência com doença crónica: desafios e alternativas em múltiplos contextos
Sofia Pais; Isabel Menezes; Margarida Guedes
Conference paper
Participation in the civil society, concepts of democracy and tolerance
Isabel Menezes
Conference paper
Trabalho e parentalidade: que lugar na vida das pessoas?
Inês Nascimento; Isabel Menezes; Joaquim Luís Coimbra
Conference paper
Citizenship and identity: negotiation of difference and belonging by gypsy adolescents
G. Nata; Isabel Menezes
Conference paper
How much is it possible to learn how to be a parent?
Inês Nascimento; Isabel Menezes; Joaquim Luís Coimbra
Conference paper
To be high or low commited to work, that's the question. The answer that individuals can get from their own parents work commitment
Inês Nascimento; Isabel Menezes; Joaquim Luís Coimbra
Conference paper
Development Education in Nongovernmental Development Organizations’ in Portugal: preliminary impressions from an online study
Coelho, Dalila; Caramelo, João; Menezes, Isabel
Conference paper
Os estudantes adultos não tradicionais: avaliação e acesso no ensino superior em Portugal [The non-traditional adult students: assessment and access to higher education in Portugal]
Tonin, Elane; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, Isabel
Conference paper
O alargamento do acesso e da participação de estudantes adultos/as não tradicionais nas universidades mais prestigiadas: um desafio ou um reforço da tradição? [Widening access and participation of non-traditional adult students in the most prestigious universities: a challenge or a strengthening of tradition?]
Tonin, Elane; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, Isabel
Conference paper
Theoretical and emergence citizenship conceptions and its relation with the cognitive complexity and political participation experiences
Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Menezes, Isabel
Conference paper
Citizenship education: a comparison between Portugal, England and Slovenia
Rodrigues, Mariana; Caetano, Andreia; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Pais, Sofia; Menezes, Isabel