The PhD Defense in Educational Sciences of candidate, Rosa Basto, will take place at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP) on 23 Jun 2022, at 2.30PM. The thesis entitled "A Educação da Infância Marginalizada na cidade de Penafiel (1865 – 1974): Instituições de acolhimento, assistência e proteção" ’was developed under the supervision of Margarida Louro de Felgueiras, Associate Professor, FPCEUP and member of CIIE.
The session is open to the public.
Evaluation Pannel
Chair: Fátima Pereira, Associate Professor, FPCEUP
Sônia Rangel, Associate Professor of Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
António Ferreira Associate Professor of Faculdade de Ciências e de Educação da Universidade de Coimbra.
Ernesto Martins, Professor and Coordinator, of Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco.
Margarida Louro de Felgueiras, Associate Professor of FPCEUP
Isabel Menezes, Full Professor of FPCEUP
Sofia Marques, Associate Professor of FPCEUP
Penafiel stood out for being the only municipality in the district of Porto, which from the mid-nineteenth century, in conjunction with the district capital, mobilized to ensure assistance and education to marginalized children and youth, from the municipality itself and of the contiguous councils. The investigation of institutions of protection, assistance and education of marginalized children and youth, which existed and some still remain in the city of Penafiel, intends to contribute to broadening the understanding of this social phenomenon.
The study covers the time span between 1865 and 1974, respectively the foundation date of the Hospício de Penafiel and the 25th of April, due to the repercussions that this political-social fact had on social structures. It is a work with a monographic character, whose cut is administrative geographic - Penafiel and its institutions of protection, assistance and education. We opted for a micro-analytical approach, in the context of a sociocultural history of education, using the crossing of multiple sources. It traces the institutional legal evolution of public and private assistance and the pedagogical concepts associated with it, by analyzing the legislation, the normative framework, the pedagogical guidelines and the purposes of reception and institutionalization establishments, comparing them with institutional practices and everyday life of institutionalized children. The hermeneutic work focused on the set of collected, selected and analyzed sources, which allowed us to understand how the protection, assistance and education in boarding houses occurred, its social and personal meanings and how these projected themselves in the collective conscience.
The investigation showed the interconnection between the institutions of Penafiel and Porto in the field of protection, assistance and education of marginalized children and youth, with Penafiel standing out in the interior of the district. School education did not assume importance from the outset, with protection and assistance having been prioritized, followed by professional training. In the 20th century, the paradigm was modified considering the
evolution of the legal framework and international movements and their national repercussions in favor of children. This work is the result of the study of this reality, approached from a historical perspective, little known in the local and national historiographical panorama.
Start date: 14:30 - 23 Jun 2022
End date: 16:00 - 23 Jun 2022