Cycle of Debates ‘(Re)finding meaning in research’

As part of the cycle of debates ‘(Re)finding meanings in research’, the following session will be held on 26 November at 6 pm:

Title: Decolonising knowledge: decolonial feminism and critique of whiteness in educational research

Abstract: In a restless critical exercise, we seek to observe the latent coloniality that persists in our investigative and educational thinking-doing, raising questions that open up spaces for transformation and that confront the reproductions of relations of domination that operate in our modes of knowledge production. To this end, we propose a dialogue to reflect on our research and educational practices in the light of decolonial feminism, inspired by authors such as María Lugones, Catherine Walsh and Ochy Curiel, who denounce the structural intersection between heteronormativity, racial classification and the capitalist system, while at the same time provoking a pedagogical and methodological rethink. Along these lines, we will address the very construction of modern science and knowledge, reflecting on how knowledge and science are completely linked to racial power.  This discussion inevitably leads us to analyse what sustains and perpetuates this racial power and authority, safeguarding white privilege: the pact of whiteness. This is an opportunity to contribute to fairer, plural and more horizontal scientific production, encouraging critical self-reflection on our own research practices and on the hegemonic continuities that insist on our praxis.

Suggested reading: 

Kilomba, Grada (2020). Memórias da plantação: Episódios de racismo quotidiano (Trad. Nuno Quintas). Orfeu Negro.

Cardoso, Nirvana; Pedersen, Marcela, & Silva, Kenia (2024). Pedagogias feministas decoloniais: Contributos para práticas investigativas em educação. Sinergias, 16, 105-117.

Silva, Ana Lúcia G., Silva, Zuleide P., & Quiroz, Marilene S. (Orgs.). (2023). Experiências (auto)formativas diarizadas na educação universitária: Pedagogias feministas e epistemologias decoloniais. Pontes Editores.



FPCEUP, room 120


Start date: 18:00 - 26 Nov 2024

End date: 19:30 - 26 Nov 2024


Marcela Pedersen - PhD student in Art Education at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, Doctoral Fellow at the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Ref.:2022.10957.BD) and integrated non-doctoral researcher at the Institute for Research in Art, Design and Society (i2ADS). She has a master's degree in Educational Sciences from FPCEUP and a bachelor's degree in Physical Education from Universidade Estadual Paulista (Brazil). Her research interests question the possibilities of mediation practices and art education as reparations of colonial history, through anti-discriminatory, anti-colonial and critical lenses to whiteness.

Kenia Silva - PhD student in Educational Sciences at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Doctoral Fellow at the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Ref.: 2022.12124.BD). Scientific Coordinator of the International Network of Black Feminist Pedagogy. Member of the HERSTORY Research Project team.  She has a master's degree in Education Sciences from FPCEUP. She is interested in gender studies, feminist studies, decolonial studies and ethnic-racial issues.