Open Lab Talks 3

Open Lab Talks 3

Raquel Marques | "Reconfigurations of academic identities in the context of university transformation”
José Luis San Fabián | "Procesos de re-enganche educativo y sociolaboral de adolescentes en situación de vulnerabilidad : Estudio de casos e implicaciones socieducativas”

Friday 7 Jun 2024, 16h-17h30
FPCEUP |  r120

On  7 Jun 2024, at 4 pm, a new session of the Open Lab Talks will take place at the CIIE.
The session will be held in Room 120 of the CIIE, in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. It will feature Raquel Marques a student in the Doctoral Programme in Educational Sciences, who will present her work "Reconfigurations of academic identities in the context of university transformation” and José Luis San Fabián, pedagogue and Sociologist from the Complutense University of Madrid and Doctor from the University of Oviedo, who will discuss the theme"Procesos de re-enganche educativo y sociolaboral de adolescentes en situación de vulnerabilidad : Estudio de casos e implicaciones socieducativas”. There will then be a discussion following the presentations.

Open Lab Talks is a cycle of weekly meetings held on Fridays, in which two PhD students and/or researchers from CIIE present a piece of work or research project, either in progress or recently completed, followed by a discussion with those present.
Applications are always welcome from researchers and/or students who would also like to present their work at future sessions. The schedule considers the registration order, which should be sent to

Entry Free ! Join in!


FPCEUP, r120


Start date: 16:00 - 7 Jun 2024

End date: 17:30 - 7 Jun 2024



PhD student in Educational Sciences at the Centre for Educational Research and Intervention (CIIE) of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science of the University of Porto (FPCEUP), with a PhD scholarship funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (ref. 2022.03986.PTDC). Until April, she was a CIIE research fellow on the FCT project "Higher Education Autonomy in Europe" (HEAE-SNIT). She has a Master's degree in Education from the Catholic University of Brasilia, a degree in Pedagogy and a Bachelor's degree in Theology. At the CIIE, she is linked to two research communities of practice: Identity, Democracy, School, Administration and Training (IDEAFor) and the Educational Policy Analysis Group (GAPE). Her topics of interest are postmodernity, ethics, teaching and learning, higher education and academic identities. She is the first author of the article "Academic identities and higher education change: reviewing the evidence" (, recently published in the journal Educational Research by Taylor & Francis.


Pedagogue and Sociologist from the Complutense University of Madrid and Doctor from the University of Oviedo, where he works. He has coordinated several Masters and Doctorate Programmes, directing numerous doctoral theses. Expert in qualitative research, he has conducted research on the Loss of Meaning in Schooling, School Participation, Socio-educational Reengagement, Educational Organisation and Evaluation, Childhood Studies... receiving recognition for his research, such as the José Manuel Esteve National Award for the best article in education in 2015. Some of the topics she has researched: Resilient Youth in Adverse Socio-educational Contexts, Self-evaluation of Educational Centres, Good Practices in Measures and Programmes for Young People Disengaged from School, The Situation of Roma Children in Asturias, Sex Education, Evaluation of Educational Programmes in Museums.