This participatory research examines the possibilities of transferability between educational institutions, focusing on promising educational practices that are based on problem-solving as a cooperative method. Therefore, it involves regular schools and educational institutions outside the school, alternative learning arenas. The starting point is the concern about the need to find more concerted ways of action in education, involving different stakeholders in promoting a sense of belonging and commitment to education on the part of both young people and teachers. This aims to contribute to a more successful reduction of dropout issues in education and training. The creation of spaces within educational institutions where young people have the opportunity to exercise their citizenship and essential skills, participating in the identification, decision-making, and action to improve their life contexts, is also emphasized. The innovation dimension of the project emerges from the strong collaboration between researchers, teachers, and young people in building participatory practices of solving real problems identified by the young people themselves. This involvement of the community simultaneously produces crucial data for understanding and improving contexts, allowing for a detailed analysis by the research team with the participants' contributions. The research perspective is grounded in a sociological perspective that argues for the need to go beyond identifying problems to collaborate in constructing measures for their resolution. Incoherent alignment with the theoretical principles of sensitive and engaged research in the processes it observes and analyzes, ethnography is the main method for data collection and analysis, complemented by a focused group discussion based on the participants' voices. The use of these complementary methods allows for the cross-examination of the perspectives of researchers, more grounded in observation, and the perspectives of the actors, who will be heard and taken into account in the research. Research Team Helena C. Araújo (IR) Eunice Macedo (Co-IR) Sofia Marques da Silva Pedro Abrantes Cosmin Nada Sofia Almeida Santos Elsa Guedes Teixeira (Investigadora doutorada contratada) Alexandra Carvalho (Bolseira de investigação)
PIV – Inclusion Policies and Voices: Diversity, Gender and Intersectionality
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP (FCT)
(Referência PTDC/CED-EDG/29886/2017)
Problem-solving learning
School involvement
Promising practices
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciênicas da Educação da Universidade do Porto(FPCEUP), Portugal