Membros Integrados


CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal


Marta Sampaio is a Researcher at the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE) at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP). Since 2013, she has been conducting research in the areas of assessment, curriculum, and social justice (SFRH/BD/98799/2013), external evaluation of schools (project "Impact and Effects of External Evaluation on Schools - Impact and Effects of External Evaluation on Schools in Non-Higher Education", PTDC/CPE-CED/116674/2010, FCT), and self-evaluation ("The relevance of self-evaluation processes in primary and secondary schools", SK-PT-2015-NEWPROJECT-6457, FCT). She was a member of A3ES - Agency for the Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (A3ES), integrating External Evaluation Committees (CAE) that evaluate study cycles and internal quality assurance systems for their accreditation and certification, respectively. She also worked in the Quality Assurance, Accreditation and Employability Office of the Rectory of NOVA University Lisbon, contributing to implementing and operationalizing the internal monitoring and quality assurance system. From 2018 to 2021, as a Contracted Doctoral Researcher, she was part of the research team of the project "GROW.UP - Growing up in Border Regions in Portugal: young people, educational pathways, and agendas" (PTDC/CED-EDG/29943/2017), implementing and managing all activities inherent to the project. This project involved following the educational paths of young people from regular and vocational education in the border regions of Portugal. Currently, within the scope of the Individual Scientific (CEEC) of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), she is responsible for the project "Drawing social justice indicators: inputs from schools' self-evaluation and resilience approaches of TEIP schools located in Portuguese border regions" (2020. 04271.CEECIND). She also participated in the "Study on Higher Education and Vocational Education in Cybersecurity in Portugal" (2020) as part of the Cybersecurity Observatory, funded by the National Cybersecurity Centre; and in the "Interim Results Evaluation Study of the Active Citizens Programme", funded by the Bissaya Barreto Foundation and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Internationally, she leads the research team from the University of Porto as part of the Erasmus + project "CARE4SUD: Vocational Training in illicit drug addiction: Equipping Health Care Practitioners with Addiction Treatment competences and techniques” (2022-1-LT01-KA220-VET-000086077). Since 2016, she has been involved in teaching at FPCEUP, developing and teaching the curricular unite "Social Justice and School Evaluation Policies". Between 2021 and 2023, she was one of the coordinators of the area of "Youth, Regional Development, and Social Justice: Schools and Resilient Communities" of the Master's in Education Sciences (2021/2023). She also taught "Design and Evaluation of Projects and Educational Institutions" in the Master in Teaching of Visual Arts for Teachers of the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Education (2022/2023) and "Sociology of Education" in the 2nd year of the First Degree in Educational Sciences. She is one of the coordinating members of "ODEC - Observatory of Sport, Education and Communities" and is involved in "OBVIE - Observatory of Life in Schools". She is also a member of the coordination of the research community of practice "JEDI - Youth, Education, Diversity and Innovation" (CIIE/FPCEUP) and a member of the executive board of the research community of practice "CAFTe - Curriculum, Assessment, Training and Technologies in Education" (CIIE/FPCEUP).

2018 – Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação – Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2010 – Mestrado em Ciências da Educação – Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2008 – Licenciatura em Ciências da Educação– Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Social Justice in Education; Youth; School Education; School Self-Evaluation; TEIP; Vocational Training; Addictions.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Jovens que regressam: mobilidade, motivações e investimento em regiões de interior e de baixa densidade após formação no ensino superior (Young people who return: mobility, motivations and investment in low-density inland regions after higher education studies)

Member of the executive committee of the CAFTe Research Community of Practice - Curriculum, Assessment, Training and Technologies in Education. [Membro da comissão executiva da Comunidade de Prática de Investigação CAFTe – Currículo, Avaliação, Formação e Tecnologias em Educação.]

Member of the coordination of the JEDI Research Community of Practice - Youth, Education, Diversity and Innovation. [Membro da coordenação da Comunidade de Prática de Investigação JEDI – Jovens, Educação, Diversidade e Inovação.]

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Autoavaliação de Escolas e Gestão Escolar: A utilização da avaliação na tomada de decisão [School Self-evaluation and School Management: Using evaluation for decision making]

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Play4Life: Jovens Atletas como Ativistas no Desporto (Play4Life: Young Athletes as Activists in Sport)

Erasmus Plus

CARE4SUD - Vocational Training in Illicit Drug Addiction: Equipping health professionals with skills and techniques for treating drug addiction"

Vocational training in illicit drug addiction: Equipping health care practitioners with addiction treatment competencies and techniques (CARE4SUD) is a project which is funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union (KA 220 VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training), and it is developed by Klaipedos Ernesto Galvanausko Profesinio Mokymo Centras (Lithuania) in collaboration with Institut Za Raziskave In Razvoj Utrip Zavod (Slovenia), Sosu Ostjylland (Denmark), Universidade do Porto (Portugal), Direc¿ia de Asisten¿a Sociala ¿i Medicala Cluj-Napoca (Romania) and Institute of Social Solidarity and Wellbeing: Social Mind (Greece).

The project’s overall objective is to ensure a higher professionalism of the healthcare workforce in the illicit drug addiction field at the national and European levels.

In particular, the project anticipates meeting the following objectives: Contribute to improved competencies on illicit drug addiction counseling skills related to screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment and respond to current, emerging, and growing needs of the Vocational training sector addressing the lack of addiction specialists.
Provide opportunities for continuous professional development in the health industry and create the conditions for increasing healthcare workers' human capital capacity and employability. Empower cooperation between educational institutions and the health care industry to draw critical recommendations on the evolution of the addiction skillset and related job opportunities.

Member of RILME - Research Network on Leadership and Improvement in Education [Red de Investigación sobre Liderazgo y Mejora de la Educación.]

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Mid-Term Evaluation Study of Active Citizens Programme results

The Presidency of the Council of Ministers - National Security Office

Study on Cybersecurity Education in Portugal

Study on Higher Education and Vocational Education in the Field of Cybersecurity in Portugal, in the scope of the Cybersecurity Observatory

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Drawing social justice indicators: inputs from schools’ self-evaluation and resilience approaches of TEIP schools located in Portuguese border regions

DOI: 10.54499/2020.04271.CEECIND/CP1618/CT0003
Reference: 2020.04271.CEECIND/CP1618/CT0003

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Jovens que regressam: mobilidade, motivações e investimento em regiões de interior e de baixa densidade após formação no ensino superior (Young people who return: mobility, motivations and investment in low-density inland regions after higher education studies)

Member of the executive committee of the CAFTe Research Community of Practice - Curriculum, Assessment, Training and Technologies in Education. [Membro da comissão executiva da Comunidade de Prática de Investigação CAFTe – Currículo, Avaliação, Formação e Tecnologias em Educação.]

Member of the coordination of the JEDI Research Community of Practice - Youth, Education, Diversity and Innovation. [Membro da coordenação da Comunidade de Prática de Investigação JEDI – Jovens, Educação, Diversidade e Inovação.]

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Autoavaliação de Escolas e Gestão Escolar: A utilização da avaliação na tomada de decisão [School Self-evaluation and School Management: Using evaluation for decision making]

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Play4Life: Jovens Atletas como Ativistas no Desporto (Play4Life: Young Athletes as Activists in Sport)

Erasmus Plus

CARE4SUD - Vocational Training in Illicit Drug Addiction: Equipping health professionals with skills and techniques for treating drug addiction"

Vocational training in illicit drug addiction: Equipping health care practitioners with addiction treatment competencies and techniques (CARE4SUD) is a project which is funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union (KA 220 VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training), and it is developed by Klaipedos Ernesto Galvanausko Profesinio Mokymo Centras (Lithuania) in collaboration with Institut Za Raziskave In Razvoj Utrip Zavod (Slovenia), Sosu Ostjylland (Denmark), Universidade do Porto (Portugal), Direc¿ia de Asisten¿a Sociala ¿i Medicala Cluj-Napoca (Romania) and Institute of Social Solidarity and Wellbeing: Social Mind (Greece).

The project’s overall objective is to ensure a higher professionalism of the healthcare workforce in the illicit drug addiction field at the national and European levels.

In particular, the project anticipates meeting the following objectives: Contribute to improved competencies on illicit drug addiction counseling skills related to screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment and respond to current, emerging, and growing needs of the Vocational training sector addressing the lack of addiction specialists.
Provide opportunities for continuous professional development in the health industry and create the conditions for increasing healthcare workers' human capital capacity and employability. Empower cooperation between educational institutions and the health care industry to draw critical recommendations on the evolution of the addiction skillset and related job opportunities.

Member of RILME - Research Network on Leadership and Improvement in Education [Red de Investigación sobre Liderazgo y Mejora de la Educación.]

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Mid-Term Evaluation Study of Active Citizens Programme results

The Presidency of the Council of Ministers - National Security Office

Study on Cybersecurity Education in Portugal

Study on Higher Education and Vocational Education in the Field of Cybersecurity in Portugal, in the scope of the Cybersecurity Observatory

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Drawing social justice indicators: inputs from schools’ self-evaluation and resilience approaches of TEIP schools located in Portuguese border regions

DOI: 10.54499/2020.04271.CEECIND/CP1618/CT0003
Reference: 2020.04271.CEECIND/CP1618/CT0003

Observatório Desporto, Educação e Comunidades [Observatory of Sport, Education and Communities]

The Sport, Education and Communities Observatory (ODEC) is a knowledge network that articulates contributions from different social and human sciences, and is a space for experimentation and development of ideas and projects related to sport in society, as well as the systematization, production and dissemination of scientific knowledge developed in this field.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

GROW.UP: Grow Up in Border Regions in Portugal: Young People, Educational Pathways and Agendas [GROW.UP - Crescer em Regiões de Fronteira em Portugal: jovens, percurso educativos e agendas]

Regional development of peripheral regions is a persistent challenge. Border regions in Portugal, often overlapping with rural and remote areas, suffer from a spatial differentiation. These are places with structural inequalities together with a perception gap on regions prospects and resources. Accordingly to the Agency for Development and Cohesion, Portugal has territorial asymmetries and potentialities with impact in individual, institutions and regions development, with challenges for multilevel governance. Unequal access to local services and opportunities among vulnerable groups and a combination of exclusion and poverty are concentrated in specific territories with low access to educational opportunities or qualified jobs.

Young people growing up in those regions are particularly affected by this situation in their trajectories and future plans. Do young people consider border regions as spaces to leave? An exploratory case study in a Portuguese border region indicated that young people express apprehension when imagine leaving their regions, reveling a positive connectedness with their homeland identifying, however, constrains.

GROW:UP proposes to investigate in border regions contexts the mutually influential relations between individual, contextual/institutional and systemic factors in young people biographies, and to analyse how communities are proactively counteracting inequalities, fostering young people engagement in positive pathways.

This project aims to investigate communities promising approaches to support young people pathways, preventing risk factors, such as school disengagement, lack of participation or life prospects.

GROW.UP will analyze European and national policies and its territorial articulation with programs and practices at local level, understanding the stability and strengths of initiatives to support young people and identifying potentialindicators and key competences of resilient communities.

GROW.UP is engaged in a comprehensive approach and will bring together theoretical contributions from Sociology of Education, Youth Studies, Border Studies and Network Analysis. It will use a methodology that combines policy analysis and local experts interviews to understand levels of integration of formal policies into local programmes; a survey to understand the key role of sense of belonging, resilience and engagement in young people biographies; case studies (i) to develop and in depth understanding on processes and dynamics influencing young people pathways design, (ii) to analyse how communities are proactively addressing challenges affecting young people in border regions, either encouraging young people positive pathways or equipping them to amplify opportunities. A mobile app, an auditing programme and youth agendas are participatory-based activities, empirically supported, aiming to promote capacity building of young people and communities.

R+D Projects. Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiviness

Democracy in schools as the foundation of an education for Social Justice [La Democracia en las Escuelas como Fundamento de una Educación para la Justicia Social]

All search for Social Justice must be, a the same time, an effort of democratization (Fraser, 2008). Building an Education for Social Justice requires, therefore, to jointly address democracy in schools and the teaching of democracy. In this way, this proposal is based on the sustained work of research, development, transfer and training on the Social Justice Research Group Educational Change for Social Justice (GICE) of the Autonomous University of Madrid, which in this case, gives a step forward by focusing on democracy in schools. It receives strong support from the Institute of Human Rights, Democracy and Peace Culture (DEMOSPAZ) of the Autonomous University of Madrid, and from the School Network “Hermanadas por la Justicia Social”. An international investigation is planned with six research groups from three European and Latin American countries.

This workstream is harmonised and gathers the last worldwide advances requesting a democratisation in the school and society. The objectives of this research are three:
- Understand the conceptions of educational agents about democracy and its exercise in the context of the school.
- Understand the meanings and political meanings that underlie the school’s democratic culture.
- Deepen the knowledge and development of democracy for an education in and from the Social Justice from a process of action-research with a network of schools committed to social Justice.

To achieve this, the development of three complementary studies is proposed:

1. Phenomenographic Study. In order to know the conceptions, we have opted for a study of phenomenological focus in which the participants will be 270 teachers, 60 managers and 270 students from 6 countries and of different educational level, context and ownership of the center.
2. Ethnographic study complemented with Social Networks Analysis. At least 9 schools in 6 countries will be studied, in which the management team, professors, students, administration and service personnel and families participate, and that allow understanding the political meanings and meanings of the school community in relation to democracy. These studies will be reinforced with the Analysis of Social Networks in each of the centers as a complementary research strategy that makes it possible to know the construction of power from interpersonal relationships.
3. Research-action with a network of 7 already formed centers that is characterized by working for Education for Social Justice. It seeks to transform and generate knowledge about education in and from democracy through a Project Based Learning approach.

The research has been designed to optimize its impact and internationalization, in this way, in addition to collaborating with Institute DEMOSPAZ and with the School Network ” Hermanadas por la Justicia Social”, having the participation of 6 teams from as many other countries and with the support of RILME, a complete dissemination plan aimed at administrators, researchers, teacher educators, teachers and society in general. Includes the publication of 24 articles in national and international impact journals, a book for teachers, dissemination articles, reports for administrations, design of a website and use of social networks, organization of an international outreach event, actions for dissemination international and preparation of a European project.

The relevance of self-evaluation processes in primary and secondary schools [A relevância dos processos de autoavaliação das escolas básicas e secundárias]

Project financed by the Joint Committee between the FCT and the Slovak Research and Development Agency (in Portugal Procº 441.00 and in Slovakia SK-PT-2015-NEWPROJECT-6457).

Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology

TEIP and Schools External Evaluation: The Place of Social Justice in Policies that Promote School Success and Educational Improvement [TEIP e Avaliação Externa de Escolas: O Lugar da Justiça Social nas Políticas de Promoção do Sucesso Escolar e da Melhoria Educacional]

Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology

Impacts and Effects of Schools’ External Evaluation in Non-Higher Education [Impactos e Efeitos da Avaliação Externa de Escolas do ensino não superior]


Pedagogical Work Methods and Professional Development Teaching in Higher Education [Modos de Trabalho Pedagógico e Desenvolvimento Profissional Docente no Ensino Superior Universitário]

Member of CIIE - Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas (Centre for Educational Research and Intervention), as part of the thematic area 2 "Training Knowledge and Contexts of Work and Education" and, subsequently, the KIDE - Knowledge, Innovation and Diversity in Education" group.

Journal article

The whole-school approach and transformative learning: The case of a Portuguese school.

Leite, Carlinda; Monteiro, Angélica; Sampaio, Marta; Silva, Adelina. Corresponding author: Sampaio, Marta

Magazine article

The Whole-School Approach and Transformative Learning: A Portuguese Case

Leite, Carlinda; Monteiro, Angélica; Sampaio, Marta ; Silva, Adelina

Journal article

Inclusão e Justiça Social nas Escolas Portuguesas: Discursos Políticos e de Avaliação [ Inclusion and Social Justice in Portuguese Schools: Political and Evaluation Discourses]

Carlinda Leite; Monteiro, Angélica; Sampaio, Marta

Journal article

Aspirations and transitions to Higher Education: portraits of young people living in Portuguese border regions

Sampaio, Marta; Faria, Sara; da Silva, Sofia Marques

Conference paper

BEPART project: Scenarios of youth participation and curricular innovation at schools [JCR]

Monteiro, A. M.; Carlinda LEITE; Sampaio, Marta; Barros, Rita . Corresponding author: Monteiro, A. M.

Online resource

Toolkit "Play 4 Life: Jovens Atletas como Ativistas no Desporto" [Play 4 Life: Young Athletes as Activists in Sport" toolkit]


Conference paper

BEPART project: Scenarios of youth participation and curricular innovation at schools [JCR]

Monteiro, A. M.; Carlinda LEITE; Sampaio, Marta ; Barros, Rita . Corresponding author: Monteiro, A. M.

Journal article

Inclusão e Justiça Social nas Escolas Portuguesas: Discursos Políticos e de Avaliação [Inclusion and Social Justice in Portuguese Schools: Political and Evaluation Discourses] [Scopus Q2]

Carlinda Leite; Monteiro, Angélica; Sampaio, Marta

Book chapter

Currículo, avaliação e justiça social: a procura da melhoria educacional [Curriculum, assessment and social justice: the search for educational improvement]

Sampaio, Marta; Leite, Carlinda


Agendas for youth and their communities: Proposals from young people growing up in border regions. [Agendas para a juventude e as suas comunidades: Propostas de jovens a crescer em regiões de fronteira]

Silva, Sofia Marques; Sampaio, Marta ; Silva, Nicolas Martins da; Faria, Sara; Freires, Thiago

Journal article

The whole-school approach and transformative learning: The case of a Portuguese school.

Leite, Carlinda; Monteiro, Angélica; Sampaio, Marta; Silva, Adelina. Corresponding author: Sampaio, Marta

Magazine article

The Whole-School Approach and Transformative Learning: A Portuguese Case

Leite, Carlinda; Monteiro, Angélica; Sampaio, Marta ; Silva, Adelina

Journal article

Aspirations and transitions to Higher Education: portraits of young people living in Portuguese border regions

Sampaio, Marta; Faria, Sara; da Silva, Sofia Marques

Conference paper

BEPART project: Scenarios of youth participation and curricular innovation at schools [JCR]

Monteiro, A. M.; Carlinda LEITE; Sampaio, Marta ; Barros, Rita . Corresponding author: Monteiro, A. M.

Online resource

Toolkit "Play 4 Life: Jovens Atletas como Ativistas no Desporto" [Play 4 Life: Young Athletes as Activists in Sport" toolkit]


Journal article

Inclusão e Justiça Social nas Escolas Portuguesas: Discursos Políticos e de Avaliação [Inclusion and Social Justice in Portuguese Schools: Political and Evaluation Discourses] [Scopus Q2]

Carlinda Leite; Monteiro, Angélica; Sampaio, Marta

Journal article

Inclusão e Justiça Social nas Escolas Portuguesas: Discursos Políticos e de Avaliação [ Inclusion and Social Justice in Portuguese Schools: Political and Evaluation Discourses]

Carlinda Leite; Monteiro, Angélica; Sampaio, Marta

Conference paper

BEPART project: Scenarios of youth participation and curricular innovation at schools [JCR]

Monteiro, A. M.; Carlinda LEITE; Sampaio, Marta; Barros, Rita . Corresponding author: Monteiro, A. M.


Estudo sobre o Ensino Pós-Secundário e o Ensino Superior de Cibersegurança em Portugal [Study on Post-Secondary and Higher Education in Cybersecurity in Portugal]

Veiga, Amélia; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Sampaio, Marta; Amorim, José Pedro; Moisés, João Cruz; Fonseca, Mariana

Journal article

Mapping youth policies priorities at European and National level: Contribution to identify regional sensitive topics in Portugal border regions

Sampaio, Marta; Silva, Sofia Marques da

Journal article

Interdisciplinary and collaborative experiences while developing a mobile app for young people

Sofia Marques da Silva; Isabel Senra; Marta Sampaio; Eva Oliveira

Book chapter

Currículo, avaliação e justiça social: a procura da melhoria educacional [Curriculum, assessment and social justice: the search for educational improvement]

Sampaio, Marta; Leite, Carlinda


Agendas for youth and their communities: Proposals from young people growing up in border regions. [Agendas para a juventude e as suas comunidades: Propostas de jovens a crescer em regiões de fronteira]

Silva, Sofia Marques; Sampaio, Marta ; Silva, Nicolas Martins da; Faria, Sara; Freires, Thiago


Agendas para a juventude e as suas comunidades: propostas de jovens a crescer em regiões de fronteira [Agendas for young people and their communities: proposals from young people growing up in border regions]

Silva, Sofia Marques; Sampaio, Marta; Silva, Nicolas Martins da; Faria, Sara; Freires,

Online resource

JEDI Podcast | Youth, Education, Diversity & Innovation



Estudo sobre o Ensino Pós-Secundário e o Ensino Superior em Portugal

Sampaio, Marta ; Amorim, José Pedro; Cruz, Moisés; Fonseca, Mariana; Veiga, Amélia; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel


Agendas para a juventude e as suas comunidades: Propostas de jovens a crescer em regiões de fronteira [Agendas for young people and their communities: Proposals from young people growing up in border regions]

Silva, Sofia Marques; Sampaio, Marta ; Silva, Nicolas Martins da; Sara Faria; Freires, Thiago


Estudo sobre o Ensino Pós-Secundário e o Ensino Superior de Cibersegurança em Portugal

Veiga, Amélia; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Sampaio, Marta ; Amorim, José Pedro; Moisés, João Cruz; Fonseca, Mariana

Book chapter

Currículo, avaliação e justiça social: a procura da melhoria educacional

Sampaio, Marta ; Leite, Carlinda

Journal article

Relationships between the assessment of school quality and social justice

Marta Sampaio; Carlinda Leite

Edited book

Livro de Resumos do II Seminário Internacional EXPRESSA: Re-imaginar a Comunicação Científica em Educação

Lima, Louise; Sampaio, Marta

Journal article

Autoavaliação e justiça social na avaliação das escolas em Portugal [Self-evaluation and social justice in school evaluation in Portugal]

Carlinda Leite; Marta Sampaio

Book chapter

Schools’ external evaluation effects on teachers' action and professional development [Efeitos da avaliação externa das escolas na ação e no desenvolvimento profissional do professorado]

Sampaio, Marta; Leite, Carlinda

Thesis / Dissertation

Schools’ External Evaluation and TEIP Program: questioning social justice.

Marta Isabel Pinto Costa Carvalho Sampaio

Journal article

Mapping social justice perspectives and their relationship with curricular and schools’ evaluation practices: Looking at scientific publications

Sampaio, Marta; Leite, Carlinda

Journal article

From curricular justice to educational improvement: What is the role of schools’ self-evaluation?

Sampaio, Marta; Leite, Carlinda

Book chapter

Effects of schools’ external evaluation on self-evaluation processes: convergences and action trends [Efeitos da avaliação externa de escolas nos processos de autoavaliação: convergências e tendências de ação]

Sampaio, Marta; Figueiredo, Carla; Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa


Students' Guide: in Part I of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance and Internal Quality Assurance Systems

Sampaio, Marta

Journal article

Schools external evaluation, TEIP and social justice [A avaliação externa das escolas e os TEIP na sua relação com a justiça social]

Sampaio, Marta; Leite, Carlinda

Book chapter

Efeitos da avaliação externa de escolas nos processos de autoavaliação: Convergências e tendências de ação [Effects of school external evaluation in school self-evaluation processes: convergence and tendencies of action]

Figueiredo, Carla; Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa; Sampaio, Marta

Book chapter

Effects of school external evaluation in school self-evaluation processes: convergence and tendencies of action [Efeitos da avaliação externa de escolas nos processos de autoavaliação: Convergências e tendências de ação]

Figueiredo, Carla; Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa; Sampaio, Marta

Conference paper

AE e percursos e vivências de autoavaliação – estudos de caso

Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa (3F12-A5A2-FCF6); Mouraz, Ana; Figueiredo, Carla; Sampaio, Marta

Conference paper

AE e percursos e vivências de autoavaliação: estudos de caso [AE and self-evaluation paths and experiences: case studies]

Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa; Mouraz, Ana; Figueiredo, Carla; Sampaio, Marta

Conference paper

AE e percursos e vivências de autoavaliação ¿ estudos de caso

Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa; Mouraz, Ana; Figueiredo, Carla; Sampaio, Marta

Edited book

TEIP e Avaliação Externa de Escolas: o lugar da justiça social nas políticas de promoção do sucesso escolar e da melhoria educacional

Sampaio, Marta; Leite, Carlinda

Conference paper

Parcerias entre a escola e a comunidade: uma análise a partir da AEE

Fernandes, Preciosa; Leite, Carlinda; Mouraz, Ana; Sampaio, Marta

Conference paper

Avaliação externa e autoavaliação das escolas: que influências?

Fernandes, Preciosa; Leite, Carlinda; Figueiredo, Carla; Sampaio, Marta

Conference paper

TEIP e Avaliação Externa de Escolas: o lugar da justiça social nas políticas de promoção do sucesso escolar e da melhoria educacional

Leite, Carlinda; Sampaio, Marta

Conference paper

AE e percursos e vivências de autoavaliação ¿ estudos de caso

Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa; Mouraz, Ana; Figueiredo, Carla; Sampaio, Marta

Conference paper

Parcerias entre a escola e a comunidade: uma análise a partir da AEE

Fernandes, Preciosa; Leite, Carlinda; Mouraz, Ana; Sampaio, Marta

Conference paper

Avaliação externa e autoavaliação das escolas: que influências? [External evaluation and school self-evaluation: what influences?]

Fernandes, Preciosa; Leite, Carlinda; Figueiredo, Carla; Sampaio, Marta

Journal article

Territorialization of Educational Policies and Curricular Justice: the TEIP case in Portugal [A territorialização das políticas educativas e a justiça curricular: O caso TEIP em Portugal]

Sampaio, Marta; Leite, Carlinda

Journal article

Partnerships between school and community in Portugal: An analysis based on external evaluation of schools [Parcerias entre a Escola e a Comunidade em Portugal: Uma Análise a partir da Avaliação Externa das Escolas]

Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa; Mouraz, Ana; Sampaio, Marta

Conference paper

Avaliação externa e autoavaliação das escolas: que influências?

Fernandes, Preciosa; Leite, Carlinda; Figueiredo, Carla; Sampaio, Marta

Conference paper

Parcerias entre a escola e a comunidade: uma análise a partir da AEE

Fernandes, Preciosa (3F12-A5A2-FCF6); Leite, Carlinda; Mouraz, Ana; Sampaio, Marta

Edited book

TEIP e Avaliação Externa de Escolas: o lugar da justiça social nas políticas de promoção do sucesso escolar e da melhoria educacional

Sampaio, Marta ; Leite, Carlinda

Conference paper

TEIP and Schools’ external evaluation: the place of social justice in policies that promote school success and educational improvement [TEIP e avaliação externa de escolas: o lugar da justiça social nas políticas de promoção do sucesso escolar e da melhoria educacional]

Sampaio, Marta; Leite, Carlinda

Book chapter

Avaliação externa de escolas: impacto e efeitos no desenvolvimento do trabalho docente

Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa; Mouraz, Ana; Sampaio, Marta

Book chapter

Avaliação externa de escolas: impacto e efeitos no desenvolvimento do trabalho docente [External evaluation of schools: impact and effects on the development of teaching work ]

Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa; Mouraz, Ana; Sampaio, Marta

Conference paper

Schools¿ External Evaluation: impact and effects on teacher development [Avaliação externa de escolas: Impacto e efeitos no desenvolvimento do trabalho docente]

Sampaio, Marta; Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa; Mouraz, Ana

Journal article

Evaluation policies of schools and their effects on educational improvement [Políticas de avaliação das escolas e seus efeitos na construção de uma melhoria educacional]

Sampaio, Marta; Leite, Carlinda

Conference paper

Schools’ External Evaluation: impact and effects on teacher development [Avaliação externa de escolas: Impacto e efeitos no desenvolvimento do trabalho docente]

Sampaio, Marta; Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa; Mouraz, Ana

Book chapter

The place of the pedagogical dimension in teachers' training of the University of Porto [O lugar da dimensão pedagógica na formação de professores da Universidade do Porto]

Fernandes, Precisosa; Leite, Carlinda; Mouraz, Ana; Sampaio, Marta

Conference paper

External evaluation of schools in Portugal: Effects on schools’ dynamics

Sampaio, Marta; Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa; Mouraz, Ana

Book chapter

O lugar da dimensão pedagógica na formação de professores da Universidade do Porto.

Fernandes, Preciosa (3F12-A5A2-FCF6); Leite, Carlinda; Mouraz, Ana; Sampaio, Marta

Conference paper

Trends in teachers¿ training at the University of Porto in post-Bologna: an analysis focused on official discourses [Tendências da formação contínua de professores da Universidade do Porto em período pós-Bolonha: uma análise focada nos discursos oficiais]

Sampaio, Marta; Fernandes, Preciosa; Mouraz, Ana

Conference paper

Trends in teachers’ training at the University of Porto in post-Bologna: an analysis focused on official discourses [Tendências da formação contínua de professores da Universidade do Porto em período pós-Bolonha: uma análise focada nos discursos oficiais]

Sampaio, Marta; Fernandes, Preciosa; Mouraz, Ana