Integrated Members

Assistant professor

CIIE/Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal


Dr. Gil Nata is an integrated member of the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto (CIIE/FPCEUP). He graduated in Psychology in 2000 and finished his PhD in (Political) Psychology in 2008. From 2008 until July 2015 he was a full-time faculty teacher at Universidade Portucalense. During this period, he was a member of the University's’ Scientific Council for more than 5 years and served as chair of the Pedagogical Board. In 2010 he won the award for “Professor of the Year”. Between 2016 and 2019, he was a hired research fellow in the EU-funded H2020 ISOTIS: Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society (727069), where he co-coordinated a WP regarding to professional development of education professionals. Recently, Gil Nata was successful in an international highly competitive bid launched by FCT for selection and hiring PhD researchers to develop their scientific research and career development in Portugal, integrated into R&D units funded by FCT. At CIIE, his host institution in this position awarded by FCT, he will be acting as a (fixed-term) Research Fellow for the next six years. Previously, he has been a member of a funded research (budget of €30,000€) between 2011 and 2012 and coordinated a 6-month funded research project, both about school rankings and inequalities. His recent work (with colleagues) on grade inflation by private schools and school rankings has received large public attention and wide media coverage. As a result, Gil Nata and Tiago Neves were invited to present the study results to the Education Commission of the Portuguese Parliament. More recently, his work has been selected for the Commission’s annual report on the Education’s state. He has several research interests, namely education and social inequalities, evaluation of schools and educational policies, psychological assessment, intercultural psychology, political psychology, social psychology, community psychology, development and moral psychology, and epistemology. He is also expert in: statistics/quantitative methods of data analysis (multivariate statistics, structural equation analysis, multilevel analysis); qualitative methods of data collection and analysis (interviews and focus groups; content analysis, thematic analysis and grounded theory); research methodology; systematic reviews. Gil Nata has published several articles in major peer review international journals, one book (selected for publication by a panel evaluation), and other publications.

2008 – Ph.D in Psychology – Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
2000 – Degree in Psychology – Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal

Education and Equity; Democracy and Minority Rights; Epistemology (theoretical and applied); Psychological Assessment and Moral Development; Social and Community Psychology.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Equity through PISA: results and discourses

Equitable Schools: uncovering the distinctive features of schools that systematically diminish educational inequalities in the Portuguese Context

O projeto, intitulado 'Equitable Schools: uncovering the distinctive features of schools that systematically diminish educational inequalities in the Portuguese Context' (Escolas equitativas: sistematização das características das escolas que mostram conseguir uma diminuição das desigualdades educativas ao longo do tempo), procura, num primeiro momento e através de análises quantitativas (complexas), identificar escolas que sistematicamente se mostram mais equitativas. Seguidamente, num segundo momento, as escolas identificadas serão estudadas em profundidade, com recurso a entrevistas aprofundadas aos diretores das escolas, focus-groups com os professores, focus-groups com os alunos, focus-groups com os pais, observação direta, e análise documental, com o objetivo de identificar as características distintivas destas escolas em áreas chave, designadamente: organização e gestão, visão e liderança, mecanismos de autorregulação, projeto educativo da escola, clima da escola, atividades extracurriculares, plano de atividades, práticas curriculares e pedagógico-didáticas, assim como a interação entre os contextos locais e as famílias. Por último, o projeto prevê uma intervenção em escolas identificadas como pouco equitativas (com desenho quasi-experimental), que procure testar a eficácia e transferibilidade das características identificadas no momento anterior.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Grow up in border regions in Portugal: young people, educational pathways and agendas / Crescer em Regiões de Fronteira em Portugal: jovens, percursos educativos e agendas

Regional development of peripheral regions is a persistent challenge. Border regions in Portugal, often overlapping with rural and remote areas, suffer from a spatial differentiation. These are places with structural inequalities together with a perception gap on regions prospects and resources. Accordingly to the Agency for Development and Cohesion, Portugal has ?territorial asymmetries and potentialities? with impact in individual, institutions and regions development, with challenges for multilevel governance. Unequal access to local services and opportunities among vulnerable groups and a combination of exclusion and poverty are concentrated in specific territories with low access to educational opportunities or qualified jobs [5].
Young people growing up in those regions are particularly affected by this situation in their trajectories and future plans [6, 7]. Do young people consider border regions as spaces to leave? An exploratory case study in a Portuguese border region indicated that young people express apprehension when imagine leaving their regions, reveling a positive connectedness with their homeland identifying, however, constrains [4, 8, 9].
GROW:UP proposes to investigate in border regions contexts the mutually influential relations between individual, contextual/institutional and systemic factors in young people biographies, and to analyse how communities are proactively counteracting inequalities, fostering young people engagement in positive pathways.
This project aims to investigate communities promising approaches to support young people pathways, preventing risk factors, such as school disengagement, lack of participation or life prospects.
GROW.UP will analyze European and national policies and its territorial articulation with programs and practices at local level, understanding the stability and strengths of initiatives to support young people and identifying potential indicators and key competences of resilient communities.
GROW.UP is engaged in a comprehensive approach and will bring together theoretical contributions from Sociology of Education, Youth Studies, Border Studies and Network Analysis. It will use a methodology that combines policy analysis and local experts interviews to understand levels of integration of formal policies into local programmes; a survey to understand the key role of sense of belonging, resilience and engagement in young people biographies; case studies (i) to develop and in depth understanding on processes and dynamics influencing young people pathways design, (ii) to analyse how communities are proactively addressing challenges affecting young people in border regions, either encouraging young people positive pathways or equipping them to amplify opportunities.
A mobile app, an auditing programme and youth agendas are participatory-based activities, empirically supported, aiming to promote capacity building of young people and communities.

European Commission

Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society

ISOTIS addresses the nature, causes and impact of early emerging social and educational inequalities in the context of socioeconomic, cultural and institutional processes. The aim is to contribute to effective policy and practice development to combat inequalities. Quasi-panels and pooled longitudinal datasets will be used to examine the variation in early educational gaps and developmental trajectories across countries, systems and time. To disentangle the complex interactions between characteristics of systems and target groups, ISOTIS will study significant immigrant, indigenous ethnic-cultural and low-income native groups, associated with persistent educational disadvantages. ISOTIS will examine current resources, experiences, aspirations, needs and well-being of children and parents in these groups in the context of acculturation and integration, and in relation to local and national policies. ISOTIS aims to contribute to effective policy and practice development by generating recommendations and concrete tools for (1) supporting disadvantaged families and communities in using their own cultural and linguistic resources to create safe and stimulating home environments for their children; for (2) creating effective and inclusive pedagogies in early childhood education and care centres and primary schools; for (3) professionalization of staff, centres and schools to improve quality and inclusiveness; for (4) establishing inter-agency coordination of support services to children and families; and for (5) developing policies to combat educational inequalities. ISOTIS will develop inter-linked programmes for parents, classrooms and professionals using Virtual Learning Environments for working in linguistically diverse contexts. All this work together is expected to support the education practice and policy field in Europe in meeting the challenges of reducing social and educational inequalities.

O Peso Escondido das Desigualdades Sociais nos Rankings Escolares [The hidden weight of social inequalities in school rankings]

RankDes — Rankings Escolares e Desigualdades

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Equity through PISA: results and discourses

Equitable Schools: uncovering the distinctive features of schools that systematically diminish educational inequalities in the Portuguese Context

O projeto, intitulado 'Equitable Schools: uncovering the distinctive features of schools that systematically diminish educational inequalities in the Portuguese Context' (Escolas equitativas: sistematização das características das escolas que mostram conseguir uma diminuição das desigualdades educativas ao longo do tempo), procura, num primeiro momento e através de análises quantitativas (complexas), identificar escolas que sistematicamente se mostram mais equitativas. Seguidamente, num segundo momento, as escolas identificadas serão estudadas em profundidade, com recurso a entrevistas aprofundadas aos diretores das escolas, focus-groups com os professores, focus-groups com os alunos, focus-groups com os pais, observação direta, e análise documental, com o objetivo de identificar as características distintivas destas escolas em áreas chave, designadamente: organização e gestão, visão e liderança, mecanismos de autorregulação, projeto educativo da escola, clima da escola, atividades extracurriculares, plano de atividades, práticas curriculares e pedagógico-didáticas, assim como a interação entre os contextos locais e as famílias. Por último, o projeto prevê uma intervenção em escolas identificadas como pouco equitativas (com desenho quasi-experimental), que procure testar a eficácia e transferibilidade das características identificadas no momento anterior.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Grow up in border regions in Portugal: young people, educational pathways and agendas / Crescer em Regiões de Fronteira em Portugal: jovens, percursos educativos e agendas

Regional development of peripheral regions is a persistent challenge. Border regions in Portugal, often overlapping with rural and remote areas, suffer from a spatial differentiation. These are places with structural inequalities together with a perception gap on regions prospects and resources. Accordingly to the Agency for Development and Cohesion, Portugal has ?territorial asymmetries and potentialities? with impact in individual, institutions and regions development, with challenges for multilevel governance. Unequal access to local services and opportunities among vulnerable groups and a combination of exclusion and poverty are concentrated in specific territories with low access to educational opportunities or qualified jobs [5].
Young people growing up in those regions are particularly affected by this situation in their trajectories and future plans [6, 7]. Do young people consider border regions as spaces to leave? An exploratory case study in a Portuguese border region indicated that young people express apprehension when imagine leaving their regions, reveling a positive connectedness with their homeland identifying, however, constrains [4, 8, 9].
GROW:UP proposes to investigate in border regions contexts the mutually influential relations between individual, contextual/institutional and systemic factors in young people biographies, and to analyse how communities are proactively counteracting inequalities, fostering young people engagement in positive pathways.
This project aims to investigate communities promising approaches to support young people pathways, preventing risk factors, such as school disengagement, lack of participation or life prospects.
GROW.UP will analyze European and national policies and its territorial articulation with programs and practices at local level, understanding the stability and strengths of initiatives to support young people and identifying potential indicators and key competences of resilient communities.
GROW.UP is engaged in a comprehensive approach and will bring together theoretical contributions from Sociology of Education, Youth Studies, Border Studies and Network Analysis. It will use a methodology that combines policy analysis and local experts interviews to understand levels of integration of formal policies into local programmes; a survey to understand the key role of sense of belonging, resilience and engagement in young people biographies; case studies (i) to develop and in depth understanding on processes and dynamics influencing young people pathways design, (ii) to analyse how communities are proactively addressing challenges affecting young people in border regions, either encouraging young people positive pathways or equipping them to amplify opportunities.
A mobile app, an auditing programme and youth agendas are participatory-based activities, empirically supported, aiming to promote capacity building of young people and communities.

European Commission

Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society

ISOTIS addresses the nature, causes and impact of early emerging social and educational inequalities in the context of socioeconomic, cultural and institutional processes. The aim is to contribute to effective policy and practice development to combat inequalities. Quasi-panels and pooled longitudinal datasets will be used to examine the variation in early educational gaps and developmental trajectories across countries, systems and time. To disentangle the complex interactions between characteristics of systems and target groups, ISOTIS will study significant immigrant, indigenous ethnic-cultural and low-income native groups, associated with persistent educational disadvantages. ISOTIS will examine current resources, experiences, aspirations, needs and well-being of children and parents in these groups in the context of acculturation and integration, and in relation to local and national policies. ISOTIS aims to contribute to effective policy and practice development by generating recommendations and concrete tools for (1) supporting disadvantaged families and communities in using their own cultural and linguistic resources to create safe and stimulating home environments for their children; for (2) creating effective and inclusive pedagogies in early childhood education and care centres and primary schools; for (3) professionalization of staff, centres and schools to improve quality and inclusiveness; for (4) establishing inter-agency coordination of support services to children and families; and for (5) developing policies to combat educational inequalities. ISOTIS will develop inter-linked programmes for parents, classrooms and professionals using Virtual Learning Environments for working in linguistically diverse contexts. All this work together is expected to support the education practice and policy field in Europe in meeting the challenges of reducing social and educational inequalities.

O Peso Escondido das Desigualdades Sociais nos Rankings Escolares [The hidden weight of social inequalities in school rankings]

RankDes — Rankings Escolares e Desigualdades

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Journal article

PISA and equity change: a scoping review

Nata, Gil; Enchikova, Ekaterina; Toledo, Cibelle; Neves, Tiago

Journal article

Development and validation of a Community Resilience Scale for Youth (CRS-Y)

Silva, Sofia Marques da; Nata, Gil; Silva, Ana Milheiro; Faria, Sara

Journal article

Elementary school children's perspectives on distributive justice in trade

Guichard, S.; Nata, G.; Cadima, J.

Journal article

Differentiating Hypoglycemia Awareness Status from Hypoglycemia Experience in Tools for Measuring Impaired Awareness of Hypoglycemia

Sepulveda, E.; Poinhos, R.; Nata, G.; Carvalho, D.; Neves, J.S.; Seixas, D.; Choudhary, P.; Vicente, S.G.; Amiel, S.A.

Book chapter

Direitos e limites de minorias e maioria culturais: análise a partir dos casos levados ao Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos do Homem [Rights and limits of cultural majority and minorities: Analysis of the cases brought to the European Court of Human Rights]

Nata, Gil

Journal article

Elaboration of countertransference experience and the workings of the working alliance.

Barreto, João F.; Nata, Gil; Matos, Paula Mena

Journal article

Has the Portuguese Compensatory Education Program Been Successful in Reducing Disadvantaged Schools’ Performance Gaps? A 15-Year Quantitative Analysis of National Exams

Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil. Corresponding author: Ferraz, Hélder

Journal article

Has the portuguese compensatory education program been successful in reducing disadvantaged schools’ performance gaps? A 15-year quantitative analysis of national exams

Ferraz, H.; Neves, T.; Nata, G.

Journal article

Parent- and Family-Focused Support in Portugal: Context and Analysis of Services/Programmes from an Equity Perspective

Nata, G.; Cadima, J.

Other output

A emergência e evolução da educação compensatória na teoria e na prática: fragilidades e possibilidades

Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação

Journal article

PISA and equity change: a scoping review

Nata, Gil; Enchikova, Ekaterina; Toledo, Cibelle; Neves, Tiago

Journal article

Development and validation of a Community Resilience Scale for Youth (CRS-Y)

Silva, Sofia Marques da; Nata, Gil; Silva, Ana Milheiro; Faria, Sara

Journal article

Elementary school children's perspectives on distributive justice in trade

Guichard, S.; Nata, G.; Cadima, J.

Journal article

Differentiating Hypoglycemia Awareness Status from Hypoglycemia Experience in Tools for Measuring Impaired Awareness of Hypoglycemia

Sepulveda, E.; Poinhos, R.; Nata, G.; Carvalho, D.; Neves, J.S.; Seixas, D.; Choudhary, P.; Vicente, S.G.; Amiel, S.A.

Book chapter

Direitos e limites de minorias e maioria culturais: análise a partir dos casos levados ao Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos do Homem [Rights and limits of cultural majority and minorities: Analysis of the cases brought to the European Court of Human Rights]

Nata, Gil

Journal article

Elaboration of countertransference experience and the workings of the working alliance.

Barreto, João F.; Nata, Gil; Matos, Paula Mena

Journal article

Has the portuguese compensatory education program been successful in reducing disadvantaged schools’ performance gaps? A 15-year quantitative analysis of national exams

Ferraz, H.; Neves, T.; Nata, G.

Journal article

Parent- and Family-Focused Support in Portugal: Context and Analysis of Services/Programmes from an Equity Perspective

Nata, G.; Cadima, J.

Journal article

Has the Portuguese Compensatory Education Program Been Successful in Reducing Disadvantaged Schools’ Performance Gaps? A 15-Year Quantitative Analysis of National Exams

Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil. Corresponding author: Ferraz, Hélder

Other output

A eficácia dos programas de educação compensatória nos resultados escolares: análise do programa nacional português de educação compensatória ao longo de 13 anos

Ferraz,Hélder; Neves,Tiago; Nata,Gil

Journal article

The effectiveness of compensatory education programs in school outcomes: Analysis of the Portuguese national compensatory education program over 13 years,A eficácia dos programas de educação compensatória nos resultados escolares: Análise do programa nacional português de educação compensatória ao longo de 13 anos

Ferraz, H.; Neves, T.; Nata, G.

Other output

A emergência e evolução da educação compensatória na teoria e na prática: fragilidades e possibilidades

Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação

Journal article


Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil. Corresponding author: Ferraz, Hélder

Journal article

A eficácia dos programas de educação compensatória nos resultados escolares: análise do programa nacional português de educação compensatória ao longo de 13 anos [The effectiveness of compensatory education programmes on school results: analysis of the Portuguese national compensatory education programme over 13 years]

Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil

Journal article


Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil. Corresponding author: Ferraz, Hélder

Journal article

Social inequality in access to higher education: grade inflation in private schools and the ineffectiveness of compensatory education

Neves, T.; Ferraz, H.; Nata, G.

Book chapter

A Poética do Eu e a Vida Como Obra de Arte: análise da psicoterapia narrativa à luz de M. Foucault

Jesus, P. R.; Nata, Gil

Book chapter

Inflação de notas e o seu impacto no acesso ao Ensino Superior

Nata, Gil; Neves, T.

Journal article

Head teachers' perceptions of secondary school rankings: Their nature, media coverage and impact on schools and the educational arena

Neves, T.; Pereira, M.J.; Nata, G.

Book chapter

O Impacto do Programa TEIP nos Resultados dos Exames Nacionais ao Longo de 12 Anos. [The Impact of the TEIP Programme on the Results of National Exams over 12 Years].

Ferraz, Hélder; Enes, Damiana; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil

Book chapter

O Impacto do Programa TEIP nos Resultados dos Exames Nacionais ao Longo de 12 Anos. [The Impact of the TEIP Programme on the Results of National Exams over 12 Years].

Ferraz, Hélder; Enes, Damiana; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil

Book chapter

O Impacto do Programa TEIP nos Resultados dos Exames Nacionais ao Longo de 12 Anos

Ferraz, H.; Enes, D.; Neves, T.; Nata, Gil

Thesis / Dissertation

A perceção dos professores sobre a Educação Sexual em contexto escolar: estudo qualitativo sobre a perceção de professores.

Gonçalves, Mónica Emanuela Lobo

Journal article

Unfairness in access to higher education: a 11 year comparison of grade inflation by private and public secondary schools in Portugal

Nata, G.; Pereira, M.J.; Neves, T.

Journal article

One-dimensional school rankings: a non-neutral device that conceals and naturalises inequalities

Tiago Neves; Joao Pereira; Gil Nata


Diferença cultural e democracia: Identidade, cidadania e tolerância na relação entre maioria e minorias [Cultural difference and democracy: Identity, citizenship and tolerance in the relationship between social majority and minorities]

Nata, Gil

Journal article

University Students' Sense of Belonging to the Home Town: The Role of Residential Mobility

Cicognani, E.; Menezes, I.; Nata, G.


Ciclos de vida e atitudes perante a vida: satisfação com a vida, religiosidades e redes de relações sociais

Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação


O suporte a direitos de minorias culturais e o desenvolvimento moral

Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação

Thesis / Dissertation

Diferença cultural e democracia: identidade, cidadania e tolerância na relação entre maioria e minorias.

Nata, Gil

Book chapter


Nata, Gil

Conference paper

Rankings escolares e desigualdades

Nata, Gil; Neves, Tiago; Pereira, Maria João; Teixeira, Pedro