The PhD Defence in Educational Sciences of candidate Maria João Antunes, will take place at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP) on 03 October 2022, at 2.30PM. The thesis entitled “Digital Technologies in the Lifelong Learning of Adults in Prison Context’ was developed under the supervision of Teresa Medina, Assistant Professor at FPCEUP and João Caramelo, Assistant Professor at FPCEUP, both members of CIIE
The session is open to the public.
Evaluation Pannel
Chair: Tiago Neves Associate Professor, FPCEUP
Maria Luísa de Oliveira, Assistant Professor at the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa of the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Carmen Cavaco, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon.
Fernando Ferreira, Associate Professor at the Institute of Education of the University of Minho.
Luis Correia, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto.
João Caramelo, Assistant Professor at FPCEUP - co-supervisor.
José Pedro Amorim, Assistant Professor at FPCEUP
The actions of protest and opposition to the Portuguese dictatorship pursued by Oporto university and high school students are commonly unknown. In the context of academic studies on student movements of opposition to the regime, events taking place in Lisbon and Coimbra - namely the academic crises of 1962 and 1969 - have been more covered.
As student struggles are a central element in the fields of educational sciences and history of education, this doctoral thesis aims: a) to contribute to the deepening of the historical knowledge of student struggles; b) to enrich the awareness on the connections between students’ collective action and the development of change in educational organisations in the period immediately following the 25th of April; c) to understand and analyse processes of informal and non-formal education experienced in the scope of student participation and its interaction with the development of social and political consciousness among students.
In order to address these objectives, we have chosen to work with two types of primary sources: a) oral testimonies from individuals who were activists during the period under analysis; b) written documents produced by existing student bodies at the time – adopting the methodological values of Oral History.
Twenty-five interviews were conducted with high school and university activists from Porto. They were recorded in both video and audio formats. These interviews were transcribed and then forwarded to the interviewees and later analysed. More than 1000 documents were identified from private archives. 1033 were scanned and 714 were entered into a database. This database, unprecedented on the subject, is one of the results of this study.
This research is in line with the valorisation of the oral testimony as a means of construction and development of historical and scientific knowledge. It was also influenced by other research developed in Porto, which adopted Oral History methodology just as it accounted for life stories. It seeks to contribute to the preservation of a collective memory on the social mobilisation processes in the city.
Start date: 14:30 - 3 Oct 2022
End date: 17:00 - 3 Oct 2022