Open class | MCED | Pedagogies of resistance and exercises in disobedience

On 10 February, at 6pm, in Auditorium 2C of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP), the open class 'Pedagogies of Resistance and Exercises of Disobedience' will be presented by Rodrigo Matos de Souza, from the University of Brasilia.

The class, co-organised by the Master's Degree in Educational Sciences (MCED) and CIIE - Centre for Research in Educational Intervention, will centre on the epistemological exercise of identifying pedagogies of resistance, their entry and exit from formal - and modern - educational processes, as well as their incompatibility with some proposals that take resistance as a response to the existing rather than its negation. Finally, a discussion is planned on how the exercise of disobedience produces certain dangers that school institutions, including universities, are afraid of.

Entry is free.


FPCEUP, Auditorium 2C


Start date: 18:00 - 10 Feb 2025

End date: 19:30 - 10 Feb 2025


Rodrigo Matos-de-Sousa , Professor at the Faculty of Education at the University of Brasilia, he has a degree in Pedagogy, a Master's in Language Studies and a PhD in Education, all from the State University of Bahia. He leads the Research Group Rede Experiência, Narrativas e Pedagogias da Resistência (REDEXP). He is the editor of the Brazilian Journal of Youth and Adult Education, deputy editor of the journal Linhas Críticas (UnB - WoS) and assistant editor of the Brazilian Journal of (Auto)Biographical Research. In recent years, he has been a visiting professor at the Universidad Católica de Pereira and Universidad de Manizales (Colombia) and at the University of Seville (Spain).