

CIIE/FPCEUP has partnered with SIRIUS Policy Network on Migrant Education and over 30 other partners from 18 countries for the new round of the SIRIUS initiative, SIRIUS 3.0 – Impactful and sustainable policy change for migrant education.
SIRIUS 3.0 is a multistakeholder project aiming to facilitate the inclusion of migrant learners in education through the development, support, and implementation of inclusive educational policy.
Understanding the socio-emotional and educational needs of migrant learners is crucial for education policymakers as well as for schools and educators to provide the needed support to the learners. However, the availability, and comprehensiveness of such data vary widely among EU countries and there is still a gap in understanding how countries collect, categorize, and utilize this data. The aim of the SIRIUS Watch, an annual review detailing the results of monitoring significant changes in inclusive education policy, in the first year, is to survey SIRIUS partner countries regarding their practices and protocols related to the collection of migrant learners’ data.
Inclusivity in the context of education is a complex issue. Ensuring the appropriate steps are being taken to create a more inclusive environment is not a simple process.  As envisioned in the initiative, an appropriate first step is to look at how to promote and implement inclusive practices in schools. To create an inclusive school community, it is crucial to ensure schools have adequate resources. Learners should feel safe, secure and included, and educators should receive adequate support to create conditions for such an environment. The way in which the schools deal with newly arrived students of different backgrounds is key, not only because of the well-being of the newcomers but to serve as model behavior for the rest of the students. Proper collection of relevant data on migrant learners is an important prerequisite to impactful policy change.
Apart from SIRIUS Watch the partnership will organize peer-learning activities to promote transnational learning between network members.

JEDI – Jovens, Educação, Diversidade e Inovação


European Commission

Sofia Marques da Silva

Beatriz Valongo

Cosmin Nada

Preciosa Fernandes

Sofia Almeida Santos

Sofia Marques da Silva

Vera Cerqueira

Sirius Policy Network on Migrant Education, Bélgica
Salesiani Per Il Sociale, Itália
Don Bosco International AISBL, Bélgica
European Parents Association, Bélgica
Eλληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο, Grécia
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Farafina Institute, Alemanha
Forum za slobodu odgoja, Croácia
International Association for Intercultural Education, Países Baixos
Lapin Yliopisto, Finlândia
Migration Policy Group, Bélgica
Mreza Centara Za Obrazovne Politike, Croácia
New Communities Partnership, Irlanda
Pedagoski Institut, Eslovénia
RISBO - Research - Training - Consultancy, Países Baixos
Sdruzhenie Multi Kulti Kolektiv, Bulgária
Sihtasutus Poliitikauuringute Keskus Praxis, Estónia
Symbiosis Astiki Mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia, Grécia
The Economic and Social Research Institute, Irlanda
Universita Degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Itália
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Espanha
Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polónia
