Integrated Members
Emeritus professor
Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
+ 351 226 079 700 (ext 219)
Luiza Cortesão is Emeritus Professor of the University of Porto and Jubilate Full Professor of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto. She graduated in Biology from the University of Porto and obtained her doctorate in 1988 from Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto with entitled thesis "Contribution to Analysing the Possibility and Means of Producing Innovation: The Case of Teacher Training", under the supervision of Stephen R. Stoer and Marcel Postic.
She is the founder of the Paulo Freire Institute in Portugal and President of its Board of Directors, where she carries out research and extension work. She is also the coordinator of the Paulo Freire Resource Centre at the University of Porto.
Luiza Cortesão is a researcher at CIIE - Centre for Research and Intervention in Education, where she has carried out various research and intervention projects, particularly in the area of education and cultural diversity. She specialises in intercultural issues and Freirean studies, diversity, citizenship, pedagogical innovation, school success/unsuccess, assessment, action research and training. She has published books and articles in national and international scientific journals in the field of education. She wrote, among other titles, ‘Being a Teacher: A Trade on the Verge of Extinction?’ (Ed. Afrontamento).
She has collaborated for several years on different projects with international organisations such as UNESCO and OECD/CERI. As a UNESCO consultant, she carried out various missions in Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde and São Tomé. For many years she collaborated in project planning and evaluation work for the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in projects implemented with different Portuguese communities in Europe. In 2002, the then President of the Republic, Dr Jorge Sampaio, awarded her the rank of Grand Officer of the Order of Public Instruction, honouring the high services she has rendered to the cause of education and teaching. In 2022, she was honoured with the Medal of Scientific Merit, a distinction instituted by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, which aims to reward national or foreign individuals who have distinguished themselves by making a valuable and exceptional contribution to the development of science or scientific culture in Portugal. The medal was presented by the Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, Elvira Fortunato, at the opening session of the Science 2022 Meeting.
1988 – Ph.D in Education Sciences – Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
Action-research; Intercultural problematics and Freirean studies; Academic excellence and citizenship; Problematics on adult education.
Utopias of Education in the 1st Republic: what contributions from Children’s Literature (1910-1926)
Project supported through CIIE's Multi-Year Funding (Base Funding, ref. UIDB/00167/2020), awarded by the Foundation for Science and Technology, IP. (within the framework of the 1st edition of CIIE's 2020-2023 internal call for research projects)
The project starts with the observation that in the short period that the 1st Republic lasted (1910-1926), a surprising number of intellectuals from various fields were interested and produced prolifically in children's and youth literature. The ideology of the First Republic attributed a significant role to education as a promoter of the development of citizenship values. In this context, the present project aims to analyze to what extent children's literature of the First Republic, produced by Portuguese authors, was articulated with that idea. With this purpose, we will identify those works' situations, actions, characters, and contexts that align with the Republican ideology. The project will identify, collect, and analyze children's and youth literature produced during the 1st Republic. This analysis will later allow the conception of training strategies and materials to disseminate the results in educational and cultural communities. This work is markedly multi and interdisciplinary, calling for contributions from literary analysis, history to sociology of education, seeking to rescue a cultural heritage articulated with EU's current concern (policy of memory and for the tangible and intangible heritage in its potential to confront populism and authoritarian drifts that crosses the European space, spilling over into the educational field).
Levantando a Pedra para Construir Pontes
SEARA - Sucesso Educativo e Autonomia Relativa Alargada
Utopias of Education in the 1st Republic: what contributions from Children’s Literature (1910-1926)
Project supported through CIIE's Multi-Year Funding (Base Funding, ref. UIDB/00167/2020), awarded by the Foundation for Science and Technology, IP. (within the framework of the 1st edition of CIIE's 2020-2023 internal call for research projects)
The project starts with the observation that in the short period that the 1st Republic lasted (1910-1926), a surprising number of intellectuals from various fields were interested and produced prolifically in children's and youth literature. The ideology of the First Republic attributed a significant role to education as a promoter of the development of citizenship values. In this context, the present project aims to analyze to what extent children's literature of the First Republic, produced by Portuguese authors, was articulated with that idea. With this purpose, we will identify those works' situations, actions, characters, and contexts that align with the Republican ideology. The project will identify, collect, and analyze children's and youth literature produced during the 1st Republic. This analysis will later allow the conception of training strategies and materials to disseminate the results in educational and cultural communities. This work is markedly multi and interdisciplinary, calling for contributions from literary analysis, history to sociology of education, seeking to rescue a cultural heritage articulated with EU's current concern (policy of memory and for the tangible and intangible heritage in its potential to confront populism and authoritarian drifts that crosses the European space, spilling over into the educational field).
Levantando a Pedra para Construir Pontes
SEARA - Sucesso Educativo e Autonomia Relativa Alargada
Book chapter
Reflettendo con Freire su la formazione degli educatori / [Reflecting with Freire on the training of educators]
Cortesão, Luiza
Journal article
Refletindo sobre algumas das interessantes transgressões da obra de Freire / [Reflecting on interesting transgressions in Freire's work]
Amorim, José Pedro; Cortesão, Luiza
Book chapter
Descodificando significados de uma frase / [Decoding the meaning of a sentence]
Cortesão, Luiza
Book chapter
Procurando situar a produção de Freire no contexto de pesquisas socialmente implicadas / [Trying to place Freire's work in the context of socially involved research]
Cortesão, Luiza
Journal article
Trabalho de Freire em África e a pesquisa-ação-participativa / [Freire's work in Africa and participatory action research]
Cortesão, Luiza
Novos contributos para a leitura da obra de Paulo Freire: Novos tributos a Paulo Freire / [New contributions to reading Paulo Freire's work: New tributes to Paulo Freire]
Cortesão, Luiza; Amorim, José Pedro
Book chapter
Ninguém pode 'ser mais' sozinho: há espaço para o individual na pedagogia coletiva de Paulo Freire? / [No one can 'be more' alone: is there room for the individual in Paulo Freire's collective pedagogy?]
Amorim, José Pedro; Cortesão, Luiza
Journal article
Paulo Freire: da filosofia política à recontextualização no tempo atual / [Paulo Freire: from political philosophy to recontextualisation in the present time]
Cortesão, Luiza; Macedo, Eunice
Journal article
Refletindo com Freire sobre formação de Educadores / [Reflecting with Freire on Educator Training]
Cortesão, Luiza
Journal article
Refletindo sobre algumas das interessantes transgressões da obra de Freire / [Reflecting on interesting transgressions in Freire's work]
Amorim, José Pedro; Cortesão, Luiza
Book chapter
Reflettendo con Freire su la formazione degli educatori / [Reflecting with Freire on the training of educators]
Cortesão, Luiza
Journal article
Trabalho de Freire em África e a pesquisa-ação-participativa / [Freire's work in Africa and participatory action research]
Cortesão, Luiza
Novos contributos para a leitura da obra de Paulo Freire: Novos tributos a Paulo Freire / [New contributions to reading Paulo Freire's work: New tributes to Paulo Freire]
Cortesão, Luiza; Amorim, José Pedro
Book chapter
Ninguém pode 'ser mais' sozinho: há espaço para o individual na pedagogia coletiva de Paulo Freire? / [No one can 'be more' alone: is there room for the individual in Paulo Freire's collective pedagogy?]
Amorim, José Pedro; Cortesão, Luiza
Book chapter
Descodificando significados de uma frase / [Decoding the meaning of a sentence]
Cortesão, Luiza
Book chapter
Procurando situar a produção de Freire no contexto de pesquisas socialmente implicadas / [Trying to place Freire's work in the context of socially involved research]
Cortesão, Luiza
Journal article
Paulo Freire: da filosofia política à recontextualização no tempo atual / [Paulo Freire: from political philosophy to recontextualisation in the present time]
Cortesão, Luiza; Macedo, Eunice
Journal article
Refletindo com Freire sobre formação de Educadores / [Reflecting with Freire on Educator Training]
Cortesão, Luiza
Journal article
Paulo Freire: da filosofia política à recontextualização no tempo atual / [Paulo Freire: from political philosophy to recontextualisation in the present time]
Cortesão, Luiza; Macedo, Eunice
Journal article
Celebrando Paulo Freire: novos e velhos desafios na educação / [Celebrating Paulo Freire: new and old challenges in education]
Cortesão, Luiza; Macedo, Eunice; Romão, José Eustáquio; Geraldi, Wanderey
Preface / Postscript
Prefácio de Remar contra as desigualdades em educação: práticas, vozes, percursos / [Rowing against inequalities in education: practices, voices, paths]
Cortesão, Luiza
Journal article
Celebrando Paulo Freire: novos e velhos desafios na educação / [Celebrating Paulo Freire: new and old challenges in education]
Cortesão, Luiza; Macedo, Eunice; Romão, José Eustáquio; Geraldi, Wanderey
Journal article
O valor da prática em Paulo Freire / [The value of practice in Paulo Freire]
Cortesão, Luiza
Journal article
O pensamento de Paulo Freire e o 'arco-íris sociocultural da sala de aula' / [Paulo Freire's thinking and the 'sociocultural rainbow of the classroom']
Cortesão, Luiza; Pavan, Ruth
Journal article
Outro reencontro com a Pedagogia do Oprimido e a Pedagogia da Esperança / [Another encounter with the Pedagogy of the Oppressed and the Pedagogy of Hope]
Cortesão, Luiza
Xeno-Tolerance: supporting VET teachers and trainers to prevent radicalisation: guidelines
Fernandes, Preciosa; Cortesão, Luiza; Costa, Francisca
Journal article
Alfabetização na perspetiva de Paulo Freire / [Literacy from Paulo Freire's perspective]
Cortesão, Luiza
Journal article
Education in Portugal 40 years on from April 25, 1974
Cortesão, Luiza; Dale, Roger; António Magalhães
Journal article
Education in Portugal 40 years on from April 25, 1974
Cortesão, Luiza; Dale, Roger; António Magalhães
Journal article
Inclusões/exclusões, que significados? / [Inclusions/exclusions, what do they mean?]
Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
Guliver entre gigantes: na tensão entre estrutura e agência, que significados para a educação? / [Guliver among giants: in the tension between structure and agency, what meanings for education?]
Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
Identity(ies), citizenship(s) and migration: a complex relationship
Luiza Cortesão; Rosário Silva; Francisco Neves; Clara Vieira
Journal article
Professor: produtor e/ou tradutor de conhecimentos?: trabalhando no contexto do arco-íris sociocultural da sala de aula / [Teacher: producer and/or translator of knowledge? Working within the social-cultural rainbow of the classroom]
Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
Educação e exclusões: na tensão entre a cumplicidade e o embargo / [Education and exclusions: the tension between complicity and embargo]
Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
Teacher: producer and/or translator of knowledge? Working within the social-cultural rainbow of the classroom
Cortesão, Luiza
Journal article
Teachers and 'resting routines': reflections on cognitive justice, inclusion and the pedagogy of poverty
Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
'School does not teach burying the dead': the complexity of cultural dialogue
Luiza Cortesão; João Cardoso Cuale
Teaching practices: a veiled symbiosis between inclusion and exclusion?
Luiza Cortesão; Eunice Macedo
Uma autonomia relativa alargada? Reflexões sobre um projecto emergente
Eunice Macedo; Eva Temudo; Joaquim Almeida; Luiza Cortesão; Mónica Oliveira; Rosa Nunes
Between the central and the local: the ambiguity of the decisions and educational practices multicultural contexts
Luiza Cortesão
Critical inter/multicultural education and the process of transnationalization: a view from the semiperiphery
Stephen R. Stoer; Luiza Cortesão
Critical inter/multicultural education and the process of transnationalization: a view from the semiperiphery
Stephen R. Stoer; Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
Recensão à obra de Rosa Nunes - Nada sobre nós sem nós: a centralidade da comunicação na obra de Boaventura Sousa Santos
Laborinho Lúcio; Luiza Cortesão
O arco-íris e o fio da navalha: problemas da educação em face das diferenças: um olhar crítico, uma proposta de análise
Luiza Cortesão
A reconstrução das relações escola-família: concepções portuguesas do ''pai responsável''
Stephen R. Stoer; Luiza Cortesão
A interface de educação intercultural e a gestão de diversidade na sala de aula
Luiza Cortesão; Stephen R. Stoer
Formas de ensinar, formas de avaliar: breve análise de práticas correntes de avaliação
Luiza Cortesão
Contribution to an analytical study of discrimination issues in education
Luiza Cortesão; António M. Magalhães; Alexandra Sá Costa
Journal article
Mergulhando no arco-íris sócio-cultural: contributo para o conhecimento dos trabalhos sobre educação e diversidade em Portugal
Luíza Cortesão; Alexandra Sá Costa; Lurdes Rodrigues; Rui Trindade
Journal article
Mergulhando no arco-íris sócio-cultural: contributo para o conhecimento dos trabalhos sobre educação e diversidade em Portugal [Diving into the socio-cultural rainbow: a contribution to the knowledge of work on education and diversity in Portugal]
Cortesão, Luiza; Costa, Alexandra Sá; Lurdes Rodrigues; Trindade, Rui
Guliver entre gigantes: na tensão entre estrutura e agência, que significados para a educação
Luiza Cortesão
Multiculturalisme et politique éducative dans un contexte global: une perspective européenne
Stephen R. Stoer; Luiza Cortesão
Cartografando a transnacionalização do campo educativo: o caso português
Luiza Cortesão; Stephen R. Stoer
Acerca da ambiguidade das práticas multiculturais: necessidades de vigilância crítica hoje e amanhã
Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
Recensão à obra de Ricardo Vieira - Histórias de vida e identidades: professores e interculturalidade
Luiza Cortesão
Guliver entre gigantes: na tensão entre estrutura e agência, que significados para a educação
Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
Mapeando decisões no campo da educação no âmbito do processo de realização das políticas educativas
Luiza Cortesão; António Magalhães; Stephen Stoer
Journal article
Action-research and the production of knowledge in a teacher education based on inter/multicultural education
Stephen R. Stoer; Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
The reconstruction of home/school relations: portuguese conceptions of the "responsible parent"
Stephen R. Stoer; Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
Acerca do trabalho do professor: da tradução à produção do conhecimento no processo educativo
Luiza Cortesão; Stephen R. Stoer
Other output
Relatório da disciplina práticas educativas face à diversidade e investigação-acção
Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
Da necessidade da vigilância crítica em educação à importância da prática de investigação-acção
Luiza Cortesão
A questão da impossibilidade racional de decidir e o despacho sobre os currículos alternativos
Stephen R. Stoer; Luiza Cortesão; António Magalhães
Investigação-acção e formação de professores para uma educação inter-cultural
Luiza Cortesão; Stephen Stoer
Journal article
Investigação-acção e a produção de conhecimento no âmbito de uma formação de professores para a educação inter/multicultural
Luiza Cortesão; Stephen R. Stoer
Educação inter/multicultural crítica e o processo de transnacionalização: uma perspectiva a partir da semiperiferia
Stephen R. Stoer; Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
A interculturalidade e a educação escolar: dispositivos pedagógicos e a construção da ponte entre culturas
Luiza Cortesão; Stephen Stoer
Educação inter/multicultural crítica e o processo de transnacionalização: uma perspectiva a partir da semiperiferia
Stephen R. Stoer; Luiza Cortesão
A possibilidade de "acontecer" formação: potencialidades da investigação acção
Luiza Cortesão; Stephen R. Stoer
Journal article
Critical inter/multicultural education and the process of transnationalisation: a view from the semiperiphery
Stephen R. Stoer; Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
Inter/multicultural education on the european (semi)periphery: notes on an action-research project in four portuguese schools
Stephen R. Stoer; Luiza Cortesão
A possibilidade de "acontecer" formação: potencialidades da investigação acção
Luiza Cortesão; Stephen R. Stoer
Journal article
The state, curriculum and teacher education in Portugal: 1926-1981
Stephen R. Stoer; Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
Critical inter/multicultural education and the process of transnationalisation: a view from the semiperiphery
Stephen R. Stoer; Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
Inter/multicultural education on the european (semi)periphery: notes on an action-research project in four portuguese schools
Stephen R. Stoer; Luiza Cortesão
Algumas ambições e limites da formação de professores: papel da análise social da educação
Luiza Cortesão
Algumas ambições e limites da formação de professores: papel da análise social da educação
Luiza Cortesão
Journal article
O conceito de educação intercultural: interculturismo e realidade portuguesa
Luiza Cortesão; Natércia Pacheco
Thesis / Dissertation
Contributo para a análise da possibilidade e dos meios de produzir inovação: o caso da formação de professores
Luiza Cortesão