This report gives an account of the activities carried out in the development of the project "Self-evaluation of Schools and School Management: the use of evaluation in decision-making" (AGE-CIIE), with a particular focus on the results and conclusions of the research carried out.
The AGE project, as the title suggests, focuses on school self-evaluation processes as a school management tool. School self-evaluation (SEA) processes - made compulsory by law in 2002 - have been considered essential mechanisms for the self-regulation and self-management of school institutions, as well as for seeking and guaranteeing quality in education. This association is based on the belief, supported by scientific research on this subject, that the production of internal, contextualised and in-depth knowledge about the school reality can support the making of diagnoses of each school's situation. Consequently, these diagnoses can support informed decision-making in school management, to resolve problems and therefore improve.

Carla Figueiredo
Marta Sampaio
Paulo Marinho
Preciosa Fernandes
Amanda Dihl Moraes

Carla Figueiredo




Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto

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