As part of its activities, CoPin PIV - Inclusion Policies and Voices: Diversity, Gender and Intersectionality organised several events during the first semester of 2024/2025.
On 26 September, the book ‘Práticas Promissoras em Contexto: Tranferibilidades de Esperança com Jovens e Profissionais da Educação [Promising Practices in Context: Tranferibilities of Hope with Young People and Education Professionals]’ was launched, edited by Eunice Macedo. The book is the result of the EduTransfer-Learning through Different Educational Contexts project, which involved the collaboration of policy-makers, teachers and researchers from Portugal and Spain. The presentation was led by Professor Licínio Lima (University of Minho).
On 26 November, CoPin PIV organised another session of the cycle of debates ‘(Re)finding Meaning in Research’ with the presence of Kenia Silva (FPCEUP) and Marcela Pedersen (Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto), who led the session ‘Decolonising Knowledge: Decolonial Feminism and Criticism of Whiteness in Education Research’, bringing up concepts such as racism, whiteness and anti-racism.
At the same time, throughout November and December, various work sessions were organised to prepare and accompany master's and doctoral students, as well as Tertulias [meetings for discussion] within the scope of the CIGEd research group - Citizenship, Intersectionality and Gender in Education, and the Childhood Studies Group.
We'll be back next term with more activities that you can put in your diaries!