Collaborating Members


CIIE/Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal


Hélder Ferraz holds a Ph.D. in Educational Sciences and a Postgraduate degree in Data Analysis from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Porto. His academic background is focused on Public Policies and Social Inequalities, with a particular emphasis on conducting studies and academic research related to the Portuguese compensatory education programme, Territórios Educativos de Intervenção Prioritária (TEIP).
Hélder Ferraz imparts knowledge in the field by teaching the course unit on Socioeconomic Inequalities and Education - Assessment and Intervention at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto, and has been invited to deliver seminars on social inequalities and the significance of intervention in educational contexts at the Escola Superior de Educação Paula Frassinetti and the Instituto Superior de Serviço Social do Porto. Additionally, he has authored several published scientific articles (6), has actively participated in various national and international scientific events, and he has joined application evaluation teams for A3ES and Erasmus+, and as a peer reviewer for scientific articles in various international scientific journals.
Presently, he is a researcher at the Center for Research and Educational Intervention at the University of Porto (CIIE-UP), contributing to the University of Porto's research team in a consortium involving 8 European countries for the CLEAR project. This project, titled CLEAR - Constructing Learning Outcomes in Europe, conducts a multi-level analysis of (under)achievement in the life course, and is funded by the Horizon Europe programme of the European Union. Additionally, he holds the position of Operations Director at the European research group RYOT - Research on Youth Opportunities and Transitions, and he is an active participant in the Community of Research Practices (CoPIn) within the PCEP - Participation, Communities, and Political Education, which operates under the umbrella of the Center for Research and Educational Intervention at the University of Porto (CIIE-UP). Furthermore, his extensive research background encompasses both national and european projects. Notably, he attended a Postdoctoral fellowship at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto, contributing as a researcher to the CAOP project - Climate Adaptation for Older People living in Vulnerable Urban Areas. This consortium included the Faculties of Pharmacy, Architecture, and Engineering of the University of Porto, along with the University of Coimbra, and received funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Additionally, he actively participated as a researcher in Erasmus + projects at the CASO50+ Association, including SINCALA - Supporting Informal Carers a Whole-Family & Lifecourse Approach and BestCare4LGBTQI+: Building the capacities of service providers in elder residential care to provide a more inclusive service provision for Older LBGTQI+ users. Another significant project he contributed to, is EducHate, an initiative focused on developing an educational approach to detect, combat, and prevent online hate speech, funded by FCT. Beyond his research endeavors, he has amassed valuable professional experiences working with vulnerable populations, especially individuals with disabilities, and institutionalized children and youth. His hands-on involvement with these communities enriches and informs his identity as a researcher. In previous roles, he served as the Coordinator of the Casa do Xisto Project, that focused its efforts on individuals with disabilities. He also held the position of a specialized technician in education at the Agrupamento de Escolas Escultor António Fernandes de Sá and at the Residential Care Service in CASTIIS - Center for Social Assistance to the Elderly and Childhood of Sanguêdo.

2021 – Ph.D in Educational Sciences - Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
2014 – Master in Educational Sciences - Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
2012 – BA in Educational Sciences - Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal

Social and educational policies; Social inequality; Social exclusion.

Erasmus Plus

BestCare4LGBTQI+ : Building the capacities of service providers in elder residential care on how to provide a more inclusive service provision for Older LBGTQI+ users

The mission of the BestCare4LGBTIQ+ project is to support the development of LGBTQI+ friendly older care services, providing tools, awareness-raising materials and learning resources to home care and residential care services managers and staff to ensure a better adapted, more respectful, and inclusive care for LGBTQI+ older people living in care facilities.


A multidisciplinary group of researchers and research centers from the University of Porto and the University of Coimbra, supported by an international team of experts, presented a research plan aimed at contributing to the mitigation and reversal of the adverse effects of climate change on the health, quality of life, and socio-economic condition of elderly individuals living in vulnerable urban areas. The plan involves collecting empirical data and using the findings to develop a climatically responsive and locally participatory methodology for urban planning and design. Specifically, the objectives are as follows: to understand the morphological and socio-urban conditions of vulnerable urban areas located in the Metropolitan Area of Porto, within the context of public investment in the urban rehabilitation of areas and communities classified as disadvantaged or degraded; to comprehend the practices, perspectives, and representations that older populations have about these urban spaces; and to create and assess a collaborative and integrative methodology for urban planning/design (Climate, Places, People, Agencies) that enhances the resilience of public spaces for collective use (urban/green), making them more elderly-friendly.

Horizon 2020

CLEAR - Constructing Learning Outcomes in Europe: A multi-level analysis of (under)achievement in the life course

CLEAR’s overall aim is to examine the combination of multiple factors shaping learning outcomes and thus affecting their quality. Based on a better understanding of the processes of constructing learning outcomes, CLEAR inquiries into the impact of policies to boost achievement and tackle underachievement, design participative activities at local level that spark innovative policy solutions and increase social upward mobility for young people.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

EducHate: An educational approach to detect, combat and prevent online hate speech

Erasmus Plus

SINCALA - Supporting Informal Carers a Whole-Family & Lifecourse Approach

In Europe, 80% of all chronically ill people are taken care of by informal carers ¿ people who provide unpaid care outside of a professional or formal framework. While caring for a loved one can be a source of great personal satisfaction, it also creates challenges, like physical and mental health problems, a feeling of social exclusion, difficulty in balancing paid work with care responsibilities and other possible financial worries (Eurocarers). In order to respond to these needs the partnership believes in the importance of developing and piloting a model of pedagogical interventions based on a family-focused approach able to identifying strengths as well as vulnerabilities of all family members, addressing the challenges that might arise from the disease and building individual and family resilience. The educational tools developed will be based on experiences carried out in Greece, by Alzheimer Hellas, and will be adapted and transferred to all other country contexts. The main practical results expected on the completion of the project are: (1) a tested narrative based workshop for informal caregivers, adapted to different EU-country contexts, and targeting households who are caring for older dependent family members with the goal of increasing their family-resilience; (2) guide for professionals to identify and address issues that emerge from workshops; (3) a MOOC, to transfer the results achieved and the lessons learnt to a wider audience of professionals; (4) E-course and online educational platform for informal care givers and professional support providers. We therefore expect to make available a methodology that educators, social workers and carer support workers can use in their local contexts to engage with families with caring responsibilities in order to improve the resilience of the household and mitigate the negative impacts of caring in the households. The project is coordinated by NPO Women¿s Support and Information Center (domestic violence org, Estonia) and developed by a diverse partnership of NGOs working with older persons and their carers or domestic violence victims in Portugual (CASO50+), Italy (Anziani e non solo), Slovenia (Spomincica, Slovenia) and Union of Women¿s Association in Heraklion Prefecture (Greece, Creta). The expert partner, is the Greek Association of Alzheimer¿s Disease and Related Disorders (Alzheimer Hellas). University of Tartu will be responsible for developing & managing the MOOC for the project due to its strong expertise on designing and developing e-learning courses. For professionals and stakeholders, we expect an increased consciousness of how providing care can impact on the whole family and the capacity to use this deeper understanding to improve and innovate their services, including through the introduction of narrative techniques. On local stakeholders and communities, we expect an increased awareness of the challenges of caring at societal level and on innovative experiences and practices carried out in other countries that could be of inspiration for new policies and services. We also expect increased openness towards other European countries and cultures, increased awareness of the importance to adopt a whole-family approach and an increased awareness about the contribution of the European Union activities towards the support to informal carers.

Programa Operacional de Inclusão Social e Emprego

Casa do Xisto - a Arte para a (D)eficiência

The project is part of the Operational Programme for Social Inclusion and Employment (POISE-39-2018-03) and aims to enhance autonomy, quality of life, and integration into the labor market of the population with disabilities. It is funded by: Operational Programme for Social Inclusion and Employment (POISE); Portugal Inovação Social 2020; European Union - through the European Social Fund - and Valongo City Council.
Most relevant activities and functions: Management of responsibilities to project funding entities (meetings, evaluation reports, strategic lines, participation in events); coordination of a multidisciplinary team (psychology, speech therapy, psychomotricity, occupational therapy, social education, social work); monitoring the intervention with the population with disabilities; management of human and material resources necessary for the proper functioning of the space and the development of activities; construction of the documents relating to the development of the project; research and submission of applications to other sources of funding (projects, programmes, competitions); support for the construction of an intervention methodology that enables the replication and sustainability of the project.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas - CIIE Porto

O CIIE tem por missão a investigação científica, a intervenção e a divulgação em educação, visando contribuir para 1) o reforço do espaço público da educação, 2) o papel da educação na promoção da justiça social, na redução das desigualdades; e 3) o aumento das qualificações científicas e profissionais. Em 2019 o CIIE pretende continuar a: ¿ Desenvolver investigação de elevada qualidade, através de uma abordagem interdisciplinar realizando projetos nacionais e internacionais; ¿ Apoiar a formação de jovens investigadores e profissionais, especialmente através do desenvolvimento de programas de formação pós-graduada de excelência, designadamente o Programa Doutoral em Ciências da Educação da UP, e de supervisão de elevada qualidade; - Reforçar a mobilidade e a partilha internacional de conhecimento, aprofundando a participação existente em redes e consórcios transnacionais e a colaboração bilateral e alargando e diversificando as colaborações internacionais, designadamente no espaço europeu e com PALOP; ¿ Ampliar a disseminação alargada dos resultados de pesquisa, nomeadamente através da publicação em revistas internacionais, da continuidade de linha editorial própria e da organização de seminários e conferências abertas à comunidade; ¿ Fornecer serviços de expertise, avaliação e consultoria para agências governamentais e locais, empresas, escolas, etc. e aprofundar o diálogo com a sociedade civil e stakeholders. Parte significativa do trabalho a realizar fundar-se-á no desenvolvimento do elevado número de projetos internacionais, e também nacionais, em curso no Centro. O trabalho em ¿comunidades de prática de investigação¿ (COPIN) como espaços de formação e produção será aprofundado. Continuar-se-á a procurar prosseguir a senda de sucesso ao nível de candidaturas de projetos a financiamento, a melhorar condições de acolhimento e formação para jovens investigadores, assim como a melhoria da qualidade e impacto da publicação científica. Torna-se absolutamente necessário: financiamento para traduções e proofreading de artigos a submeter a revistas internacionais; prosseguir a publicação da ESC; adquirir computadores (com o reduzido montante atribuído, apenas é possível contabilizar aquisição de 2); participação em congressos (de lembrar que o CIIE tem mais de 100 membros, tornando-se ridículo o exíguo nº de participações em congressos que conseguirá garantir); vinda de consultores externos; overheads¿ O sucesso do Centro do Centro é em larga medida fruto de financiamento não-nacional e de trabalho excessivo da equipa que será incomportável a curto prazo com o financiamento plurianual residual atribuído pela FCT a partir de 2015. Efetivamente, o CIIE passou a contar com ¿38.854,00, o que não é condizente com a 2ª melhor classificação obtida no painel de CE (21/25) na última avaliação. Passou a haver apenas orçamento para RH (2 membros no staff de apoio), e não considerando a FCT elegíveis despesas com vencimentos de uma das técnicas por efetivação (forçosa com término de contrato anterior), encontra-se o CIIE numa posição francamente desagradável e delicada, mesmo no interior da FPCEUP. Assim, voltamos a solicitar o reforço do financiamento de montante pelo menos igual ao do período anterior a 2015 com vista a assegurar o normal funcionamento do CIIE ao longo do ano de 2019. ¿ Despesas com recursos humanos ¿ encargos com uma das técnicas do staff, neste momento com bolsa (BTI): ¿10.650,00 euros (¿745 * 12 meses + seguro social voluntário e seguros de acidentes pessoais) ¿ Em missões de membros da equipa prevêem-se: 8 deslocações nacionais: ¿1680 (cada: viagem, 1 noite de alojamento e registo ¿ ¿60 + ¿70 + ¿80); 6 deslocações ao estrangeiro para participação em eventos científicos e meetings de projetos de relevância internacional: ¿3900 (cada: viagem, 2 noites de alojamento e registo ¿ ¿300 + (¿100 * 2) + * 150); prevê-se também a vinda ao Centro de consultores nacionais ou estrangeiros (despesas de deslocação e alojamento), desig

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

"TEIP successes and failures: a mixed methods assessment (Sucessos e insucessos TEIP: uma avaliação com métodos mistos)"

Erasmus Plus

BestCare4LGBTQI+ : Building the capacities of service providers in elder residential care on how to provide a more inclusive service provision for Older LBGTQI+ users

The mission of the BestCare4LGBTIQ+ project is to support the development of LGBTQI+ friendly older care services, providing tools, awareness-raising materials and learning resources to home care and residential care services managers and staff to ensure a better adapted, more respectful, and inclusive care for LGBTQI+ older people living in care facilities.


A multidisciplinary group of researchers and research centers from the University of Porto and the University of Coimbra, supported by an international team of experts, presented a research plan aimed at contributing to the mitigation and reversal of the adverse effects of climate change on the health, quality of life, and socio-economic condition of elderly individuals living in vulnerable urban areas. The plan involves collecting empirical data and using the findings to develop a climatically responsive and locally participatory methodology for urban planning and design. Specifically, the objectives are as follows: to understand the morphological and socio-urban conditions of vulnerable urban areas located in the Metropolitan Area of Porto, within the context of public investment in the urban rehabilitation of areas and communities classified as disadvantaged or degraded; to comprehend the practices, perspectives, and representations that older populations have about these urban spaces; and to create and assess a collaborative and integrative methodology for urban planning/design (Climate, Places, People, Agencies) that enhances the resilience of public spaces for collective use (urban/green), making them more elderly-friendly.

Horizon 2020

CLEAR - Constructing Learning Outcomes in Europe: A multi-level analysis of (under)achievement in the life course

CLEAR’s overall aim is to examine the combination of multiple factors shaping learning outcomes and thus affecting their quality. Based on a better understanding of the processes of constructing learning outcomes, CLEAR inquiries into the impact of policies to boost achievement and tackle underachievement, design participative activities at local level that spark innovative policy solutions and increase social upward mobility for young people.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

EducHate: An educational approach to detect, combat and prevent online hate speech

Erasmus Plus

SINCALA - Supporting Informal Carers a Whole-Family & Lifecourse Approach

In Europe, 80% of all chronically ill people are taken care of by informal carers ¿ people who provide unpaid care outside of a professional or formal framework. While caring for a loved one can be a source of great personal satisfaction, it also creates challenges, like physical and mental health problems, a feeling of social exclusion, difficulty in balancing paid work with care responsibilities and other possible financial worries (Eurocarers). In order to respond to these needs the partnership believes in the importance of developing and piloting a model of pedagogical interventions based on a family-focused approach able to identifying strengths as well as vulnerabilities of all family members, addressing the challenges that might arise from the disease and building individual and family resilience. The educational tools developed will be based on experiences carried out in Greece, by Alzheimer Hellas, and will be adapted and transferred to all other country contexts. The main practical results expected on the completion of the project are: (1) a tested narrative based workshop for informal caregivers, adapted to different EU-country contexts, and targeting households who are caring for older dependent family members with the goal of increasing their family-resilience; (2) guide for professionals to identify and address issues that emerge from workshops; (3) a MOOC, to transfer the results achieved and the lessons learnt to a wider audience of professionals; (4) E-course and online educational platform for informal care givers and professional support providers. We therefore expect to make available a methodology that educators, social workers and carer support workers can use in their local contexts to engage with families with caring responsibilities in order to improve the resilience of the household and mitigate the negative impacts of caring in the households. The project is coordinated by NPO Women¿s Support and Information Center (domestic violence org, Estonia) and developed by a diverse partnership of NGOs working with older persons and their carers or domestic violence victims in Portugual (CASO50+), Italy (Anziani e non solo), Slovenia (Spomincica, Slovenia) and Union of Women¿s Association in Heraklion Prefecture (Greece, Creta). The expert partner, is the Greek Association of Alzheimer¿s Disease and Related Disorders (Alzheimer Hellas). University of Tartu will be responsible for developing & managing the MOOC for the project due to its strong expertise on designing and developing e-learning courses. For professionals and stakeholders, we expect an increased consciousness of how providing care can impact on the whole family and the capacity to use this deeper understanding to improve and innovate their services, including through the introduction of narrative techniques. On local stakeholders and communities, we expect an increased awareness of the challenges of caring at societal level and on innovative experiences and practices carried out in other countries that could be of inspiration for new policies and services. We also expect increased openness towards other European countries and cultures, increased awareness of the importance to adopt a whole-family approach and an increased awareness about the contribution of the European Union activities towards the support to informal carers.

Programa Operacional de Inclusão Social e Emprego

Casa do Xisto - a Arte para a (D)eficiência

The project is part of the Operational Programme for Social Inclusion and Employment (POISE-39-2018-03) and aims to enhance autonomy, quality of life, and integration into the labor market of the population with disabilities. It is funded by: Operational Programme for Social Inclusion and Employment (POISE); Portugal Inovação Social 2020; European Union - through the European Social Fund - and Valongo City Council.
Most relevant activities and functions: Management of responsibilities to project funding entities (meetings, evaluation reports, strategic lines, participation in events); coordination of a multidisciplinary team (psychology, speech therapy, psychomotricity, occupational therapy, social education, social work); monitoring the intervention with the population with disabilities; management of human and material resources necessary for the proper functioning of the space and the development of activities; construction of the documents relating to the development of the project; research and submission of applications to other sources of funding (projects, programmes, competitions); support for the construction of an intervention methodology that enables the replication and sustainability of the project.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas - CIIE Porto

O CIIE tem por missão a investigação científica, a intervenção e a divulgação em educação, visando contribuir para 1) o reforço do espaço público da educação, 2) o papel da educação na promoção da justiça social, na redução das desigualdades; e 3) o aumento das qualificações científicas e profissionais. Em 2019 o CIIE pretende continuar a: ¿ Desenvolver investigação de elevada qualidade, através de uma abordagem interdisciplinar realizando projetos nacionais e internacionais; ¿ Apoiar a formação de jovens investigadores e profissionais, especialmente através do desenvolvimento de programas de formação pós-graduada de excelência, designadamente o Programa Doutoral em Ciências da Educação da UP, e de supervisão de elevada qualidade; - Reforçar a mobilidade e a partilha internacional de conhecimento, aprofundando a participação existente em redes e consórcios transnacionais e a colaboração bilateral e alargando e diversificando as colaborações internacionais, designadamente no espaço europeu e com PALOP; ¿ Ampliar a disseminação alargada dos resultados de pesquisa, nomeadamente através da publicação em revistas internacionais, da continuidade de linha editorial própria e da organização de seminários e conferências abertas à comunidade; ¿ Fornecer serviços de expertise, avaliação e consultoria para agências governamentais e locais, empresas, escolas, etc. e aprofundar o diálogo com a sociedade civil e stakeholders. Parte significativa do trabalho a realizar fundar-se-á no desenvolvimento do elevado número de projetos internacionais, e também nacionais, em curso no Centro. O trabalho em ¿comunidades de prática de investigação¿ (COPIN) como espaços de formação e produção será aprofundado. Continuar-se-á a procurar prosseguir a senda de sucesso ao nível de candidaturas de projetos a financiamento, a melhorar condições de acolhimento e formação para jovens investigadores, assim como a melhoria da qualidade e impacto da publicação científica. Torna-se absolutamente necessário: financiamento para traduções e proofreading de artigos a submeter a revistas internacionais; prosseguir a publicação da ESC; adquirir computadores (com o reduzido montante atribuído, apenas é possível contabilizar aquisição de 2); participação em congressos (de lembrar que o CIIE tem mais de 100 membros, tornando-se ridículo o exíguo nº de participações em congressos que conseguirá garantir); vinda de consultores externos; overheads¿ O sucesso do Centro do Centro é em larga medida fruto de financiamento não-nacional e de trabalho excessivo da equipa que será incomportável a curto prazo com o financiamento plurianual residual atribuído pela FCT a partir de 2015. Efetivamente, o CIIE passou a contar com ¿38.854,00, o que não é condizente com a 2ª melhor classificação obtida no painel de CE (21/25) na última avaliação. Passou a haver apenas orçamento para RH (2 membros no staff de apoio), e não considerando a FCT elegíveis despesas com vencimentos de uma das técnicas por efetivação (forçosa com término de contrato anterior), encontra-se o CIIE numa posição francamente desagradável e delicada, mesmo no interior da FPCEUP. Assim, voltamos a solicitar o reforço do financiamento de montante pelo menos igual ao do período anterior a 2015 com vista a assegurar o normal funcionamento do CIIE ao longo do ano de 2019. ¿ Despesas com recursos humanos ¿ encargos com uma das técnicas do staff, neste momento com bolsa (BTI): ¿10.650,00 euros (¿745 * 12 meses + seguro social voluntário e seguros de acidentes pessoais) ¿ Em missões de membros da equipa prevêem-se: 8 deslocações nacionais: ¿1680 (cada: viagem, 1 noite de alojamento e registo ¿ ¿60 + ¿70 + ¿80); 6 deslocações ao estrangeiro para participação em eventos científicos e meetings de projetos de relevância internacional: ¿3900 (cada: viagem, 2 noites de alojamento e registo ¿ ¿300 + (¿100 * 2) + * 150); prevê-se também a vinda ao Centro de consultores nacionais ou estrangeiros (despesas de deslocação e alojamento), desig

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

"TEIP successes and failures: a mixed methods assessment (Sucessos e insucessos TEIP: uma avaliação com métodos mistos)"


Guia para profissionais para identificar e abordar questões que emergem dos workshops 'Ouve a minha história' [Guide for professionals to identify and adress issues that emerge from 'Listen to my story' workshops]

Ferraz, Hélder; Sousa, Rita Tavares


Guia para profissionais para identificar e abordar questões que emergem dos workshops 'Ouve a minha história' [Guide for professionals to identify and adress issues that emerge from 'Listen to my story' workshops]

Ferraz, Hélder; Sousa, Rita Tavares

Newspaper article

Em defesa dos alunos das escolas TEIP

Neves, Tiago; Ferraz, Hélder; Gil Nata

Newspaper article

Em defesa dos alunos das escolas TEIP

Neves, Tiago; Ferraz, Hélder; Gil Nata

Thesis / Dissertation

TEIP successes and failures: a mixed methods assessment (Sucessos e insucessos TEIP: uma avaliação com métodos mistos)

Neves, Tiago; Ferraz, Hélder; Gil Nata

Journal article

Has the Portuguese Compensatory Education Program Been Successful in Reducing Disadvantaged Schools’ Performance Gaps? A 15-Year Quantitative Analysis of National Exams

Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil. Corresponding author: Ferraz, Hélder

Journal article

O sistema educativo português e as desigualdades no acesso ao ensino superior

Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago

Journal article


Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil. Corresponding author: Ferraz, Hélder

Journal article

A eficácia dos programas de educação compensatória nos resultados escolares: análise do programa nacional português de educação compensatória ao longo de 13 anos [The effectiveness of compensatory education programmes on school results: analysis of the Portuguese national compensatory education programme over 13 years]

Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil

Journal article

A emergência e evolução da educação compensatória na teoria e na prática: fragilidades e possibilidades

Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil


Guia para profissionais para identificar e abordar questões que emergem dos workshops 'Ouve a minha história' [Guide for professionals to identify and adress issues that emerge from 'Listen to my story' workshops]

Ferraz, Hélder; Sousa, Rita Tavares


Guia para profissionais para identificar e abordar questões que emergem dos workshops 'Ouve a minha história' [Guide for professionals to identify and adress issues that emerge from 'Listen to my story' workshops]

Ferraz, Hélder; Sousa, Rita Tavares

Newspaper article

Em defesa dos alunos das escolas TEIP

Neves, Tiago; Ferraz, Hélder; Gil Nata

Newspaper article

Em defesa dos alunos das escolas TEIP

Neves, Tiago; Ferraz, Hélder; Gil Nata

Thesis / Dissertation

TEIP successes and failures: a mixed methods assessment (Sucessos e insucessos TEIP: uma avaliação com métodos mistos)

Journal article

Has the Portuguese Compensatory Education Program Been Successful in Reducing Disadvantaged Schools’ Performance Gaps? A 15-Year Quantitative Analysis of National Exams

Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil. Corresponding author: Ferraz, Hélder

Journal article

O sistema educativo português e as desigualdades no acesso ao ensino superior

Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago

Magazine article

O sistema educativo português e as desigualdades no acesso ao ensino superior. [The Portuguese educational system and inequalities in access to higher education.]

Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago

Journal article

A emergência e evolução da educação compensatória na teoria e na prática: fragilidades e possibilidades

Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil

Journal article

A eficácia dos programas de educação compensatória nos resultados escolares: análise do programa nacional português de educação compensatória ao longo de 13 anos [The effectiveness of compensatory education programmes on school results: analysis of the Portuguese national compensatory education programme over 13 years]

Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil

Journal article


Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil. Corresponding author: Ferraz, Hélder

Journal article


Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil. Corresponding author: Ferraz, Hélder

Magazine article

O sistema educativo português e as desigualdades no acesso ao ensino superior. [The Portuguese educational system and inequalities in access to higher education.]

Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago

Journal article

Social inequality in access to higher education: grade inflation in private schools and the ineffectiveness of compensatory education

Neves, Tiago; Ferraz, Hélder; Nata, Gil

Book chapter

O Impacto do Programa TEIP nos Resultados dos Exames Nacionais ao Longo de 12 Anos. [The Impact of the TEIP Programme on the Results of National Exams over 12 Years].

Ferraz, Hélder; Enes, Damiana; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil

Thesis / Dissertation

Effects of the TEIP programme on the school results of secondary school students (2001/2002 a 2012/2013) - (Efeitos do programa TEIP sobre os resultados escolares de alunos do ensino secundário (2001/2002 a 2012/2013)).

Ferraz, Hélder

Book chapter

O Impacto do Programa TEIP nos Resultados dos Exames Nacionais ao Longo de 12 Anos

Ferraz, Hélder; Enes, Damiana; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil

Book chapter

O Impacto do Programa TEIP nos Resultados dos Exames Nacionais ao Longo de 12 Anos. [The Impact of the TEIP Programme on the Results of National Exams over 12 Years].

Ferraz, Hélder; Enes, Damiana; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil